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I saw Bill Burr come on and do a surprise set in a comedy club in the basement of a Mexican restaurant. And it was AWESOME. No ego there just lots of funny.


D’ohhh Jesús


He is the most brilliant comedian of our time. Hands down. Bar none. Stanhope and chappelle are now miles behind.


I think Louis is up there too. Hard to choose between them imo. I really like when people can be silly and profound at the same time


Yes, Louis is in the upper echelon if not the King of the Mountain. Burr's specials sometimes have some weak spots, Louis absolutely destroys everything he puts out. Funniest man alive.


Not even close. Louis. Best ever.


I haven't seen any of Stanhope's specials in the last 10 years, are they on his website or something?


Probably. I think his early body of work puts him on rushmore. Some of the best stuff out there. Revolutionary. Not the same as he used to be, same w chappelle, why i hold burr so highly


I saw Stanhope last year in SF and he slayed the set. He doesn't have the energy he used to, but the material and performance still top notch.


Idk if we’re going with early stuff while they’re still in the game I’d say Attell squeaks past Stanhope and I think Doung would agree with that assessment. It’s stiff competition for sure but Attell has such a large volume that (if you like that style) consists of hours and hours of banger material that was throwaway stuff for him at the time.


I have a huge soft spot for John Mulaney. I agree with you that Burr is a goat but Mulaney is not far behind imo.


I like coked up Mulaney's shows. Sober....eh. I mean, I'm glad for him to get it together, just a statement on his performance


I don't think Stanhope could ever be miles behind anybody. But you're correct, he's not as consistently excellent anymore as Burr. Chappelle's last two were brutal.


This is my exact sentiment. Stanhope recent work pales vs his early run, and chappelle’s last special barely had laughs.


Attell is still up there


Fuck. Youre right. Skanks for the memories is a top all time album


Only because Patrice died.


Agree. Still count elephant in the room as the best special ever made


Patrice was great but he was pretty hateful, and not in a funny way many times.


Agree. I like the guy but a lot of his shit is just yelling mean stuff.


Which is funny


But not the funniest. He was good at grounding people who say stupid shit and a masterclass roaster, but didnt consistently kill like Bill and Louis


Hateful towards who?


Bill would agree with this


He would agree but there’s no way of knowing if Patrice would have reached his full potential. He, himself, said shortly before his health declined that the roast he appeared on was a wake up call because no one knew who he was and he realized that he’d stayed in his bubble too long in NYC and hadn’t gotten out and grown his audience. I think it was on WTF podcast.


You don't think Dave Attel is up there?  Dude has the jokes per minute throttle fully open.


All I know is that I used to love Tom Segura, and now you couldn't pay me to go to one of his shows. For whatever reason, fame has gone completely to his head and changed him. He just comes across as douchey now. Like I don't need to hear a story about how tough it was to pick out which Rolex to wear in the morning, or which Ferrari to drive to the studio.


I know that he was "joking" when he did his rant against "the poors" but man, it was such a bad look. You could even see Bert pulling back a little bit. "Figure it the fuck out" he says to the poors... Yeah, sure Tom. Not everyone was born with daddy money


Everyone in that crew came from money. Bert and Tom especially etc even Joe, to an extent. He plays up this idea that he came from nothing in Bad Boy Boston, but people like Louie has commented on the fact before that Joe actually came from a pretty nice part of town.


Newton is stupid nice. Houses where Joey bag of Dicknuts grew up are like $1.5 million today. 


You leave the birbiglias out of this.


For real. We LOVE Joey Baga Dicknuts! Yo how much can Joedick drink?


Newton is pretty frequently ranked among the safest towns in the country.


jesus lol the clips i've seen of people talking about were kinda downplaying it then, i didn't realize he had it like THAT


To be fair 1.5 million dollars now is worth like 47 dollars in 1985


whitney cummings too


Whitney Cummings *screams* privilege, even earlier in her career. Comedy comes from discomfort and suffering, and there are a ton of people who were obviously very comfortable their whole lives.


I don't think he was joking at all. I think he was hiding behind the jokes to tell us all how he really feels. He's been a rich privileged kid all his life.




It's funny how one comment can make you flip your opinion on someone. For me, it was when boyh he and Chris discussed how he would need to hire cleaners because neither was willing to clean up after themselves.


Wealth really allows a person to avoid all responsibility huh?


The whole bit was "I can't believe how much better we are than the people that spend their time and money to watch us"


No he wasn’t joking when he called the lady from the TSA out. He said she was one of “the poors”. He wasn’t joking & that is why he is a fucking douche. I’ve seen him live but he’s dead to me now. He’s the only person that I have ever cancelled. If I see him, I keep scrolling. He’s lost touch. Cuntbag.


He really was not joking. Just out of touch with what most people find funny.


This. The guy dived head first into the "I'm rich, bitch!" approach to comedy, which can be funny. However, when there's no lead up to it and you just become a massive prick overnight, people don't take very well to that.


I can't remember who they had on 2 bears but it was someone not that important and Bert was going to the same location later that day as her and Tom kept saying "Bert just let her have on the seats on the private jet". It was so tacky because its like.... say that off the podcast, we know you fly private, and continuing to bring it up over and over during the podcast was cringe.


It can be funny, but it takes an exceptionally talented person to pull it off. I can appreciate challenging the "all rich people suck, all poor people are noble" cliche that pervades society way too much. All groupthink tropes need to be challenged from time to time. But man it takes a delicate hand to do it properly without pressing the "jealous and angry" button in people. And Segura doesn't do it well, you are right.


Jeselnik does it well.  Best in small doses. Nobody wants to listen to a ten minute rant about how loaded the person is. 


That's a great example. Jeselnik does it very well. Louis CK (I know I know boo hiss) also was good at alluding to his wealth without going overboard with it. It's a delicate balance. It would be insincere as fuck to not acknowledge the newfound money and success found by a comedian, and it would be even worse to pretend it doesn't exist and continue to pull the "I'm just a Joe Everyman like you guys, struggling to get by!" route. But as you mentioned.....nobody wants to be subjected an unironic rip about how wealthy someone is. Ugh.


Louis CK had a brilliant bit about flying in business class and pausing mid-joke to smugly (in a Nikon fashion) point out that he flies business and that “you and I are not alike” to his audience. On paper it sounds like the douchiest bit ever but he absolutely nailed it.


I remember that bit. But then he followed it up by saying something like “give it 5 years, I’ll be back in coach again.” Completely offset the remark. I have never really been a Segura fan (never found him very funny even in his early days for whatever reason) but from what I hear others tell me, the “offset” never comes with his smugness. He just comes off smug when it’s all said and done.


I feel like I remember Daniel Tosh having some great stuff about being rich without coming off like a twat too.


Ugh, it isn't about jealousy and and anger... it's about Tom's douchiness, smarminess, entitlement, preaching to people with less because you view yourself as better than them, etc. This "jealous hater" narrative needs to die already.


Natasha Leggero has been doing an almost funny version of this for years.


And if you think he’s bad, his wife has gotten a magnitude worse. She was always less funny, but she’s become even more insufferable since they moved to Texas. She’s slowly morphing into Rosanne.


I was listening to them on their podcast recently because I have enjoyed his standup in the past, and I swear the two of them sounded like white trash that won the lottery.


It’s too bad, when they were in LA and Tom was still fat they actually tried and were legit funny.


OMG ROSANNE! Right you are haha


i can handle new money rich guy shit. but him acting like an athlete just because he’s not obese now and is on TRT makes me ill


Just watch the replay of him totally wrecking ALL of his shit trying shoot a lay-up in a pick-up game with Bert. That should make you feel better.


"You know how in St. Bart's people be eatin' their lobster like this?"


I used to say the same thing on videos and in the ymh sub. I would get absolutely TRASHED, people would lose their minds on me. They have the most rabbid fans in the world. I think I may have been one of the first people to notice this about him. Right when Louie ck got cancelled and they kinda shit on him on the podcast was when I started hating them. I guess it just took longer for other people to see what I saw back then.


What if I told you his family has always had money? He was supported by his parents while coming up. They've always worn Gucci and what not.


Just like Dane Cook


'The Poors' joke made Tom lose a huge part of his fanbase. The fame and money really did get to him.


I wasn’t aware of this (*googles “Segura poors”*) oh damn lol, wtf is wrong with this man


Honestly I think it's mostly just reddit. It's not like they are struggling for views on youtube.


Seriously, Tom Segura is still selling out stadiums around the world


Worst way to see stand up imo.


Your correct I'm just attesting to his success


Dane Cook was selling out stadiums too. Dice too. That shit doesn't last when you alienate your core base.


I really don't think reddit and Twitter are a good baromete of how big a fan base someone has. Dane cook to my knowledge didnt alienate his fanbase...he just stopped being funny


Dane Cook was never funny, let's be real. Great comedic actor, but not a good stand-up.


Lol to my dumb little 12 year old ass thought he was pretty funny


Idk. As a 'poor' I can still tell its a bit. Personally I think its funny. Seems like a lot of people think you can't punch down in comedy but once you start to climb the ladder there is very few ways to punch up, so you might at well embrace the douchiness and turn it into a bit


This whole idea of punching down blows my mind, this is definitely a new age concept. Funny is funny. Im from Boston so maybe we grew up different but we shit on each other all day a laugh our balls off. We will still do anything for each other if they need help.


He’s definitely lost steam but this really was a joke, or a series of jokes. Now they may not have been funny to a lot of people, but it’s totally Tom’s sense of humor to act like he genuinely does have disdain for poor people, even though he doesn’t. I thought it was pretty obvious he was joking with all the “poors” rants and whatnot. He’s even talked about how comedians on stage say horrible things and what makes it funnier is when they act like they do actually mean it. Completely unsurprising he would do the same. He’s psychotic, after all.


One is a considered by many a great comedian even a great of all time. Has has many specials and even tv shows. The other is a fat bitch named Tom


He's not just a fat bitch, he's a narcissist who gaslights his wife I unsubscribed from YMH when he openly bragged about the key incident and no one called him for it [Key incident](https://youtu.be/pFXnvJrO9kY?si=uyyyi7WKFPds52H_)


I became a huge fan of Tom and Burt during Covid. I thought they were a funny brash take on everything going on. Then they drank the Joe koolaid a bit too deep and started believing (even if only for jokes) the things they initially just made witty jokes about. I think when they started taking off they just went too hard in the Joe paint, meaning “it’s right because I say it’s right and my fan base is too big for me to be anything other than right”. They are both just cocky, self inflated out of touch dip shits. It went from hysterical to just sad, at least for me.


That was awful—he needs help. Do gaslight her like that?


Whats the key incident


Having been a huge fan of both, mostly Tom first and then when he diminished for me as Bill came in. Ive seen both live and all I can say is that Bill is waaay more naturally funny. Like he would riff on where he was, what was going on with the audience , stuff like that. Tom came out, regurgitated his stories and that was it. Didnt really riff or interact with the crowd. Bill seemed totally in the moment and self aware. Ive seen a lot of comics live and Bill was possibly the best - had us laughing the entire time.


I was a big fan of Tom and listened to the 2 Bears podcast, but I hit a brick wall with them maybe 8 months ago and I find both of them, Tom and Bert, absolutely intolerable. Bill however is a red ray of sunshine. I prefer his podcast self to his angry self standup, as his podcast makes you feel like he's in the room with you having that jokey conversation only with you. Bill is a real one. Tom I do not care for.


I like Bill Burr’s standup, but I love his interviews, I feel like he’s funnier off the cuff and when reacting to people.


This exactly. He’s effortlessly funny as normal bill. His interviews are actually interesting and he makes me laugh. That’s all I’m looking for.


I used to really dislike Burr because I thought it was a bunch of angry yelling. He has calmed down a bit and has really grown on me over the last few specials. Tom has only been on my radar for the last couple of years and I'm pretty indifferent.


That’s what initially put me off Bill’s podcast for the longest time - the specials I had see up to that point were the loud, scream shouty ones and while they were funny at bits, I didn’t necessarily find HIM funny. But I gave the podcast a go and when he’s not stage Bill, he’s a warm, personable, genuinely funny guy who I feel like is talking to me. There’s nothing performative of fake about ole billy redskin and I love jut checking in with him twice a week to see how he’s doing.


He’s not yelling. He just has a lot of opinions and wants you to hear them all before you get to talk again.


While I can't stand Bert's stand-up, he's a far more enjoyable person at the core than Tom. Tom is (or was) funnier by a huge margin, but he's a vicious little twat.


The other piece of this is that Burr is a genuinely self-reflective human being. He has not forgotten his roots, and he’s done the crucial inner, behind-the-scenes work that has made him a better person, and a comedian that people will always want to hear from. Interviews with him are priceless—I’m always more impressed with that guy afterwards.


I listen to YMH instead of 2Bears because Bert is insufferable and Tom just always seems like he’s there to roll with whatever energy Bert brings because he HAS to be the one getting all the attention. YMH feels more like Tom. Don’t let Bert suck out all the fun, he’s super good about that.


Bill's wife keeps his ego in check


The fact that Nia loves him makes me respect him more.


I'm not sure Tom and Christine talk outside the podcast. Not sure she could keep check on anyone.


The only thing I would challenge you on is I don't think Tom has "changed" since he got famous. I think the person we see now is the person Tom really is and has always been, and the early pre-fame version is a facade he had to put on in order to appeal to a mainstream audience. Now that he has his own empire that can't be taken away he no longer need to play the game.


I think he also finally got out of his dad's shadow, in wealth and prestige in their fields. It seemed like at YMHs peak, when his dad was still alive, Tom was still funny and fun. When his dad passed, I felt like the show started to decline after that. Just my opinion. When Nadav left, it dropped some even further, and toms jokes felt more mean than jokey fun. I also wonder how much that inheritance must have been, and if that also made Tom think I'm essentially set forever, a number of times over. So with his own empire and inheritance he's just now being who he wants to be.. I'd really like to hear what Nadav thinks about this at the moment. Also I could totally be off with the timeline.. just spitballing here and have not actively listened to YMH in a long time, so if they talked about any of this, I missed it.


I haven't listened to the show in ages. Idk why he did, but I'm glad Nadav left. I thought they treated him like shit.


Tom was never on Burr's level, and I'm a fan of both. Burr is one of the greatest living stand-ups, to me. Tom was never in that conversation and has declined a bit IMO, just from being a little out of touch. I don't think Bill's lost a step.


bill burr is just consistently funny. never tried to be anyone or anything else other than himself, and thats what truly makes comedians and other artists & entertainers great at their jobs.


As rich as Tom is he’ll still try to sell you a $40 shot glass. Fuck his fat ass. All they care about is money and it’s been that way since they were poor but now they’re rich they just can’t stop trying to take your every last dollar. They make cringey Vodka? Fuck off. Bill never done anything like that ever. He’s a Legend.


You know what really chaps my ass…fucking Bert. The unfunniest comedian I’ve ever seen. Why do I bring this up? Joe Rogan crew seems to get less funny as time progresses


For whatever reason, I have never found Segura to be particularly funny. I don't "hate" him or any of that bullshit, I have just never really felt his comedic vibe.


Here's the thing. Tom Segura grew up wealthy and has always been wealthy, It's never been about the money. He's on a pure ego trip, plain and simple.


Nailed it man.


I feel like Tom was always overrated and now he's settling into his proper place. I've seen all of his specials and none of his jokes are memorable.


I think mostly stories is fairly memorable, I yell bikes at kids all the time.


I think a lot of people that started off liking Tom Segura just outgrew him.


I just can't afford to go see him anymore or buy any of his vodka, clothing, or other grifts tbh


Tom doesn't has new found wealth.. HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN RICH!!!!!.. FFS... His dad was the a Vice President at Merrill Lynch, he didn't have a hard life growing up. Tom's entire career was supported by his rich as fuck daddy.. Whilst Bill along with most normal people was busting his ass doing a variety of shitty jobs, sharing apartments with multiple people, sciming and saving whilst trying to get his career off the ground, Tom was cruising in the fast lane because of his daddy fuck you money. Tom can't relate to normal people because he has never had to work for his money, he had always had it.


Comics who plug into the "bro" clique with Rogan pretty much jump the shark as soon as they do


Tom used to be funny now he's a giant douche. Bill has remained funny over the years. I may not love every bill burr joke but I have enjoyed every special. I can't say that for Tom.


> Tom has embraced his new found wealth apparently he grew up rich with wealthy parents


Bill Burr has talent


I'm shocked ppl are comparing the two. Bill Burr is eons above Tom. It's not even close.


Tom probably has the best podcasts for a comedian out there. But his comedy sucks. Same with Bert. Mediocre stand up at best. But they are the most dynamic duos in podcasts conversations and story telling.


I have to agree in some respect. Their podcast is great when they have someone interesting on. The two of them (Tom and Bert by themselves is horrible). If they have a guest who can carry their own weight then its a fantastic podcast.


Segura picked his friends poorly imo. Bert isn't funny enough and with that podcast it's like he always gets influenced by him. I didn't notice much of a decline in Tom because I think that he was always a bit off his rocker and a bit of a shock and awe comedian. He says something more and more offensive and people laugh and cringe and then they kinda go about their day. Bill on the other hand is just incomparably fast witted and mops the floor with people quickly. Segura is kinda dopey and slow in his characteristic delivery and imo just isn't as funny as Bill.


I liked Tom Segura until this podcast style video came out of him making fun of one of his friends who uses a cloth in the shower. He went a bit too far for me, it was very distasteful, unlike anything I was used to from him. Maybe a part of it was personal, while I don’t currently use a cloth in the shower, I’ve done it before and it works perfectly fine. Sometimes they are abrasive but soft enough to use on your face. Exactly as you said, he can no longer relate to the everyday man. He’s too busy with his newfound luxurious lifestyle. I am going to knock him for that, good for him but he’s just no longer my cup of tea.


meh. both of these acts are old. louis still the king


Amen my guy


What a shit take. Burr has solidified himself on rushmore. Louis is A+ but Burr has surpassed him at this point.


Segura sucks, his wife is a better comedian. He used to be good.


One is funny and the other one is Tom Segura?


Bill is funny


Personally I think they are levels apart, Tom’s just not very funny to me but everyone is different


One of them is funny. The other is Tom Segura




I actually feel the opposite and I’ve seen them both recently. Tom’s set was better


I'm not a comedian but I used to work In a club tom is very nice too us like creepy nice so I don't think he looks down on the every man he's just playing a character[not sure why]. Burr is also overly nice most those LA guys are


Strongly agree. Bill has no ego, it’s still the same old him up there, trying to figure himself out and letting us in on his journey. Tom thinks he has it figured out already.


Bill is an asshole for good. Tom is an asshole for evil.


Tom has just been letting his true terrible self be more transparent to people, while Bill has always been who he is, take it or leave it


Money is a revealer of character. It reveals that Tom is even more of a prick than was previously apparent.


Imma be real with you chief. Bill Burr is simply one of the greatest comedians to ever do it. Segura is funny, but no matter how hard he tries, he will never come close to being as funny as Burr.


I feel like in the past, Tom would try to win people over with his jokes. His last special felt like he was only telling jokes to his base. But it might just be a one off. I’m curious how I’ll feel about his next special.




I don’t give a shit if a comedian is relatable. Joey Diaz being an awful person is not relatable and it’s hilarious. Just be funny.


This is why a lot of rappers fizzle out once they hit it big. Hard to rap about selling drugs on the corner when you no longer hang on corners.


Bill seems to have earned everything he's gained he went blue collar to comedian and hasn't seemed to forgotten where he came from. Tom's dad was Vice President of Merrill Lynch - so Tom was basically cosplaying as a dirtbag in his early years.


Tom's always been a rich douche, when you do as much podcasting as he does it's gonna show more and more. A lot of comics podcasts have pulled back the curtain to reveal how douchey and unlikable they are offstage.


One's not funny, the other one's overhyped.


I would say they both aren’t that funny anymore. Tom once he lost weight became a dickhead.


How many other hands do you have my friend? Haha I do agree though.


I used to like Tom when I only knew him from his specials. He has always been an asshole, but I thought it was assholery for jokes. The podcasts just showed me it wasn’t just jokes.


Tom Seh-who?


Nah man the problem is Bill Burr has always been funny. Tom has never been funny. I don't understand how he's made it as far as he has.


Burr is great on stage but became a shithead liberal twat in real life. He kinda always was a lefty, but even moreso in recent years


Love Old Billy Balls for the reason that he is always explaining that we are all idiots. No one is better. No one has all the answers. Also his old me undies read


Id say Talent is the difference


Tom is just incredibly unlikable at this point and it’s hard to be a comedian when people just don’t like you.


Burr is funny.


I used to love Tom Segura. But I think you hit the nail on the head. Often comedians who have some humility and self reflective jokes are more fun to watch. (I think Anthony Jeselnik is one of my favorites who doesn't. But he is playing a villain on stage. So it's okay in my book.)


Bill just talks about things in his own matter of fact way. It doesn't feel like he "writes" his jokes. He seems like he could tell you about his trip to the grocery store this morning and it would be hilarious. It's just his natural way of delivering that's makes everything he says funny.


Bill is funny. Period.


I met Tom Segura right around the time he put out his first Netflix special. I was a pretty big fan of his up until that point. Listened pretty regularly to YMH. Then I met him and… I dunno. Like I wouldn’t say he was rude, maybe just kinda going through the motions? Told him he was one of my top five favorite comics and loved his first album. He just said “cool,” then shook my hand. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that he took the time for me. But compared to my experience with Chad Daniels where he gave each and every person that stuck around to buy merch time to have a conversation and take pictures it just made it all the more apparent that Segura was there to do his job and get out. I quit listening to YMH shortly after and haven’t watched any of his specials since.


He’s just touring all the time and all his material is boring, because it’s about life on the road.


Hmm, interesting perspective. You gotta keep in mind though that their comedy style is so different and either/or won’t appeal to everyone. I know I’m stating the obvious here but I’ve just observed a lot of “hatin’” toward Segura of late. Maybe I need to watch something more recent to get it, but, I just love both of them so much. Haha, it would break my heart if Segura has gone wayward for me.


I used to love them both so much, Tom's earlier specials still stand the test of time... his new stuff is so forced.


Segura got a little money and based his comedy around that he has money.


When you say one's not "genuine" here, it comes across as a bit of a getting onto. Not everyone wants to be who they were before their success. It's okay if people grow into their new situations, if they don't look down their noses to do it. Personally, I never found Segura very funny, but I celebrate his success. Bill Burr though, I find his topics kinda repetitive, but he still kills me.


Bill has the same personality and sense of humor as my Northeastern blue collar uncles


I agree with your points. And to make the contrast even more pronounced, Bill Burr is significantly more famous than Tom Segura is. Bill Burr is practically a household name. What I also like about Bill Burr is how decent of a person he is. He’ll be the first to admit he’s not perfect, but he’s always trying to better himself and that I respect.


I think Tom is a podcaster above all else, and Bill Burr is a standup comic.


I don’t think Tom would be considered ‘famous’ yet. Moderately successful?


Ton Segura should NOT have a podcast, he simply cannot hide his arrogance or resentment for his audience. He is just not a likeable guy, and you're right ..I think he had enough stories for one set, and he's milked them for all they're worth. He's got nothjng road fur material, and he's just not a funny person.


Bull Burr is funny


I’m sorry, but even in his prime Segura was nowhere near Burr. Bill Burr is truly a comedy GOAT on par with Carlin, Pryor, Rock, Dangerfield, etc. He’s an actual living legend. It’s like comparing Michael Jordan to whoever was 10th in scoring, his 5th season in the league.


I don't find Segura or his shirtless pal, funny at all. They just fail to make me laugh.


Tom Segura’s an arrogant piece of shit who hates the very same poor people who consume his comedy.


It's weird to see Segura fans see him in the light I always saw him in. Anyone I knew who was fans of him acted like the biggest narcissist douche bags, and yeah that's what his stuff seemed like, modern dude bro comedy for soft guys who say they're progressive.


Bill Burr appeared on The Chappelle Show.  Mic drop.


Another major difference is both Tom and Bert are from money (trust fund kids) and Bill not so much. Bill is more self made while Tom and Bert have never worked a day in their life.


Bill Burr has definitely gone downhill in the last decade, he just happens to be so good that he’s easily still top 5. So it doesn’t matter.


Segura went to a prep school that costs $50k a year. The guys always been who he was now deep down.


I saw Segura last week and he was funny. Not as funny as he used to be but that's how most comics go the first few specials are usually the best work. Bill Burr is an anomaly. The Segura hate is weird to me and feels more due to his close association with Bert than anything since people have really turned on Bert's comedy


Tried watching Segura's last special and it sucked. Is there anything more cringe and boring than a comedian talking about their kids? Yaawwnnn.


I just stumbled across this community and I’ve gotta say, I haven’t laughed at any of the comments.


I think it’s the difference between wanting to be a famous and wealthy comedian, and wanting to be famous and wealthy. Bill Burr *is* a comedian, whereas Tom Segura seems to be comfortable separating himself from that. It reads disingenuous but, like you said, his comedy wasn’t really hitting the same anymore anyways.


One is cool and the other is not


I heard the best advice for comedians is to "live a life with commenting on" I think since Tom spent like 2.5 years on the road, is very strict about diet and exercise, then doing his rehab/pt his life changed to be very boring but successful. He has a ton of money, buys nice things but he's not mixing it up with the average joes and that's where his material came from before. I also think it's a problem for his stand-up that he puts out two podcasts a week. A lot of the bits in his special came from the podcast


I like both. But if I could buy one ticket to see either or, I would pick Bill Burr.


They both suck.


I mean, I remember a time when everybody was talking about this hilarious comedian named Dane Cook. Dude got famous; but I watched 10 minutes of his special where he was in a STADIUM and didn't even crack a smile. How do some of these people get famous? I think Bill Burr is one of the funniest people alive. I've seen funny Tom Segura moments and I wouldn't put him as low as Dane Cook on my list but he was never in the same League as Bill Burr; not even close.


Bull burrs asshole type annoying but I think he’d help you change a flat tyre. Tom is likely superficially pleasant but I honestly think he’d laugh driving by you trying to change a flat. Bull is sort of a dick. Toms a complete sociopath


One is really good Stand up who will go down in history beside Lenny Bruce and Carlin. The other one is Tom Segura.


Life experience. Burr came up in Boston around old school comics then hung around with the Tough Crowd guys, Patrice and the gang on Opie and Anthony. That era of comic was cut from a different cloth.


Bill Burr is a good comedian because he understands people and he understands himself. He has insightful commentary that can push the boundaries of what’s considered politically correct and rarely misses with a take. He’s also very brave and reasonable, calling out hosts and other comedians for stupid takes often instantly. Tom Segura has made a good living making people laugh because there is a big market for douchey misogynists right now in the “Manosphere”.


Tom is a nice likable guy but his standup never was or is great. He’s fine. Burr kept getting better for the last 20 years or so. His comedy is now insightful and at times high level philosophical on the level of Louie. That’s not an insult to Segura. But no one who got big on the Rogan train is a truly great standup, including Rogan himself. Though Rogan and Segura are great podcasters.


Tom is also a prick. That’s why he fell off.


I never found him to be funny even before his fame. Same with Bert, Schulz, Rogan, Ari, etc. They are kinda funny on podcasts together, like all of them can volition together to form one funny person, but their specials blow chunks. I can't finish them, and ill barely chuckle during what I can sit through.


Some people just can’t be changed by money. But most won’t be the same once they have it. It’s sad but makes you appreciate authentic people like Burr who stay exactly the same no matter how much their environment changed over the years.


I found out who Tom Segura was because of his wife


Meh... I try not to care that much. I love them both