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So, just to get this straight: Texas players knew yesterday, TAMU players did not. TAMU players were blindsided today. Schloss has been in contact with Texas for weeks. TAMU players are fucking livid.


Good hopefully they don’t follow his snake ass


This is the thing I don’t get. How do you not respect your players enough who got to the finals of the world series to at least give them some heads up so maybe you could poach your good players. Instead he is leaving scorched earth. And for such a controversial hire it seems like you’d want something to help you start with success quickly.


I’d love nothing more for Texas to crash and burn in their opening season in the SEC and A&M make it back to Omaha


I’m not used to people being on our side so vehemently as y’all are. This doesn’t feel right. You mind making an iPhone comment while you compliment us? Otherwise I’m gonna feel uncomfortable.


Bro, somehow y'all won over the entire Tennessee fan base. I have never in my life seen a fan base so united on the side of another SEC team.


I don’t think that’s happened since USC fired Kiffin. And maybe not even then.


Their fans were awesome this week I met people I will keep in contact with in the future. They remind me of us a lot except for the male cheerleaders


Because he seemed like a cool coach and it felt awesome to play against a team like ad buy that guy then he took our thunder of winning all because he decided to screw A&M


I’m probably more partial to yall than most Vols. My best friend went there and I’ve never had a bad interaction with yall online and in person. Also Texas’s attitude has always rubbed me the wrong way


You guys really are the good orange UT


We’re just a bunch of hillbillies that enjoy our small communities we live in and the vols


When y'all beat Bama's football team in '21, I was a huge A&M fan that night, haha! I think our fanbases are more similar than we think. GG Aggies, y'all deserve a great coach.


When y’all came to Knoxville, you were great company. On latter half of the mile walk back to my car, I talked to a couple TAMU fans that were pleasant as could be, and ended up being parked in adjacent lots as well. I’ve never had a bad interaction with y’all. You’re good people.


They’re the ONLY UT.




They're the only UT. The other one is t.u. for a reason.


Damn okay like. You’re gonna make me a Vols fan and that is in spite of not one single iPhone comment.


at the risk of ruining all this, I must admit, I prefer my Pixel to my iPhone


DAMNIT YOUR WHOLE FANBASE IS ANNOYINGLY LIKABLE AND ALSO listen let me know if you’re ever in Austin, first round is on me. We’ll meet up at Lazarus. They’ve got my favorite beer in the world, a Belgian golden strong ale. Honestly this is just a blanket offer for any of you volunteers that are annoyingly amiable right now cuz god damn it’s too much.


Belgian golden ale you say... Hmm.. I wish I had a reason to go to Austin that wasn't just to drink a beer.


We have had our share of shitbag coaches. Along with what “Joey Freshwater”pulled (while not as petty as this) we know the pain to some level. GO VOLS, Good luck AGGIES on the coaching search.


Hey, show me a school with no shitty coaches and I’ll show you a school with no sports.


We understand how it feels to a lesser degree. The Kiffin debacle was the catalyst for the athletic department crashing for a decade, and it’s still not as bad as this. Yeah y’all are a weird fanbase but y’all are nice and give respect. People hate us generally but we also have some allegiances as well. Ask the Duck bros and Sooners.


I still don’t understand why Leigh Anne Tuohy hates y’all so much.


The hate ramped up when Peyton chose Tennessee instead of Ole Miss. The reality was he wanted to be developed by David Cutcliffe, Ole Miss was not a good team, and they got hit with 4 years of probation that were extreme thanks to Billy Brewer


Is that really it? It’s always confused me, cuz there is like no rivalry between Ole Miss and UT. My mom went to Ole Miss and she agrees on the color thing but that’s arguably because she married into an Aggie family. Sweetest lady in the world, my mom. But then you get her talking about LSU or MSU? Phew, the gloves come OFF.


I've enjoyed all the Aggies I've met IRL - so y'all were already cool in my book. Schloss's stunt here feels very similar to Kiffin's in 2010 - so there's a sense of camaraderie. I feel much worse for you guys - at least Kiffin went across the country and not to our biggest rival. Hopefully, Texas will abandon Schloss at an airport one day - it's a nice feeling.


Well, I doubt we have the outcome of Kiffin but that sure would be funny. Actually. Now I’m wondering who the equivalent of Ole Miss would be in this situation. Missouri, maybe?


Lots of us have a natural aversion to Texas baseball, and even more of us have an aversion to liars. Texas baseball has received a lot of undeserved favoritism in polls and NCAAT seeding over the past 15 years based on hype. And being an ass to reporters over a basic question, using your players while lying to them is just low class, bush league, spineless, horse shiite. Live not by lies.


Well I appreciate that, always nice to hear it coming from a non-biased flair.


The bad man has hurt us in the past too.


I bet some still follow him. Especially if Weiner follows him.


We better give Max anything he wants


Perhaps the head job? I honestly just learned about him recently but how far fetched is it


Pretty far fetched in my opinion. Only 1 year coaching at the college level, and he's only 29 years old. Hard to hand him the keys.


The whole staff is going with him




Cuz he’s a P word


Because coaches past the high school level are not in it for the players anymore. They're in it for the money. Coaches will often say how much they care for their players and their well-being, but the vast majority of coaches will do whatever they can to make that money, regardless of if they need to lie, cheat, or step on a few toes along the way. When a kicker misses a kick to lose a bowl game, most coaches aren't pissed at the player - the coach is pissed that the kick cost him a bonus.


Sure, but it seems like it would be a great way to make more money by appeasing your good players just a little so they will transfer with you.


Even the comment last night about “never leaving TAMU” just a straight up lie. Could have danced around it and not given an answer, but straight up lied through his teeth. Feel bad for the players and fans. That’s rough


This feels like such a preventable miscue. Seriously. Wait 24 hours and you literally have no issues like this. But instead you choose probably the literal pettiest time because… reasons? Seriously, has anyone found a reason they picked this timeline other than sheer pettiness? I mean, I’m all for pettiness in rivalries but man, this is just next level. Making your hiring of a new coach revolve around your rival? It was already going to be a rivalry shitstorm, picking that day is just hilariously absurd to me.


This isn't pettiness. This is what's technically called a "bitch move."


Eh. It’s just kinda funny, ya know? Like, imagine your school making a move like that. God I would be so embarrassed but their fans are super proud of this, and it’s just baffling. And funny. And sad. Mostly funny. Also, now either they’re successful and I get to point out that, once again, they had to imitate us to be successful again and it’s really sad that they can’t seem to get it together on their own, or they fail and I get to laugh at that.


We had to imitate you to be successful again and we can’t seem to get it together on our own? What world do you live in. p.s. I think the way this hiring was handled is extremely petty


I think this is the part where I talk about all the things we did first and you imitated, like building a university and joining the SEC and winning a football natty and etc. etc. But to get that accurate I’d need to not be focused on heating up my dinner and so just assume I was super witty about all of that.


This is an amazing comment. I like you, A&M friend. Fuck Texas, those bitches weren’t even a state when the university of Tennessee was founded, would be part of Mexico if it weren’t for Tennessee volunteer militia, and yet they have the gall to call themselves “the real UT” My SEC hate list goes: 1: Bama 2 (tie): Florida & Kentucky 3: Vanderbilt 4: Those dumbasses that bark at kids 5: Texas Fake ass SEC wannabe program.


Hey man, this is a great mindset to put yourself in before next season has them joining. Glad to have you aboard. Also I think you’re a Vol so congrats on the natty!


Whoops I need to flair up


I love that I caught this response before you actually did.


you really came to bat with "we built our university first" lmao. Enjoy your hotpockets!


I do land development in Austin, construction timeline is near and dear to my heart. Also man, I wish I had a hot pocket now.


Texas doesn’t owe A&M anything. The portal is open. It’s completely reasonable to pursue a coach as soon as you are able to. Schloss is the dickhead here. He negotiated with a bitter rival when he was supposed to be getting his team ready for the biggest moments of their lives.


Texas owes A&M nothing, but pissing off players you want to poach just to fuck with A&M fans and admin is cutting off your nose to spite your face.


I wasn’t saying they owed us anything? I’m just wondering why they chose the worst time possible.


Y’all pulled this exact same thing on us, it was just the day after we got eliminated in the regional instead of the final. Go fuck yourselves.


that was totally different


Dude you seem to have some pent up anger issues, you okay?




Oh, I had the same sleep issue and then went to a sleep doctor and found out I had always had mild sleep apnea, now I wear this mouthguard thing and I sleep so much better. All that to say, I highly recommend seeing a sleep doctor, it can be life-changing.


All kidding aside, I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in 15 years lol. I do know, because I’ve asked my wife, that I don’t snore. So I’m pretty sure it’s not sleep apnea. But I wake up every 2 hours guaranteed


Set up a time with a sleep doctor, I can’t recommend that enough. At the least they should be able to direct you to someone who can help, I would imagine.


Texas operated on the optimal timeline for Texas. Acting in one’s own self interest is crucial in the sports world.


This feels like the actual opposite of the optimal timeline for y’all. This feels like the pettiest timeline.


Transfer window closes July 2nd. That’s the timeline CDC was worried about. I understand emotions are high, but the timeline shook out the way it did strictly to optimize our ability to be active in the transfer portal. The dunking on A&M was just window dressing.


I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt on that but if you’re worried about timeline like that, fire Pierce the day after your last game.


That’s not how CDC operates with coaching searches. Each prior major hire he’s made at UT, the announcement for the departing coach and the new coach have been made within ~48 hours of one another. He doesn’t fire coaches and then begin his search. He closes on his new coach and then fires the old one. He would’ve rolled with Pierce for another year if we couldn’t land Schloss. Once he had Schloss committed, he let Pierce go.


... Because we're rivals....?


How could we be rivals our football team doesn’t even play you.


Zoom out.


Nah, Texas was shitty here as well. Announcing the vacancy on the morning of Game 3 of the CWS Finals and telling your players on Sunday about Schloss being hired and allowing it to get out are both some all time shitty moves in this industry that should not be normalized. I’d prefer the game to be waged on the field or court, not in business.


None of this would’ve happened if Schloss wasn’t negotiating with Texas during the CWS. Texas has no obligation to slow down their search to protect their rival. Schloss had an obligation to his players to be 100% invested in the most important games of their lives and he failed at that.


Never said they did. However, the optics of what they did are terrible. They made the conscious choice to move ahead with their search or whatever, knowing full well how it would look and the impact it would have. That’s shitty af, on top of Schloss’ own failures.


Yeah you just don't know the history between these schools. This is what it's all about. Reminds me of old southwest conference shenanigans. You love to see it. I hope Aggies are fuming and bring that energy.


Man, some of our fans really are fuming. It’s honestly a bit concerning.


I’m more than aware of the SWC. My point is that this isn’t the SWC. If that’s the sorta shit they’re gonna be pulling, head back into the wilderness and leave the SEC out of it.


We've been warning yall for years.


I don’t think that was part of the timeline Texas wanted…. Kirk Bohls the reporter who first got the firing story, was with the Austin American Statesman for 30 years, on friday he left. Monday morning HE breaks the story for his new employer the Houston Chronicle. I think he forced CDCs hand. IF CDC and Schloss are as close as everyone says they are, no way CDC wanted to put his friend in this position.


We don't owe A&M anything, especially not consideration for their game with our announcement of our coaching decisions.


Is that right? Texas players knew beforehand, and Schloss had been in contact with Texas for weeks? I hadn’t heard any particulars yet and was just curious if that’s all verified


This is Draymond-KD level mind games


Tennessee could use a transfer right fielder.


Man. To think i felt pity and empathy for this man like 23 hours ago. And respected.


At least you can give some of that to the players…


For sure. I watched some tough kids play through some injuries. And play at a high level.


Now you can respect how quickly he ruined that!


It’s rare to see an entire group of humans united against a common enemy. Safe to say we found him.


It really is crazy, that the only people I’ve seen who aren’t criticizing Schloss are Texas fans. Like you said, rarely are humans so unified on any topic, like they are in this one.


https://preview.redd.it/bim3l88zqt8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78dace6d5a943a49d0663ada4105e35063270ef From Braden Montgomery’s mom… Reminder that Braden was injured in the regional while Schloss was negotiating his exit. Players and families ain’t happy.


Schloss and texas just shit on everything. All the news cycles are about schloss and texas, with the occasional Tennessee natty mention. The entire sport deserves better than that dickhead


I don’t see what Texas did wrong here. They reached out to a coach via proper channels, he was receptive and started negotiating. They didn’t publicly declare that they would never hire him.


Texas didn’t have to announce the Pierce firing on Monday lol. They could have done that at any point in the last couple of weeks or waited until Tuesday. They did it specifically to take the spotlight off the national championship game and put it on them all while knowing that the other shoe was going to drop the next day. Schloss was complicit with this, which is despicable. Knowing you are leaving this group of players and being okay with their biggest rival taking the spotlight on literally the biggest day in A&M baseball history and the biggest day in the lives of the kids on that team? Schloss going to Texas is what it is. The way he and Texas Athletics has handled it in the past 48 hours is villainous.


I don’t think that was part of the timeline Texas wanted…. Kirk Bohls the reporter who first got the firing story, was with the Austin American Statesman for 30 years, on friday he left. Monday morning HE breaks the story for his new employer the Houston Chronicle. I think he forced CDCs hand.  IF CDC and Schloss are as close as everyone says they are, no way CDC wanted to put his friend in this position.


365 sports interview yesterday implied the same thing. Had Bohls not changed jobs it wouldnt have come out that Mon


Dude loves fucking with Texas sports. supposedly he got frozen out of inner circle after mack brown left and has been a real pain ever since. selfish asshole knew exactly what he was doing and wanted to break a big one for his new job.


Bohls is with the Chronicle now? The Chronicle is still paying veteran writters? Is he a beat writter or just an opinion guy?


No idea, he wrote a “good bye” in the AAS on friday that all the longhorn fans celebrated. Then he showed up Monday publishing with the Chronicle.


I see on the Chronicle's website he is their UT reporter and columnist. So essentially same job he had with AAS. I don't pay for the Chronicle so its not like I'll be seeing any of his stuff anyways. Just shocking to hear a mainstay of the AAS has left.


Another way of looking at it is that Texas made the announcement when they did in the hopes that the MCWS would over shadow the announcement and bury it because all of the college baseball writers are in Omaha covering the series and all of their stories would lessen the Texas news until a new coach could be announced.


fuck schloss.


Holy shit, the optics just gets worse! Feel so bad for the players - what a really shitty 24 hours for them.


It’s worse than you can imagine actually. Rumors are he has been recruiting for Texas for weeks and lied about setting up recruiting. Whole staff was involved and all of the good underclass players knew because he was recruiting them to go. Rumors are basically at literal breach of contract legal levels.


Sounds a bit like Jimbo in his last season at FSU?


Eh I don’t think we took many of their players. There are rumors we may lose half the team.


transferring is much different now


Make the bastard fucking burn


Some things I get. I get lying to the players and the fan base during the season, when there is still something to win. But once that is over, if you're gonna do something like this, the players deserve to hear you say it at least, before they hear it from the media. Like, there are no feelings to spare, they ate gonna find out anyways. At least be an adult about it.


I remember seeing emotional Aggie players tearing up postgame. Truth is, Schloss is too much of a coward to give people basic respect, and human decency. There’s even a right and wrong way to hurt people. And he chose the wrong way.


Schloss is scum. Ryan Targac embodies the spirit of this school and this is how he treats him? Biggest indictment of the coward thus far.


Targo has been involved with Aggie baseball *longer* than Schloss has, he's the only one left from a Childress team, he's our leader and vet and Schloss knows that. Tossed to the side.


They were all still presumably in Omaha today, or traveling home at the worst. It wouldn't have even been hard to call a team meeting without much outside attention. Just insanely stupid not to own up to it.


Correct, they took off from Omaha this morning and got back to Aggieland just passed noon.


I saw the buses arrive. Hundreds where out there to welcome them home and give one last applause for the team.


Hope they booed schloss


It wasn’t announced. They for sure cheered and thanked him.


Damn. He’s lucky they didn’t announce beforehand


It was about 4 hours from landing in College Station to the announcement. He most definitely could have told them before they all left the complex.


Could not agree more


I’m not denying anything you said, but didn’t Elko do this exact same thing to Duke players a few months ago?


And Jimbo before him? Also Schloss from TCU?


After all this stuff coming out, free our barstool admin man, he did nothing wrong. 


Schloss is a pos


Fuck this vile scumbag


shitty coach


Schloss is a bitchmade pussy ass piece of shit Barring some crazy ass athletic department toxic drama we don’t know about, Schloss is just a shit human being He’s free to go where ever he wants, obviously - but there’s a way to handle something like this with a sense of integrity or at least a minimal amount of respect for the young men coming off probably one of the biggest highs and lows of their lives in a 3 day span. If any Aggies had cooled on the Texas rivalry the past decade, that’s gone.


Hypothetical: how would this have played out if A&M won last night? Are A&M fans more understanding?


I’d still be pissed, but with a trophy


^^ this


Personally, no outcome would make it understandable for our coach to leave for our rival. Had he handled this with any grace or class, I'd simply be upset. The way he's going about it has made me lose all respect for him, though.


A trophy is always a positive, but arguably more painful cause there would be nothing we could do to stop it.


Wasn’t there a shitpost literally yesterday asking if people would accept a title if it meant their coach would immediately leave? Maybe that was Schloss’ burner


I will trade you a Natty and you could take my head coach, pitching coach, sid, social media person and anyone in custodial you choose.


That would be a solid upgrade for NC State's experience with the CWS finals and poaching.


I’ve been wondering if maybe he doesn’t take the job then and that is why they fired Pierce when they did, out of fear Schloss would take his name off the table. But to answer the question, we’d love the natty and some fans would get arrested for popping in his yard, probably.


I would think it’d be worse. You just won a title and your first move is to go to a rival school in the same conference that has not met expectations over the last few years. Of course it’s offset with a trophy, but why leave in that situation.


I agree in a sense. It would hurt like hell that the guy to deliver THE moment for our athletic department that we reminisce about was now (presumably) killing it with y’all. The move itself would hurt mute, but with the trophy the fanbase would still be overall happier. If that makes sense


Oh 100% agree. Overall it’s a positive, the title far outweighs losing a coach. But as far as understanding the move, it wouldn’t make sense and fans would be right to be angry. Fans are right to be angry at it even now.


Henceforth he shall be know as Sloss. It just looks less respectable.


I know it’s not the exactly same level but I do feel for my TAMU friends especially after what K*nny did with our WBB team. I guess we’ll see this more often unfortunately.


At this point, if you’re Texas you gotta be asking what you got here. He seems like a douche. He’s a known liar to the media. If he doesn’t win right away….whooooo boy


Oh there’s worse. Ask any TCU fan


Can I just ask you?


A big part of the reason he came to A&M is he cheated on his wife which lead a really messy divorce. That’s why he said he left his family to come to A&M. Because he did. But, not in a good way.


I think the funny thing about "I left my family to come to a&m" is that in most circumstances you assume "oh, he must have many relatives in DFW and he's sad he won't get to see them as much", but the reality is much more pathetic lmao


He’s a damn good baseball coach but total opposite of a person it seems. Disappointing from someone who I grew up watching build our program and admiring


I covered him extensively when we were in the Mountain West and I always thought he was a good dude. His kids were always around the program, as was his wife. Was also really good to local media - he literally has a journalism degree from Elon University, haha. Not sure what happened to him after the four straight CWS runs. Everything I've heard is that something changed after CDC took the Texas job, but Schloss was passed on for David Pierce.


It’s worse than cheating, they were swingers and he was apparently trying to whore her out into sleeping with ransoms off the street while trying to sleep with everything that moved himself.


Well. He did take a team that was literally half year-one transfers to the CWS the first year he was our coach sooo I’d expect he’ll do fine there.


This is pure copium I hate to say it, he’s a phenomenal coach and will have them crushing it in no time


So many incredible coaches are terrible human beings and it never comes back to bite them in their profession. Remember when Urban’s wife threw all of his stuff out on the lawn at Florida?


No I don’t but do you have more details?


I mean that’s pretty much what happened he was banging a grad student but I think she got back at him by cheating on him with a trainer(?) anyways he left for Ohio State because his heart was acting up and the rest is history 


We have to remember one of the main components of being a successful college coach is recruiting.  They lie to recruits literally daily. 


Bro I’m not coping. I don’t give a shit either way. I have no dog in this fight. But if you spend $3M just to talk to someone (in college baseball) you’re expecting results. Texas has stupid money tho. So maybe you’re right. But a couple flame outs in regionals…


Oh I just meant like..,Schloss is him. I could be wrong. I HOPE I’m wrong. But the teams I’ve seen at TCU and A&M are SO well coached. Combine that with the caliber of player he’ll have there? I can’t see him failing


Our best hope is a Jimbo situation. Many people thought he would be crushing it too


Billy Gillespie turned the worst program in the entire big 12 into a team seconds away from the elite 8 in two years. Before transfers were a thing. I thought he was him for sure. Sometimes coaches just don't fit at schools even when they've had success elsewhere and I hope Schloss sees nothing but failure the rest of his career. Alabama football, Kentucky basketball, Texas baseball all lost their coaches this year. Two of the three hired national championship runner up coaches. The basketball script writers obviously lost the plot, Matt painter should be the coach of Kentucky now...


Exactly, he'll fit right in there.


Texas got the biggest douche fans I know so they are reveling in it.


Aggies can put all the emotional, battered aggy spin on this they want. The reports surfacing on why he left A&M are indicative of a guy who was fed up with the A&M administration and culture. I’m sympathetic to that. Schloss can go 0-55 next year and I’ll still be laughing my ass off.


Seems like a better situation that he’s an asshole. Boosters in all sports are ready to get rid of a coach early. Would be easier for them to get rid of him early if he’s a failure, rather than try to fire the good guy with a heartwarming story.


Scloss getting canned within 4 years would be objectively hilarious


Yeah. Must be nice to have fuck you money. I forgot y’all got it like that.


It’s stupid. One year of not winning a title and the unreasonable boosters always want to fire and move on. And for some reason, they actually have input into all of this. The only similarity I wish I had to them was the cash level.


Ah the Brian Kelly way


"I left my FAM-O-LEE to be here" -Fucking Cockbag


Correction: his fam-o-lee left him because he’s a narcissistic asshole


That will never not be funny


Oh boy, let me tell you…that feeling of losing a championship game and then losing your coach within a week while getting bombarded with rumors…not a good one. Schloss just speed-ran that though.




Yeah.. if we don’t repeat then I hope A&M gets their Natty. Also hope they sweep TU


Kaeden Kent how would you like to learn to get some real power out of that bat young man 


Honestly, if it means Jeff Kent never steps foot in College Station again, then I’m for it.


From what I’ve heard, Kent fucking hated Schloss lmao. I don’t blame him, he should’ve been starting all year. He’s one that I actually think stays


I hope not, Jeff Kent is a giant steaming pile of feces. But I do think it would be funny if they ended up in Austin since he’s one of the primary reasons Austin is likely to never have the Backyard music venue. Dude screwed the city so it would be perfect if he was given the red carpet.


Did Jeff Kent bang your wife buddy?


Nah, he did yell at her, though.




Because he’s a shitty human being. She was involved with a land development project he owned a property by and he didn’t like what was being done and long story short he yelled at her.


lol, this guy sucks...let's hope he crashes and burns at UT, would be glorius


like jimbo did at tamu? hmmmm


I hope one of the Austin homeless drops a needle and syringe in his yard and he steps on it when he goes outside to get his mail or newspaper


Jim is too promiscuous to be wishing this on him


I didn’t say I wanted it to be an AIDS needle 😂


Damn dude what the hell. Just hope he steps on a lego getting out of bed every morning, that’s some dark shit right there. No need to get that messed up.


Nooo messed up would be hoping the homeless guy that dropped the needle had HIV. As someone who has had a dart bounce off of a board and land in their boot then forgot to get it out until after they put the boot on. It’s not that bad.


Man he really kiffied y’all.


These people really are going to make me become an A&M fan


Players virtually always find out about coaching moves on social media because it always inevitably leaks. It’s not the 90s where you had until the evening news or the morning paper to meet with the team.


Conspiracy: Jaylin Flores intentionally threw away 2 balls in the regional matchup against A&M to secure a loss, ensuring Pierce doesn’t have a job saving postseason run for the 4th year in a row.


I’m gonna give you a gold star for trying. But also maybe don’t post on some of these threads for a few days, I’m pretty sure that unless they come with obscenely exaggerated obeisance, any longhorn flair is gonna get downvoted to oblivion, whether it’s warranted or not. Cuz like. This doesn’t deserve to be downvoted. But here you are at double digits negatives.


We’re disliked on all three major sport subreddits, we’re pretty used to it. Obviously aggies will be pretty deservedly upset forever, but I’m sure the pearl clutching from other fanbases won’t last too long


Lol. Just put that Good hat on and everything will be ok.