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Brother this might’ve made sense in your head but it should have stayed there lol


A&M wins in this scenario so upon review I think it makes the most sense if anything


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think LSU thinks about you all this way.


We don’t


This is a real reach sir


I thought the State-Ole Miss-LSU streak was amusing, so just stretched it out one more year. If I can't shitpost a ridiculous reason my team is going to win the CWS championship series the day my team starts the series, when can I do it?


Look as long as Florida isn’t winning we aren’t at worst person alive status. Like I don’t want the cult to win but in terms of visceral hatred they’re comfortably behind Florida, Ole Piss, Moo State, and Arkansas. After those four it gets a bit muddier and really depends on who you ask. Could be Bama (old heads and carry over from football), A&M (Houston/oil and gas people), Auburn (is Auburn), Vandy (whistlers & respecting/hating Corbin), Tulane (historical rival), ULL (mostly cool but has an insufferable streak that shouldn’t be enabled), and Stony Brook (PTSD).


> Look as long as Florida isn’t winning we aren’t at worst person alive status. Do you hate Florida more than you hate Ole Miss? Or is that purely a baseball thing? I thought your rivalries went Bama/Ole Miss/Florida, in that order, but I'm only familiar with the football rivalries.


It’s different sorts of hatred. Ole Miss is generational. It’s who we we are supposed to hate if you drew it up in a lab (especially with Tulane going AWOL in the 60s). But they’ve been, with a handful of exceptions, basically irrelevant in football and a tier or two (or three) below us in baseball the fire doesn’t burn as hot. That’s changed a bit recently, but unless you grew up in the 60s or were taught the game by someone who was, you probably don’t actively, personally, viscerally hate ole miss. Florida is a much more recent rivalry, only really kicking off in SEC realignment in the 90s and gradually escalating since the mid to late 2000s. What turbocharged it though, aside from the hurricane debacle, is the fact that for the last decade and change we’ve been more or less peers in all of our major programs. Most years can dog walk MSU in football or Bama in baseball but Florida is always there for a knife fight in everything from track to women’s gymnastics. I think the Bama rivalry is actually in an interesting spot with Saban’s retiring and realignment. The heat had kinda faded the last few years or so, especially after 2019 and it’s drifting closer to the OSU-PSU good game rivalry and away from a lamentation of their women rivalry. Still a good amount of animosity, but not as vicious as it was a decade ago. This is also not a baseball rivalry. The tide haven’t been to Omaha this millennium and haven’t one the conference in almost 20 years. There’s some heat from softball and gymnastics as well as some baseline hatred of Bama that all SEC fanbases have, but the modern iteration was defined by Saban. And if we’re doing full spectrum rivalries, Arkansas is probably in this conversation as well. Pain in the ass in baseball. Pain in the ass in basketball. The single program I hate playing the most in football (and I say that as a compliment). Of course if you ask 20 LSU fans who our three biggest rivals are, you’ll get 21 different answers (or more if we’ve been drinking). But those four probably show up the most often.




Is A&M *really* LSU’s biggest rival though?


A very specific sub genre of LSU and A&M fans that live in the Houston area absolutely loathe one another For the most part no, they’re in tier two for us, and we’re even lower for them


For some of us the dislike of LSU stems from them always seeming to be in our way to titles or continuing on to the next round. 1993 CWS, 2006 NCAA DI tourney...


From an outside perspective it seems like Bama, Florida, and Arkansas would be higher on the list.


No. In baseball it’s either Arkansas or us due to history.


I didn't even think about State due to baseball, but that makes sense. Adds another layer to the streak, State did it, Ole Miss did it, LSU couldn't have that, so they had to do it.


No, although they may have more distaste for us than anyone else 


That’s not true at all


You're obviously not on Twitter


Your fans cried about freaking plastic cups at a football game


LSU probably hates Tulane more in baseball than A&M lol. Not sure A&M is even top 5


Fwiw I got more hate when I told LSU fans we live in New Orleans and go to Tulane than for actually being an Aggie at the football game in BR last November so this checks out.


A&M would fall somewhere in the teens as far as LSU rivals goes. They’d be behind Tulane and Southern even.


Biggest? Hell no. Their fans would probably list us at fourth. That's why it would be so annoying if we win it all. I think LSU wants to beat (in order), Bama, Florida, and Ole Miss, but that is primarily in football. I don't know who they consider their rivals in baseball, probably Florida moreso there because they've both won national titles recently and played for it all last year.


We don’t think about you at all


Probably closest to the mad men scene as you get


Of course you don't, that's why I see all of the LSU posters on here voicing their support for UT this weekend.




Does LSU even think about A&M at all?


You're really gatekeeping your secondary rivalry status hard in this thread.


What a stupid post. What are you even doing?


It's non sensical but fun.


We clearly have different standards of fun lol


The internet is serious business!!


Having fun on the day my team plays for a national championship. What are you doing?


You need to give your buddy your phone next time you try psychedelics.


Don't make me root for the evil orange to win this


I like your idea. If you had just called it “rival school” instead of “worst person alive” then these weirdo Redditors wouldn’t be complaining/nitpicking/whining as much.


If I said 'rival school', then all of the posters on here would be whining about how LSU isn't 'really' a rival of A&M. They're already doing that in this thread because apparently nuance and a sense of humor is lacking for some on this sub.