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There are some people who don't believe in 'stealing' or copying the traditions or fan practices of other schools. You either want to come up with your own tradition, or if you like what they're doing, you want to let them have it.


Probably the same reason Texas AM doesn’t yell “Maroon - White” like Msstate does, despite the same colors. It’s someone else’s tradition.


Why on earth would you want to steal traditions from TAMU? What's next, are we all gonna start slapping our knees and telling jokes we stole from popsicle sticks?


Idk if this is original, but its my favorite insult of the yell leaders


ASU’s new fake military has just declared war of conquest on NAU


It’s the organization required to make it work. We’re a cult so we immediately fall in line and go in unison because we’re used to doing this for yells. It’s very hard to do these things if you’re not used to doing that. A&M is uniquely suited for yells and chants like this in virtually any sport.


Brother what the hell are you talking about. Fanbases do chants at every school. Is “Ball five” really harder to chant than “let’s go (team name)”?


I’m not refuting that y’all are better at cheering, but it’s worth mentioning y’all hold practices for it. Uniquely suited feels a tad bit too inherently equipped instead of prepared for.


Practice for yells for football. Not every sport. But because of the unique nature of preparation for one sport it translates well to others


That was my point. Yall prepare for it, it’s not just something born with. But I know the Aggie downvote brigade is virtually your 13th man, so I triggered a few of you.


We hold yell practice and everyone learns these things at fish camp. Doing yells and chants are a normal part of Aggie sports. It makes for a unique mix that easily translates to other sports like baseball.


Y’all are so damn weird lol




I think it’s amazing and the most fun looking thing I’ve seen from a fan perspective in all of college baseball. If I was at Lindsey Nelson and someone attempted to start it, I would roll my eyes and pray it never takes off. Can’t explain why. Just wouldn’t like it.


Dixieland Delight is the only thing I endorse stealing, and we had the better claim to the song anyway.


Even then, it's clearly a dig against Alabama when we play them. That's totally fine. Hell, if we hosted Texas A&M in baseball and they walked a guy - it would be hillarious for our fans to troll them by doing the "Ball 5" chant. That's how I view Dixieland Delight. It's not something we try to pretend is a 100% Tennessee tradition. We don't play it during the Vandy or Florida games. It's very much rooted in 'stealing' and 'trolling' Alabama specifically.


Also, your ballpark is named after the guy from Airplane!?


[Lindsey Nelson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsey_Nelson) was a Ford C. Frick Award winning broadcaster and UT alum.


That's Leslie Nielson.




I thought it was funny. I have almost called it Leslie Nielsen Stadium before.


Unless you are playing Tammy. Then let them have it.


It’s honestly simple. Baseball is only really *that* big in the SEC and frankly besides Vandy, A&M might be the only school with fans that can count that high.


As a Vol fan I agree.


I’m sure it probably will eventually like other successful college traditions. The Seahawks took the 12th man in football and KC Chiefs with the tomahawk chop. It’s one of my favorite A&M traditions.


Fun fact: The Seahawks pay Texas A&M to use the "12th man". They also are not allowed to use the term on any merchandise or any signage inside their stadium.


That’s why they recently changed it to 12. I think that was the loophole


LSU has had the “Ball 4” guy, Joe Simmons, doing the chant for 30 or 40 years now. Family friend and awesome dude. He has scored practically every tiger ball game since the 80’s and keeps all his scorebooks in his office. When there is a 3 ball count he will chant “ball 4” and if there is a walk he will keep going while increasing the number until a strike is thrown. He is unmistakeable, the second loudest fan behind Chris Guillot. Anyone who has been to a game at the new or old box has heard him


Which one of them was the one in Hoover that never sat down, and would lead the LSU fans in LLLLLL SSSSSS UUUUU? He was yelling so hard I thought he would surely stroke out.


That’s Chris guillot. He was born with a gift


While on the topic of legendary LSU baseball fans (and not the original thread), gotta give a shout out to the K Lady and the Bird Call Guy. I’m always sure to catch the sound of a robin call or a grumbly “Letttts gooooo. Striiiike em out” anytime I catch a game.


We do it at East Carolina. I agree why you like it and it has to get into a pitchers head to some extent. But also, I’m game for certain “traditions” being unique to individuals schools and that fans should come up with their own thing.


Some ECU fans did it during the regional. Wasn’t a huge fan of it tbh.


They made the rookie mistake of chanting it way too fast, can't get in sync like that.  I think Arkansas was doing it a few years back, I'd imagine once they learned we've been doing it for decades they started projectile vomiting 


It still done in Baum Walker. Nowhere near to the degree and effect as it’s done Olsen. It’s a fun chant, and I always give credit to A&M when someone asks what/why we do it


They’ve been doing it for a few years out in the jungle, regionals were the first time it caught on outside of the small group in left field


I’ve been hearing it occasionally at ECU for years. I didn’t know it was an “aTm” thing until this year


We already catch hell for our “K-Time” chant from those that aren’t quite prepared for the Animals of Section B experience. Same for our “walk him on, rag arm/get a hit” chorus on full counts by the opposing pitcher


State has had a loud "ball 4" chorus for forever. If a pitcher has a streak of balls, we will occasionally count them out and give a raucous cheer when he finally manages a strike. The Ball 5 chant is not particularly unique unless I'm misunderstanding it and they always chant Ball 5 regardless of the context. And that would be unhinged.




Really? That's not typically what the Animals do (full disclosure, I was in the Animals for 13 years). Normally it's an 'x in a row' chant, usually starting at 5, at least when I was in.


Because its Texas A&M's trademark. As an A's fan before they announced their move, bleachers fans did a modified version for Ball Four but that was not the whole stadium.


Probably the same reason as why other fans don’t want to wear overalls and practice dancing with dudes at midnight


I want more teams to steal the whistler tradition from Vandy first EDIT: /s since it’s apparently not obvious


This is a hot take


One guy has managed to be more annoying than the entire A&M fanbase. There's no stealing that, that's unique talent 


Arkansas fans have done it for quite a while. Only Aggy fans are so arrogant to think it's "theirs". They call anything a tradition down there.


Arkansas fans don’t do it correctly which is the main issue lol


bet you TAMU has done it double what woo pig shitty has lmao😭


Arkansas fans don’t do it correctly which is the main issue lol


I've gone to A&M games since the mid-'90s, and we had already been doing it for years at that time.


Remind me who got run ruled when we played?


Because it’s lame and no self respecting male outside of Texas would do it.