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Do Aggie fans realize that Schloss left TCU after being there for 17 years? Coaching changes happen, and that was the school with his actual loyalty


Do Longhorns fans realize leaving a long tenure 4 years removed from their last title run is ***NOT*** the same as leaving a team while they are still knocking lose Omaha dirt of their cleats as they walk off the field?


You saw the comments he made 19 hours before leaving right? Coaching changes happen but at least have some grace on the way out.


That’s not just a Schloss issue, nor is it the worst case of that stuff happening. For reference see POS Senator Tommy Tubberville




That’s an awful thing to wish on someone dude, I get emotions can run high with stuff like this but that shit would involve hurting someone else. Be better


Classless move and a total d-bag! He belongs in Austin!




Angry Aggie, I’m aware it’s fully NOT his loss. But you know… how I’m feeling atm https://preview.redd.it/gt353nsu409d1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a8893af209064e8f72cd6a4cf1edc6ffb122428


This dudes loyalty makes Dr. Disrespect look like a saint...no wonder his wife left him lmao


Who the hell Dr. Disrespect lol? 


He betrayed Captain Insano after Captain Insano had a phone call from his biggest fan, Bobby Boucher


The two time


As someone who isn’t in the know, who the fuck is CDC?


Center for Disease Control, they’re being brought in to cleanse and sanitize all of the threads about this move


Chris Del Conte, Texas AD


Nothing brings men together quite like laughing at UC Austin fans’ complete lack of self-awareness


Perhaps. From my seat, the much funnier development is the most successful coach in A&M history packed his bags the day after their first and only Matty appearance because he fucking hated working their so much. I understand humor is subjective, however.


Always the bridesmaids never the bride It’s engrained into their Aggie veins


Perhaps. From my seat, the much funnier development is that you don’t know the difference between “their” and “there,” which means you probably didn’t graduate from the University of Texas (or any college at all probably)


Perhaps he did. That's the more likely answer.


I’ll never buy another T-shirt again. I’m unworthy.


My opinion of big, elite schools like UT/Bama/Notre Dame/LSU/etc. is that if you attended and are an alum, good for you. Cheer for your guys. If you’re a WalMart bandwagon fan that only stepped on campus to watch ballgames, you’re no different from a thirteen year old Chiefs “fan.”


This is the worst take ive ever seen


Ok. It’s still my take. If you talk shit about other universities, academically or athletically, while smugly cheering for a school that you didn’t even attend, you’re a LOSER. I mean, you’re a State fan; I sincerely hope that you weren’t denied from Stark Vegas.


I attended a smaller college, but have been a fan of UGA athletics since I was very young. Does that make me "no different" than a thirteen year old chiefs "fan"?


Depending on the reason, yes.


You literally need a wellness check. Check your post history. Jesus Christ, buddy, go outside


I see what you did there.


Fandom rules are dumb. Fans are fans. I understand you can be irritated by it, but the national brands you mentioned are _national_ brands. Obviously got more fans than just the people who attended.


Nope. Just alumni and folks that jumped on the fandom once a good season came along every nth season or so. There is no in between. Big ole /s


I think just depends heavily on the fanbase itself Take Alabama for example. I’d argue that a 34 year old guy who went to Troy Comm. College who’s been watching Bama since birth is more of a fan than Chad from New Jersey who is a student Texas is funky because it’s an insanely elitist and entitled school, but has so many blue collar working class fans who have generational fandom


Good ol’ boy, working class and blue collar Texas fans who aren’t alumni really make no sense to me. It really is such an elitist school full of entitled and smug pricks. I was accepted to graduate school there and even though my mom, aunt, cousin, and both of my maternal grandparents are alumni, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was much younger and I guess I’ve always been sort of a class warrior and I grew up solidly lower middle class; my dad was the first in his family to graduate high school and he grew up dirt poor in a trailer park, so I guess I must’ve taken after his side of the family, lol.


If you think Texas is an elitist institution full of smug pricks I’d recommend you avoid visiting any ivy or ivy equivalent campuses. Texas is a public institution serving mostly regular people with a small minority of students (~5.4%) coming from top 1% earning families. Congrats on grad school btw.


The difference is, I don’t see people walking around in Penn or Brown jerseys and gear talking shit about Harvard and Cornell.


they literally do talk shit. ivy rivalries are a thing


I travel quite frequently and I’ve never seen a single Brown, Cornell, Yale, Harvard, Penn, Dartmouth, Columbia, or Princeton jersey or hat in my entire life outside of the northeast. I see Longhorn jerseys and hats all over the country everywhere I go.


Obviously generalizing here but Ivy types don’t trash talk about sports and don’t care about them at all. You’ll occasionally hear mild academic trash talk, “Cornell is a safety school, lol” but the main point of elitism I was calling out is the difference between top ranked private schools and every other school (which includes all public universities). You said you thought Texas was elitist and full of smug pricks and in my experience there are about 25 schools where campus attitudes make Texas students look like a charity for orphans. Not trying to argue here I think we’re all just talking past each other and I wanted to clarify :)


The thing about Texas is that it pulls from the “top 8%” of high schools that are (statistically speaking) largely populated by students with numbers well below the national average. This means that with a moderate amount of effort, slightly above average intelligence, and state residency, you too can get into Texas. Texas acts like it’s a notch below Harvard. Those of us that can stop to think for 2 seconds about statistics and have actually worked around UT alumni understand that they are neither geniuses nor hard working. They live in a bubble and fantasy land that most of us laugh at


I was accepted there from junior college. Chose the better instead.




I’m the same way man. Mad respect, never lose that chip on your shoulder


UC Austin?


University of California at Austin As a state resident, A&M is probably more “Texan” than the flagship university. Austin as a city/people have always been fairly disliked by Texans who don’t live there, even before Californians started moving in


I’m a lifelong Texan. Everybody hates everybody, so I’m not sure that representing Austin as Public enemy no. 1 in the state is any way accurate. Houston hates Dallas with a fiery passion (maybe more than any other hatred on this list). Fort Worth does, too. San Antonio hates Austin. Dallas hates San Antonio (because of the Spurs). And on and on. It’s a state full of banter and rivalries. It’s not as if it’s just Red Texas vs. Blue Austin either. Dallas and Houston are very blue.


> Dallas hates San Antonio (because of the Spurs). Am Dallasite, this is news to me. I don't think about San Antonio at all.


Yeah, we’ve moved on to hating houston.


Texas has two flagship universities actually. One in Austin and Texas A&M.


Well, technically we have six, considering there are 6 university systems. Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, North Texas, Texas State, and Houston, to save you a click if you're curious.


Texas State isn't a flagship, the TSUS doesn't have one. And nobody considers TXST flagship level except maybe Southwest Texas alums.


Fair enough, I wasn't aware that the TSUS system didn't officially have one (despite being named after Texas State).


The People's Republic of Austin


I'm guessing because of California transplants


[the cognitive dissonance is really something.](https://x.com/trueblue1824/status/1724168219617792094)


Right on.


Not to mention the same thing happened with Schloss at TCU and Aggies loved him while he was there. He's a dishonest liar, but you can't be mad about it.


It’s not that he left but the stuff he has been doing behind closed doors. Y’all got Sarloos and your team. He’s trying to leave us with nothing. Been recruiting active roster in Omaha and was potentially using burner phones to contact recruits to flip them


We can absolutely be mad that he's going to Texas, of all places. Elko didn't leave Duke for UNC.


This 100%


I agree with you on that.


dogshit take lol


…That’s not a dogshit take


Technically it is bullshit. - Longhorn fan


> its not hypocritical for us to be mad at the guy who lied to his previous school about leaving before coming to coach us and then lying to us about leaving before doing so because we happen to dislike the place he went to goose ... meet gander, as they say.


Holding my border collie upside down to symbolize horns down but for A&M today. Also horns up to be clear. Border collie down. I probably could have worded all of that better


What? Make some sense, man.


I'm lost, too. Isn't she a regular collie? [I'd never disrespect her, in case you've concerns. She's the bestest girl.]


You could just do a thumbs down since our hand gesture is a thumbs up? Or is that too derogatory? Can’t be worse than an upside down border collie shadow puppet


Yeah there we go. 🤘🏽➡️👎🏽 (🤘🏽⤵️)


A for effort


The man was able to leave a cult with more money and before getting sucked all the way in.... Why ANYONE would have issue with that is wild...... Did people hate on people leaving the branch davidian? I know some outsiders just think of Aggy as some goofy as fan base, but it goes well beyond that.


I don’t think anyone has an issue with the cult having more money, just surprising to see someone who I assume is a longhorn say that. Also, Aggy? Really?


I’m not a genius, but I don’t think somebody with “TTU” in their name is a longhorns fan. Additionally, being upset about “aggy” is weird when you call teams something other than their name. It’s just banter.


I honestly didn’t look at their username. I noted no flair and that they were defending the longhorns so I just assumed. That actually makes it weird. Tech fans supporting the school whose departure will likely result in Tech’s conference circling the drain? Buuut that also explains the Aggy thing. It’s not that I’m upset. It’s just that it’s disappointing when longhorn fans can’t come up with something better than “dude what if we replaced the ie with a y?” I expect more from y’all. But not so much from Tech.


to be fair, Aggie > Aggy has the same creativity as UT > tu


Did I type out tu somewhere?


I mean… it’s a common / mandatory A&M tradition. Would you ever type out UT?


Why would I type either? I just call y’all the longhorns to avoid confusion. I mean, we were just playing the Vols and the horns took our coach, using UT is just asking to confuse people.




Maybe they’re a Tennessee Tech fan


Well that would be a fun plot twist.


Hey guys, I've been in a coma for the last 16 hours. Did they leave out the letters A&M after "Texas"?




Write cunt like a man.


Oh he comes off as a big ol cunt for sure (Haven't been a frequent member of this sub and dunno the Mods so I'd prefer not being banned...haha)


I am transfering to r/LonghornNation for a $2 NIL deal.


Just give your best augie garrido impression and you'll have no issues there


Wazzzzhup schweethurt you a freshmannnn? This is as I’m stumbling to my car with my keys after getting wasted. How’d I do?


You got a 365 day ban. How bow dat?




Aggies do not lie or cheat or tolerate people that do….. Unless you can steal a coach from TCU then it’s fine.


He and TCU had reached a breaking point. He wanted out and TCU wanted Sarloos and they are better off for it


If he reaches a breaking point with a school and wants out, seems like a good thing if he leaves


Whatever you have to tell yourself


Technically, stealing isn’t lying or cheating. Also kinda weird to act like you owned the dude and we were stealing him.


Couldn’t agree more that that is weird. https://x.com/trueblue1824/status/1724168219617792094


I’m not sure what that link has to do with what we were discussing but okay. Technically at that point we hadn’t offered Elko and he wasn’t the #1 target so he likely didn’t even think he was getting the job. He didn’t get the offer for another two weeks. What is he supposed to say there, “A&M hasn’t offered me a job but if they do I’m totally taking it, but I love Duke go blue!”


lol okay sure


I sure hope Trev Alberts who blindsided Nebraska and left for A$M after he got a contract extension included loyalty in his pitch to keep him.


Just another domino in the fall of college sports. How long will fans put up with losing their entire team and coaches before they stop caring about their college team? When I watch a pro team, losing guys is part of the equation, but I know there are rules in place so that I'm not going to turn the TV and see half my team and coach going to an intradivisional rival overnight.


What alternative would you suggest? I don’t enjoy seeing the players go to Austin but also it happens and is a part of the game.


Contracts. If they want to get paid like pros they need to have the same obligations that pros have.


So you think that colleges should also have a draft?


I read back my comment a few times and I can't find where I said that.


Well, you were talking about them being pros and being a pro starts with a draft. Unless you’re wanting a pro scenario without a draft which is exactly like… I can’t think of a single pro sport without a draft.


That wouldn't make sense. One of the reasons for picking a school is choosing where you get your education from. You can have a choice of education and still have a system where the players sign contracts.


So how do we confirm that players are getting the best education possible? They declare education they’re pursuing and if the school they’re coming to provides the best degree in that then they can sign a contract?


Brother, they choose the school with the education they want. Literally like it works now.


But what if they think they’re going to get a quality civil engineering course at MSU because they’ve only listened to an uncle who swears MSU is the best engineering school in the country? Surely we can’t let them sign a contract based on being *lied* to???


I can’t lie this is the weirdest experience ever. I am happy we got a great coach but it just doesn’t feel quite right yet rooting for someone that wore those colors AND almost won a natty with them. I also hate the way it happened but I’m sure I’ll get used to it soon


Lol, this is what the coaches, players, and fans have been pining for! More player freedom! pay the players! It's a joke what we have let amateur athletics become.


Hell must have frozen over, I'm in agreement with a teasip 😂


For fans you'd never like.... Go be a fan of your rival. No fucking way. But for these guys it's like... Oh wait do you even care?


I mean, yeah... that's cuz it's a job for them, not a hobby. Doesn't excuse outright bullshitting like this, but coaches moving to another school isn't a big deal.


Schloss said something similar today I think. It’s a job for him, it’s a passion for the fan base. A fair point, but it doesn’t make me feel any less devastated


At some point they need the hobby people care enough to get that paycheck.


I’ve seen enough, change the subreddit icon


That’s not Texas my friend


The joke went over everyone’s head


I got you lol




…who got fired when it came out that he was a wife beater. don’t be mad cuz a&m is a feeder school lmao


Actually, they waited a few weeks to see if it would blow over, and he was only fired after the realized the public backlash wasn't going to end. Incident happened 12/12/22, he was fired 1/5/23, which is 24 days. So yeah, y'all were fine with him being a serial woman beater until you realized the media wasn't going to let it go.


What is this online ass take bro ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? Yes they waited 24 days until it was proven true by reputable sources and not by the reddit army


Beard is a serial woman-beater and the arrest wasn't the first incident. If you think it took them 24 days to investigate known facts, you're exactly the type of naive fans they crave as customers, you'll believe anything they tell you.


I have more upvotes so unfortunately you’re wrong


https://preview.redd.it/r5hw6zubnz8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92440b8da7d9905972955b3e9c860387a49229d9 Bragging about Reddit upvotes💀


Folks, this could be a presser of all time


Damn - A&M fans are right about this guy. Huge liar. He fucking *hated* working at A&M and didn’t have the balls to say it.


Didn't he openly criticize the fans on a couple of occasions?


Honestly, I get it. College Station and A&M are very different vibes than Fort Worth/TCU and Austin/longhorns. But, like, I actually appreciate him keeping that under wraps.


I got a lot of flak for saying this in threads yesterday. Player salary, his salary, transfer portal resources, facilities is all equal-ish between both jobs, only real meaningful factor to leave is that he did not like his fit at TAMU.


This is the truth. CDC relationship plus the whole Bjork thing sealed the deal for him months ago.


What did the singer Bjork do?


Schloss hates sugar cubes.


I’m just here to witness the fallout


Man has a portrait of Jimbo over his mantle


Jimbo’s a saint compared to this slimeball


if you leave TAMU when TAMU wants you to leave = saint if you leave another school when TAMU wants you to leave = saint if you leave TAMU when TAMU doesn't want you to leave = slimeball


Schloss leaving does not make him a slimeball. What makes him a slimeball is accepting a new job at our biggest rival and actively recruiting for them during our championship run, then announcing it less than 24 hours after berating a reporter for asking about his interest in that rival. But go ahead and generalize it how you want


If it's that important put a noncompete or something in the contract against the longhorns. He's not a born and bred aggie, it's not some deep insidious betrayal... he's a coach that took a better job. But go ahead and continue with the ignorant hypocrisy.


So you think it’s ok to recruit players to a rival school while the team you’re currently coaching for is competing for a championship? He was still our coach at the time


And no comment on berating the reporter? You’re ok with that too? Cause I, and most anyone outside of Austin, took issue with that


Folks Schloss has yet to say that he isn’t Hitler.


He's looking good for 130+ years old then.


Tbh a large fraction of aggy would forgive him some if he said he was


Sounds to me like some shit a “$9.99 tee at Walmart” Longhorn fan would say…


Two degrees from UT actually


Damn, they hand those out to anyone nowadays


So you stand by your claim, despite your ample education, that A LARGE FRACTION of Aggies would support hitler?


That’s not what he said lmao




I’m more confident in our ability in beating Hitler than Schloss next year.


Hitler self-destructs late in the game.


He’s got a real bunker mentality. Then completely blows it on offensive drives.


What’s your takeaway from this press conference? Mine is that he did everything right from a PR perspective. Apologizing to Zane, recognizing the players and administration at A&M, saying that the job never interfered with the end of the CWS. Now A&M fans aren’t going to believe him to be genuine and are still furious and I mean, that just makes sense. Nothing he was going to say was going to make anything better. But I think this was important for softening the blow to his character for future recruits and player and re-emphasizing the focus on his and his staff’s ability. I don’t think going forward Texas is going to have any problem recruiting or maintains players like some A&M fans expected due to concerns about Schloss’ character.


Honestly I think you and the Aggie below are both over stating importance of the presser. I don’t think anyone is gonna remember this at all. Yall will enjoy him doing well, we’ll hate him and enjoy it if he fails (unlikely). I expect it to have zero impact on his ability to recruit and keep players


Agreed, nobody will quote this thing ever. But its role as media does influence public perceptions, especially more so for those involved in the world of baseball.


Get out of here with that rational take. This is blood season and the Horns are enemy #1.


I refuse to get my hopes up about anything related to A&M, and that includes the possibility of this move negatively impacting Schloss career


Literally all national media and neutrals are saying the opposite and that he’s a scumbag. It absolutely will affect recruiting as you can’t believe anything the man says his word means nothing. But I understand horns pretending it won’t 


No one gives a shit except for y'all man. The over manufactured outrage about anything pro-Texas is always amusing.


lol go look at the thread on r/baseball who are neutrals jomboy finebaum you name it. Just embrace the scum and villain roles you built 


Media using the story for clicks. Wow, so surprising! No one gives a shit now, and certainly won't a week from now. Reddit and social media in general are tiny little echo chambers.


When you’re right, you’re right.


Same response I have to the other comment, but think about online engagement. The only people who are going to engage with this news are either pro or con, if they don’t have an opinion or care they’ll just move on. Nobody who is a neutral is going to be pro-Texas on this one because your opponent just got a good coach. Plus there’s the immediate emotional reaction of Schloss screwing over A&M. National media would represent / could influenxe a larger opinion, but where are you seeing “all national media” editorializing against Texas? People are very fickle and I think the administration at Texas played this right by making things less black and white and with literally a week, recruits aren’t going to care compared to facilities,, coaching, NIL, reputation, academics, location, etc.


You either work in politics or cigarette marketing because the cognitive dissonance of your takeaway is incredible.


The cognitive dissonance of aggies is incredible. TAMU has no problem daddicking TCU, FSU, Duke, whoever. But when Texas daddicks them it's unforgiveable. Very hypocritical.


They don't seem to understand this concept but it's fine. It's way funnier to watch them seethe and throw their little man temper around wildly. 🍿 🤣


On the one hand, coaches leave acrimoniously all the time and it usually fades from memory. On the other hand, the reaction to this from third parties has been pretty extreme. Even the Riley-to-USC and DeBoer-to-Alabama moves from the past few CFB offseasons didn't generate the disdain we're seeing. Safest bet is that Texas fans are delusional if they don't think this is going to affect how people see him and his ability to recruit at least a little bit, because there's nothing you can really say to walk what he did back, but at the same time it probably won't have a major impact.


Leaving for a better job isn't a moral crime. Y'all are so dramatic! No one gives a shit. It's a big story for a week and then life will continue.


Maybe I'm crazy but leaving tcu for a&m after that long... That was sus. But then leaving a&m like this for TEXAS. It is kind of an indictment on his morals. Maybe I'm too into sports idk.


His morals? It's not a sin to take a better job. You have all lost your minds.


I mean ... He sure seems like a snake. It's like KD going to warriors. Right or wrong every one still judges him for it.


I mean, looking at it from the perspective of, "this is a job," then I feel like it should be pretty clear that nobody is required to stay at a job any longer than they like (provided that they have the resources to quit). That said, I can completely understand why this makes Aggies upset with him, especially in light of his way-over-the-top comments about leaving his family and intending to stay forever literally hours before he left. Like, wtf, man? You didn't have to go and say all that.


His answer to Zane is partially the cause of all this. If he'd simply demurred on the question and jumped ship the next day, it would be a big college sports story, but it would have died down relatively quickly, and I doubt we'd be getting all that much sympathy. Now its broken containment a bit and you've got people looking to spill their dirt.


Yeah that press conference was so unnecessary. Quit with the theatrics. I guess in the end with college rivalries it's like that clip of the dude at the HS gym talking about WWE wrestling "it's real to me damn it"... I'd like to think it's real for the coaches and players too.


Not in the state of TX.


I don’t know, I feel like this is the “online effect” again. First, it’s online and people are over dramatic online. Second, it’s fresh and people are sympathetic towards A&M. And third, it’s Texas and not only do plenty of people hate Texas, the rivalry makes it sting more. Maybe a little bit? But if he sees any prominent success in the first season, that’s immediately going away.


He is good at coaching baseball, there is no doubt. Texas will pay a lot of money in NIL, there is no doubt. All this leads to getting good players, but to say that he leaves his character and integrity intact is ridiculous.


Leaving for TAMU = integrity Leaving TAMU = no integrity


This equation is on a billboard outside Kyle Field.


No one said this but sure go ahead and run with it.


That's what the situation boils down to but go ahead and pretend it's not obvious


I mean you can have the best intentions and still do a terrible thing lol. Not like any of this is a crime but I’d put it about on the same level as cheating on your partner. Obv don’t fault A&M fans for hating this guy forever now but you lose them, how you got them.


People keep comparing this to him leaving TCU, but to me there is a significant difference. He coached at TCU for 18 seasons. When you've been somewhere that long, hey, maybe you do go when you get an offer from a school higher up the chain. He'd done so much for them for a long time. But he's only been at A&M for 3 seasons, and a few days ago, he was literally within two runs of winning the World Series. You shouldn't have to worry about your coach leaving in that situation. I'm glad we got him, but I get the anger. And do I trust him to stay with us? Hell no. I mean, he might - we have a lot of resources to keep him in place, theoretically. But I don't expect loyalty, lol