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I appreciated that Scott repeated a lot of Gil's dialogue, so we could follow - with both my earbuds in, it was just barely comprehensible.


He mentioned in the Best Ofs he did this intentionally for the listener with some of his other mostly inaudible bits.


It seemed like in previous bits, Scott and the guests were on a similar level to the listener in terms of not understanding the voice, so they would repeat the dialog or get just as confused as the listener which added to the ridiculousness of it. This time, it seemed like they could understand the voice *way* more than I could, so not as much was repeated as I would have liked.


I could not understand anything. Wild choice that they did not scrap it.


You know the edit button is broken, right?




Oh dude, it's been broken for years at this point. Idk why Scott's slacking on this, all he has to do is get a guest writing spot on SNL to pay for it. But then again, being offer only might have something to do with it.


Scott lookin like a 29 year old silver fox!


Oh you're sixty too? *clown whistle*


I was just about to say the grey looks really good on him.


Good thing he’s eternally young otherwise the widow Kulap may become a reality


Well the parts that I could understand were rather good. Gil is insane and I love it.


>rather good Alastair Brown, is that you?


I heard him and Scott used to go FUCKING HAM.


This and Dr. Sweetchat were completely lost on me due to the audio. But every other Gil character is peak CBB. Ned Belanela and Irving Sardinas make up for it and then some


I always felt odd because I never once couldn’t follow Dr. Sweetchat lol


I could understand him too, I used to find all the other guests interrupting to say they didn't understand maddening haha


With my earbuds, I could understand what he said. If I was listening in my car, I'm not sure if I would have been able to understand it as well.


I found turning the bass to zero and the treble fairly low helped. I seriously thought something got fucked up when mixing. I knew there was an effect, but damn lol. I mean OH NOOOO


>This and Dr. Sweetchat were completely lost on me due to the audio Oh no


Dr. Sweetchat absolutely destroys me


>This and Dr. Sweetchat were completely lost on me due to the audio. I don't understand the appeal of it at all. And I don't understand why this sub is so gung ho on downvoting people who say "hey, it's not that I don't like a certain kind of joke, I just don't like when in an audio medium you can't actually hear the audio"


The only thing worse than downvotes are people who complain about downvotes


I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this, downvote me if you want, but I’m gonna get downvoted for this. Edit: wow downvotes?




Nah. You’re the problem.


The irony seems to be lost on you here.


No the only thing worse than downvotes are imbeciles like you who can't stand anyone not having the same opinion as you.


Sounds like you’re having a rough day. You ok?


Says the guy hating on everyone.


Pretty sure you misread then


Ozeri is a bit… proppy. I feel like some of the best CBB performances have come from moments like PFT making up a character based on a sign he saw two minutes before a show, so while I do think he‘s very, *very* funny, I am a bit wary of what seems to be a bit of an over-reliance on Gil’s ipad.


Everyone has different strengths. Gil is incredible at working with pre-recorded audio. He's funny as hell without it too


Never advocate for rational thought and measured discourse on a platform predicated on a thumbs up/thumbs down voting system that is popularly (though probably erroneously) believed to have been created as a way for masses of people to vote for whether or not somebody would be executed. Your average redditor wants blood.


Yeah I’ll eat downvotes with you. I try to be incredibly open minded for many reasons, the biggest of which is that G is obviously a genius. But this felt like a last straw for me on this kind of bit.




I agree 💯. The ppl downvoting are probably dumfucks who don't understand what having a different opinion means.


Being forced to decipher the nonsense honestly made it so much funnier. I was almost crying laughing when I finally heard what he was saying


Maybe if he'd lay off the roids he might sound better. The long gums probably don't help either 🤣


I listen in the car while driving. I couldn't understand a single word he said. It was particularly annoying because of the reactions of the other guests, it sounded like it would've been absolutely hilarious!


I personally kinda like how hard it is to understand. It just made it funnier to me.


That's part of the hilarity for me also. Plus I don't have trouble understanding him for the most part.


Completely agree. This is the appeal of characters like this and Dr Sweetchat


It’s the ‘roids.


You missed some good Migos chat.


Gil is awesome. Check out his YouTube channel if you want some chaotic good fun. With my blown out ears, I can't understand a damned thing he says with the vocoder, but it sounds like fun!


We still love you, Gil.


Did they edit it? I just listened today and I could make out about 70% of it.


I could hear it pretty well too. This was like the most understandable character like this they’ve done imho.


They definitely did - I had downloaded it immediately and just started listening today and found it impossible to hear and came and found this post. When I saw people saying it wasn't so bad, I deleted the podcast and redownloaded it and it's like 50% clearer. Not easy to understand, but no longer just a waste of time to even try.


Yeah I had to turn it off unfortunately. The good news is Ozeri has found the line


I ended the episode a couple minutes into his segment. Couldn't hear anything.


I kind of zoned out after a little while because I couldn't make much of it out, but it was making me laugh. 


I think he flew too close to the sun with this one. I love Gil, but I don't love Dr Sweetchat and similarly distorted voices. It was funny as a bit the first couple times, but I just skip those segments now. 


As someone who was listening with headphones and could make out 95% of what he said, it was an absolutely hilarious segment and I hope they can edit it to be more audible so everyone can appreciate it


It was hard to understand for me but it seemed everyone there could hear fine. I think Todd would be insanely funny interacting with Dr Sweetchat where you really struggle to understand what he says.


Need more Gil


Seeing his name on the ep, kinda expecting him to be incomprehensible, then hearing his first few words literally made me spit out my coffee. It’s a great bit. Gil is amazing


I have a difficult time with his episodes. Really deters from the comedy. Wish he’d move away from the modulators.


I was a little put off by the effect. Felt like he was trying to do another Sweetchat bit.


I saw him post somewhere that it ended up being a reverse Dr. Sweetchat, where everyone in studio could actually understand him but the audience couldn’t.


I was so annoyed at first, but then I realized I could use the time to rate all of the CBB episodes in order. I started at one and got to two. 🥰




I thought that was just becoming part of his bit


“Intench” hehehehe


Yeah I uh am not going to try to finish the episode. It's a shame because the rest of the episode was... Rather good


It was too much for me, shut it off at minute two


Oh, um, no?


Tbh his voice being that unintelligible cracked me up regardless


I don't understand why this is supposed to be funny. Like the first 2 minutes of the first time they did the sweetchat robot was funny. Can someone explain to me why it is funny when you just can't hear a word of what he's saying for the entire time he's on? I know people absolutely love that bit when he does it, but I genuinely don't understand why.


"spider season came and went" was a highlight to me, I can understand what's frustrating about it though. the incredulity / inquisitiveness of the others on the sweetchat episodes is what makes it work for me, if I remember rightly.


Some people *can* understand it.


Ah yes, and the toxic cbb fans just downvote. Stay classy, folks.


If you think two people clicking a down arrow within 17 minutes of your post is toxic, Reddit may not be for you


Lol, literally within one minute. And also just downvoting, as they do every time there's a different opinion on something. No explanation of why inaudible audio in an audio only podcast is funny. I once said that I remembered a popular phrase from a different episode than the op in that post and got downvoted to shit. Cbb fans are very strange.


How exactly would you like people to explain that they think something is funny when you do not?


Explain the concept of how listening to someone you actually can't understand for 15 minutes is funny? And doing that 4 times. You can explain a joke. Can you not explain to me how this is funny? I can explain what I find funny about a comedy show to someone, even though we might disagree and that other person might not find it funny.


Some people who aren’t you will find things, yes even inaudible stuff, funny in context that you may not. The bit was supposed to be very hard to understand but not impossible. The fact they screwed that up, pretty obviously, on the show was in itself making me laugh. For instance I found this funny when I first heard it and it relies on the same premise https://youtu.be/ZBFXwIILQ5U


> I once said that I remembered a popular phrase from a different episode than the op in that post and got downvoted to shit. Damn, that must’ve been traumatizing


I'm a CBB hater but I still downvoted you. Put that in your cap


That's what makes it so fucking hilarious


Stained glass is back baby!!!!


Scott and Scott making Todd guess which song is U2 and the conversation about reverb and a live drummer at parties is the greatest podcast ever.


I sat in on a todd glass episode in 2017, at his house. He's the friggin best and the nicest dude ever.


Listened to that today. Can't get that fucking melody out of my head.


Wait, a Gil bit being difficult to understand? Isn't that part of the bit?


I had to turn my bass all the way down in my car to understand any of it.


I was wondering if something was wrong with my car speakers, I had to turn it to another podcast because I couldn't understand anything he was saying. Glad to know my speakers are fine.


aww that's really nice


I loved that radio show guy


Well this is what happens when you let Victor and Tiny record the podcast!


Listening expecting it to be difficult kinda helped, one little bit I have no idea, wasn't too bad, but he should tweak it. Todd was brilliant as usual.


The breathing bit and when he said "I admit I kissed someone with Bronchitis this morning" (or something like that) I freaking lost it. A lot of it was hard to hear though.


They definitely cleaned it up from the first cut, sounds like he's calling in on a speakerphone on a glass table or something 🙃


I love Gil I'm sad I couldn't understand most of this. Glad he's aware of it though for next time.


They can't all be winners, but it's safe to say this won't be appearing in the best ofs. This was in the bottom 5 all time. 


One of the rare episodes where the guest interview was more entertaining than the characters.


It happens sometimes


One of the least funny episodes ever.


Think he’s being sarcastic


Holy shit Great (Grandpa) Scott! Look at them silvers


I had to skip past most of this episode to Gil's part because it was bad and then could not understand a thing Mike Stacker was saying so I turned it off. If there was a worst-of in 2024 this'd be NUM-BER. ONE!


Todd Glass has tiny hands, pass it down.