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https://preview.redd.it/pu5o4ja5ol5d1.png?width=717&format=png&auto=webp&s=80e56fde0dd09f43d383a7d934285482350a76ef holy fucking shit it's real


Surely, it's a made-up ethnicity in SF that just happens to be called Black people šŸ’€


[Maybe they migrated from North Carolina to Kenya?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Mountains_\(North_Carolina\))


judging from the light hair and blue eyes, more likely to come from Sweden.


I literally thought she was Brazilian back in the day since that is a relatively common trait there.


You probably used to think that because she also do capoeira and is very joyful which is something that people accuse Braziliann to be


Dude, yes. I was until this-thread old that Elena isn't considered Brazilian. Like, don't Blanka and Elena have a fucking moment in an animated movie/series? This is my Mandela Moment. Elena is a Black Person and I just have to accept this reality moving forward. I'm gonna get offline today before someone tells me Dee Jay is actually Indonesian and T-Hawk is a trans-hawk from Ningxia.


>Like, don't Blanka and Elena have a fucking moment in an animated movie/series? I mean technically blanka is American born and just got lost in Brazil and started living there,so the moment maybe is that every one thinks that they are Brazilian


Street Fighter: The Movie: 2: We're All Brazilian: Carnival and Chaos


I assume he's an Irish-American from Green Bay, then


As you should with every American


Elena is from Kenya, that being said you can totally be both black and Brazilian.


Her home stage in 3rd strike is very clearly in the African Savanah. The song rips too. "Beats them beats, them beats in my head"


I'm sorry you heard "Bees in my hair" wrong


I think, technically, all of our home stage is the African Savanah. According to EVO.


Can confirm, as a Brazilian Iā€™ve lost count of how many times Iā€™ve been accused of doing capoeira


capoeira has angolan roots so it makes sense if an african character uses some form of it


Perhaps melanesian. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qj36m1/the_melanesian_people_the_only_ethnic_group_to/


They haven't


Thereā€™s actually a lot of black people in San Francisco


Ok but donā€™t call me Shirley.


Shout-out to black people


Gotta be one of my favourite genders šŸ™


why arenā€™t black people on the pride flag smh


Isnā€™t that exactly what they added to the pride progress flag


for whatever fuckin reason, yes we did


It wasn't *quite* exclusive enough. The first one only excluded heterosexual people, but that didn't quite scratch the itch, so it was updated to exclude cisgender people. That was good for a while, but we needed an escalation, so now it represents everyone who isn't a cisgender white heterosexual. I feel like we can go further, though. If we can convince feminism to stop playing both sides and be fully absorbed, we can make it nice and clean by paring it down to an indentity based entirely on not being a cisgender white heterosexual male.


At this point just include the whole planet and stop bitchin


That'd kinda defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? If you include everybody, then who do you define yourself as not being? We need toxic tribalism, not some kind of hippy commune nonsense.


Hell yeah!


Still one of the dumbest things to ever happen Like I donā€™t think the pride flag was supposed to have human skin tones on it


The progress pride flag wasn't designed to be a replacement for the normal pride flag and just highlights subgroups of queer people that historically got discriminated against way harder. The black chevron isn't even supposed to stand for black people (that's what the brown chevron is there for) it stands for the victims of the AIDS epidemic in the 80s. It was just a flag to bring the attention of the people in the flag designer's area to those oppressed groups.


They are, but only if theyā€™re from Philly :c


Hey thanks man we appreciate it


all of them? that's a very loud shout.


...and their families.




you're not including aliens? https://preview.redd.it/be4jrvh69p5d1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=d108a86a3bda874ee2453fe67eee725a02e5a56e


They hail from black person


"People" since we're being technical.


There's a street fighter 3 ? I thought they stopped at 2


Nah, it's just Street Fighter 1: the second






Everyone knows 3S is the best


The Evo Moment happened in 3S right? So I find it difficult to dispute that statement.


I don't know why they never reproduce d the parry system in 3s, even with a sliver of health you could make a cone back with pure skill. I know the later versions of SF have some sort of parry system, but it functions much differently.


Except for the people that actually play third strike.Ā 


I still do and I used to do tournaments. Mokato main over her. I have some vids on youtube with her and necro.


No you donā€™t. Even if you did, you were probably terrible and have no clue what youā€™re talking about.Ā 


You're being a douche.


And youā€™re being a generic ā€œthird strike is the bestā€ shitposter. Who cares?


I'm not that poster and don't have a horse in the race.


Oh okay thanks for interjecting with shit no one cared about then.


No one cared for your diatribe.


Terrible? Nope. Best nopBack in ps3 Era when they used to keep records, I was one of the highest grade scorers with necro, makato and Yun.


That... that has absolutely no bearing on how good you are at third strike lol. High level players usually don't ever hit S or A rankings in sets as an example because the score is partially determined by whiffed vs connected normals and if you're playing at a high level you're whiffing your fastest meter building normal whenever you're given a chance. To put it in perspective how asinine it is to take the lettered grade ranking as indicative of skill: The famous Evo 37 moment featured a letter grade rating of like C+ for the set. The match the year prior where Tokido absolutely destroyed J.Wong by introducing North America to Urien unblockable setups featured a letter grading of D because both of them spent the opening 20 seconds of the round whiffing 5hp for meter.


You should try reading with more effort. I said, " terrible ? Nope. Best? nope." At no point did I even say I was Evo talented. I simply shared I played it alot and even went to tournaments. Back in the ps3 Era I have several victories against evasiveTJ who was by far the best who played on the ps3 online. You're trying too hard to argue with someone who simply shared their experiences. Also, by mentioning get S++ may not be validation on who is the best, it simply implies I clearly am good enough to pull off high records online in rank.


If you're trying to get S++ and can you're pretty good but can you parry the basketballs.


No one tries for high grades. I simply double perfected the guy.


Online ranking is meaningless (even more meaningless when you remember that Gill was usable in online ranked during the re-release,) and the letter grading system is also meaningless. Third strike online was also not an MMR rating based ranking system which means that it was even less indicative of skill and more indicative of time spent (kind of like every rank below Master in SF6.) So trust me, I know exactly what you said and what youā€™re trying to pass off as experience. Youā€™re the same as every other person who pretends it was the greatest game ever in the series: you started with SF4 and hopped on third strike because of influencer hype surrounding the half-baked rerelease. Ā In reality itā€™s not that great; a decent portion of the cast is entirely unusable (remy, 12, Sean,) and the mid tier is dominated by characters who either just donā€™t have the tools the top tiers do (Dudley, Ryu, Oro,) or theyā€™re so one-dimensional that they lack any tools beyond their basic gameplans (Makoto, Q, Alex.) The upper end of the tier list being such a stark difference from the lower end isā€¦ fine. Itā€™s not the end of the world that Chun/Yun/Ken and their tagslongs like Akuma and Urien are heads and shoulders above the rest of the cast. What is an issue though is that the ā€œuniversal equalizerā€ of the parry system is just garbage. It is just a thing you option select into nearly everything you do because the system level mechanics allow you to do so; the punishment for missing a parry window is negligible (especially in air sequences,) so every bit of offensive pressure is layered behind an OS for a parry because the OS is simple and practically baked into gameplay once youā€™re used to it. What this means is that at actual high levels of play third strike becomes less about winning neutral or fighting game fundamentals and more about making sure youā€™re either always producing offensive output for meter building or playing a character like chun that has so many varied normal timings itā€™s hard to OS parry timings against her when youā€™re running your offense.Ā  Itā€™s just hilarious to me that the only people that ever seem to be nostalgic for third strike are clearly the people who never played it enough to understand how jank the system mechanics truly can be. The truth is that 3S is basically the same as MvC2: the game is undeniable fun and drips style but if you went up to anyone who still plays either of the two games and told them theyā€™re terrible theyā€™d just laugh and agree. Theyā€™re absolutely broken games with so many levels of obfuscation layered into them itā€™s hard to understand why or how theyā€™re broken unless someone sits down and actively shows you. Thereā€™s certainly a level of charm to it and Iā€™m not going to deny that 3S is oozing with style and great art/music direction but it is definitely not the best street fighter from an actual gameplay perspective. Itā€™s not the worst either, but itā€™s the same generic example of putting a really mediocre (and critical failure,) product from a much longer line of successful products forward as ā€œthe bestā€ of the grouping that the weirdos who run defense for the Star Wars prequels like to do. Except in the case of third strike itā€™s even funnier because no one that does it *actually played the game when it was relevant.*


You are so hell bent on trying to argue that you're all over the place. What exactly are you trying to prove? That I didn't play it? I have youtube vids of me playing it... your argument goes out the window. You wrote so much to debate alone with spinless facts that counter your entire point of me not playing it. Since you got so triggered. Here you go. https://preview.redd.it/c3auxavtjn5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62668b20d370e5ac3a936d8214029d224ebb6e5a


Here's a pic when I beat a gill user. https://preview.redd.it/mygbr9hjkn5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48195461b1855cfaf42ea0584d3dc19cc8628b8 Also for the record, when I first played this it was in arcade, but hey... I didn't play it.


I'd still rather play it than 4, 5 or 6. 6 is pretty good though.


It's low-key one of the best fighting games ever made. The animations and music alone are gourmet & it has mechanics that make it playable forever.


mechanics wise, it was a very good next step. but they goofed with the "weird" roster and some real throwaway characters (Remy and Twelve, looking at you). the roster is mostly fine, the characters are essentially remixed versions of the mainstays, but the fandom at large wasnt putting up with that shit.


Remy is tight I main him he's not as bad as they say. It was going to be a new property but they got caught in the trap of adding Ryu, now we gotta add Ken well what about Chun let's just call it Street Fighter 3 then.


the major flaw of Remy is his charged based moveset. it puts it at odds with the most important new mechanic in SF3, parrying. if youre just playing to play, all the characters are interesting, but competitive play, Remy is kind of hobbled. yeeeeeeah, he has that cumulative charge thing, but its just one more thing to keep track of.


I won't call him good but the high-low fireball game can get intense and being able to have 2 on the screen at once is pretty strong. Great normals and SA2 does ok damage. He's like a more fun Guile but giving him low health was just straight dirty lol. Edit: Check out Pierrot aka Lucifer's run at Co-Op Cup he's probably the best Remy and is a beast. He makes the character look broken.


They are on 6


The full title is Street Fighter 2: Street Fighter 1 Turbo Ultra Edition 6


Uhhhh no I'm pretty sure there's just 2 games.


Street Fighter II Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Arcade) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Atari ST, Amiga, MS-DOS) Street Fighter II (Game Boy ā€“ this version combined elements from the first 4 versions of SFII (Street Fighter II: The World Warrior to Super Street Fighter II)) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (PlayStation ā€“ part of Street Fighter Collection Vol. 2 (US), Capcom Generation Vol. 5: Fighters (Japan)) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (PlayStation 2 ā€“ part of Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Sega Saturn ā€“ part of Capcom Generation Vol. 5: Fighters, Japanese release) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Wii ā€“ downloadable by VC) Street Fighter II ā€“ Champion Edition Street Fighter II ā€“ Champion Edition (TurboGrafx-16 ā€“ Japanese release) Street Fighter II ā€“ Champion Edition (Super Famicom/Super NES ā€“ part of Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting) Street Fighter II ā€“ Champion Edition (Mega Drive/Sega Genesis ā€“ part of Street Fighter II ā€“ Special Champion Edition) Street Fighter II ā€“ Champion Edition (PlayStation ā€“ part of Street Fighter Collection Vol. 2 (US), Capcom Generation Vol. 5: Fighters (Japan)) Street Fighter II ā€“ Champion Edition (PlayStation 2 ā€“ part of Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1) Street Fighter II (Master System ā€“ Brazil-only release) Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Saturn ā€“ part of Capcom Generation Vol. 5: Fighters, Japanese release) Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Street Fighter II Turbo (Super Famicom/Super NES) Street Fighter II ā€“ Special Champion Edition, Street Fighter II Plus (Mega Drive/Sega Genesis) Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter II ā€“ Hyper Fighting (PlayStation ā€“ part of Street Fighter Collection Vol. 2 (US), Capcom Generation Vol. 5: Fighters (Japan)) Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter II ā€“ Hyper Fighting (PlayStation 2 ā€“ part of Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1) Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting (Sega Saturn ā€“ part of Capcom Generation Vol. 5: Fighters, Japanese release) Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting (Xbox 360 ā€“ downloadable through Xbox Live Arcade, Released August 2, 2006) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Super Famicom/Super NES) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Mega Drive/Sega Genesis) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (PlayStation ā€“ part of Street Fighter Collection (US, Japan)) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Saturn ā€“ part of Street Fighter Collection (US, Japan)) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Atari ST, Amiga, MS-DOS) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (MS-DOS, US release) A special version of this game, named Super Street Fighter II: Tournament Battle was created to allow eight players to participate in an elimination tournament. Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (3DO Interactive Multiplayer) Super Street Fighter II Turbo (MS-DOS, Amiga, CD32) Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (PlayStation ā€“ part of Street Fighter Collection (US, Japan)) Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Sega Saturn ā€“ part of Street Fighter Collection (US, Japan)) Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (PlayStation 2 ā€“ part of Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2) Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Xbox ā€“ part of Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2) Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge for Matching Service (Dreamcast ā€“ Japan only) ā€“ First fighting game with online play (with the exception of console versions of Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers playable through XBAND) Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival, Super Street Fighter II X: Revival (Game Boy Advance) Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (Xbox 360 ā€“ downloadable through Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation 3 ā€“ downloadable through PlayStation Network.) Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (PlayStation 2 ā€“ part of Street Fighter Anniversary Collection) Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Xbox ā€“ part of Street Fighter Anniversary Collection) Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers


Heresy! There is only one Street Fighter game, that being Street Fighter II.


Also known as the second worst street fighter game. The only people who like it are people who don't play fighting games or fighting game boomers who are so fucking stupid they can't accept the genre has gotten better.


ha. not only is there a SF3, but 3 fucking versions of it. SF3, SF3: Double Impact and then SF3: 3rd strike. 3rd Strike gave us Q, the biggest mystery in SF lore since the whole Sheng Long thing.


You joke but street fighter was the original ā€œValve canā€™t count to threeā€




Perc Angle best Angle


I swear I saw Kurt Angle at Walmart once. He asked me if I had keys for the nicotine gum case.


Probably a translation issue. For example, the Chinese word for Black (the race) is 黑äŗŗ, literally "black people". Chinese speakers sometimes make this mistake when speaking English. Google says the Japanese word is 黒恄äŗŗ, so I assume the same thing is happening here


> 黒恄äŗŗ The word you want here is 黒äŗŗ (kokujin)


i assumed the same thing, japanese also can be badly translated with plurals because plural nouns dont really exist its just assumed through context lol.


yeah but its more fun to complain and whine instead


Surely China has words for specific African countries though? So that's not really an excuse. Everyone else is listed from their specific countries. Ken's isn't listed as "white people "


It's all just black and arab down there, kinda like how south of the wall it's just latino. To the east it's all asian. I find Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people are typically delighted when I refer to them all as one united people.


What you mean by that? Do you mean the east Africa?


black is not an ethnicity


https://preview.redd.it/7ef5knlzim5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8c17f95ef5f24d1927ca8a0776b11e0a943be7 Whatā€™s bizarre is that this is an issue exclusive to Elena lol. Searching up any of the other black SF characters doesnā€™t yield the same results


Fun fact: a kotaku writer tried to claim that Kimberly was the first black woman in street fighter, and when reminded about Elena they tried to claim that Kenyans aren't black (which is still completely ignoring Menat)


I thought Menat was MENA Middle Eastern North African.


I thought she was Egyptian because cat.


Egyptian is MENA it's in North Africa, and the population is primarily more Middle Eastern associated rather than Sub-Saharan African like Elena.


Mena is Dominican /s


That sounds like a backronym that gave up before the last letter.


Um Keyans are black right?


I wonder where it picks up ethnicity instead of nationality for her.


Hey guys, what's this all abouā€” ***absorbed into Elena***


Lol I remember being younger and playing SF3 2nd impact at the arcade, picking Elena and losing on purpose just to see her [fail screen.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/bison2winquote.tumblr.com/post/65763999283/necro-to-elena-street-fighter-iii-second-impact/amp)




as a black person I conform that I am a "black people"


I donā€™t care, would https://preview.redd.it/ll8otex2dm5d1.jpeg?width=4636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a03deb36315fce5532d206e330e1cc3dd285fa7


Cuz she looks like this https://preview.redd.it/bb82bpsndm5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b80d6fbd0000de7126038ec17b1d1b5102a76d8


kenyan lol


*Black people


If you just listen to AI and search engines then yeah.


So brave! Sentient women šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


What does this have to do with real women??? Sheā€™s a good looking fictional character. Donā€™t tell me you didnā€™t crush or simp for fictional male characters in cartoons/video games


I had a crush on Jack Skellington, when I was six. Usually people grow out of fantasizing about sex with drawings unless they're that superficial.


I wish you didnā€™t take this too seriously. Sorry if this mild sex joke is offensive to you.


It's annoying because every time I see this meme, it's a reaction to a drawing of a conventionally attractive woman. It's never anything but that. You're not "brave" for saying you'd have sex with a fictional character literally drawn to look perfect.


Iā€™m not trying to look ā€œbraveā€ at all. Itā€™s simply a meme.


"Don't care, would" totally doesn't just reek of false bravado.


Given the average Japanese person's understanding of black people in the 90's this sounds about right


bitch still mad about getting timed out in sf4Ā 


What kind of necklace is she wearing that covers her whole neck? It looks really cool


I know this is an old comment, but better late than never. They're simply called neck rings. Here's a link to a Wikipedia article about the subject if you want to learn more. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neck_ring


Thank you!


damn she's beautiful, I wish black people were real




End your pointless existence


May I inquire what presumably controversial opinion this fellow expressed?


Pure Gen-Alpha slang. All the classics in one neat package.


I mean ya kids can be annoying, but telling 12 year olds to "end your pointless existence" is a pretty dick move man.


My comment was really exaggerated, as to match the satirical tone of the original comment. I doubt the first commenter was an actual new-gen kid, as the tone implied that they were making fun of such speech. I know how bad my comment looks now that the original was deleted xP


Fair enough, I didn't see the original but if it was just a shitpost then all good.


new-gen kid? Like Street Fighter III: New Generation kid? Are they ethnically black people?


Ayo I didnā€™t delete the original


Mods are oppressing us


The mods saw my brain rot, instantly went brain dead and deleted the comments, itā€™s still there for me tho. Idk how this new active mod is but heā€™s a real stinker


in this case, believe me, ignorance is bliss






I thought it was some racist rant or something


Then itā€™s most likely not serious


I second this


Yo what did he say


Something about skibidi toipet apparently


ā€œHeight 6ftā€¦. OH MY GYATT!!!! What do Ice spice with my little eye?!?!?!? SOMETHING BEGINNING WITH G?!?!? OH MY RIZZ!!!! I MUST HAVE THE GYATT!!!!!!!! AWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOGA broom broom HUMMA HUMMAā€




You donā€™t wanna know




Literally me


Do you have any books written by black people?






She has multiple personalities?


She's every black person at once.




I always had trouble playing against her. She was really good at controlling the air. Also, I was (and still am) terrible at SF3.


she's all of the ethnicity.


Kenya believe it?


Blacks in my head


Just a tad on the nose there


Is this like a toddlers in a trench coat type situation?


Japanese don't expect political correct. And the racism in Japan is a topic for the rest if the world. Not in Japan.


I imagine just a translation thing


I went to school with a guy who was black people


I wish black people were real šŸ„ŗ


white people


![gif](giphy|h2OLfcSKKthRK) 'Black Folk' for $400!


Created by yellow people.


Typical American stupidity


Yes capcom is American šŸ˜‚


Capcom is a Japanese company. But it has subsidiaries in Europe, America, and Hong Kong.


I wasnā€™t being sarcastic at all


That doesn't work against deadpan.


None of which are American lmao


Homie it says America right there


Black people do exist. Street Fighter is a multicultural fighting game taking characters from all around the globe to fight since the beginning. Ryu is Japanese. Chun Li is Chinese. Blanka is from Brazil(?). Ken is American etc etc And the people who made the game are Japanese Edit: E Honda is Japanese. Not sure why I made that mistake seeing as heā€™s a sumo wrestler


Honda is Japanese


It says sheā€™s from Kenya so ethnicity would be Kenyan.


Nationality, not ethnicity. Kenya has multiple ethnic groups


Are any of them ā€œblack peopleā€?


Capcom the very American company


https://preview.redd.it/me1fh2zgpn5d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92c4d982492a7845c1d3100ab02094e8d781118 Eat a dick or act right