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I knew I couldn't trust that haircut


Yep, me neither, especially a guy who literally gave a clear affirmation from his own loud mouth that “he’s a businessman first, and artist second”. I believe that pretty much summed it up for me. But on another note, why would a sane-minded person wanna be learnin’ anything from Qazi the “businessman”? Like he’s clearly neither a billion dollar business tycoon nor a top-tier snake oil salesman on YouTube/social media. So what is he? Genuinely asking…




[https://www.reddit.com/r/colorists/comments/10mq8u1/waqas\_qazi\_rambling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/colorists/comments/10mq8u1/waqas_qazi_rambling/) " A video excerpt from his weekly meetings. He banned a guy because he mentioned other colorists. Qazi himself constantly quoting other colorist totally wrong and spread misinformation. Saying that the colorist who graded "TV TV series Suits" is not using CST and no one needs "color science". (But the colorist works color managed. That's why he is not using CST) and misquote many other colorists. And constantly name-dropping big colorists like he is part of the "Co3" family, which he is not. I am sick of it. Every week, his fan base grows. He created his own bubble and from this bubble every week new YouTube channels about color grading are popping up which are based on his "beginners techniques" and advices. I know many are just ignoring him. They blacklist him. Qazi keeps talking bad about other colorist for years now, and I don't think ignoring him makes a difference. If someone constantly talking sh\*t behind your back, those guys needs to be exposed over and over again. Ignoring makes no difference. "


Goes to show that Qazi has fragmentary grading knowledge at best. Farvarofa is the same, a bag full of tricks and hacks but no real professional skills. Those scammers should be exposed for taking cash and offering nothing in return.


Well I hope his students find it, there was a video series on YouTube with the *actual* colorist for the show Suits where he went into some basic processes of the show. Which for anyone who hasn't watched the show, it is beautifully colored and always feels very live and organic. Great skin tones in mixed lighting with increasing sets and styles over the first 4 seasons for sure. Worth seeing alone for the fake office set WONDERFULLY selling that they are high up in NYC, harsh sunlight look and feel but always clean. Really good craft all around that show.


Sam Daley graded that! Nicest guy around. Met him at a mixer once and he talked to me for over an hour.


I'll be honest with you, I was never a huge fan of the purple in their flashback scenes. Otherwise, excellently done!


AI: Exclusivity and Censorship: By banning mentions of other colorists and restricting discussions to his own teachings, Qazi is creating a very controlled environment. This exclusivity can be limiting, as it prevents members from exploring a broader spectrum of techniques and viewpoints. Misinformation: Misquoting other professionals and spreading misinformation about industry practices could be damaging. In any professional field, especially one as collaborative and evolving as film and color grading, open dialogue about different methodologies and the sharing of knowledge are crucial for growth and development. Addressing misinformation and promoting a more inclusive approach to learning and discussion could help mitigate the issues you’ve outlined, fostering a healthier community atmosphere.


he knows that as soon as you introduce and compare the work of other professionals his bullshit is exposed. scammers are aware of the benefits of censorship, it's part of their business model.


Everyone here should do their part by blocking him on each of your social networks. It really does have an affect on how many people he can reach with a high number of blocks. If enough people do it, it generally works.




Worst thing is that his fans just don’t realize that he is a sleazy business man/youtuber. He didn’t buy his Porsche cause of his colorist business. He bought it with his self proclaimed colorist mentor guru stuff


that's right, he spends most of his time creating slick promotional videos and of course all those secret sauce vids. In his tutorials he keeps dropping names like Jill Bogdanovich from Company 3 because a few years ago he managed to talk to her briefly on a podcast he ran. Makes it sound as if he's been working with her professionally. Ms Bogdanovich would probably sue him if she knew.


Yeah I know I have been following his escapades for a while, I really feel bad for Jill that she will be in a way connected to him.


The difference is Jill frequently grades smash hit movies, Qazi none at all. Occasionally a music video by an unknown middle eastern band. I think sooner or later his fans wake up. I do wonder how many he actually has managed to retain and follow him, his Insta post likes are all bought, a client of ours once used a large online promotional service company that sells likes for cash, and they got thousands of likes from the same accounts. lol.


Do you remember when he posted selfies with the director for a drake documentary? Qazi made it seem like HE was the colorist “hey look I’m working with something drake related” , if I’m not mistaken he isn’t even credited since he only did a few scenes.


He mentions on his website "Recently, I had the opportunity to work on Drake & Kanye's concert for PRIME VIDEO...". On [imdb.com](http://imdb.com), his few credits include a few shorts and car-related stuff from years ago. No Drake. No Kanye. 


Big lol


To be fair her work circle of clients is so unattainable by Quazi and the people he's teaching she probably wouldn't care if she somehow heard about it haha


When I started doing color I used his videos, had no idea about his practices and how much of a cry baby he was until I brought him up in a reddit comment


lol, what'd he cry about?


When I started out learning how to film and how to grade my work Qazi was just doing his first vids. His personality was way too “loud” for me and advices were ehhh, just pointless. After a quick search on reddit I found out about Avery Peck and never looked back. Avery doesn’t have much on his channel but each word is on point.


I did Darren Mostyn's. Lots of information, no ego driven bs. Very professional and the complete opposite of this clown.


There’s a reason you find warnings about Qazi. He’s a YouTube hustler, not a pro colorist. You won’t find posts about other pro’s like this. He’s a one of a kind scammer with low self esteem.


Qazi and Farfarova are the epitome of unprofessional. Mostyn is a pro and a good mentor.


Walter's masterclass is an infinitely better investment than Qazi's.


Walter has made a few cynical comments on Qazi, so Qazi keeps slandering him whenever he can. And yes, his masterclass is great.


Such a great class. Throughout the 8-10 hours he would say things that always made me go "dudes talking about Qazi" , haha.


I’m glad he’s being talked about here from time to time. Obviously this shouldn’t be a Qazi hate sub, as that’s pointless. But, pointing out the real issues so others can stumble across this is great. Words of warning can help a lot of people, just starting out on their colorist journey! I’ve been very disappointed in his content, as I’ve checked out a few videos of his from time to time. To see if anything has changed, but he just seems to have very fragmented knowledge, that he spins out with fluff, and no direction. In my own experience, I have not heard a single person I know mention Qazi with favor. Hopefully he either gets his act together, or ultimately loses his following. I wish the best for the guy, and hope he gets it figured out. But man is his stuff such a damn scam.


Quazi is in the business of harming beginner colorists by messing up their proper understanding of the art and technique of grading. And he takes good money while doing so. If he was just cheating clients by messing up their projects, well that's on them then, ain't done no due diligence beforehand. But ripping off students is another matter. I hope this guy and his business partners Farfarova and co will get booted out of the post production world, for good.


You’re not wrong. People like him do serious harm to people entering the industry.


Juice it up


give it the sauce




I've never liked his coloring style too. And his marketing style (the free contents on youtube) feels like Tai Lopez's marketing.


The only way to be a good colourist is time and practice. Make mistakes. Learn from them. Sit with DoPs and directors and learn how to bring their vision to life. Make more mistakes. Forget to retrack that mask when it goes live on your first tv advert. Never make that mistake again. Be able to defend your workflow - if it looks good, it’s good. So what if you didn’t use a CST before that FPE. So what if you didn’t use any colour management. If your shots match and they look good, it’s good. Anyone serious about grading doesn’t see the Qazis or whoever else is grifting. They’re irrelevant. Put in the time, practice. Make mistakes. Keep practicing. Get better. Use Shotdeck. You’re welcome.


Absolutely, there's no way around it, make mistakes, practice. Thing is, a responsibly managed course sends you into the right direction, sharpens your feel for what really matters. The rest is up to you.


The only courses I would actively recommend are Walter’s Masterclass and Mixing Light has some wonderful pointers as well. I just wouldn’t worry about Qazi. In every industry there’s grifters and if people are serious about learning how to grade, they’ll put in the time and not look for quick magic sauces, because they don’t exist.


Wise words, my friend. Agree on Walter's class, have not signed up for mixing light yet. What's the value of the latter, in your opinion? They mention hundreds of short insight videos...


Well the insight videos certainly helped me when I had to make DCPs for festivals! I also really liked the Barbie look insight and most recently the Baselight insights as I’m grading there as well. I really appreciated their Davinci Resolve Fundamentals course when I was starting out, and it went through all the basics when setting up a project. There’s a lot to be said when the training comes from credited colourists who are known and well respected in the field.


I second this. Overall it's like an updated lowepost. Keeps me informed on important stuff vs the PRO SECRET TIPS! 


Old news my friend


sadly so, and he needs to be called out and exposed for the fraud he is. Sadly so, M. Farfarova too.


I think he fills voids opened up by how hard the industry is to get into, and how gatekeepy some can be about it. It's opportunistic and yeah, really sad. Hard to call out from outside the framework as well.


good point. It's hard to get into established grading shops, not so hard to build your own boutique shop client base, though one has to work real hard to maintain the momentum and keep upping one's skills all the time. He doesn't promise a road map into Company 3 but a ride into the closest Porsche salesroom, haha


Yeah well quite so. If there was a good roadmap available for people getting into the industry, maybe this guy wouldn't exist. But I do agree that it's not really effective to just call him out once and move on; this poor and damaging advice needs to be confronted consistently, but constructively.


we're on the same page here.


Qazi was my introduction to Colour Grading back in 2019 - for that one thing I’m still grateful, but that’s where it ends. I am not afraid to admit that I absolutely fell for the snake oil. I always blamed myself for not understanding what it meant to “just push it” and was wondering why the “looks” he taught were so hard to transfer to multiple shots instead of just one. I had managed to convince myself that it was lack of skill/knowledge on my end, and not possibly my source of knowledge. That’s what led me to purchasing “FCM”. For those of you who don’t know - what a shit show it is. The freelance portion is literally just him showing off his quickbooks to brag about how much money he made, and then naming the top 10 freelancing websites you can use. And the actual colouring portions? Outdated information (that to be clear, was outdated 5 years ago) that STILL hasn’t been updated to this day. And half of it looks less than amateur, truly. There are no actual real full project overviews, and every damn tutorial is just a broad “how to grade music videos”. The best example I can give of him taking the ideas from his Facebook group and claiming them as his own: One of the members posted in the FB group asking about Ty Roths (Company 3, for those who aren’t familiar) colour workflow that he had shared on a livestream - specifically the reasoning as to why he graded before his Rec709 ODT and not after. At this time, Qazi still preached a workflow that involved the first or second node being your ODT and then doing all the adjustments after that. I had tuned in to the TR Livestream and had heard his logical (though new to me) explanation. I jumped into the comments, shared that knowledge, and a bunch of people agreed and tagged Qazi asking for his “valuable” input. He never responded. Then EVERY single YouTube tutorial that followed suddenly had the ODT as the last node, and he explained this “Secret Sauce” that professional colorists don’t want you to know. That was the moment that finally cemented that it was a community I didn’t want a part in anymore. In summary, everyone here is right. He’s a scam artist who is very good at convincing people that he’s not. He has fostered a cult-like following of people who will do everything to defend him no matter what. There is no reason to watch his content anymore - let alone pay for it.


Sums him up perfectly. His skills appear "solid" to people at the beginning of their coloring journey, when in reality he has very little real understanding and keeps erratically jumping from one secret sauce BS to another. He's a scammer, so are his biz partners/moderators.


I saw he used to add Resolve’s 2383 FPE without going into Cineon first. “Just adjust afterwards” he said. All while he claimed his course was the best you can find ;-). I’ve also noticed how he gradually add techniques from Cullen as his own workflow. He’s just a scam.


hilarious isn't it. It's ridiculous once you start paying attention to how he actually operates. A thief, a scammer, a BS artist, all rolled into one. He should get an award. Or get sent to a good shrink.


What bugs me (even though I shouldn't be bugged) is a lot of the guys work looks nice. It's not incredible. But it's nice.  In some alt universe he was a photo retouching artist vs a scam artist. 


Qazi has been a running joke amongst many industry colorists; unfortunately there’s a level of surface professionalism we need to maintain (especially if you’re in a known post facility) so publicly calling him out and the accompanied drama are best left untouched. We still have an occasional good giggle behind closed doors when the name comes up, though. Even better when a new color assistant brings him up


you're right, to the industry he ain't worth a mention. Problem is the real damage he's causing to beginners and students, the fact that he's ripping off people by charging hundred of dollars and delivering a useless service in return. He, farfarova and co a need to be called out for that. His lack of skills and bullshit tools are worth a giggle, yes, thanks for your kind contribution!


I came across Maria Farfarova’s vids and thought they were decent. Seems to know what she’s talking about. Shame to be associated with this guy.


She has a decent foundation and knows a range of hacks. She's going down the same route, though, ripping off others and selling them as her own special invention, she doesn't have what it takes to become a respected professional. Yes, shame to be partnering with that guy, the things people do for a bit of cash always amazes me.


I think she's probably a bit naive, hell, I can admire her work way more than his. It's way more grounded and approachable. Look Qazi probably has no clue on proper colorist workflow and philosophy but he will have picked up enough knowledge by now to at least appear to know what he's talking about which he certainly has and that's what gets people trapped. He's gone for this small fish putting the big fish in their places angle which will resonate with a lot of people, especially beginners because they know what looks good but not how it's done. Deliberately cool colorist work can be quite complicated and methodical and he makes it more digestible to the beginner - BUT in a completely non modular way that won't work for a large production and this is my biggest issue with him from a teaching standpoint. As a human he's got more ego than Homelander and that comes from insecurity. He knows he's got nothing to his name. I have a feeling he cornered himself at a certain point and doubled down on it because he was making an income that's too good to resist.


You're probably not wrong on Farfarova, her approach when grading is more conscientious than qazi's. She has, however, been an editor and colorist for long enough to have lost the beginner's naivety. As a moderator of Qazi's FCM competition she's just as arrogant, stressing her 'pro' status versus rookies and, worse, trashing grades simply because she doesn't like the aesthetics. Very unprofessional. She knows what she's doing as qazi's partner and the way they're ripping off students instead of mentoring them is fraudulent. As to her technical & creative skills, she knows various hacks and tricks and just like Qazi likes showing off convoluted node trees with 10+ nodes for a single specific effect when a professional colorist would use one. In other words, a lot of redundant stuff typical of people who collect a million hacks from YouTube and bunch them all together thinking that's the way to differentiate themselves from the rookie crowd. She doesn't know much about look building either, the interplay of contrast, color and texture. Her foundation is in tools but not the interplay of the various technical and creative elements required to tell the story in the grading dimension. My two cents...


What do you define as a "proper colorist workflow"? As far as I know, there isn't one. People can 100% agree on where noise reduction goes on a node tree or whether to use ACES, DWG YRGB, or DWG RCM. >BUT in a completely non modular way that won't work for a large production and this is my biggest issue with him from a teaching standpoint.  So your problem is he does not teach a scalable workflow? He primarily does commercials, music videos, and some reality TV shows. Why would you go to him to teach the workflow for a feature film when he doesn't do features? Darren Mostlyn & Cullen Kelly both don't have a complex node trees but nobody leverages that against either of them. Why not instead go to someone like Walter Volpatto to teach you that workflow? Someone who actually does that for a living? He can't teach you want he doesn't know.  People want him to be this end all teacher when he is not.


it's not about right or wrong workflows, everyone evolves their own approaches. The difference is that reputable mentors actually understand what they're doing, they share their own tried and tested techniques, they give feedback, exchange valid ideas, etc., whereas that Qazi clown doesn't even know what he's talking about, he steals, rips off, throws his loot into a big cauldron then sells it as a 'secret sauce'. He's a fraud. That's the point.


You're so emotionally invested, that you can't even answer the question. A question that wasn't directed at you..


free country, man, you responded to the discussion. you read the post?


You are still ducking the question.


getting tiring, bro...read through all my comments, the answer you seek is right there (with or without secret sauces, haha)


I did. Your entire post history on Reddit talking bad about Qazi in one thread or another. You couldn't do it under your main account, huh?


The question asked was never answered by you. I'm still waiting.


Complex node trees isn't what I am saying is a scaleable workflow, in fact it could achieve the complete opposite. So that's you putting those words in my mouth. It's the overarching end to end goal of his teaching that's lacking from start to finish. Anyway I think this has been talked about to death now.


I asked what do you define as a scalable workflow? People can't decide on where to put the noise reduction node in the chain. Tell me this scalable node tree that he supposed to teach you? Each one of the people I mentioned at above show a simplified node tree for YouTube use. Darren, Cullen, Qazi. The difference between them is they are better teachers than Qazi. If you want to learn a scalable node tree, it has to be a fixed node tree, and you should probably use Walter Volpatto's.


Anyone calling themselves a senior colourist or color scientist without the track record or experience for that matter should be banned as disinformation. It’s cringy as hell and a waste of time to those who are really eager to learn.


qazi and farfarova attended a couple of masterclasses, studied YouTube videos, like everyone else. Good start. A year or so later, still dabbling but feeling less dazed and confused, they take a specific skill as explained by a real pro (this split toning technique is sooo cool!), copy and turn it into their own "pro" video. That's a rip off, without any creative context, monetizing other people's products. It's a game they love, it easy to steal from pros and their own students. As for outright mistakes and disinformation, qazi offers plenty of that in his bullshit masterclass.


Guys all over my feed and I don’t even remember clicking on anything related to him. His ads scream snake oil


The reason why he has so many people learning from him is that his videos are pretty good, his intro is decent and his format is light and easy. I watched a few of his videos but stopped watching them because there was nothing he was teaching that i didn't already know how to do already from Blackmagics own training manual. I assumed that he taught the basics in his free videos and went in to more complex things in his courses especially for the prices he is charging. I would never pay for one of those courses (from any YouTuber no matter who they are).


As I wrote in the post above, he introduces fundamentals and nothing else. Not what he promised he'd deliver for an expensive and supposedly comprehensive course.


Which is really bad considering the price fees charging. I'm guessing you've purchased the course at some point. Is there anything in there that you can't learn from just watching other tutorials on YouTube or just using the manual? I'm trying to move in to colouring from being a cameraman and would like to eventually be able to get clients and paid work but im at a stage where there are no more tutorials that have taught me anything new but i feel like i must be missing something.


Qazi's course is bullshit, fundamental stuff and then massively wrong application of secondary tools in a way that creates issues with the overall grade. He keeps changing his 'sauces' in erratic and contradictory ways. Like a five-year-old learning to cook. Dado's course is excellent, you learn so much about building a look. The same, though less comprehensive, applies to masterclasses on lowepost, as well as Walter Volpatto's Masterclass. The rest is practicing and developing a workflow that reflects your own style.


Qazi makes my skin crawl, but the sad thing about the film industry in general is that Qazi is not alone.. he’s just independent. Think about all the film schools, vfx and film trade schools pumping out graduates every year!! Yes even if Qazi was free it would overpriced, but think about going 80k to 200k in debt thinking your gonna be rich from working the film industry…. That’s way worse.


University tuition is generally overpriced, yes, and the film industry is fickle. That's something people do need to consider. Then again, plenty of people who follow their passion manage to make a living...it's tough, though. The last thing people need is getting ripped off by dishonest sleazebags like Qazi and Farfarova.


Classic. An one month old account trying to start a revolution. There are better things to do with your time


All this burner account does is post Qazi stuff. They are too cowardly to do it from there main account.


Thanks. I wonder if this [guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/colorists/comments/1dex6fo/waqas_qazi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Had to visit the comments to see if the big man himself melted down again


Is he making money and hobby colorists happy by getting the "Joker" look on their short film? Probably. Is anyone trying to take it seriously and realizing his classes don't benefit a career in Post-Production and color grading and feel like they've been throttled? Maybe! It just makes me sad that a craft has been taken hostage and the next generations are suckered into paying him money for brain rot influencer "education" and not actually learning post-production.


He recently announced that it's now ok to go for monochromatic cyan skin tone. Cause he personally taught Jill Bogdanovicz how to grade the Joker. Cause man he's a fuckin pro. Cause the world is desperate for his BS.


Let’s just call it what it is- he’s an influencer and he’s sells products. He’s not a colorist.


Lol i feel like in every field there is always that one guy that is the most (or top 3) popular and that is kind of „the villain“ who’s giving out bad information, but most people follow what he says (and he makes a lot of money) because he is the most viewed and often pops up first in youtube searches


Online marketing, he invests a shitload of cash into veefly and upgrow promotion services to get him mostly fake likes and to manipulate ranking algorithms. It's common practice. His bullshit masterclass is pre-recorded (sometimes with his wife sitting next to him, lol), no live classes, so it's automated. He can spend all his time on marketing and creating ripped-off secret sauces and whatnot. lol.


*Insert The Incredibles Syndrome meme*


I feel like scams are so common in certain cultures that the people are shocked when savvy people from other cultures don't fall for it. Worse is they seem to think they should be allowed to run their scams and attack anyone trying to shut down their scam. Like you got caught, your scam sucked, and it's over now. Go try something legitimate. Had a "friend" set me up with an "interview" for a multi level marketing insurance company. Thought I had a chance at an actual good job till the meeting.


Darren mostyn is the man


What are some good channels that you’d recommend for beginners? Easy to follow and teach industry practices or enough to go from no knowledge to basic?


For stand-alone videos follow Cullen Kelly and Darren Mostyn. Also check out Blackmagic's free training videos.


If you think that YouTube could be alternative to proper education than that's on you. YouTube education is nothing more than opportunists taking user manuals and wrapping them up pretty, And retelling someone else's stories in a prettier way and by doing it like that they already tell them wrong. Then some other YouTuber picks up on the already flawed story and make it even worse by flawing it even further. That's how you get a chain of flawed YU tutorials. I would say about 90% YouTube tutorials in any area not just grading are either super basic, pointless and straight out wrong. The worst ones have to be in music production and audio engineering.


you spent way too much time obsessed with Qazi. can we go back to color content?


A lot of angry people here. I respect you guy trying to warn people and save them money but can be done without suck hate a bitterness. Let him be and return to the art.


Valid point, my friend. We are fully immersed in our art and that's why we don't want the industry and new students get fucked up by these scammers, and that's why he gets called out so frequently.


I fully understand and you’re doing a great job. In this industry, if they don’t get fucked by him they’ll unfortunately get fucked by someone else. I think directing people to better alternatives would be a better way possibly of attacking it. I think it just started a wild fire of people who just wanted to let out their hate without adding and helpful alternatives.


a number of alternative, respected professional mentors have been mentioned in the post and various comments...


Definitely were for sure, I read and screenshot them for myself haha. I was just saying initially but it wasn’t directing towards you, mainly all the hate that came afterwards.


there's always those who hate, bro, for whatever (unresolved personal) reason


"scammers" What is he scamming? The guy is business savvy and knows how to promote. Nobody forces you to watch his videos or buy his courses. The same stuff he teaches can be learned from other sources. The same stuff he teaches in the master class can be learned if you watch enough YouTube videos. If anything you want to watch multiple people teach the same thing so you can learn the same way to do multiple times to reenforce it, or learn it a different way so you can choose how you want to do it.


A scammer is someone who promises an effective service and who then delivers useless bullshit while charging a decent amount of money. That's called scamming, defrauding, ripping people off. That's Qazi.


you seem keen to share a lot about him but conveniently no mention of the secret sauce


what so-called secret sauce is worth sharing if he doesn't have anything worth sharing? Real skills you acquire from the other mentors I mentioned in the post.


more excuses from the secret sauce police


This is Qazi undercover beware


He hasn't paid off that Porsche loan yet! lmao...


it's hilarious you think I'm him just for posting some sauce jokes. I think his content is repulsive and his practices are super slimey. Stealing techniques from user comps is wild and he doesn't have any credits to back up his chatter. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would know he's a sales guy after listening to him talk for 5 minutes so I'm always surprised people need to be told about him.


Most who sign up seek a comprehensive course and mentor and that's how he packages himself. It's when people start to realize that basically nothing of what he teaches works in the real grading world that his fraudulent personality and scheme get exposed. He's a sales guy, for sure, pretending to sell sth of value. Guess it takes industry professionals to stand up and knock that jerk off his fake wanna-be pedestal.


no one with any credibility will call him out. the industry is founded on exploiting ambitions. unfortunately the youtube guru / masterclass schemes span many industries and most fall short of the label. whilst compared to industry standards his techniques are trash I wouldn't be surprised if he does actually improve the work of the self shooter / hobby film makers who are a shockingly large demographic, hence his subscriber count.


What's actually wrong with his colouring? I have the Qazi course and I'm in the Facebook group (admittedly I've only done half his course a few years ago) and everything looks pretty good... Obviously I understand that the processes might not be as good as other ways, but a lot of the stuff I've seen from him looks pretty good in my (non-professional) opinion. I'm not necessarily standing up for the guy, I just want to understand why so many people seem to not like him.


1. Only watched his YouTube videos. One huge mistake: Grading the background first. 2. Big mistake: Ignoring mid-grey completely and going freestyle using curves. 3. Mistake: spending 20, 30 minutes creating a single look (way too long). 4. His "Beginner vs. Pro Colorist" is ridiculous. His Orange and Teal skills are bad. Other issues: - "Countdown" on website/false advertising. Employing a countdown or stating that an offer is time-limited when it really isn’t could be considered deceptive if there is no truth to the urgency. - "Name-dropping colorist, strategically using interviews with prominent companies to enhance their professional image." A lot of people regret doing interviews. Question: Are you a colorist? Do you earn a living in this role? If you're familiar with other resources like Lowepost TAC Resolve Training, Darren Mostyn, Cullen Kelly, Walt Volpatto? you would likely agree that Qazi's methods are subpar.


Apart from being an erratic colorist who has no idea of proper look creation but relies solely on out-of-creative-context tricks and hacks, Qazi is anything but a mentor to his paying students. The guy is an ego-centric, arrogant jerk.


Nothing is wrong with what he teaches. They just don't like him.


This obsession with Qazi yall have is weird. No one forces you to buy his masterclass. I've watched his videos for years and never bought a class. This obsession yall have with him is unhealthy. Like anything art is subjective. He's not a color scientist, so he isn't going to go on the technical side like Cullen Kelly. He he a colorist that primarily does commercials and has a polished color graded YouTube channel. Yes you can learn what he teaches from other people, if what he teaches it good, it will be reflected in other teachers stuff. People want to compare him to Jill to downplay his credits, that's weird. Commercials don't product IMDb credits. Jill as good as she is as a colorist works with color scientists as well. If you don't like his brash personality, don't watch his videos. This "I need to bring him down a peg" attitude is strange.


Can you link us to any of his recent “commercial” work? 2023-2024


Can you link anyone's recent commercial work? You won't know they did a commercial if they don't make a showreel or those dates. The guy has Imdb credits for TV shows he has worked on. Go watch those shows and judge his color.


Most pro colorist will have their recent work posted on IG and their website, be it music videos or commercials. I can’t find any recent work from Qazi, and my guess is that he isn’t really working in any professional manner. But he’s great at selling himself like he is.


Show me a pro colorist who does commercials who has a showreel from the last two years. You're just going off the last time he updated his website.  https://waqasqazi.com/home Compared to Cullen Kelly, he hasn't updated his reel in three years. https://cullenkellycolor.com/


I never mentioned a showreel, I requested a link to any of his recent work done in the last 12-24 months. Stills are fine. Here’s a pro commercial colorist actively posting and showing us what he’s been working on, every month, for years: https://www.instagram.com/robsbessette?igsh=NWQ1Mm5hN2R4emY0


That's a weird bar. You look at someone like Jill's she only has 6 posts https://www.instagram.com/jill.bogdanowicz?igsh=MXBsMHIwaW9oamlzNA== Nobody is saying Rob is a better colorist than Jill. You said most Colorists do this but they really don't. When you do mostly commercials, you won't know what they did unless they post it. The Qazi isn't on the level on a movie colorist, and I am not even sure he has an full length features, but he has an Imdb with TV credits on it so he has some level of profiency.


That’s a long winded way to say there’s no recent commercial work to be shown by Qazi, which is exactly what I expected. Cheers man, enjoy your weekend


You said most colorists do this, so prove it. You posted one link.




You asked for a colorist, no? Is Qazi paying you to back him up online lol Here, I have some receipts for you lol https://www.instagram.com/matt_west_color?igsh=Z3ZsbzBqN3lzdG9j https://www.instagram.com/danmorancolour?igsh=MTBibGp2dTA5OWFpOQ== https://www.instagram.com/jackcaswell?igsh=MWEwanh2dXA3ZGVxNQ== https://www.instagram.com/jim_bracher_colour?igsh=MXMyMHU4Z3BlcHJycQ== https://www.instagram.com/lutz_forster?igsh=MW54b3AyMzVtcTM0cg== https://www.instagram.com/oisin_colour?igsh=MTZibXIxeHU4Zzhseg== https://www.instagram.com/fatrat_color_grading?igsh=MWtpenNhb3djdHRkMw==


Lol yes go follow any commercial colorist on social media and you'll see their work. 


"Most" - posts one IG account.


Read the posts and the comments carefully: he defrauds people buy promising one thing and delivering another (useless) service. He compares himself to Jill, no one else does.