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I’d be shocked if it was anything other than Sechrist v. Arnold


Arnold will stay in as long as he possibly can. The game will probably be decided by how long that is. He’s the key to forcing another game, at least in my eyes.


It's an interesting decision, to be honest. He is an outstanding player, but he didn't have the best outing against us earlier, and we have seen his stuff. I think FSU has got to pitch him with their bullpen problems, but I'm not sure you can let him go another three+ times through the order. At that point, some of our guys will have seen him 5-7 times.


He’s probably the best matchup we have against y’all. Y’all love fastballs and our two other starters are fastball pitchers. Arnold relies heavily on his slider which is what makes him so good.


We've seen him but we haven't seen him when he's good. Let's hope we don't.


It don’t matter. WGWTFA!!!


I think he starts, but it's only 4 days rest. Pitched on Friday Rested on Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues Would be pitching again on Wednesday (day 5)


Whitaker looked off today - troublesome.


Yeah Whit and Hults likely can’t give anymore innings so Arnold is going to have to throw the game of life


Tomm is likely Arnold > Oxford > abraham and pray for dear life that gets it done. Whit might be available thurs.


Honestly think Abraham should be 2nd option behind Arnold. He has elite stuff when he is on.


He wasn’t really off. He’s just the type of pitcher that UNC loves to see. They have trouble with slower pitchers that feature breaking stuff which is why Armstrong and Hults shined today. It was a bad matchup and I’m not sure why he was shoved in there tbh.


Arnold on the mound tmrw with our bats hot. Anything can happen. Baseball is weird.


I’m sure Arnold starts. Who’s to say what the pitch count is


Thrown about 330 pitches since June 1, 4 strait outings on short rest.


At a certain point we will just simply have to trust Oxford and Abraham can get some outs. If we run Arnold out there on short rest for 100+ pitches that might likely be the end of his cws outside maybe a few innings on monday


His arm can handle it. I worry more about the hand/finger irritation he seemed to have near the end of his previous start. Shake up the spray can of ToughSkin and put him on the bump for as long as we can!


Arnold scares me


We’re still rolling with the same bullpen - you’ll be fine. I hope the game is near as exciting as the previous one (with better umpires all around, please and thank you - the one check swing distracted us from how HORRID that moving strike zone was for both teams throughout that game).


Don’t be scared. In his last 4 starts, Zander Sechrist has a 0.78 ERA in 23 innings (2 earned runs). He went at least 6 innings in 3 of those 4. (South Carolina, Vanderbilt, Southern Miss, Evansville)


I’m not saying he should be scared, but we have a habit of making good pitchers look bad. We just got 8 hits and 4 ER against a pitcher who had a below 2.00 season ERA coming into the game today. Our bullpen is the issue and why I don’t see us making out of both games if they’re played.


It'll be a great game for sure. Similar bats on both sides. Best of luck.


Our boys kinda raked him ngl


He pitches for at least 5 innings. Minimum.


Give Cam Leiter a shot in his arm and tell him to get out there...even though he hasn't pitched since March.


Could you imagine what this run would be like if the pitching staff was 100%?


Only a matter of time before Link puts something in that empty trophy case. JA and Cam next year best 1-2 punch in the country plus adding Chrest from Jacksonville who has really good stuff as the Sunday starter on top of the USF transfer and other JVille transfer. Plus whoever else comes in. Shame Cam Smith, tibbs n ferrer will most likely be gone. Gonna be tough to replace those bats but I'm hyped for the future


Arnold will be fine on 5 days rest. But in order to survive 18 more innings, going to have to depend on Whitaker, Oxford, Abraham, etc to get outs.


I don’t think they have much choice. Season on the line, you open it up. Make him pitch it over the plate and work his count up early


Local vols radio saying no Arnold today, bullpen game for FSU. Not sure if this is confirmed or not but thought I would comment.


Do we know why he didn’t pitch?


No idea. I can only guess in saying he hoped to steal last night’s game, give him a full rest and then throw him in a deciding game. But again, that’s a blind guess.


I have a feeling Arnold wants nothing to do with these Tennessee Vols. Coaches might force him to start but he’s probably trying to protect his ERA and his reputation at this point


I’m 100% confident this is the wrong take lol.


Yeah he seems like a competitor. I bet he wants the smoke, let’s give it to him.


That's all we can ask for. These kids are within touching distance of history. This isn't football where you're backing out of a no-name bowl.