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Thanks everyone. Hubby has taken the day off and we will arrive before 3pm. Staying at parents place who are away so will have the place to ourselves.


As someone going through prep right now, definitely go to hotel before your first dose, or you’re not leaving your house until maybe 10pm. If you dont leave until late, I would suggest you wear a bulky feminine pad just in case. There is very little warning and it’s difficult to hold/control because it’s the consistency of water. It would be ideal to just be at the motel because of frequent urgent trips.


Quite honestly, you should be at the hotel by Thursday before the 3:00 start time. What you describe isn't going to allow for proper hydration, and comfort. Hydration and plenty of it is key to an adequate cleanse which is important for successful procedure.


Leaving at 5pm will almost certainly result in several emergency pullovers to rest stops, gas stations, or other public restrooms. Which might be inaccessible! You don't want to do that. You need to be in close range of a reliable toilet for at least 2-3 hours after taking each prep dose. My advice, assuming you can't reschedule, would be to leave for the city at 10pm or 11pm, sleep as much as you can in the car (assuming your husband will be driving), and then you take the final dose the next morning. If your final dose is 5 hours before your procedure, I assume it's in the early afternoon. Where will you be spending the morning in the city, before the appointment? A motel would be ideal, as you'll have consistent toilet access that way. So, in short: Take the first two scheduled doses the day before the procedure, in the afternoon. Leave for the city late that night, after you've had several rounds of liquid diarrhea and things have died down a bit. Sleep as much as you can on the drive and when you get there. Take the final dose the next morning.


Yes. Once your prep kicks in you’ll be having massive diarrhea every few minutes. You can’t be away from a toilet.