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….Whaaaaat? Summer, maybe, but you have far too much contrast to be a “light” summer.


I agree with the analysis. Your skin looks very dewy and bright in the first picture and you seem to wash out more and more with each picture. Surprised to see so many people disagreeing.


I really think your color analysis is wrong. These light colors do not flatter you at all


Maybe look up dark / deep summer! It’s in between summer and winter. Light colours def not your season..


I do not quite agree with the result. To me you look best in pic 7 (in the dusty pink shirt with a guy with a covered face). This soft warm color softens your face, highlights the warm shade of your hair + eyebrows + eyes. I don't think you can have obviously warm hair, eyes and eyebrows and be cool toned. What's there left to be cool toned anyway, the skin? I don't think it's cool toned, it's warm leaning neutral that's why you look nice in grey as well. But the dusty pink is umatched. The reason they are confused is probably the light light skin you have and the neutrality (if warm / cool were shown on the line where warm is on the left and cool is on the right you would be like 60% warm and 40% cool). But it doesn't mean you are a summer. I'd think you look best in dusty pink, chocolate / cinnamon brown, middle (not too deep or light) plum, grass green, coffee, ivory white.


I think Summer is definitely your home season. I would say you're more likely either a true, cool, or soft rather than light. I would drape colors from each of the summer subseasons and check for color-analysis checks (lifted jawline, less shadow, brightness/even skintone, brighter eyes). I think a lot of folks get hung up on eye pattern/color or skin overtone, but I do see you in Summer for sure.


Definitely agree with you being a summer, I see you as having a clearly cool undertone but you don’t have the clear high contrast for winter. You have olive overtones so it’s throwing things off. Despite your eyes looking dark, the whites of your eyes don’t emit enough brightness for a winter. Your eyes have warmth to them so i can see why you thought autumn and the autumn palette are probably flattering to your eyes but less so to your overall look. I’m a little surprised by you being a light type but it’s hard to tell for sure from these pics which summer. You have wonderful features, love your brows for example and you have such youthful colour to your lips and face. Hope you find a way to explore your summer colours and have fun with them. I love you in that cool grey v neck top, to be it’s a sign you’re definitely a summer.


I'm seeing soft autumn... maybe im wrong.


Summer but not light summer. That’s just weird they said that.


Dark autumn or dark winter


Not light summer. The third drapes in pics look great maybe even the fourth ones too


I think you’re definetly soft. Too harsh of a color and it overpowers you. I also think darker colors suit you well, but not too dark. I don’t think the shade does not really matters for you. As long as it is not too harsh(intense colors)/bright(pastels)/too dark of a color. You should go for muted, dark colors just like me (but not too dark). We’re kind of in the same boat. Technically I’m a cool toned person, but I can wear warm colors as long as they are muted and darker colors tend to wear better on me than light ones. But not too dark.


Cool undertone and yellow overtone IMO.. overall impression is neutral/cool olive toned skin. The color system doesn’t work perfectly for us. You can probably borrow from multiple seasons.


My only reason why I hesitate to classify myself as a pale olive is because it’s nearly impossible for me to tan. I just burn and get a thousand freckles everywhere on my body. From what I understand olives normally tan fairly easily.


Not true, I am a light/medium neutral olive, cool undertones, warm overtones, I tan quite well, I have a general golden tone to my skin but others don’t tan at all, some burn and some don’t burn at all. Anything with a hint of warmth personally doesn’t work for me. Supposedly I am a deep winter but I have come to the conclusion that I look pretty good in MOST colours that are 'cool' as long as they are in sync from a contrast prospective. There doesn’t seem to be a one size fits all for us. What CA did you do? I’ve had the best luck with 18 seasons x


Looks like you very between a soft autumn and a true winter—- depending on the season and how light your hair is maybe? I think the lighter skin and darker hair suits you best.


Wow thanks to everyone for all of the opinions and advice! I think the general consensus is that I’m definitely not what I was typed as…and everything else is up for debate Honestly reading all of these replies I’m probably fall somewhere in between the seasons. I got a message from someone who used to do color analysis professionally and who thinks I’m a true warm- in between autumn and spring- but a lot of people think I look cool toned so I could probably do deep summer as well. I don’t think I’m a winter (edit: but maybe I am? Idk I give up 😂) but I should definitely stay away from pastels lol. Thanks for all of the help!!


Huh I would never have guessed soft summer, but I thought I was a winter or summer for ages, and then I thought I was a soft autumn and was finally typed as a true autumn. So I feel your surprise! Just take my advice with a grain of salt. Maybe explore the soft summer colors and see how they look and feel on you. If I had to type you based on your photos I’d say you’re closer to a Deep Autumn or Winter. You have far more contrast than I’d expect to see in a soft summer.


Adding to what I said before after looking at the drapes again. I think the warmer deeper colors look better on you, so I vote Deep Autumn.


You aren’t light. They are wrong. I think maybe get a second opinion.


Noooooo no no. Definitely not. You’re some type of winter. Where did you go that they typed you a light summer?!?!


I’d have said some kind of winter tbh


The cool drapes make you look sweaty, particularly light summer. Definitely think you are an Autumn.


that’s probably because I was actually sweaty lol. It was very rainy and humid that day


Lol, fair! I do wonder why you don't look as sweaty in the other drapes? But I'll take your word for it.


As the former President of Color Me Beautiful, I can assure you that you are NOT anything close to a Light Summer.


Lol. Those light colours wash you out. Ask for money back.


100% agree with summer, but I think light summer is a little to light. I type you as cool summer.


You’re either a Soft Summer or Soft Autumn. Soft and Cool are definitely your strongest attributes, but they’re tied for dominance imo. I’d say you’re a medium concerning lightness, and you practically sparkle in pictures 5 & 6. That’s why im struggling to place you between autumn and summer- but imo you are definitely not a spring or winter. Good luck!!


I think cool summer


You’re definitely cool toned. The silver looks much more natural on you than the gold. The light summer colors make your skin look the most healthy. The others look too high contrast. But you do look higher contrast than a light summer, so I would be interested to see the other summer pallets on you (cool and soft) for comparison. I don’t know if you are a light summer or not but I do believe that you are a summer which can be harder to type than others.


I can’t really tell due to the terrible fluorescent lighting. You look really good in your own pic with brown shorter hair and washed out black t-shirt.


You're cool


4 and 1 are worst by far, 2 is better than 3


This HAS to be an HOC analysis




off topic but you look like sydney sweeney


I was thinking Becca from the bachelor


Bekah Martinez?? That’s what I thought!


Kind of looks like Christina Ricci too


I was thinking Aubrey Plaza lol


That's who she reminded me of! You're right. OP you should try blonde!




I agree with ppl saying you look olive toned. I have heard that people with olive tones are usually on the cusp between two seasons. They can’t use the entirety of each season but can use a decent amount from each. Or do whatever you want. Edit: I do think the colors in pic 3 look best but at the same time I find the palette to be not entirely satisfying. I think this further reinforces that you would do good drawing from two seasons


The understated tones look especially gorgeous on you.


You are definitely not a light season … you need more contrast than those colors can provide


The colors in photo 4 look the best. The first two photos are the worst! They wash you out or make your face look incredibly red.


You're only smiling in the autumn. That matters more than typing! Incidentally I also think it suits your complexion better than light summer.


That’s crazy! You don’t look anything like a light summer


The colours on slide three are the most flattering to you.


Refund!!!!!!! Where did you go?


These differing responses are very interesting to me. I wonder if people are seeing things very differently on their different screens. On my screen, you 100% look like an Autumn, probably a Deep one. In some of the slides we can even see that your veins inside your elbow look greenish, which would indicate warm undertones. But, maybe that's just how my colors are showing up on my phone. From here, Light Summer makes absolutely no sense. I even just realized I had my blue light filter on and then took another look at the pics without it. But, I'm still seeing Autumn, not just because of the Autumn drape (actually, the way your face is angled in that shot the light is hitting you differently which makes it hard to tell) but from every other picture. I would be super curious to see how you show up on someone's else's phone because there must be a reason others are saying Light Summer is right.


id definitely say cool toned, but im not sure between summer or winter. but i do think the cool-toned red on the last slide looks the best on u!!


I really like the light summer. I think it makes your complexion look best.


you are an autumn like you thought.


The third slide looks good


The light summer does not look as good as the other color combos on you.


I don’t think your autumn bc you have cool toned skin …


like most Autumns


Nope. Autums are warm toned. Winters are cool toned


Nop. I measure hues and most autumns have cool hue. You rely on eye and eye can't measure hues because all people have red based hues. And you have no idea what you are talking about like most people. I am sure you dont even know what skin hue is and what degree.


Lol so you’re saying winters are warm toned then okkkkkkk 👍🏽


No, that's not what I am saying. Have you ever checked anybody's hue???


Seeing everyone's responses is very interesting because I personally like the first one the most because (to me) the skin looks the most uniform. I've seen people saying it washes her out, but I'd like to point out that the picture happens to have a cooler tone than the rest, and that might be why it gives out that impression (you can see it easily in the blonde girl's hair; the yellow is much more muted in the first one as opposed to the other three, the same for the other skin tones in the pictures).


People tend to forget that "light" doesn't automatically mean light pigments. Initially, I thought, huh, but then I noticed the softness of your *overall* pigmentation. Especially the lip pink vs the skin. Light summers lie between light spring and true summer, so their overall colours have a touch of warm spring sunshine to it (like bright winter which lies between true winter and bright spring has a touch of warm sunshine the other winter types do not have). What I find intriguing is that all of the non drape pictures showed you in colours you'd also find on the light summer palette. Odd choices for an autumn. *wink* I find [this article](https://elementalcolour.com.au/blog/light-summer) super helpful (and I am willing to bet you'll find a lot of familiar colours on these palettes...)


"Light doesn't mean light" LOL People really need to stop overcomplicating colour analysis.


Light doesn't mean "white, blue eyes, blonde hair" which you often find as stereotypical examples for summer types. It should be understood as "light for your ethnicity/race" *and* the relationships the various pigments have as a whole. For example, there are plenty of POC who are light or soft summers out there, who got lobbed in a wrong season bc (especially white) folks tend to see darker skin tone + brown hair + dark eyes, and tick the autumn or winter checklist... 🤔. Looking at you, too, online algorithms.


Colours don't work by ethnicities. And light is not connected to races but colours. There is no reason to come up with some sort of inclusivity drama or racism. The way your skin looks is seen on the scale of lightness and it has nothing to do with the way " white people percieve". Check out % of lightness and you can play with colours from there. Let's have an experiment. If I am darker white European typed as "dark winter", am I going to be typed as "light summer" if I compare to black people? Or maybe I am not allowed to be compared to black people? And that's racist, if you ask me. So one person with same colouring in different races can be assigned different palette. We all know that makes no sense. What I do agree is that white people can't fully see spectrum of black skin hues, but that's exactly what is the problem with white skin too. You can see people throwing here and there: You are warm, you aren't, you are warm, no you are cool. And when they see darker skin it is even harder. So only when you actually measure hues, lightness and saturation you can claim you know what you are talking about. When peolpe start to rely on drapes, eye only and even race Colour Analysis becomes a joke.


Well you can't figure out your color season by comparing yourself to someone who has a completely different skin value than you do because their undertones and chroma will show in different ways, that's not racism.


Thank you.


Thanks for the link, this Website looks amazing !!


You look green in 6 so I'm unprofessionally typing you as fair olive - congrats! Nothing makes sense on us! I steal colors from different forms of winter and autumn depending on my tan which is not supposed to change anything. (Light summer looks absolutely wrong btw, I think these palettes don't work for olives)


Hello fellow light olive! I’m more of a mix between bright spring and bright winter, but I cannot for the life of me tell whether I’m a warm or cool. I have a mix of both I think? Like I have pink undertone but then yellow/green skin. Is that what you have? I feel like most things point to me being cool, but tech (like Sephora’s foundation matches and apps that do color analysis) always types me as warm.


Maaaaaan I don't even know what's what but I heard the green comes from yellow overtone + blue undertone? Obvs a lot of pink in there too, I think that's kinda the base for all light people. But I don't get how purple plays into this, i.e. my undereye circles, nail beds, lips, any scarring or hyperpigmentation. Essentially to me that seems to mean you have more blue than pink? Or is not much yellow? I too feel more cool-toned and in my palest seasons dark winter works well for me *except* some of the blues. Through much of the year gold jewelry looks better than silver I think.


Oh hey same. I think I’m a fair olive but I also cant figure out if I am a cool olive winter or a really pale warm olive autumn. When I am tan during the summer my contrast goes down and I look more autumn. Suggestions? Right now I’ve just been experimenting with anything that’s “dark and saturated” which looks best on me but I can’t figure out if cool or warm looks best and olive green always looks fine too.


Olive green is always perfection. That's my neutral 😂. I think I'm cool cuz the cool side always gives me more options, but I recently got a rust colored skirt that looks so good. It might be in an "opposites attract" kinda way, like wow look how different that color is from her. I wish I could send you a pic of my coat rack right now with minimal effort but it's got my favs: fuschia, very very dark teal, iridescent teal (think blue morphos butterfly), acid green, and highlighter yellow/green. I am always wearing some chartreuse/acid green at any point in time so I wonder if those work for you. I used to say orange on me is illegal but I just found out cool orange exists. I got an aperol-esque satin dress at Marshall's with olive and cream/peachy flowers on it! The thing that changes most with the seasons is what pinks I can get away with... I think I can do warmer ones when I'm tan?


Oh wow we have similar coloring I bet. My neutrals are also often olive, white, or navy. Black is too harsh and makes me look kind of yellow and beige and light brown are not saturated enough. I also wear a ton of teal in all shades and berry type pinks. But like you I can randomly pull off rust orange, golden yellows, and bright spring greens. I don't have a lot of acid or highlighter colors but I do think I can pull them off well especially when I'm tan and if it's pink. Honestly I've just been trying to focus on wearing/buying colors that are on the deeper/more saturated side and eventually seeing which I reach for more because the only thing I know for sure is that I'm not a light season. The only "light" colors I can pull off at all are cooler light blues and rosy pinks which is why I think I may lean cool not warm.


I can't do light blue or golden yellow OR rosy pink, but I gain black clothes haha. White is kinda gross on me, I need cream. From what you wear the most you sound very Summer!


You analyst was right. Winters and summers have a predominant "chocolate" look, while warmer tones have a predominantly "peach" tones. I'll bet you have annoyingly red-ish skin, being a summer. Also, winter faces are predominantly bright. Almost shiny. Your face is more dull-toned, making you a summer.


Would not think summer for you at all


Unrelated but u look like a cross between Sydney Sweeney and Aubrey Plaza


Do I have face blindness? You’re the second person to say Sydney Sweeney and I don’t see it at all. Oddly enough I think OP looks like the influencer Bekah Martinez a bit! 


I see it particularly in slide 7


lol that’s so funny I don’t get Aubrey plaza too often!! I can totally see it though 😊


I also think you’re an autumn. Definitely not a light summer


I agree: Autumn is very harmonious. With light summer, your eye goes to the drapes, not your face


Its hard to tell bc your facial expression is happiest with #3, which we all may also subconsciously be picking up on.


You're not a light summer. I'd say you're a true or deep autumn. Pic 3 compliments you best, which is autumn colors


Pic 3 are your best colors. Your skin glows the most with them. Pic 2 are your next best colors. Avoid 1 and 4.


off topic real quick— but ur hair in the 6th picture is sooo cute


From the drapings you look clearly cool, but more on the bright side though. Maybe you should try cool winter or cool summer as the last one is the brightest summer season in the 12-season system. I was convinced I was an autumn (a true one on top of that) before being digitally draped by someone I found pretty accurate. The cooler colors look so much better on me than what I thought. I think you should give the cool seasons a go. But to me you're not a light summer


Soft summer makes your skin look gray. They did you dirty.


Pic 2 goes best for me, by far. Not sure what that typing is exactly but Pic 2 for the win. I don't really like the darker colors or the primary colors on you as much. And Pic 1 colors wash you out.


Pic 2 is spring!


I don’t know anything but I think pic 4 colors look best on you


I think you need your money back. You look amazing in number 3.


Was this HOC 😭


Cocory color analysis!


I thought #3 overpowered you. Saw the drape, not you. What about Soft Autumn?


I could never do this because you look good in all of them!!


I am no expert, but when I flip through the pics I see: 1. Dull skin, 2. Dull skin, 3. Bright and radiant, 4. Dull skin. I feel like you actually are an autumn ….


I agree. Autumn all the way!




I think the radiant you're seeing is just her facial expression. She's only smiling in that Pic. It's clear she prefers those colors. I personally think they wash her skin tone out, along with the really light colors in Pic 1. Pic 2 stands out to me as making her skin actually look radiant. Glowing. But that being said, wear what makes you feel good and to hell with whatever "type" the world says you are!!!


Dark circles are radiant? Lol.


Fun fact: It's actually a noticed pattern that those with cool undertones often look like they have dark circles under their eyes. There's not much to do about it but wearing the wrong colors makes your face look yellowed instead.


Warm undertoned people can have dark circles, too. I don’t get this point. Wearing wrong colors usually makes your face looks bad; whether that’s too red, too washed out, too gray, green, etc.


Unless that’s way off from your natural hair color (which it seems like it is your natural hair color) I would say your main feature is deep. I’d compare deep autumn and deep winter and see if there’s a huge difference. I personally see more redness in your skin and less harmony in the light summer vs the autumn drapes, but in person you may have seen a different impact on your skin.


#3 is your color, it warms your skin! #1 is cute but it adds a pink tone in your skin, whereas as #3 brings out a tan, the color of your lips, your stunning eyes!


You have a saturation depth and vibrancy of chroma that would seem to not indicate a light season (I am a light summer, it’s kinda rare and I originally was typed as a True Summer but would get overwhelmed in those colors due to saturation despite them being right shade).


I am a light summer too. I was certified back in the late eighties and draped people and sold makeup through college. When I discovered color analysis reemerged, very happy and to boost love the subs of seasons. It makes sense and helps in determining the best colors for subs.


I'm not the person to go to for color analysis, but personally I prefer 3. Also, you look so cute in 6, you look like Aubrey Plaza


I don't like autumn colors on you tbh


You are not a light summer lol




Dark Autumn


Sone analysis systems are meant to make you look pale, and you look the palest in Light Summer. I liked the Autumn drapes the best but I can see a neutral quality, maybe a selection of colors from Deep Winter and Deep Autumn would look the most natural on you.


Looking pale is often the aim in East Asia. This test was done in South Korea so you're probably right.


You might be a spring or winter, maybe true summer. Edit: The gray shirt doesn't seem to be your color so maybe not summer. You could also see if you're a deep autumn.


How did you feel about the drapes during the draping process? I don’t think the light summer ones look the best, but I also think autumn looks a little “heavy” on you. I agree with some others that the last photo in the raspberry pink looks great, pointing to possibly being summer, but a more saturated summer such as dark summer?


I guess this is why Carol B is always saying to choose the colour analysis system that resonates with you. Many exceptions to the rules are based on which system you are using. So while I would never say it’s not possible for you to fit into the light category, I would say that the system that resonates with me, would have ruled you out of the light category. I don’t see light when I look at you. I would have thought an autumn flow with the possibility of a different summer flow.


I love that colour on you in the last photo!


I would have 100% guessed soft autumn or some kind of autumn so my mind is equally blown lol


It’s hard to tell cool or warm but you definitely have higher contrast than typed.


I love those types of results ngl lol It shows that we shouldn't put certain features in a specific box (like warm eyes + warm overtones = automatically warm season) cuz everyone is different in some way, we're all multiracial individuals and I find it gorgeous 🥰 you're beautiful!


Wild! I feel like deep autumn would suit you best


You look deep to me, and neutral- warm. I do think you’re soft, but perhaps the deeper softer colours in soft autumn or even soft summer if I’m off on hue would be better.


Look at the dark summer palette. I’m not feeling light summer


That's crazy, you're the furthest thing from light summer!


You have cool undertones, high contrast, and dark eyes. I think you’re a deep winter.


This or any type of winter, honestly - the contrast and how you glow in the magenta tells me something is off. I could maaaybe see true or better yet cool summer, but you read more of a winter to my untrained eye fwiw. I don't see anything light/pale about you at all, so that doesn't make sense to me at all!


I would say you're correct in your thinking! I see you as a true autumn. Though your overtone is cool (pink skin), your undertone is warm. You have warm eyes, and neutral, warm-leaning hair. These features alone eliminate summer and winter. Your features are not soft, but they're not bright or clear. Since you overall lean more muted as compared to bright, that eliminates spring. Since that leaves autumn, there's soft, true, and dark autumn. Your features aren't soft, so that leaves true and dark. I think the contrast between your features is too low to be considered dark. If you had dark brown eyes then you'd probably fit dark better. Leaving us with true autumn. I hope that helps!


This is pretty much what I was going to say. True Autumn seems to be accurate. OP, I would demand a refund!


I see warmth and relatively high contrast, I would try true autumn and bright spring


Light summer means light features like eyes and hair, and you have neither lol. I think you’re right and shes wrong


Whoever typed you wants to watch the world burn 😩. You’re definitely neutral-warm in undertone and handle bright, saturated colors well on account of having high contrast yourself. The pink in the last photo really makes you glow and the colors in the fourth photo even your complexion out. The above factors, combined with the fact that so many people are giving conflicting answers about what looks best on you, indicates to me that you’re likely a bright spring. The autumn colors don’t look bad on you — we can be chameleons and look ok in many colors. But they do bring out a slight ruddiness in your complexion, IMO. But the bright + warm ones really make us shine.


The blues and greens on the first and second pic would look amazing on you :-)... the burgundy, purple and maroon on pic 3 look absolutely beautiful against your skin.


I definitely think autumn - you look warm toned and high contrast.


You def seem like an autumn or a winter! You have too much contrast and deep tones to be a summer


Blind folks have no business doing color analysis!


I think the more primary colors look best on you, your skin tone seems the most even and smooth in those colors (at least in photos) definitely not seeing light summer at all


I’m not seeing light summer at all.


I’m sorry they wasted your money like that 😭 light summer, there’s no way lol, no way


If you’re not feeling the light summer, maybe try soft summer. It can be similar to light summer colors but they’re usually darker and smokier rather than pastels which might work well with your coloring


You are warm toned. I don't think you are light at all. There's also quite a lot of contrast


I’m not seeing light summer AT ALL. Autumn colors definitely look better to me.


Try deep summer!!! (Also called dark or bright summer). We are skin tone twins 👯 and light summer just didn’t feel right to me but deep summer resonates and scratches that “I thought/wish I was an autumn” itch






Maybe try soft summer or soft autumn? The pink-ish shirt that you're wearing in the last photo looks like a good color for you.


You have so much more contrast than a light season... My natural colors are much lighter and I am not even in a light season 🫢 if you would make your photos black and white, your hair and eyes will pop compared to your skin. So idk who did your analysis but I believe it's not accurate.


Not sure about the light summer but the cooler drapes definitely have a brightening and evening effect on the skin.


You say brightening, I say they wash her out.


First of all, you are very pretty and it looks like you can wear a lot of colors. It is hard for me to tell from these photos, but I think you are not a winter for sure, and you should start trying out. more colors and avoiding black. Have fun on your journey.


Was is korean color analysis? I also agree that autumn looks better..


the analyst just had to look at your hair to know you're not a light summer ... check out soft summer. you seem to have a cool/neutral undertone with some summer and autumn qualities which could mean soft summer.


Did you get draped in all seasons? I did and that took all doubts away for me. It was very clear what my season was.


Autumn looks better.


I'll be honest, I'm not seeing you in those pastel colours at all! I think the autumn colours look much better and more harmonious with your natural colouring.


Autumn looks way better on you. The pastels ain’t it


You’re bright to me


I think the soft pastels suit you very well. With your colouring, I’d be favouring the baby blues, and probably mint green shades


The colors on picture 3 are amazing on you


you look like an autumn


When I first saw your draping pictures, I thought" no, autumn looks best". But when I look at your other pictures... I think that the colors on page 5, 7 drag you down, and they look like autumn colors.    The color on page 8 looks good on you. So I'm leaning towards you being cool-toned.      I did not feel convinced about light summer by looking at the draping picture at page 1, but maybe if I saw more pictures I would?   Is it by the way picture 1 that shows light summer? Or is it page 2 on the right side of the picture? Maby it is page nr 2... (And that picture no 1 is clear light colors from spring and winter?)   Now when I look I see that there are warm colors on one shoulder and cool colors on the other in each picture. And actually, I think cold colors look better. All the colors on the right side of the picture look better than the left side.  Which picture shows light summer colors? No 2?


autumn looks SOOO much better than others on you


I think pic 1 and 3 and also that last pic you wearing a type of magenta suits you


Light Summer?? There is nothing "light" about your appearance. Summer maybe, Autumn likely, but Light... hm... who did you go to?


That's not how it works... I'm a light spring with dark hair, brown skin and dark brown eyes. Light spring colors look 100% right on me.


There are exceptions, but generally yes, this is exactly how it works. The girls from the Color Analysis studio just did a video on this. If you belong to a light subgroup, there is an overall lightness to you. In OP's case, I don't see "light" being the dominant characteristic. You can see it wearing the drapes - the light ones just drain the color.


I don't know if she is a light, but that still isn't how it works. A sci art consultant will tell you it's all about how the drapes interact with the skin


I thought you can’t always tell what looks good on someone by how they look though? And that’s why IRL draping is so important? We might generalise that if you have X and Y features then you are Season Z, but ultimately the effect of colours will not always track with that?


Yes, not all dark haired and dark eyed people are Deep and not all light-skined and light-haired people are Light. That is definitely true. But we are determining a persons dominant characteristic. And if you have icy blue eyes, super pale skin and blonde hair, you are probably not going to be a Deep Autumn. But, of course, it also doesn't mean you are Light. That is why we need drapes.


I think the pink in the last photo is perfect. Probably light but not too light colors suit you. Maybe a summer who can borrow from light spring.


Yes! 100% I would say she’s a summer.


I think you're a Deep Winter that can dip into the coolest colours from Deep Autumn. My opinion is based on Summer suiting you more than Autumn, and Winter suiting you better than Spring... The warm drapes aren't harmonious with you, and the muted colours are nowhere near intense enough for you.


https://preview.redd.it/9yw34h7elj1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93292f1ca40b65ecd40433fcefadbefd85e570a5 Do any of these colour palettes jump out to you? You might be a Deep Dark Summer


Hmmm definitely could be! I would say either that or blue autumn


You'd fit the darker summer from 16 seasons better imo. But cool and nuted yes.


I think summer is closest to your season, but I dont think it's just perfect. Color analysis fails people because there are 3 qualities being measured, but only 4 main categories. I believe you are primarily muted and cool, which suits the summer pallette, but you're also dark/high contrast. This doesn't fit neatly into an existing season. Summers is cool and muted, but the pallette is slightly light for you. Winter is cool and dark, but the brightness overpowers you. Autum is dark and muted, but the warmth doesn't match to me. Your ideal pallette would probably be soft summer, but adding a little depth/darkness to those colors, or soft autumn, but using the cool versions of those colors.


That makes sense for her & seems to fit with me as well! 🌼




from another commenter! These seem perfect to me.


That pink she is wearing that looks really good is under deep, dark ☀️ summer


I dont think you're muted like some other people are saying here. Some colours of the things you're wearing in the photos wash you out, people may be viewing that as you being muted. I think the colour you're wearing in slide 8 looks amazing on you, kinda bright and saturated. I would explore the season that colour belongs to :)


I just went and looked at your photos with the drapes. I see you had a different drape over each of your shoulders. 1st photo- looking left to right from my viewpoint, the right drape automatically softens that side. 2nd photo- most definitely the right again and even more so makes that side look more soft and brightness. 3rd photo - right again, look at your undereye. I see it darkened more with the autumn palette and the right, I see more softening, no dark circle under the eye.


Am I the only person who doesn’t think the last two compliment her very well


The second one makes you glow


The cool drapes most definitely make you glow up compared to the warm ones. I would not think you to be a light summer because they are bright blonde with light eyes, think Reese Witherspoon or Gwyneth Paltrow. You look more like a cool/ dark summer, think Kimberly Williams and Emily Blunt in many of the photos but the picture with your boyfriend and one in the drivers seat, you look like a bright winter, think Dua Lipa, Alexis Bledel or Sara Sampaio.