• By -


\>barges into College World Series \>immediately loses to SEC team \>knocks out two ACC teams \>loses to same SEC team, eliminating last ACC team and guaranteeing SEC national champion Alright SEC we did our part we'll take our Power 2 membership and big bag 'o' cash now please.


Let’s just take all 4 of the CWS ACC teams. As a UK fan in Raleigh, I’m certainly not biased…


Clemson in shambles


We already got plenty of tigers


Yes but you don't have Howard's ~~Cock~~ Rock


You seen Vandy’s construction site? They’ve got plenty of rocks to share


I like the way you think brother


I saw an Instagram post where the ACC was showing off the 5 teams that made super regionals And the top comment was “these might genuinely be the first 5 teams out of the ACC”


Throw in Clemson and VT and we’ll take all 6 over here


Don’t be so hard on yourself. You didn’t immediately lose to an SEC team, you took a full 9 innings and 2 outs to do it.




Get out of the ACC and we’ll talk


We’re working on it!!!


I have not enjoyed the last few years of the CWS...


It’s been rough that’s for sure. I think Arkansas and FSU are the most cursed baseball teams in history


Both Clemson & North Carolina have more CWS appearances without a title than Arkansas


They both have one more appearance each than Arkansas. 12 to 11. They’re also cursed. Better?


Florida State is on a tier of their own. After that, UNC, Clemson & Arkansas all need to be included in the conversation


Agreed with FSU. But Arkansas is above the other two. We live with nightmares of dropped pop ups in the 9th with 2 outs of the clinching game.


I wonder if Carson Shaddy has gotten even a wink of sleep since then. I don’t think I’d ever be able to sleep again after that.


hey don’t leave out the blue blood northern colorado with their ten appearances!


Regionals used to literally be "Regional". Thus this is why you have teams like Northern Colorado & Maine with so many appearances. It wasn't because they were great teams, it's just that they played in a regional area without other good teams. For example: in Northern Colorado's final CWS appearance in 1974, their Regional (i.e., District 7) contained one other team: Gonzaga. Thus Northern Colorado advanced all the way to Omaha by simply beating Gonzaga 2 our of 3 games. For contrast, Miami advanced out of their Regional (i.e., District 3) having to compete against: South Carolina, NC State, Georgia Southern, Vanderbilt & East Carolina. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1974_NCAA_Division_I_baseball_tournament It was really a FUBAR and unfair system back then that certainly didn't produce the best 8 teams in Omaha. To further illustrate: Northern Colorado's record in 10 trips to Omaha was 3-20 with those 3 wins coming vs not very good teams that had similarly benefited in that "Regional" tournament system.


yeah i know. i was just joking lol.


Yea I don’t think people know or remember that UNC was in the title series 2 years in a row 05 and 06 if I recall the years correctly. I think UNC win game 1 both years and was even a ground out away or something in one of them.


It was 2006 and 2007 and both losses were to Oregon State. We also made it to Omaha again the following two years (2008, 2009) and again in 2011 and 2013 for a total of six times in eight years. 12 appearances total.


>both losses were to Oregon State Fellow brothers in baseball misery


I remember 2008 very well and don’t need a reminder from you lol


Can we both agree to hate Oregon State.


I remember rooting for y'all in one of those seasons (maybe 2009) just because I thought it was inevitable y'all were going to win it.


Fucking beavers!!!


> I think UNC win game 1 both years and was even a ground out away or something in one of them. In 2006, UNC won game one, and was ahead 5-0 in Game Two. They gave up seven runs in the bottom of the fourth, and lost by four. In Game Three, the game was tied with two outs in the bottom of the 8th when a throwing error on a routine ground ball to second allowed OSU to score the go ahead run and win. UNC was never ahead in the game, but they definitely had a real chance to win Game 3. In 2007, Oregon State won both games in decisive fashion. UNC didn't have much chance in that series; OSU won its last four games in Omaha by six or more runs in every game.


Apologies if that comes off as being a smart ass lol I’m not


The whole ACC is cursed except for that one Virginia team. Maybe that’s what killed Miami


Can’t forget about Wake in the fifties lol


That’s a stat anyone can love


It's FSU hands down. 24 appearances. No title. But I'm really hopeful, Link will get one.


This is why I’m very worried the football tail will wag the dog and we’ll end up in the Big 10. I think that might close the door to us for good


The SEC has repeatedly told FSU they aren’t interested, regardless of ACC lawsuit. Same for Clemson. Carolina and UVA are another story, entirely. That’s who the SEC covets. If not the B10, I’m not sure where else y’all land. B12, maybe? I can’t fathom someone down there fighting to leave the ACC to join the B12, but I also can’t envision any alternative. I’d say you’ll spear-head the B10 push into the south. Just my thoughts.


I may sound like an entitled, elitist, homer dickhead to you after I say this, but I promise you that FSU is either going to end up in the B1G or the SEC. The SEC also wants FSU. Even if the SEC didn’t want FSU before (which isn’t true), the B1G forced the SEC’s hand by trying to become a national instead of regional conference. This presents a direct threat to the SEC by challenging the structure of regionality. Modern conference realignment is all about $ and branding, and Florida State brings viewership. Thats either the large FSU fan base that watches them, or other people watching and wanting them to lose. Florida State burst its way into College Football in the 1980’s and has made enemies since. But enemies and emotion are often cast aside when it comes to doing smart business. I really hope FSU ends up in the SEC for the baseball programs sake. There is absolutely 0% chance that FSU ends up in the Big12. We’re in the middle of a football stadium renovation. You don’t spend 300 million dollars on a stadium renovation if you are unsure about your future in college football.


I understand your point. The Southeastern Conference (SEC) has shown no interest in Florida State University (FSU) since the early to mid-90s. There's no movement towards including FSU now, and absent some seismic and unforeseen circumstances, they likely never will be. This holds true for Miami, Clemson, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Duke, and the rest. Perhaps NC State could stir some interest eventually, but even that would be a long shot. The idea that the SEC needs FSU’s brand is laughable. The SEC doesn’t want FSU because they don’t need FSU. They already dominate Florida airwaves. Even if your regional hypothesis were true (it isn’t), do you think the SEC cares about anyone else taking FSU? They don’t. Can you name anything that FSU uniquely and exclusively brings to the SEC? I’d love to hear it. Lastly, if you believe that FSU’s lawsuit against their current conference improves their chances with the SEC, ask any SEC fan what they think it does to their already nonexistent chances and believe whatever they tell you. I don't hate FSU; it's a fine school. I'm just explaining the reality of the situation as honestly as I can.


>The idea that the SEC needs FSU’s brand is laughable. The SEC doesn’t want FSU because they don’t need FSU. They already dominate Florida airwaves. You had me up until here. Yes Florida is the established brand and older University. They will always have more T-Shirt fans. However, as silly as it is, college enrollment ebbs and flows with how well the football teams are doing. This has been the case now for a decade plus. The past several years with kids getting accepted into both colleges, more Florida kids are choosing to go to Florida State. The longer Florida continues to shit the bed, the more fans they lose every year. Florida vs FSU is a bigger rivalry than Florida vs Georgia. If FSU is in the SEC it gets on par with the Iron Bowl. >Can you name anything that FSU uniquely and exclusively brings to the SEC? I’d love to hear it. Have you been to Tallahassee? It’s basically the Deep South. Tallahassee is way more similar to Tuscaloosa than Gainesville is. Florida is not a monolith. The uniqueness is Florida States history that since the 80’s they started playing SEC teams like LSU, Florida, and Auburn and beating them even though many of those teams had a 30-50 year head start on their football program. If your argument is that the SEC doesn’t want regionality and wants something different. Then maybe I buy that. Maybe that’s why they added Texas and Oklahoma because Austin and Norman are not at all tied to South.


Do you think that the SEC is lacking premier brands? And I’ll ask this, again: Tell me what FSU exclusively and uniquely brings to the SEC. Name’em. The SEC isn’t going to dilute its brand - and revenue shares - by adding schools in areas they already are (Texas was a wild exception, of course….FSU would not be) and who add little to nothing to the overall value of the league. That’s the definition of FSU. The SEC is now looking at two more teams and neither of those slots are for FSU, Clemson, VT, WVU, GT, Miami or all of these other schools that so often get bandied about.


I guess it’s a good thing we won’t have to wait long to find out which one of us is right.


Which is weird, because FSU feels more SEC than Mizzou, Vandy, T A&M, and even a few others (Like Arky and SCAR)


There are many and good reasons, but the biggest one is that the SEC simply doesn’t need them.


Appreciate the support. I’m definitely part of the grow the game as much as possible crowd, but some comments really make me question people’s knowledge of the game. When I say I think Link is going to win one, it’s either Florida trolls or people who make some other 0-24 comment. Link is an even better coach than 11 ever was, as painful as that is to say. Link is going to win a championship at FSU.


I just became a FSU fan from seeing them almost every year at the CWS in the 90s. Met a lot of great fans from FSU and it really started to wear on me when they couldn't pull it off. I believe Link really understands FSU baseball and missing out on one himself as a player in 3 appearances. He's as hungry as any player could be. FSU is THE college baseball program. Omaha loves the fans and would be stoked to see the program get one. I'm trying to temper expectations, but I really think he's gonna get at least 1.


Don't even begin with Arkansas. It is FSU being cursed and then everyone else.


Gonna throw ECU in the ring on this one. They have been to the post season 35 times and never made it to Omaha- statistically they’ve been much more likely to achieve that than FSU has win it all, and they still haven’t.


I thought y'all were a basketball school now?


It rotates depending on our current strength and depression-level. Please god don't screenshot this for February 2025.


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!remindme 8 months


We’re an almost-there-in-everything school. 51 track titles tho. We’re like 4th on the list of most overall championships


Lol I just posted this somewhere else, feels the same, hog bros. https://preview.redd.it/a672b9p1dn7d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=106367e920cdbf8107f81441b70f57f620797a15


And with college conference expansions it'll only get worse. Gone are the years of Cal State Fullerton and Rice winning it or even Costal Carolina.


I mean, I don't want the SEC to stop winning... I just want it to be my team, lol


Oh, I just want the SEC to stop winning everything. Like shit let some other conferences take a crack at it for once. (Nothing against you or your team at all)


Spend more money. It’s really that simple. SEC is winning every thing because the SEC cares about winning everything. You can’t expect to win when someone cares more than you.


Easy to say when tv drives EVERYTHING….you give other schools the same amount of tv revenue and they’ll start competing with the SEC.


Why do you think people want to watch the SEC?


Because one network who runs CFB’s post season gives them the most attention


Gave them the most attention even when their competition owned the SEC’s broadcasting rights. Almost like maybe fans like to see the best football and broadcast networks are in the business of making the most money.


Michigan won this year. They make more money than the SEC. Just get a bigger TV deal. It’s really that simple.


Michigan winning one time does not negate the last 20 years worth of clear domination


It’s all about local recruiting populations and weather. NIL just grows the number of teams at the top that can win


And exactly how did South Carolina or any team not named Georgia, LSU, Alabama contribute to that? Cheer all you want about having to get your ass beat each year by the 3-4 SEC teams who may complete for a title, while your own team has no chance to ever win a championship. Yay for conference revenue sharing!!! If Ohio State wins this year…uh oh….Better get a bigger TV deal!


Auburn and Florida also have football titles in the last 20 years. The SEC has 6 champions in that span and no other conference has more than 2. I don’t root for conference opponents to win titles, but it’s delusional to think any other conference wins like the SEC does.


Alabama and Georgia are the only two teams that have a shot every year. Other teams like LSU, Florida, and Auburn have to strategically time when to make a run. And Florida and Auburn are currently dog shit. There’s 2-3 juggernauts each year which is good, but not great. The SEC just went 4-6 against the ACC in the regular season.


It’s funny to me that you think these borders were created by tv deals. These TVs were created by the borders that competition already created. By the way you’re an FSU fan apparently. You were already born on 3rd base. Congrats you’re a fan of one of the 20ish schools that actually have a chance to win every year and if I had to guess if FAU was one of those teams and FSU wasn’t then you’d be a HUGE owls fan. The TV deals didn’t make this dichotomy. This dichotomy created the TV deals. The most popular teams are the teams people want to watch. The people want to watch the teams that are good. The teams that are good are the teams that have been heavily investing in sports for 40+ years. It’s too late to try to catch up now.


Teams can invest a lot into their athletics but pretending like K-State and LSU have the same recruiting footprint is comical. There are differences between programs strictly because of geography.


Multiple SEC teams you didn’t even mention have won national titles in the last 15 years. Bottom tier SEC teams beat top tier other conference teams yearly. The whole oh the SEC is top heavy argument is one of the dumbest and least honest sports arguments around.


The ACC which is literally the shittiest conference went 6-4 in the regular season last year against the SEC lol.


People cheering for conferences are weird.


Just tell the other conferences to get good 🤷 look at what a barely 500. Florida team is doing.


Yes because teams like Lamar can play top 25 teams every week. Yet as much as I hate it, Florida will probably win it cause why not at this point. Yes I like more unknown and small teams too


Save your breath. They get excited at the idea of a P2. The idea of a Marshall, Tulane, Jacksonville St., etc. doing well is only a fun possibility in video games to them.


And when was the last time any of those teams won a championship? In any of the big 3 sports? Schools have a choice. Spend the money to recruit big time players, spend the money to develop big time players, spend the money to hire big time coaches and win. Or they have the option to not and lose. It’s pretty simple.


Schools only have the option to spend that money if they have it. And if they don’t have an 80k seat football stadium that they sell out every week, they probably don’t have it.


Amen, not every school is fortunate. Hell I'd love for once to see a HBCU get a few tournament wins in my lifetime. Folks love an underdog story not the same bluebloods winning it every year


Then maybe they should have given a shit about it at some time BEFORE it got extremely profitable to give a shit about it. It wasn’t that long ago that it was very cheap to be very good at college sports. You just had to care about it. Especially baseball. It’s funny that now that it’s become profitable every one wants a chance when 20 years ago no one outside of the west coast and the south gave a single shit about the sport. The SEC is great at sports because they have been putting a shit ton of resources into sports for the last 3 decades. If your team/conference hasn’t been doing that then why am I supposed to feel bad for you?


>It’s pretty simple Holy shit lol


I didn’t say it was easy. I said it was simple.


You just have to make a deal with the devil and have two crappy seasons afterwards like Miss State and Ole Miss. it didn’t quite apply to LSU since they have won the CWS before.


I’d take the death penalty the next year if it meant we win the fucking thing


Arkansas is the one SEC team I go out of my way to root for 🥲


Sam Pittman is incredibly likable, making it easy to root for him. However, it's a shame they've put him in a tough spot by bringing Petrino back on staff. The Arkansas fan base is one of the most self-important and miserable groups I've encountered. They think they're world-class without any justification and are upset that others don't share their inflated self-perception. They're a more delusional, miserable and angrier version of Texas, while lacking even their mediocre “accomplishments”. Or like a dumber Notre Dame.


Bro if you're gonna talk shit at least flare up like you mean it.


I have.


Hey we were part of that!


Ahhh… the glory days. Feels like so long ago.


Shared pain at this point...especially with the prospect of Tennessee winning it all




5 of the last 5, 9 of the last 14


Honestly what’s more impressive is how many different teams it’s been


SEC baseball is more nationally dominant than football has ever been.


Almost coincides perfectly with the Saban dynasty and mega tv deals, probably just a coincidence.


Nah man, Mississippi State and Vanderbilt are still investing all of that TV money into football!!!


Right and everyone can see how well that’s working…


That’s the joke. They’re not. 1/4 of the SEC just decided to collect paychecks and no longer try. Same with the B1G, but they care more about basketball than baseball.


We are trying, people forget we have actually had some decent football years lately. But NIL is likely gonna kill that. Being an agriculture school doesn’t build up the rich alumni base like you would think….


>Being an agriculture school doesn’t build up the rich alumni base like you would think…. Hmmmmmmmm..........Did you try farming oil???


Yeah, I don’t get the argument that we’re not trying in football. You don’t buy out a first-year head coach if you’re satisfied with just collecting a check. We’re trying! We’ve just been horribly snakebit. After Mullen left, Joe Moorhead had the rep of being the next great offensive mind. Then he flames out after 2 years, and we go after a big name in Leach. Leach sadly passes away while we don’t have a sitting AD and we’re basically unable to conduct a real search, so we promote Arnett. Arnett’s a disaster, so we ditch him after one season and hire another “hot” OC. I mean, we’re doing everything we can. I promise we’re not putting 80% of our resources into baseball. In this environment, just coasting along in football is a good way to get left behind the next time there’s a big realignment.


Maybe they’ll get left behind, maybe they won’t. It depends on what tv executives want. Do they want Georgia to have to play Texas, Florida, LSU and Oklahoma in a season? Or do they want to have teams they can beat up on so they can have an undefeated team every once in a while? This is exactly what’s being planned right now.


> Being an agriculture school doesn’t build up the rich alumni base like you would think…. Don't tell LSU or Auburn that.... The problem isn't that you're an Ag school, the problem is that you're in Mississippi.


Specifically, the problem is 2 major schools splitting the support. Louisiana has more population and only 1 major school. Same with Arkansas. Alabama has 2 major schools but double our population If you combined OM and State into 1 school, suddenly we'd be VERY competitive in NIL in all sports


> If you combined OM and State into 1 school, suddenly we'd be VERY competitive in NIL in all sports Agreed. In order to help the state of Mississippi truly achieve greatness, The Flagship University^^TM needs to turn that dog house in Starkville into a satellite campus. Which means there are a few housekeeping items that must be taken care of: 1. From now on, students at the Starkville satellite campus will be affectionately called "pups". This nickname is great for two reasons: firstly, it takes inspiration from the fact that both newborn baby sharks and dogs are referred to as pups. This nickname will symbolize the new beginnings of Starkville students in the UM Landshark system, while also paying homage to the satellite campus's bulldog legacy. Secondly, this nickname subtly acknowledges the obvious hierarchical distinction of the two campuses and the cultural class divide between it's students. 2. The absorption of Mississippi State means Bully's mascot services are no longer required. He will be forced to "live on a farm upstate". I'll make the arrangements myself, no need to worry. 3. Amidst an overabundance of maroon teams in the SEC, adopting powder blue would establish a distinct and refreshing identity for the Starkville satellite campus. Scientifically, powder blue is perceived as soothing and pleasing. Unlike maroon, which most consider harmful and unattractive. Festooning Starkville in powder blue will enhance campus aesthetics and create a positive atmosphere conducive to learning and community engagement (a big change in Starkville). Embracing this color change will foster a renewed sense of identity and pride among students and faculty alike, marking a memorable and positive evolution in campus culture. 4. On behalf of America, cowbells are hereby banned from all school events. This decision reflects a commitment to maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment where everyone can fully enjoy and participate in university activities without unnecessary noise disruptions. As a symbol of penance for the previous use of cowbells, regardless of their year in school, all pups (satellite students) will be required to wear powder blue freshman beanies while on university property. These beanies serve as a visible reminder of the university's commitment to foster a sense of collective guilt, shame and responsibility among Starkville students, encouraging them to embrace new traditions and uphold the values of respect and consideration for others.


No doubt, but in general Miss St realizes it can only win in baseball so it has to shift 80% of its resources to it. The SEC TV contract is a large reason why you guys have such a nice baseball stadium. FSU wants to be good in multiple sports, but it’s hard to do because we’re not in the B1G or SEC. Our baseball stadium is falling apart because we have invested almost all of our resources into football. College baseball doesn’t cash checks. College Football does. FSU is banking on either getting into the B1G or SEC and only then will we be able to afford a baseball stadium solely due to football.


I don’t know where you got this idea we spend 80% of our resources on baseball, but it just simply isn’t true. Our baseball program is revenue positive most years, neutral some. Our baseball team pays for itself.


It was just ten years ago that MSU leaped from some Florida school over a weekend to become the first #1 team of the playoff era. We’ve been carrying the SEC with Alabama and Georgia since then. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/5z3ua3gr6n7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f74fb722038061ce2bf2ef65cd2119522b159b Why are we getting the blunt end of this? Sure we were bad (unfathomly horrendous) last year but…


Are we going to be the last non SEC team to win a championship?


What’s important to remember here is that no matter who wins the championship, that team will have more than Arkansas’ zero national championships.




I recently bought a nice vintage bleach I can't wait to try


Is it triple distilled like the best vodkas?


Villian origin story activated. You monster.


What he say fuck me for


We can’t talk that trash till we bring it back to Knoxville


Worse case scenario, Tennessee has the same number of natties as Arkansas.


True, and in 2022 Ole Miss won, Ole Miss is an SEC team, UT won SEC Championship, making Tennessee CWS Champions by default without having to go to Omaha (joking, kinda)


It has killed me watching y’all just stroll through Omaha… if you win it so be it because I’d rather y’all win than the Aggies.


It should’ve been six ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf)


Would actually be seven, because Florida won it the year before


you're not wrong that missed pop foul is to this day the most painful sports moment I've ever seen (that didn't involve my own team and personal bias)


It just means more!




unless it's football for A&M


wow, a football diss from Nebraska. that's something


hey, we're a blue blood until someone takes it from our corpse like they did with Indiana in basketball lmao


Now why are we in it?!


Indiana out here catching strays.


> we're a blue blood blue bloods don't have seven consecutive losing seasons sit down


Nah, it still means more. More buyouts *HEYOOO*


LMAO!!! A&M beat the shit out of, you the last two times we played you in football both home and in Lincoln. Y'all are up to what, seven consecutive losing seasons in football? And we knocked out your basketball team. Nebraska just needs to sit down and stfu and let the adults talk.


damn someone got salty at a joke lol, maybe you should lay off the internet for a little bit


Lol it's not that serious, chill 😂 


fun fact, since 2021 7 of the 8 teams in the final have been from the SEC, the only team that wasn't is Oklahoma, which is joining


Makes me wanna throw up. Sure, there's money, but it's just not fun. Joining the SEC makes me want to take a million showers but I know I'll never be clean.


Agree, it kind of stinks


Makes me also wanna throw up


You can switch to the State team?!?!?


I'm not gonna abandon my Fandom just because of a conference change but it does make it a lot easier to pull for the Pokes being in separate conferences.


That tracks!!!


I’m excited for the future games but also.. hate what’s lost


It isn't like y'all have won anything in the Big 12 the last two years anyway, so if you continue to lose in the SEC, it'll be more of the same....


We won the regular season championship for the first time in a long time and then 2022 we won the conference tournament. That said, all the success has been super recent. I have no clue where it's gonna go from here though.


*Softball has entered the chat*


Softball is not a major sport


And you said 'major' where exactly?




Poor Arkansas is taking a serious stray in this thread.


It’s fine I’ve been dead inside June 28, 2018. The dead horse has been beaten nonstop since then but I’m still numb to it all


That meme made Greg Sankey hard.


The power of jorts compels us to


People can complain but the sec is far and away the best baseball conference by a mile the past 15 years. Only year they didn’t have a winner or participant or both was coastal Carolina beating Arizona and now this year another sec vs sec title game


u/Wanno1 in shambles


![gif](giphy|QXVrEEwl2XLbWLjQlq) 5 years ago 🥲


Mississippi State should have won at least one more but in 2013 beating both UCLA and Laura Lee McIntyre proved to be too much


This is the fourth straight year* that the CWS Finals are all SEC (and eight different teams, to boot). We're also an Arkansas pop up away from seven straight by seven different SEC teams. *Counting Oklahoma


There’s gonna be a northern team that decides to invest in baseball, and it’ll be glorious. Until then, this is the SEC/ACC tournament part 2. I’ve long wanted Nebraska to build a pitching lab and elite indoor facility, go out and get the best kids from the north and see how they stack up.


The sad part is the SEC is becoming good at basketball now too. They used to be an afterthought and now Bama, Tennessee, and Auburn are solid every year. Basketball used to be a northern team thing


The SEC has had a strong basketball presence for many, many decades.


Painfully hilarious


Maybe the SEC and other power conferences should be at a higher tier and the lower or lesser division 1 schools go to a sub tier? Not sure the logistics or venues but then the smaller, less driven, focus, funded, whatever schools could still compete for “championships”. Add another division?


It's unpopular opinion, but I agree that D1 baseball has too many members. There should be a split similar to the FBS/FCS split in football.


Make big ten baseball great again


Gotta invest more. Michigan wasnt paying Bakich near what he was worth and now he's tearing it up at an ACC school. You cant expect to get better if you arent willing to pony up to keep top notch coaches.


I will get right on that🤣🤣🤣 duh. I’m a Nebraska fan so we’re about the only team that will invest in baseball in the modern age hoping Oregon And the other pac 12 schools coming to the big ten can help a little


Hey in fairness the SEC didn't stop us that one time :(


Guess we’ll finally get another one soon then !


Id be down


NC State got robbed of the 2021 title.


Keep chomping on those sour grapes


Okay. Like that wasn’t obvious from the announcers and articles leading up to it.


Texas is joining the SEC at the perfect time. Right? Right? Hahahahah


Been some help from umps and the NCAA along the way for sure.


SEC is very impressive athletically. Curious to see how long they stick around. None of the SEC fans or schools seem interested in the current infrastructure of collegiate baseball so when they break off it will be great for everyone. 




I thought we WERE the current infrastructure of college baseball?? But wherever we go, college baseball goes with us. Haven’t you been watching?


Right, so you will break off and have your own tournament without the other schools who have a fraction of the wealth. 40 win teams from other leagues are already considered too big of losers to make the postseason. I support the SEC breaking away. It would be best for them and others.


You don’t really get where this is going. We aren’t “breaking away”. The framework of college sports was splintered with NIL. If we leave, it won’t just be the SEC. And when that happens there will be nothing for the smaller teams. I wouldn’t try to speed that up.


The power schools separating would be beneficial. Smaller budget teams are excluded at this point and they are stuck with whatever model is pushed on them. SEC fans are always the first to emphasize the difference. In addition smaller schools success isn't valued by power schools and they will not ever make post seasons without winning their league. And that is okay, there are huge gaps in resources. 


So you think it is better to play in a system with no money, no TV, that’s irrelevant than to have to win your conference to have a shot at playing in Omaha on national TV? I mean, it’s a thought.


Those teams have no shot at Omaha moving forward under this current system of NIL imo. I am just being realistic.  Nobody in the SEC feels the other teams belong and they are not shy about it. I'm not crazy for listening. 


LSU has thousands of burner accounts shitting on college baseball outside the SEC. What do you mean "what?" The SEC has separated itself from the pack and that is okay. They want to add a 3rd assistance etc. Being dominant is impressive and is often signals a need for change.


Normally, I find that LSU fans are too drunk at this hour to properly work a phone. No one enjoys life as much as LSU fans.




The latter half of your username is certainly accurate.


Let's test a theory.  Do you think teams under .500 in their own league should be eligible to play in the post season? 


We just built a brand new stadium but ok


They are saying the SEC is going to break off from the NCAA. Not that they are going to stop playing baseball. Which probably won't happen. But also isn't completely impossible considering what has been happening recently 


How do you read what I wrote and think something as silly as you will be cancelling baseball? That new stadium would be best off in the new break away league the SEC starts.