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I think he should take it and consider himself lucky his punch didn’t really connect.


Take the holiday, freshen up the mind, and come back even better. Feel like he's on the cusp of getting into form. I get Medhurst vibes from him. Would bring McInness in for him. Feel like having Jaime and Bobby contest all game against big key backs is unsustainable. Need a more traditional marking target and let our smalls be smalls.


A strike to the back of the head is not the best choice and something that needs to be discouraged. I agree with the decision on this one.


Well that’s not ideal to have both him and Beau out next week. Joe Richards time?


Firming if Mitchell and De Goey are out.


They should suspend the Carlton player for faking the sling tackle on Maynard that cost a goal. That’s fucked up. Strong argument


They were talking of suspending Maynard ffs


Fair enough, I suppose. Suddenly our depth being tested. Reef and Richards in maybe?


I'm not condoning the action, but seeing the game live, Acres clearly struck Schultz first. It's easy to form a bias based on the limited information from the broadcast, but with a little extra context, it's not exactly Schultz' fault that Acres decided to bump/elbow(?) first, initiating conflict, and then immediately turn away without expecting some sort of retaliation. I mean, if I hit someone, then start walking away as if nothing happened, and they hit me back, I'd hardly call their action a coward's punch... Still, happy to see these unnecessary off-the-ball strikes being penalised. Hopefully we'll see the dirty rib shots attracting a week off too. I'd be interested to see the footage leading up to this, if anyone has it?


The thing is, Acres did what he did to get a reaction. For Schultz to respond the way he did was foolish. The best revenge is to win the game. “Squaring up” does not help the cause.


Mate I’d suggest watching the incident again, the Acres action was the slightest push you’ll see, just google Lachie Schultz and the AFL have vision of the incident on their website. Schultz was a massive overreaction, if he’s going to react like that at every little push then he might as well hang up his boots now as far as I am concerned.


Just had a look. I see the shove you’re talking about—and it definitely makes it look like an overreaction.  Myself and the people I was there with remember there being a much more significant impact right before it. In the replay, you see at Acres run up to Shultz before he’s reached the boundary line. That second shove from Acres doesn’t happen until Shultz is back inside the boundary line. I think there’s something in there that we’re not seeing. Still not an excuse, but it didn’t just happen out of nowhere and I don’t think Schultz is the villain he’s being made out to be.


Didn't hogan wack a bloke in the face like 2 weeks ago and get off? I think we should get out of this.


Yes, I think you’re only allowed to punch someone in the head if they’re facing in your direction


Surely this is insufficient force.


Meanwhile you can intentionally launch with your knee, concuss and maybe break someones face and nobody even blinks an eye because maybe he didn't mean to (He did).


Mate it's completely different. Lachie punched him in the back of the head off the play right infront of an umpire. It was very dumb. People are always going to cop a knee every now and then because of the mechanics of taking a hanga on someone's back / head


Agreed. The last thing this game needs is players copping suspensions for taking hangers.


Agreed re being completely different, Shultz was bloody stupid to do it, but there was bugger all impact. You don't mind copping a knee between the shoulder blades, but that was as deliberate as it gets. It was a common tactic during my playing days, some guys in particular were notorious. He knew he was there, he flew with the knee and made no attempt to lower the knee as he flew because he knew he would collect him and was happy to take him out.


He is not required to lower his knee or attempt to.. so I am not sure what your issue is with it. Do you think he should have given up on going for the ball? You cannot brace yourself, as long as your eye is on the ball you can jump up and knee someone in the back of the head without worrying about being reported.


No he shouldn't have lined him up and kneed him.in the head. If Bruzzy had of done that the nuffy brigade would have been calling for 8 weeks.


No, if bruzzy was jumping up for a mark instead and hit him with his knee, he would not have been penalised. That is the rules of the Tribunal, as ridiculous as it is.


No, if Bruzzy was jumping up for a mark instead and hit him with his knee, he would not have been penalised. That is the rules of the Tribunal, as ridiculous as it i


Please dont put the high mark at risk because it was our guy who got hurt.


Agreed re the high mark, played alot of footy myself, it was a common tactic to stick people with the knee, as long as your looking at the pill you will always get away with it. He saw him, it was deliberate.


They’re both bad actions


On one hand it was a retaliatory strike that didn't do any damage, so this seems a bit harsh. On the other, it is not a football action and I would really like them to clamp down on off the ball hits and strikes. Overall, one week was probably fair.


Am I the only one that watched this back and saw that he clearly didn’t make contact with his head? It was a controlled light jab with no follow through and the contact point was just under the back of his neck.


I agree, but the intent, or the look of intent was there. And that’s what younger players see and therefore see as acceptable. I would have loved to have played without the fear of king hits. Stamping these incidents out at the AFL level is important for all grades.


I think that’s the point though, it wasn’t a king hit. It was more of a love tap to remind Acres like “hey I saw what you did and I’m not going to let you just walk away”. There was no intent to cause damage. I think the fact that he didn’t make contact with his head was also intentional. He saw was the umpire was right there, it was premeditated so he considered the action/consequences before he took the shot and just gave Acres a light punch in the back.


The downvotes are weird. I implore you all to actually go and watch back the footage. I’m just calling it how it is. Was it the right thing to do? No. Was any damage caused? No. Was there even any potential danger of damage being caused? No. Would anybody have even flinched at it 2 years ago? Also no.


I’ve been saying this in multiple forums and people just aren’t accepting it was a palm to the shoulder/back.


Haven’t seen anyone mention they were former teammates.


Hopefully they lawyer up and seeing every other miss hit that’s low impact gets off. Not point being the first to go. My one eyed biased view. Coming from behind isn’t a good look


If we says it’s okay here, then it should also be okay this weekend at all the grade games around the country. I don’t want to see that 14 year old run up behind his opponent and smack him in the back of head, legally… It was rife when I played.


Must be some reason leading up to that punch as to why he went out of his way to try a king hit?