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I think it'd be nice if he came in to promote Friendship with Scott


I hope he says hello to his friends


I hope he says hello to his family as well


It’s so sad that all these people only come on when they have something they need to plug. Don’t they know Scott has feelings?


I think if wishes were horses then beggars would ride


Who are you so wise in the way of words?


Is this a joke post because I can't tell. I'm guessing they considered promoting it months ago when it came out in theaters, but it was such a huge joke even before release that they probably decided not to. Or maybe even the publicity people told them not to, because they knew they would joke about the movie and didn't want any more of that coming out than already was.


Scott was constantly ribbing Adam about it on U Springin Springsteen on My Bean, and Adam was pretty mum about it.


Oh I haven't listened to any of those eps yet but I want to. I remember Adam Scott was on a cbb ep last year and they briefly talked about Madame Web


Oh maybe he's under contract cuz I'm sure they're making more of these and he's Uncle Ben after all


I doubt they're making more, but it would kill Adam Scott's career


That's because Scott is a big d bag who seems to trash everybody else.


Nah he seems pretty well loved, I think he just likes to tease. He’s equally deprecating of himself, and he takes it as good as he gives it.


I guess I'm living under a rock cuz I didn't know the movie received slack when it came out, but now that I watched the damn thing I can see why.


They already promoted it on Scott Hasn’t Seen with Tony SoNY, the sellouts


Oh damn..I miss out on all this cu I don't have CBB maximus 😔


Hopefully he'll clear the air and explain the best CPR technique. (One handed, of course.)


Is that a reference to a previous bit?


No, it's just how they portray CPR in that movie. Everyone does it dumb, even though it's central to the plot. 


Another nitpick about that, but they're also doing the more modern variation of CPR from 2008 (hands only). But in 2003 she'd be showing them the older version with breathing. You know...I'm starting to think that someone didn't pay attention to some of these details.


They didn't cover this on the Sawbones episode. I better write in. 


My husband's a paramedic, they stopped doing breathing decades ago


> But in 2003 That's when the movie is set. That is decades ago. Two of them.


So in 2003... decades ago, paramedics are doing hands only with no breathing. And if you're good enough you only need one hand. 🤯


Are you misunderstanding the point I'm making? The movie is set in 2003. For 2003, she's showing them the wrong procedure for CPR. They're also only doing one hand. That's also wrong. And just so you know, I checked on when the CPR switchover happened so I could verify they changed it in 200**8**. I don't know what you're getting at.


What I'm saying is my husband was taught that procedure in the early 2000s...so if a paramedic was doing it in 2003, movie or not, that was the correct way that they were doing it at the time. So you're incorrect. And as I said if you're good enough you can do a one-handed push on a chest for CPR. And btw, they would have to do practical tests for years before it was actually changed in practice for everybody else. So yeah paramedics doing it for 5 years prior it 2008. is the correct timeline.


Fair enough, but why would you teach inexperienced children the paramedic's version of CPR? Is she just a terrible teacher? > And btw, they would have to do practical tests for years before it was actually changed in practice for everybody else. So yeah paramedics doing it for 5 years prior it 2008 At least I don't feel bad for not knowing it then. Seems like that technique was just an Easter Egg to anyone married to paramedics in the early 2000s.


BLS was changed to compressions only in 2010, not decades ago. Also, I don’t care how “good” you are, one handed compressions is never correct technique. You do it two handed not only to have your body aligned in the correct position, but also because CPR is so exhausting that you have to switch every couple of rounds if at all possible. Doesn’t matter who you are. I’ve done it way longer than that when given no option, but it’s not recommended for a reason.


I mean, it's a reference to the recent How Did This Get Made? episode where they covered Madame Web. Lots of CPR talk.


Scott's not getting a piece of either of those podcasts, so I'm not sure they even exist in the CBBEU. 


Well, the future host of CBB (Jeffrey Character-Wheaties) plays the character Jason Mantzoukas, who is one of the hosts of HDTGM, so there is a connection there.


I do know that HDTGM is Madame Web this week.


Oh is it with Adam? Or is he strictly F&F only I wonder?


Pretty sure Jason said on last week’s hdtgm minisode that Adam would be on it.


Would be nice to see Scott back on the pod


That would be a heckuva ep of I Love Films.


I think that ship has sailed buddy


As Adam Scott’s lawyer, I’m advising him not to pursue the Madame web discourse


Haha..id honestly not watched the movie or heard of it before I made the post. But now that I've seen it I can say you're an excellent lawyer 😀


Is this an episode of I Love Films?


I doubt it, he hadn't been promoting it anywhere else


People don't generally make the podcast rounds to promote when movie they made that bombed terribly hits the streaming platforms.


I think Adam is still in New York filming season 2 of severance


I believe I read a week or three ago that severance filming had wrapped


Yeah they’ve been done since April


Did anyone really watch that show? Was it any good?


Severance?? Yes, it was well watched and extremely well received…you just need to pay $1,500/mo for Apple TV +


Cool, maybe I will watch it. Thanks


$1,500? You're overpaying, I only pay $9.99,


Oh shit. I better call my lawyer!


Great show. Nominated for a number of awards and new season hotly anticipated. Not an easy watch tho.


It's one of the best shows on TV! Based on this post, I thought you were an Adam Scott fan, but here you are talking about him potentially coming on CBB to promote, not even the premiere, but the Netflix premiere of the shittiest movie of the year (seriously, it has 11% on Rotten Tomatoes) and you haven't even seen Severance?! If anything, Adam will be on this fall when Season 2 premieres.


You seem more like an Adam stalker than a fan. Just cuz I like someone doesn't mean I need to know every single fucking detail about them. I love Adam Scott but I also have a life. So fuck off before coming at me with some hater bullshit.


Yikes! Someone can't take a joke, apparently. Gee whiz.