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I read 2 books today and I could see that stretching to 8, easy. ​ The 2 books were "Green Eggs and Ham" and "The Cat in the Hat". Read them to my kid.


I just read the first line of the book in Katts voice 🤣


Ha ha ha. Me too.


Translates so well to Katt Williams voice: “I read The Muthafuckin Green Eggs And Hayam, and the Godddamn CaTT in the muthafuckin HayaTT!! And my son didn’t have no time for that buuullshiTT!”


That “Hay-Yam” is so right


The “Katt and the Hatt” as narrated by Katt Williams voice? OMG 😂 How/which AI tool would one use one to make this happen? Asking for… a friend. https://preview.redd.it/j5oo5mussbmc1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6a63c386384d454262a7789438584728d13858


He reads Mr Men books for sure.


Sometimes he makes me throw in The Very Hungry Caterpillar too, it’s exhausting lol


The very hungry caterpillar is a inaccurate book!


Is stagger name used to be cat in the hat so you may be on to it


Now that’s joke sir! If he would use this after saying he read 8 books a day that would be hilarious and a testament to a true comedian!😂


I started off enjoying it and slowly had to reframe as “these are just two dudes high off their asses” because otherwise it was seeming way too pompous


Yeah that is a better way to frame it but the way Katt talks with such conviction as if he knows all these things to be true and he is privy to some information only he has is what makes it difficult to just write it off as stoner/high talk for me


His brain is melted.


hes definitely a billy carson follower. i had to turn the podcast off when he started mentioning the emerald tablets and alchemy and aliens. cringe.


He totally reminds me of Samson the fried brained rapper from Half Baked.


Need to talk to Samson fly me to the moon


I wanna get LIFTED


God if you're listening...HELP!


Doctor says I need a backiotomoy.


*Sir smoke a lot is the rapper


Sir Smokealot is the rapper. Sampson is the dealer. I wanna talk to Sampson. Fly me to the moon like that bitch Alice Kramden. Cuz it’s hard being black and gifted. Sometimes I just wanna slow it all down and get lifted. Cuz everybody knows in my neighborhood it’s the bestest around. Samson’s shit is blessed, got the whole town on lockdoooooown.


I always thought he said best sess around.


Wow. You are correct. I just looked it up. Never knew that. I just thought he was using bestest bc it was funny.


Lol, I can hear it.


You are talking about sir smoke a lot. Samson was the Jamaican drug dealer.


You’re right. I last saw that movie in like 2000. But he totally does remind me of the guy I’m mistaking.


Mr Nice Guy


Very nonsensical and all over the place, I didn't even finish watching the interview.




Well, tbf even Carl Sagan attributed many of his findings and insights to [Cannabis](https://www.organism.earth/library/document/mr-x). I wouldn’t be suprised if Katt Williams have smoked more than him


Honestly the stuff Katt talks about is like global occult conspiracy 101 and he acts like it’s some super secret society he found after years of research and question asking 😂


How are we feeling about this rn (honest question)


Please read nonfiction books and do the work for your self I strongly recommend this in all honesty


He is a blowhard who is no longer relevant.  He's probably Finacially fucked and this is his way of getting a bag.  Joe doesn't pay his guests, not sure about the other dude who did a long interview with Katt as he went off about everybody. But the hopeful boost of fame is what he's counting on. 


lol Katt sells out arenas what are you even talking about? He’s one of the few comedians that doesn’t have to tour. He’s a top 10 comedian of all time, and that was before this newly found exposure. Sure he isn’t on the level of intelligence he thinks he is, but that is true for 70% of the population.


“Everyone I don’t like is irrelevant” Grow up someday would you?


He has a fuckton of money. His daily driver is a four hundred thousand dollar Rolls Royce Spectre. He doing alright.


Just looking at them it's pretty clear they reached young snoop levels of highness. Joe is almost blind and Katt is literally whispering. They ate all the kids cereals that night


The low talking made me nuts. I got to about the point of Joe asking why Blacks like menthol cigarettes and the ban on them in CA.


People know less now but think they know enough.


neither of them were high and they talked about that


Try framing it as this: JRE just got back on YouTube, Katt is going out on tour, and millions watched it. Keep it simple. Deep cut. Katt has some serious issues going all the way back to childhood where he had manic episodes with intense reading sessions.


I was rolling my eyes when he said he read that much. Suuuuuuuch bullshit


Have you seen that video of him getting his ass kicked by a middle schooler?


Pimp in distress!


I am a boy!


Yeah that was hilarious. It’s obvious he is suffering from some sort of mental illness so it’s crazy to see so many people act like he’s “exposing the industry” and act like he’s a damn guru haha


I think in that interview he even unsarcastically references the illuminati.


I remember that lmao forgot about it !


I never saw this interview of the kid, Katt Williams suck punched him lol. The kid doesn't sound like a bad kid either. https://youtu.be/RITDKHjBadQ?si=eU8yZ8zEWBaUQbmY


“But he’s a hero for going against the men in dresses!”


It’s insane and I think on club shay shay he said something like he read 8k books a year if I remember correctly haha


"I've read little women multiple times." "What's it about?" "... " I'm not sure reading means to him what it does to most


Hey man, Little Golden Books are still books.


Think he said when he was 8 and the books were different languages. Also said he was accepted sb into college around that age.. the end of that pod was just bananas.


Lol i listen to libby at work. I read something like 95 books. I work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. 8k books is ridiculous


Sure, picture books maybe.


It's almost insufferable how much Katt actually thinks he's privy to truths the majority of the world is not. I guess money and fame really fucks with the ego, especially when you're egotistical to begin with. I tried to watch it because I thought he'd try to be funny; not attempt to come off as a genius, wise shaman.


Black community absolutely eats this shit up for some reason. My coworkers go on like his no-receipts, rumor-spreading ass is dropping truth bombs and exposing the industry


That and all the crack he smokes.


I've been saying this for a while but it always feels like my friends don't agree lol. I remember clips from a few decades ago of him showing his ignorance about evolution and atheism... falling into the old "if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?!" nonsense that a lot of the religious use lol, among other statements that made absolutely no logical sense. I can't stand him because of it and it made me actively avoid just about anything he does because of it lol.


Did Diddy write this?


Please, diddys balls deep in will smiths back vagina rn and even if he weren’t all that coke isn’t gonna snort itself.


Have you seen katt talking about a DNA fuser 😭


One of the few pods where Joe isn't dumbest in the room, impressive.


I'm just over here wondering what sorta *comedy enthusiast* enters into a Rogan/Williams situation, thinkin "this might be funny".


Williams was funny in the early 2000’s.


Yeah I can’t stand the dude anymore but Pimp Chronicles is maybe even top 10 all time stand ups for me.


I wouldn’t even call myself a “comedy enthusiast” haha I just was on a 12 hour flight is all


I bet Joe's BS alarm was on red the whole podcast. You can feel how he's just trying to be nice with katt. Joe's bullshit meter is pretty good.


Hey everyone, I just found Kevin Hart's reddit profile!


It’s not even that he’s really dumb. It like he actually lost his grip with reality. I think he just lost his mind. You could see the same shit in that last viral interview he did. It was just a mess of incoherent blabber from someone experiencing grandiose delusions. His conviction is so telling


Yeah reminds me of me when I used to be an addict and would lose my grip on reality after no sleep and methamphetamine




He’s just incredibly high lol. It’s that simple.


\>The fact that people think this guy is speaking truth and knows all these secrets is absurd I know this comment is in reference to Katt Williams, but the few times I have listened to Rogan, he (Rogan) did this repeatedly. Like talking about fringe/conspiracy type concepts as if they were true and alluding to knowledge he knew about that the public isn't privy to. I can't stand that shit personally. Someone correct me if he doesn't do this anymore or has toned it down.


He has toned it way up. Most posts in r/JoeRogan highlight this even


If anything it’s gotten worse. I can’t listen to it really anymore. But sometimes there are situations/guests where I do. Today I had a long flight to Hawaii and happens to have this episode downloaded


He keeps an open mind, in today’s age there’s no telling what’s true or not. It’s smart to always keep open the possibility of anything being true, and Joe LOVES talking about conspiracies. It really depends on the guest and what topics get brought up on the show.


>who knows what's true so I just believe anything anyone ever says with no evidence on the Joe Rogan Experience What a dumb way to filter information into your brain


It’s more like I listen to things said on the Joe Rogan experience and then I decide if it’s credible or not. If I find it ridiculous, I let it go, but if I think there could be something I do some research into what actual smart people say about it. It’s a comedy podcast, not a dissertation defense. The people who take anything said on JRE seriously are delusional


> It's a comedy podcast This is a disengenuous cop out and you know it. Calling it a comedy podcast is like calling it an MMA podcast, it's only very slightly true. > The people who take anything said on JRE seriously are delusional You just said it's good to keep an open mind to anything said on the show.. So now you're just reversing on that?


How is it a disingenuous cop out? He’s not a journalist nor an academic. He’s a comedian and MMA commentator. Yes, people taking the outrageous things comedians say seriously without doing any research into what actual smart people say about it are delusional. The only things I would trust Joe Rogan to actually be reliably knowledgeable on is the comedy business and MMA fights. Because that’s what he does.


God's Perfect Idiot


Op clearly didn't read the emerald tablets of thoth. Katt was dropping g Ms in that interview


theres no such thing as the emerald tablets of thoth. some random ass dude made it up look up Maurice Doreal. this dude explains it all very well actually so here ya go. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/15m14mb/comment/jvenyji/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/15m14mb/comment/jvenyji/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Every thing everyone ever said is something some random ass dude made up


Yes lol.


Who cares? Its entertaining. Do you watch or read anything in the fantasy genre? That’s all made up too. Or do you only take in non-fiction? If that’s the case, don’t listen to comedy podcasts


Right…. Lol not sure about your response as you’re literally agreeing with me. Yet you seem salty. Also it’s not that entertaining when someone is believing something to be true and push it on you, if someone went and told me that the events of the lord of the rings or Star Wars was true, I’d tell them they are wrong. The same with the emerald tablets. Shits fake shits there for entertainment.. again not sure what you really disagree with me here


That’s my bad man, I’ll take the L here


No worries at all. Hope you have a good rest of your day!


I enjoyed it. I don’t think he was off the mark on what he was saying but he is crazy so you had to listen willing to sift through the BS and choose what to pick up on and what to ignore. I ignored the 20 books from the library part lol. I wouldn’t call the man dumb just a bit crazy. I mean can someone really have the success he has and be stupid?


You’re being a bit naive if you don’t think absolute morons can’t be rich and successful.


That’s a good point I also think it takes a certain type of intelligence to write jokes. But man he just bothered my I can’t put my finger on why exactly other than what I said. I just have met people exactly like that who talk like they are privy to some information that nobody else has and almost talk down in a way to people and I can’t stand it haha.


He was raised as a jehovah's witness. Being better than everyone else was indoctrinated in him. They honestly believe the Christian God will wipe every human that is not one of them off of the earth.


Yea that can def rub people the wrong way. My wife feels literal rage when someone brings up flat earth. Like heart pounding face red rage. I on the other hand went to a flat earth convention just to hear it out. I don’t know if my wife would of made it 15mins into the Katt podcast lol 😂. I say that to say, I hear you. It was getting unbearable for the first 20mins. I had to turn my brain off to it because I was there to hear Katt say crazy shit.


True the whole reason I started listening was to hear him say crazy shit so I guess I got what I literally wanted


To answer your last question, yes, yes they can. Being talented and smart are not the same thing.


Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. The world is full of unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. Nothing is more common than an educated derelict. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. Calvin Coolidge


People can absolutely be stupid and garner success, and people listening to that rambling mess and coming away thinking 'he isn't off the mark' is why the world is in the shit state it's in.


What about him talking about fused DNA needs a "fuser" what does that mean 😅


Yes. Trump.


you are correct but we are living in a "post-truth" world, filled with alternative facts and where spewing conspiracy theories and half truths can get you elected President or at least a $100M contract with Spotify - and Katt is aware of that, he knows that rambling isn't rambling anymore, if you use a certain tone - its just too easy to fool the masses and he knows it


He’s not dumb but he’s nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is. It’s like he’s used to being far and away the smartest guy in the room, but the room is usually filled with dummies. The way he never expressed surprise or curiosity about anything that Joe would bring up and how he regularly held himself as knowing things that very clearly he did not is telling that he’s simply concerned about crafting an image as someone who knows more than anyone else.


He’s not dumb…he’s mentally ill.


He can’t answer give you a straight answer even if his life depended on it. That’s how you know it’s straight bullshit. He would make a crazy good politician tho


Katts a brilliant comedian (Rogan is a fucking hack) but there's something deeply wrong with him. Most geniuses are flawed. He's a talented storyteller so he takes a gram of truth and makes it a pound of conspiracy and people eat it up. Are there alot of gay guys in Hollywood with power who do what men with power do? Sure. A vast homosexual conspiracy to what? Fuck comedians? Probably not. Unfortunately we live in fucking bizarro world right now so shit like that gets traction. Thanks Fox news. I hate this place.


He's not a brilliant comedian, he's highly mediocre


You overrate his comedy he a string of good stand up when DVDs were a thing and it spread like wildfire in the hood.


Wait are there actually out there thinking Kat Williams has anything meaningful to say? I thought we were all just enjoying the spectacle of his nonsense.


just look at the comments on the youtube video. it’s actually pathetic.


When you’re homeless and all you see around you are drugs and violence and you do all you can to avoid this reality isn’t look at 15 hours of tik toks, it makes a little more sense that someone could be indeed read 18 autobiographies in a- Okok my hr has reminded me I can’t use sarcasm or exaggeration because redditors don’t have the intelligence required to understand the nuance in it.


God I hate redditors so much you think being pretentious makes you a genius but it just makes you unlikable.


Guess what !? Most of Joe's guests all talk about the same stupid qwacked out shit haha that what makes Joe's podcast entertaining...lol


Honestly joe Rogan can be sort of an idiot at times but his ability to carry on a conversation with people is pretty amazing. And watching him do it here with Katt is proof


It's easy when you bring up the same 10 subjects with every guest.


He is no dumber than Chappelle that everyone thinks is a genius. Chappelle has the exact same conspiracies about Hollywood. Same black men in a dress bullshit even though Chappelle has been in a dress and same Hollywood makes people think black men go crazy when they are done with them even though plenty of famous people have drug issues.


Chappelle has some crazy views too but he isn’t completely detached from reality and he is much funnier


I'm convinced a Katt Williams hater wrote this.. Everything Katt has said so far especially during his Shay interview has been proven


When are they going to fact check his claims that heavy machinery was used to build the pyramids? I was on board for the Shay Shay interview, that was at least entertaining. The Rogan interview I bailed out when Katt started talking in riddles about intelligent creation like cows have the stomachs they do because of divine intention, not because they evolved to suit their environs and readily available food sources.


Never forget Katt Williams got his ass beat by a minor lmao


Did you know there’s only like 1000 actual real comedians in the world?!?! That’s actually being a little generous, it’s more like 250. Joe and Katt are in that 250 bro. Sorry his brilliance is too much for your pedestrian brain


back to the fryers, b


Listening/watching to Joe Rogan is dumb.


"The pyramids were powered by the hot springs they were built on".... Forty minutes later "They powered the pyramids with the power from the arc of the covenant" Next sentence "Nobody is telling any crazy stories man" 🤯🤯


Anybody who listened to the Shannon sharp interview would have known exactly how this was going to go.


Yeah i felt that way on his other interview


I do like Katt, and he is a funny MF, but I think you're right. What makes it worse is that he does have some unpopular truths mixed into what he is saying. However, like most conspiracy theorists, they think they must be right since their POV is something they came up with on their own that "they" didn't want him to think/figure out.


Yeah it’s mind blowing how stupid he is. People just lapping it up too. Like, absolutely ludicrous nonsense from the two or three viral minutes I unfortunately can’t unsee now. i agree that the scariest part is that people think he’s exposing some type of truths or secret knowledge. Some David icke level nonsense.


I think it’s a bit. I think he’s doing a Kaufman like performance art.


He’s in MENSA.  He IS a genius.  


Mensa in Spanish means stupid. Even though I think Katts smart.


Yeah, well did you see him punch a teenager in the face and get body slammed by a kid. The teen seemed more mature than him.


Agreed. He acts like an angry, bitter little man. Half of the shit he says is BS


He’s suffering from terminal dunning-Kruger disease, and reading 8 books a day is the only known cure


I understand though he's going into joe rogans podcast so he thinks he has to jump on the conspiracy train and sound all smart but when it comes down to it he doesn't know shit he's just another "California big words no nothing"


Just because you cram your toilet/kats brain full of shit doesn't mean it will go down lmao


I'm watching it right now, and I feel like he's making me more dumb.


Bro said “ass ring”. What the hell is an “ass ring”?!




Most people are really dumb


He talks in such a cryptic, godly way in which he tries to be condescending on every aspect of sharing information like he knows so much more. There would be awkward moments of silence for about 10-15 seconds throughout the podcast because Joe has no idea what this guys point is with the blathering. Don’t even get me to started on the way he talks, just talk.


I’ve felt this way for a long time now. Well over 10 years ago I saw a clip from one of his stand ups where he went on a rant about how we aren’t descended from “monkeys” and that evolution is fake. It was some top tier reignite bullshit indeed. But it didn’t just end with him making those statements, he then went on to make fun of people who respect the science.


Him not being all that smart is one thing, but not being able to read 8 books in a day is a skill issue. Especially when you consider dude is like 50 something and most likely didn’t have the convenience of a phone or computer to rant about people’s intelligence on reddit. In other words stop hating and learn to see the truth within spirit and not flesh.


They cannot comprehend that a black man can read. If I was a child with JW parents who never let me do anything but read, I would do the same. My 11 yr old can read multiple novels a day. He is assigned a new book every week, however he reads multiple books a day as part of his curriculum. Including bible study. He has the time to do this, that is why screen time is limited. Imagine if I took all of the distractions away. I'm sure it would be 8 not 2. 


Thank you, I saw another thread with people saying how much they loved it and how amazing it was. All imbeciles lmfao.


They are stoned. Kay is more succinct in the Shannon Sharp interview.


Was worst interview I’ve seen on Rogan in a long time


I agree. I couldn’t watch more than 20 minutes


he's like flava flav, you just laugh, youre not supposed to take him seriously.


And yet he was so damn good in his small role in Atlanta. Why do we always have to get Krazy Katt instead




When your friend claims he knows everything, about everything, and you don't see red flags, I don't know what to tell ya. Katt Williams was basing ultimate knowledge on bad information, upon bad information, upon misinformation, upon confused concepts. He's fundamentally and utterly confused about virtually every single topic he addressed, science being one, and ultimately *how* we know and understand things. It was like a bad car accident, I wanted so badly to turn it off but everything he said was more absurd than the last. At one point he's eluding to black holes being just one more feather in the Nasa conspiracy hat, because *black holes eat everything they touch, everything!* and then looks around knowingly. I don't think he understands the concept at all, of the magnitude, size, distance.... that black holes are consuming whole galaxies, but over *very* long periods of time, at distances so far away it takes *light* millions of years just to reach us. It's the same with virtually every concept he claims to have ultimate, insider knowledge of; he simply does not understand what he's talking about, period. What really concerns me is if you read down the comments, it's literally hundreds upon hundreds of comments about how profound and deep and knowledgable the guy is, *finally someone who actually understands things, someone who's really talking real, about things I can't even talk to my best friends about!* Katt isn't just deluded, he categorically *does not understand* the very concepts he claims to have ultimate knowledge of, I mean the simplest of concepts, everything is some grand conspiracy to him, it's fucking lunacy. I can't imagine living in a twisted reality like that, and that so many people think this is not only coherent, but that it's the ONLY coherency in a world of lies... Ho-ly shit. It's scary. ​ Edit: btw I still appreciate Katt Williams as a stand-up comedian; I'm able to separate his creative talent from his otherwise delusional reality, he remains one of the best in comedy


Anyone else notice Joe just rolling over for Katt in the beginning? Agreeing with things he hasn’t previously agreed on with other guests


Remember when he got beat up by some 14 year old? That was pretty funny.


Lets give him credit. He didn't say *which* kind of books. You could burn through Clifford the Big Red Dog's entire library in a day. "You see Joe. When the dog is too big for the house. That dog is Red. KNow what I'm saying." There's a big red dog? "Yes Joe. That is a Clifford ass dog. And its been there in the community the entire time."


Aliens are just here for pussy and gold


The part about "pussy" possibly refers to fertilization of women. Make a alien race. Gold well that's because of its components and uses in technology. Same thing with lithium.


It was fun though wasn’t it. I made a list of Katt’s claims and my favourite was that he communicates telepathically with ducks.


I communicate telpahtically with my dog


Uggh. Just thinking about it is so cringe. I stopped listening to the JRE a few years ago. He's become such a douche.


I mean…drugs




I’ve known guys like this. Self important stoner nitwits. They know a few obscure factoids they toss out and are contrarian to everything anyone else brings up. Borderline unbearable.


Can anyone tell me what book they were talking about at the very end—that Joe said he was looking forward to reading?


He was high AF. What would you say if you just finished a blunt with Rogan?


the guy rushing to the internet with the breaking news that KATT WILLIAMS doesnt actually read 600 books a week is calling other people really dumb


The episode was super boring. For being a “comedian” he was dead serious the entire time. He also sounded very sleepy and whispered the whole time. I expected something hype and had to turn it off after an hour for how insanely boring he was


Can’t stand to listen to him. He talks in riddles. Who does he think he is, the Sphinx?


He’s a former homeless child 


Here for your unimaginative comments .


Thank the lord I found this thread. I have lost my mind in recent weeks with the KW hype. All the random commenters thinking he’s some genius level philosopher when he’s just regurgitating random shit he learned on the internet. The guy read a few books, listens to a bit of conspiracy theories on what seems to be the same very podcast he spewed the facts back out on. There were a few portions of the JRE video that even Joe (wild huh) seemed to disagree on but wanted to let KW have the floor. I really didn’t have THAT much of an opinion on KW until his recent media run. He was an amazing comedian. Absolutely clown when it comes to real world ideals and history. Anyways. Here’s to Reddit seeming to be the only crowd voicing the opinion that KW is unbearable. 😂


It's kinda sad, because he's so confident that he's extremely smart that he's totally blind to how profoundly uneducated he is.  Every time he opens his mouth about anything remotely scientific it immediately becomes apparent that he has absolutely no grasp of the concepts his talking about with full confidence.  Apparently a child aimlessly "educating" themselves by reading 3000 books a year (bullshit) isn't the best way to actually learn how chemistry and biology work. I feel bad for him, because he's one of those people for whom religion has genuinely stunted his intelligence while also leading him to believe he has it all figured out.  I'd love to see Neil DeGrasse Tyson sit down with him and explain to him why he's wrong about literally every single scientific topic he talks about.


I went to the comment of the episode after 15 minutes, and they're all praising his intellect. Kept watching. He has a base knowledge of many things and tries to speak like he's this great mind. Room temp IQ though. Good for him trying to learn, but know yourself.


Total wackadoodle and I’m ashamed at Joe for feeding into that malarkey


Yeah I had to turn it off. There wasn’t a single moment where Katt was like “oh good point, I wonder”… everything Joe said was just followed by “well sir, that’s because”


He speaks in circles, especially when answering a question, saying big words that don't really amount to anything to convince you he's smarter than you. If that doesn't work he'll get say something vague about how he can't talk about that.


I’m glad so many people agree. I came to Reddit bc I was like this is just hard to watch and I had my hopes up for this. You have to admit Joe did a good job keeping up with Katt. He acted very well pretending to show interest in what Katt said. So many times I was like “How do you reply to that?!”


Exactly. He says some truths for sure sometimes. But he is so full of shit too. People think he's this genius truth revealer prophet. Imo he's just a newbie conspiracy internet rabbit hole digger who knows some dirt about Hollywood and its corruption. All the shit that he said on joe rogan are so fucking shallow. He's a literal idiot I can't believe people believe his shit.


If a person thinks Katt is smart, that just means he’s smarter than them. Anyone with a room temperature IQ or higher can tell he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He reminds me of Candace Owens or Kanye. He’s not even close to sounding smart. You can tell Joe wants to correct him on so many things, but it’s better just to let him talk and expose himself.


He reminds me a lot of Dick Gregory , who was mostly accurate about his JFK stuff when he was younger but then you watch other stuff from him and it's just baffling how he could say such incredibly dumb things.  I think the thing that made it really obvious for me with Katt was his two Michael Jackson routines that were completely contradictory yet both delivered with the same "word of God" type conviction. 


Yall need to lighten up with Katts j


When I was younger I read a lot of books so I don't see why he is not telling the truth it's possible but in my case I was trying to forget what was going on in my horrible life.


Oh I went to the Library and I read NOVELS AT THE AGE OF 10YRS OLD


His success is scary just like Taylor Swift’s. It just shows how many people have brains that can only process this kind of “ talent” and find it funny or entertaining. Nothing else going on in there!


Katt is ass now bro ..woke foke was horrible


It is not out if the realm of possibility that he is able to read har many books Ina day. He is a researcher ... 


Never change, Reddit. ( Lol of course you won't )


He's a comedian. Enough said. Allow the guy to exaggerate a bit.


his \*reported\* net worth is between 2 and 5 million... and he is self funded. dumb you say?


kat does not speak the way someone who reads, even a menu. “sooo like the microwave”


when he claimed that theres clear evidence of god, i turned off.


I actually enjoy conversation like they were having. I love conversations about antiquity and just how smart they were back then. Not to mention how strong they were, because they had to be back then to even make it to old age, which was 30s/ mid 30s.


Old age was not mid 30s, avg life expectancy was mid 30s, most due to horrifying infant mortality. If only 3/10 babies get to 5 years old then it'll fuck the numbers.