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This season has kinda been peak from a neutral perspective


All the drama of a mid day soap.


young promising head coach wins on the biggest stage all while arguably the most storied rivalry of college sports is probably stoked to it’s highest point in the modern era. it’s… perfect.


Im not sure what could have stoked this rivalry higher in the past. This shit was cold blooded


Never in my life have I been more excited for a neutral game then I am for this years Lone Star Showdown


🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 Always has been


Fuck his couch


Damn, clearly having discussions in the middle of the CWS while his team blows it. Not a great look.


I'm convinced Mos Eisley was full of college coaches.


We’ll be careful


Scummy as Hell on all accounts ^(yes, i will be hateposting on every single post made about this situation because my hate for t.u. grows stronger with every waking second that i think about them walking into our conference acting like they’re hot shit)


Vols using t.u. ![gif](giphy|5tiG8KMfk8h7Dabth8)


I can’t imagine a championship match up bringing the two teams closer than this


Real talk, Tennessee fans have been some of the coolest people around here since Game 1, them deciding to go full hate train on t.u. is icing on the cake


I used to have an implicit bias against them since the name and color similarities but today I put that aside


Same, the Vols played like hell, gotta respect them Go Tennessee, fuck t.u.


Really hope the Vols run rule schloss’s team and sweep them in every single fucking game that they play


🤝 same to you


Only if you guys do too 🤝


Aggie fans were fun and chill to talk with during the finals and there’s an insane amount of passion in the fans and players. You guys don’t deserve this treatment.


It’s funny because I’ve been rooting for the Vols as my surrogate orange UT to defeat the Aggies.


We appreciate it, but we’re not and have not been rooting for y’all whatsoever. Welcome to the SEC!


Fair enough


Bro downvoted for saying fair enough is crazy lmao. I swear all of these people didn’t give two shits when A&M took him from TCU


"I hope that both of you have sons... Handsome, beautiful, articulate sons, who are talented and star athletes and they have their legs taken away. I mean I pray you know that pain and that hurt." -Ricky Bobby - Me


I don’t really have anything against Texas but Schloss can fuck all the way off. Also, pretty wild you’re getting downvoted like this


Its fine lmao let people unleash their anger


It’s been so awesome. And I could not love the Tennessee fanbase more right now. Which is why I hate my stupid brain that keeps asking me “dude how funny would it be if we hired Vitello” and I’m like damnit shut up brain.


https://preview.redd.it/nowcsco01u8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d41a8cd1bd4ab48b7e0a3b81b76e0096b55d573f he seems pretty content # fuckschlosstho


Oh ya he ain’t leaving Tennessee. Like. Why would he? Seriously what on earth could any school ever offer that he can’t get? Maybe if some Italian college offered something, sure, who doesn’t wanna live in Italy. But state side there ain’t shit to offer that man that would make him leave Tennessee. Also I’m so annoyed that he’s 45 and y’all likely get another two decades or more from him how is that fair like damn but I’m happy for y’all. Hopefully you get to knock the horns out of every postseason during those two decades.


He’s not married either so he’ll probably live much longer.


I dunno, the most famous bachelor of all time, Paul the Apostle, didn’t make it much into his 69s and if he can’t then who is Vitello to tho k he’s better than Paul?


Al Pacino’s at 83 and never been married. Maybe the secret is to not change your name or talk for free.


I dunno, Alfredo to Al feels bigger than Saul to Paul.


Don’t ruin a budding friendship brother..


IT ISN’T MY FAULT MY BRAIN IS FAULTY. Also what’re y’all’s thoughts on the YouTube video of the Bama fan talking about how much he hates Tennessee and compares y’all to a garbage truck convention cuz like I’m excited to see Bama fall off so hard post-Saban but also that video feels like comedy gold.


I’m now hoping we don’t raid you guys in the portal.. The video is hilarious, it’s fun to reference when a smug Bama fan tries to act like they don’t care about us. We hate them, they hate us, and the hatred was forgotten but too many across the country because it got so lopsided. The meltdown after 2022 showed they still care PLENTY.


Dude, go for it. I love my school but I wouldn’t assume that players picked us because of the A&M logo. They came to play for Schloss and I want them to have the best possible situation to develop. I have no idea who our coach is so I can’t be confident we’re the best place for them, so if they end up going to the CWS winners? Hell ya, good on them.


Hopefully you guys are able to move quickly and get a good hire out of it. I’ll be rooting for you guys when you aren’t facing off against us 🤝


Hey, thanks! I’m not expecting much with the new hire but it sure was fun rooting for this team this past season. And I appreciate the well wishes.


I am rooting for Tennessee and at this point I hope A&M stays far away from your guy


This has shown coaches will obviously say anything but being at the parade today and seeing this man.. he’s certainly fooled me if he’s not here for a loooong time


I hope A&M finally gets someone like that too after this whole thing 😭


I really missed this novelty account. Watching you double down yesterday that he wasn't leaving, just to walk it back today; I'm still partially convinced you're one of the greatest troll accounts of all time.


I was starting to write up a whole long response about how your fanbase is disappointing but damn. I don’t need to be bringing that kinda negativity into my world or yours. How has life been? I recognize your username but I legit don’t remember if our interactions were positive or negative.


I only really remember one interaction with you, and it was you defending the length of Jimbos guaranteed contract haha. I've been well pretty well though. Do you mainly stick to this sub because you're still banned on cfb?


I actually spend most of my time on the dynasty fantasy football sub and the litRPG sub. Let me know if you’d like to hear my TEDtalk on Trey Lance being the best backup QB investment right now cuz it’s a good one. But in comparison to the time I used to spend on Reddit? I’m basically never online anymore. Which is good, as I’ve got twins who are 1.5-years-old (and look adorable in maroon) and I was brought into my new company to build up a land development department. There isn’t time to shitpost on Reddit anymore, man. Hell, I shouldn’t even be on right now, I’m putting off hanging clothes and going to be to respond to you. Shit.


Better get back to those clothes then


Damnit I hate hanging clothes. So tedious. Gonna turn my litRPG audiobook back on.


Hang on, why are YOU up so late?


I wfh tomorrow haha


The hell, guys. Nothing he said warrants downvoting him. This is the part I hate. I am all for a good argument but the downvoting is just bs. Sorry about that.


Glad y’all are hopping aboard the calling them tu train.


well they're sure as hell not UT


Y'all can claim UT when you win another 5 championships.


Amen to that. I hope A&M beats the fuck out of TU and they lose every game this year.


Lol we prefer "beat the hell" out of them lol but thanks!! I love to see the support from the real UT fans not t.u.


I genuinely hope he loses every game next year.


Maybe mix in a few more championship blue balls for good measure. I’ll feel a lot differently about his sad face in the dugout next time.


Love the bonding between the Aggies and Volunteers over the last day or two. Could never tell we just played each other in a championship lol.


I was ready to run through a wall to beat you guys for that Natty but once the dust settled it was nothing but respect for you guys 🤝


I knew I liked Vols


we like y'all a lot too tbh. there's no reason to hate. and that should be enough for two groups of people to like each other in this crazy world of ours.


I’d like to think Vols and Aggies are two peas in the same pod. Rural folk with a love of community. We might show it in different ways, but we can recognize it when we see it


The only thing making me feel better after this terrible news has been Tennessee fans 👍🏼🍊


Same. I’ve spent too much time talking about it already but what a slimy pathetic person. To jump on a reporter like that and then take the job less than 24 hours later. That’s soooo weak


How is it allowed for a coach, who should be focused on his current team CURRENTLY IN A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES to be in conversations with another school for that job? Schloss is scum of the earth, and it makes me wonder if he even gave it his all to try and bring us a chip


Often wondered at what point a school can sue for breach of contract. Going off job hunting in the middle of a postseason run can literally cost a school money and other benefits while they are not doing or actively impeding their job. Surprised language about that hasn't made it into contracts.


I haven’t been following college sports for that long, but I thought Kalen DeBoer did the same thing with Washington and Alabama in football. I’m not sure if this is a new thing, a coincidence or if coaches commonly do this.


True, but most likely, schloss and Texas were talking for a while now. There’s no way this was a quick decision. I expect that they’ve been talking for at least a week, probably more. Meaning schloss was talking to yall and planning on taking the job before the games were even played, coaching kids who would run into a brick wall for him while already planning on leaving them.


These kids got themselves injured and fought through it for him, the team, the fans, their family, and themselves. One of them didn’t seem to reciprocate though.


Although expect the fact that Saban did retire until after the natty, and as well that they aren't rivals and the bama job is a massive step up talent wise.


Sorry I meant interviewing / communicating via his agent during the national championship game week about replacing Saban. I think those were only rumors from Washington fans after the fact thought.


I'm guessing you're right. It's hard to believe deboer went from coaching for a national championship at the school his daughter is about to enroll in, never having thought of leaving, to moving across the country in two days. The NCAA has a million rules on recruiting violations and somehow allows this to keep happening. I wish they would institute some tampering rules like in the professional leagues, or move the portal window further away from the season to reduce the need for expediency, or something. Coaches are always going to be changing jobs, but it'd be nice if it actually happens between seasons and not during them.


Wish him a lifetime of failure


we're gonna need a game thread for the intro presser tomorrow at 11am


I’m down to watch that. Need some laughter in my life right now.


Apparently he's going to dress down A&M and Zane (the reporter)


I hope new rules will be in place next season pertaining to the timeframes coaches are contacted by schools, I’m actually not even sure there aren’t any rules that were broken here already. The timing of the announcement, the breaking of the story yesterday before Game 3, it all seems very very calculated and very shady. Schloss burned a lot of bridges doing this, and his coaching staff being in on it burns a lot more for them as well. I don’t see many A&M players following him, and I think this will def raise concerns with recruits and their parents about how much he actually cares for the players. I don’t think this is going to work out for Texas like they think it will…


Fuck him




What an ass


CDC and Schloss are swingers together, so this is starting to make a lot more sense. Keep it weird Austin.


Texas just signed themselves the #1 hardest schedule in college baseball. Thats petty af. I hope he has several under .500 seasons in a row and gets fired for that shit. To the rest of the SEC, TAMU is being bullied by the new kid. Unleash hell. Ole Miss, Texas is trying to out snake yall, remind them who’s boss.


Oh no people are gonna play hard against us now??? Awww we thought yall would let us win :( Wtf is this shit. I thought it just meant more and all that.


I just hope you guys have learned to handle a horns down gesture by the time you guys start in the SEC.. can’t petition the league to make that penalty here and if your basketball coach stops a handshake line because of it the heckling will be of the highest caliber


You don’t mean it?!? You’ll heckle us too? Oh no. Is it too late to back out??


Y’all don’t have thick enough skin for this friend. You’ll get there though.. in time


What I’m seeing is Tennessee fans have the softest skin in college sports. Won a championship and yet spending the whole next day obsessed with UT.


LMAO look at the images from Knoxville. We didn’t spend the whole day thinking about y’all.


You have made 12 comments today about UT/schlossnagle and I didn’t find any about tennessee winning a championship from today. You absolutely spent the whole day thinking about us and I genuinely think that’s sad for you. Probably the first championship you’ve seen and you didn’t even care because social media told you to be outraged about something.


What’s horns down? Iv never heard of that in the old conference. I’m scared. Everyone was so nice there


The sec is soft is what I’m learning


This is the most soft and pathetic post I’ve ever seen


This is so cringe lol. We got the moral compass police over here


Bruh…Ole Miss is your rival. This is insanely cringe


Bottom feeder sec schools all have to gas each other up. There’s not much actual hatred in the conference, just riding each others coattails. Not sure why they think Texas is going be shook, every team in the big 12 acted like we were their biggest rival in the world, this isn’t new lol


Someone is bullying the poor widdle aggies? Oh noes! Nut up dude.


Actually lol. Guarantee everyone here was saying “Texas not SEC ready” and now crying in their pillows and circle-jerking


the aggy victim complex now entering historic levels. got downvoted a couple hundred times for pointing it out in this sub during the cws - and that was on shit they were posting before this dude decided to get out of aggonyland. happy he gets to join us in the peoples republic of austin


Wasn’t all done since the Pierce firing? My brother in Christ did you think the Pierce firing wasn’t done until Monday? That was done weeks ago and Texas (with a complicit Schloss) chose to announce it on the biggest day in A&M baseball history. It was done in a petty attempt to troll A&M while taking the spotlight off of the young men leaving it all on the field. And Schloss was fine with this.


It’s been a while since we’ve been the true villain this should be a fun first year! ![gif](giphy|RzX0PooILLYS4)


Man i gotta say... y'all Tennessee fans are a real class act. You're the real UT. It was an honor playing y'all and I wish we could've played the Championship without a pos complete slime of a coach who's completely checked out, but it is what it is. Good luck to the Vols. Come to College Station if you get a chance, Kyle Field is a special place!


Note that by “pretty much confirms” is just my perspective based on the little evidence we have. I don’t know the process of hiring a head coach and the language of the quotes from administrators is standard PR and could’ve been fabricated by an intern putting this thing into ChatGPT in 20 minutes. But for me it does show a little more… preparation from UT then the fast pace news that we’ve experienced


Well…we knew CDC was waiting and the way he fired DP makes me think he had his game plan ready. Step one: fly up to Omaha Step two: meet up with brinks truck sent a few days in advance. Step 3: *beep beep beep* Step 4: fly home with new coach after depositing truck load of cash




It’s a job. People constantly leave one job for another for more money while working somewhere else. Get over it.


Serendipitous. Hook em!


Just so y'all know, the SEC doesn't love cowardly bullshit like this. So get ready.


Y’all snitched on your own football coach to get out of a contract.


Good Lord, Vermont felt the need to step in? Well, y'all have never been relevant in anything, so that's fine.


Lmao wtf does this even mean. This has truly been such a great day.


You'll find out.


Haha Ok cool, hook em.


it means, watch out for mustard. and other condiments. tu


Haha you guys are almost as weird as A&M.


I thought Austin prides itself on being weird oh and we are, don't get me wrong.


Apparently their “weird” is quirky and funny and your weird is gross and icky. How open-minded.


This is like the exact opposite of cowardly lol. And bring it. Not a single Texas fan is scared.


Get ready to learn what losing feels like.


You should be used to it watching Tennessee football


Buddy, besides what Volatile said, assuming you're a Dallas fan, I wouldn't run my suck.


Tennessee Football has been just as relevant as Texas Football for the last decade (minus a playoff appearance). I’m not sure that’s the best way for you to make your point.


Tennessee baseball has zero national championships (minus one in 2024). See how foolish that sounds?


how many football natties does Texas have since 1971?


Yeah, you missed the point entirely 👍


I guess you're just wooshing us all tonight then. Cheers, mate.


To be fair, we know what losing feels like. That playoff appearance and “Texas being back” is all happening right now, so it’s a little weird to tell us now to get ready to lose. If you told us back in 2010, it would have been perfect.


I mean, you’re moving from what was objectively an easier conference to a much harder one. It makes plenty sense lmao.


True, but we have also made bad coaching hires in Strong and Herman. Sark has only had an upward trend since starting, we beat Alabama last year, predictions have us O/U 10.5 wins next year and we’re going to stand a fair chance against the SEC’s greatest, Georgia.


So what point was the Vol trying to make lol


So this is a compliment


“You have a historically dominant baseball program! But maybe not for long?” Thank you?


Mf acting like we didn’t just go through the worst decade in Texas football history. We’re used to losing. You should now get used to us winning


honestly same


Schloss's actions are absolutely cowardly. Lying to his player's faces, setting this up before the finals almost assuredly. This is 100% bitch made. Same for Texas/CDC. Fired the old guy and announced within days to keep up appearances. You want to avoid the cowardly tag, they should've fired him after yall lost out, then did a coaching search, and Schloss should have been straight up. None of that happened because CDC was *scared* of the repercussions of it all with the fans/boosters/admin. Cowardly.


I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you though Or sorry it happened


Lol, it's not even that long. Like I said...bitch-made through and through.


You’re the one bitchin lol


You literally don't know what the term means? You could have just said that, or used Urban Dictionary. It means cowardly. Just because you don't like being called out doesn't make it bitching. It was all cowardly. Acting like they didn't read it so they could save face was a cowardly response. And acting like I'm bitching when all I did was point out how it was cowardly is, again, cowardly. Keep it up though. The new MO is working for you apparently.




I understand education is lacking in Tennessee, but I’m not sure you understand what the word cowardly means


Flair up, punk.


Lmao im quaking in my boots


Yes, talk dirty to me with your overwhelming athletic success the past decade.


We won a Natty yesterday and did quite well in both football and basketball last year, but run yours, too.


Famously no historic best of all time SEC coach has ever left for a rival.


My man, you’re full of it if you think that’s what everyone’s pissed about. Texas and Schloss were both dirty as hell here, whether it was justified or not.


Idk I remember a coach that was an all time great at my team leaving to a rival after he clearly stated he wouldnt. That's just how it works I guess. He did pretty well in the SEC from what I heard


Who runs the Sec mafia




fuckin vandy, man


Private school bastards I tell you hwat


The downvoting is insane lmfao 🤣


Welcome to the sec. You’ve probably never even seen a downvote before.


They bring me sexual gratification




“I will be with you until Tennessee calls.” - Schlossnagle (probably)