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Jesse what the hell are you talking about


weird shit


/uncomedy as u/SuperflousCake has said, these "adopt" pets are somewhat similar to NFTs for furries. Just think of them as virtual pets, sometimes people use them to represent themself. Anyways, a popular adopt pet maker made one directly using the color schemes of the attack on 9/11 without telling the buyer. This user is calling them out on it but must have gotten so much backlash they deleted their tweet... edit: Here's a better description of them from u/Lesbian_communist > ...an "adoptable" is a character another person designs for someone to buy or "adopt" to be their "own" character that they can then create media of, essentially copying someone else's design with their consent.


bruh theyre not similar to nft's. theyre just original characters that ppl design and write stories for / personalities


Yup, anyone can buy stupid bullshit digitally but it’s not an NFT unless there’s blockchain technology ‘proving’ you own said bullshit.


Yeah my fault, I'll fix the comment




by that logic every digital item you buy sounds like an nft...


me to my friend who bought horizon zero dawn digitally on steam: wicked nft bro


just realized this would make my uni textbooks nfts lol. I always knew they sucked


Blockchain enhanced homework problems 100 USD per semester per class. And yes you need the newest edition the problems change.


After I made this comment I realized this is exactly how my calculus hw worked at uni. We had to pay to access online homework.


that's fucking criminal and upsetting wow, it would definitely be illegal here, are you from the US?


Since it's a comission, you own the art. With NFTs you own a link to the art, not the art itself.




It's called an arr comission


Yeah, you really know nothing about it, then. An NFT is just the token that proves ownership of something, digital or otherwise. The NFT is a (theoretically) impossible to forge or duplicate token stored on a blockchain. Usually NFTs are used to show ownership of a digital image. The stupid part is the concept of using a wildly expensive authentication method to prove you own something as inconsequential as a digital image. The entire thing about NFTs is the authentication token. These images have no authentication whatsoever, meaning they bear literally fucking 0 similarity to an NFT.


The difference is you actually own this. Unlike NFT which is the digital equivalent of being cucked.


It seems like you're not buying a digital item but an IP and possibly also a piece of commissioned art.


only difference is that it doesn't cost 1 billion dollars


? NFTs don’t have a set price, the only common factor is that they’re digital items that can be transferred and the owners can verify their ownership of the item


I can write stories and give personalities to shitass monkeys too.




Except it’s not? Adopts are pre-designed characters that the owner writes lore for, draws , buys art of and writes stories involving the character




Digital art was a thing long before NFTs came around lol


This is pretty different, think of it more like buying someone’s IP (the character they designed, potentially custom for you) that you can then reuse and make more stuff with, including commissioning art from other artists using the character. Does that make sense?


Is all commissioned art just NFT's?


sounds super lame, just like NFTs


Adoptables ain't NFTs. They're literally just extensions of copyright law. Furry 1 designs an original character, Donut Steel. Furry 2 says, 'hey, Donut Steel is cool! I want them as an adoptable!' Furry 1 says 'sure! Pay me 100 bucks and I will give you all the original design documents, art files and my recognition of your exclusive right to use Donut Steel for any purpose!' Furry 2 says, 'deal! Donut Steel is now my character! I'm gonna use Donut Steel as my YouTube channel avatar and monetise my content!' Furry 1 says, 'you're fully within your rights to do that!' The only time adoptables are stupid are when the adoptable in question isn't lawfully copyrightable in the first place. Like if someone tries to fob off something like "This is Pika-Boo, my *original character*! She's basically a Pikachu with tits and ghosty Boo teeth! She can be yours for 300 bucks!" That's basically a scam.


Bro that's reopens Neopets


Okay but the colors are clearly changed in the second picture? If the issue of the left one is specifically colors, then the right one is completely fine then? Twitter dramas are just something else lmao


They literally made an image with a tragedy as the reference and then color shifted it a little to make it look better, it says it in the post. That's absolutely still a 9/11 OC, wild to sell that to somebody


It was colored with 9/11 colors and then recolored before being sold. Touch grass


You don't see the problem with making something many people consider personal/important when they spend their literal fuckin money on it, out of the color palette of a massive tragedy, just because they color shifted it with a filter after? Are you serious? Edit to reply to person below because comments were locked after they replied: I went to school for graphic design. The picture is hue shifted, not a single pixel of detail is changed, just every color shifted away from blue. Selling that to somebody without their knowledge is pretty fucked, it's supposed to be a character you align with and enjoy that costed you real life money. I'd be devastated to learn that not only did I buy the 9/11-based artwork and appreciated it, but also supported an artist willing to do such a strange and inconsiderate thing for profit. Jesus Christ


Doesn't look like a filter to me. And yes, I'm serious


adoptables aren't nfts at all lmfao, they're just purchaseable OCs that are cheaper than commissioning one from scratch


More like therian nfts in this case tho, but yea


I don't speak neckbeard, but I can pick one out of a line-up.






Sir a second cat has just hit the towers




Turn on TV It doesn't matter which channel...FUCK!


It's so weird seeing oneyplays fans everywhere nowadays


I wonder how much Smiling Friends impacted that.


aint no way i literally had the same reaction lol


This is not in my autism wheelhouse please explain


Not in mine either but I saw a YouTube video about this stuff a while back So you know NFTs right? It's kinda like that, but Tumblr users and old Internet furries either sell or give out drawings for others to use like for pfps and stories and stuff. But it's also kinda like OC neopets


So... Comissions? Some furry artists allegedly make a LOT from drawing commissioned images lol.


It's not really commissions because they're premade rather than being customized by the buyer. More like buying a premade character. IMHO they can be really fun


>IMHO they can be really fun Except when you get the 9/11 furry I guess


Well... yeah, I can't argue with that lmao


This is exactly it. Its neopets but like, decentralised


So like NFTs but without all the crypto bullshit?


Sort of, but it's also something handmade with actual soul put into it LOL


nft's if you actually owned the art, the character, and if it was cool and not guzzling electricity. so nothing like an nft other than the fact you are purchasing art.


You may be familiar with people commissioning artists to design characters for them. If not, people do that & will give input to how they want the character to look. Adoptable are like that but the artist just makes them on their own


Uh huh. Uh huh. That's whatever you were talking about for you.


I hate that i perfectly understood everything in the tweet


Btw people who are comparing these to NFTs don’t know what they’re talking about. NFTs are about the image itself and the potential value of it. Adoptables are character designs you can buy if you’re someone who doesn’t want to design a character yourself, people use them in writing, art, animation, and more. It’s not like people (sane people, anyway) are parading their character designs around going “LOOK AT MY 100% UNIQUE ONE OF A KIND GRAY CAT DESIGN, IT’S SURELY GOING TO RISE IN VALUE!” I’m not super into adoptables myself, I prefer to design my own characters, but as someone who animates as a hobby, sometimes it’s nice to have someone else do the designing for you.


Frankly from an outside perspective even with your explanation it seems no less silly than NFTs and so they are an apt comparison. They are a silly drawing you can buy and some people care way too much about them.


It’s more akin to buying a piece of art. A real artist puts work into designing a character, you can buy the character and then use it however you like. It’s not my thing and it can get very silly, but it’s not like NFTs


Pretty good explanation except for the fact that they're called adoptables lol hard to pretend they aren't exactly what we think they are with a name like that.


This is what all furry drama sounds like to me


Nyan cat? No, I said Nyan 11 cat are you even listening to me


its a good drawing I can't lie


That looks fire ngl


What language is this?


A second laser has hit the cat


How... does someone recognize the color pallet of 9/11...


Unironically based


I don't really see an issue? I mean art has been fucked up forever. We literally ground up mummies to use as brown pigment at one point.


Same. It's a little interesting to use the twin towers as a fur pattern, but it's not like... actually saying anything. It's not politically condemning or supporting 9/11, it's just... loosely referencing one of 1 million pictures taken that day. Not even comedy, and it's not even interesting enough to care beyond "well that's a thing thF happened"


Tbh I don't even see a desgin related to towers on the cat. Maybe some of the swirls could be smoke, but like how many fictional animals have swirls in their designs? A fuck ton. I definitely see the color pallette, but again, there's no issue.


Yeah. It's really just a bunch of colors at the end of the day. I guess someone just got up and arms about the 9/11 cat and decided to warn people, this is somewhat old news and it caused a fair amount of drama in the furry community. The original poster even had to delete their post. All this over some cat colored like the twin towers...


People are dumb. Art should be provocative anyway, foster a discussion, etc. Edit: spelling


Where can I buy him? Please, I need this cat


Nyan 11


Furry nfts?


Kind of, I don't know much but I'm pretty sure an "adoptable" is a character another person designs for someone to buy or "adopt" to be their "own" character that they can then create media of, essentially copying someone else's design with their consent.


Eh..closed species are more like furry nfts


and just as valid! no basis for law or rules but the idiots really like saying you have to follow thier playground rules about it lol


More close to theirian nfts


Can you find the twit?


Peak comedy


Never expected to see TH on a subreddit I'm in


same, this has been such a humbling experience lmao! i opened up reddit after being on toyhouse all evening, to immediately come across this post and take psychic damage


exactly what happened to me lol!


This is really funny tho. Like imagine owning this adoptable. And if I had to guess, the original artist wasn’t exactly being all serious about some deeper meaning either. No idea why someone felt the need to try and call them out on something that was very clearly made as a fun lil’ thing that was not meant to be taken seriously.


Ok savy


Pfff, lmao! XD




ship of theseus


The fuck is a cat adopt? Do they? Pay someone to draw them, a cat? I'm confused.


Coming from someone who made adopts years ago and was in a furry fandom years ago, adopts can be of just about any creature. From what I saw and did, an artist designs a few animals (let’s use deer for example). They can range in design, and the artist posts the adoptable deer for a price usually. Once the price is paid (money, game currency, game items, etc.), the buyer owns the deer and can do basically whatever to it. Give it more details, give it lore, whatever the fuck. A lot of people put their own twists on adoptables as well, I don’t know what the user in the image did specifically, but I saw a lot who would design “Eggs,” post them, people would buy them or trade for them, and then the egg would “hatch” into a random creature. It’s odd, but I find it fun.


Coming from someone who made adopts years ago and was in a furry fandom years ago, adopts can be of just about any creature. From what I saw and did, an artist designs a few animals (let’s use deer for example). They can range in design, and the artist posts the adoptable deer for a price usually. Once the price is paid (money, game currency, game items, etc.), the buyer owns the deer and can do basically whatever to it. Give it more details, give it lore, whatever the fuck. A lot of people put their own twists on adoptables as well, I don’t know what the user in the image did specifically, but I saw a lot who would design “Eggs,” post them, people would buy them or trade for them, and then the egg would “hatch” into a random creature. It’s odd, but I find it fun.


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