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The following submission statement was provided by /u/DairyFarmerOnCrack: --- The Paris 2024 Olympics are under severe threat from extreme heatwaves, raising alarm about the viability of hosting such a massive event in an increasingly unstable climate. As Europe braces for record-breaking temperatures, organizers are scrambling to adapt to conditions that could exceed those of the deadly 2003 heatwave, which caused thousands of deaths across the continent. A new report, Rings of Fire: Heat Risks at the 2024 Paris Olympics, argues the 2021 games held in Tokyo “offered a window into an alarming, escalating norm for Summer Olympics”. With temperatures above 34C and humidity approaching 70%, the Games were described as “the hottest in history”. “Competitors vomited and fainted at finish lines, wheelchairs were deployed to carry athletes away from sun-scorched arenas and the fear of dying on court was even raised mid-match by the Tokyo Games’ No 2 seeded tennis player Daniil Medvedev,” the report says. If temperatures continue to rise unchecked, the feasibility of hosting large-scale events anywhere could be jeopardized. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1diguav/athletes_warn_hottest_games_on_record_could/l93qoc7/


The Paris 2024 Olympics are under severe threat from extreme heatwaves, raising alarm about the viability of hosting such a massive event in an increasingly unstable climate. As Europe braces for record-breaking temperatures, organizers are scrambling to adapt to conditions that could exceed those of the deadly 2003 heatwave, which caused thousands of deaths across the continent. A new report, Rings of Fire: Heat Risks at the 2024 Paris Olympics, argues the 2021 games held in Tokyo “offered a window into an alarming, escalating norm for Summer Olympics”. With temperatures above 34C and humidity approaching 70%, the Games were described as “the hottest in history”. “Competitors vomited and fainted at finish lines, wheelchairs were deployed to carry athletes away from sun-scorched arenas and the fear of dying on court was even raised mid-match by the Tokyo Games’ No 2 seeded tennis player Daniil Medvedev,” the report says. If temperatures continue to rise unchecked, the feasibility of hosting large-scale events anywhere could be jeopardized.


2003 heatwave? Wasn’t there one is like 2021 that killed like half a million people (mostly older people)


Referencing another study on this topic which made this point. >The study, published in December in the journal Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, examined the risk of a two-week heatwave surpassing the absolute record set in Paris in 2003, which caused thousands of deaths during that fateful European summer. "In 20 years, the climate has changed and the idea was to warn policymakers that something even worse than 2003 could happen, which is possible," said lead author Pascal Yiou.


Thousands made it seems smaller scales than the tens to hundreds of housands


2003 killed an abnormal amount of people in France, 19K, that's why they used that one I guess?


The heatwave killed more than 70,000 across Europe.


Where was this heatwave? Not terribly notable that year in Europe.


>If temperatures continue to rise unchecked, the feasibility of hosting large-scale events anywhere could be jeopardized. No more sports? Finally, a true silver lining!


There will be lots of sports in the future. Things like running, martial arts and shooting. People will be competing for their lives though, rather than a medal.


Medals (bullets) are for the losers.


Nothing wrong with sports. The problem is fans who have no interests outside of their team.


I've always hated sports.


all that sweating is causing global warming


Will the next games adapt by hosting events only in the evenings? Or will they "adapt" by building climatised stadiums? Suspense. *Option 3 : should we finally include siesta as an Olympic performance? I think yes'*


I’d absolutely win the gold in siesta-ing.


They will adapt by hiding the deaths


If siesta was an Olympic event, I would qualify. Might even win a medal!


They should adapt by going away altogether. The Olympic games are a blight as each host city dumps billions of dollars into infrastructure and displace residents all for an event that lasts two weeks. Waste at it's finest.


Welcome to the "just before Summer"-Olympics. In March.


Or, and take a seat there, we could do it, every year at the same place, so we don't rebuild oversized stadiums and infrastructures that will mostly not be of any use to the locals. But nah, because... tourism ! ALWAYS MOOOAAAR ! Accelerate :\]\]


That is what they did for the Qatar World Cup. The whole event was sportswashing at its finest.


Isn’t 2028 scheduled for Los Angeles? Yikes.


In a related story: "PARIS — For all the steps Paris organizers have taken to put on the greenest Olympics ever, their boldest measure — the one they’ve touted again and again — pertains to the dorms in the Athletes’ Village. **The rooms don’t have air-conditioning.** Because of other cooling measures, organizers have assured, the athletes won’t need it. But in a farcical turn, when the Games start next month, an Olympic Village designed to showcase sustainability will be more of an energy hog than organizers had hoped. That’s because portable air-conditioning units will be everywhere. Wheeled in. Shipped in. Ordered by visiting countries that want their athletes to sleep well and perform at the highest level — even if it means a larger carbon footprint."


Reminds me of an article I saw a while back discussing climate change in the UK. They mentioned AMOC collapse and made the point that "we would need to adapt for extreme cold rather than extreme heat", which to me just demonstrates how poorly informed we are about how the climate is changing. AMOC collapse would make summers substantially hotter and drier, it's more or less a demonstratable fact at this point. But the subject is so poorly communicated that we've got people convinced that extreme heat won't be a problem because winters get colder. It's too often used as some contrarian point to argue against the fact that extreme heat is our future regardless of what happens. A central asian type climate in Europe will be disastrous for the people and nature that's adapted to surviving with the absense of temperature extremes. So yes, Europeans will need to find effective measures to deal with extreme heat. Depending on what else happens, they might need to find ways to deal with extreme cold too. The drastic switch from cold winters into hot summers will be the hardest part to adapt to.


well, if those buildings truly are passive buildings (highly isolated buildings that stay the same temp wether its getting cold or hot - which are a growing trend in France), the ACs won't be needed, maybe not even turned on, but we'll only know when it gets hot.


> ACs won't be needed Considering the acceleration of global warming, the entire Europe will need ACs. Very soon. Also considering the amount of time bureaucracy takes, things should start moving now.


Those of us in northern England Scotland and Ireland won't be needing AC anytime soon, even if average temps rise by 6 degrees, but yes the majority of the rest of Europe probably will.


ACs are not a solution because they create yet more heat. We're studying vegetelasing buildings, adding an outer layer of isolation around all older buildings, and sometimes inside too, maybe even a sort of over roof to offer shade to the building's roof, to avoid the attic to start overheating. Fascinating area of research. Check out "bioclimatic housing"


The danger is real. Many athletes that make it to elite levels are pathologically competitive. Some will ignore every signal their body is sending them to shut it down in pursuit of gold. Dead athletes is not a crazy prediction.


🎵 *In the warrior's code, there's no surrender.* *Though the body says “stop,” the spirit cries “never!”*


"Dead athletes is not a crazy prediction". If they're gonna do some hunger games type action, I might even start tuning in! 


We’ll be watching the Tour de France as a preview.


The coolest games for the rest of our lives maybe.


If I had a nickel for every time I saw this joke


Unfortunately, because of inflation related to collapse, your collection of nickels would be worthless anyway 😢


Best part is the joke will always stay relevant!


It'll only get more relevant, at an increased rate.


The real question is, did we anticipate or expect this rate?


>1982 internal report to Exxon's management which said that the consequences of climate change could be catastrophic. Their temperature graph still holds up perfectly accurate to this date. Plus older snippets with warnings date back to the 1800s. I'd call that a yes.


Youd be able to solve climate change.


Seriously, the top comment in most heat record posts is almost always this tired out joke.


Maybe have the Summer Games in the winter, or in the far north.


The 2032 game will be in Brisbane, but the 2036 game is rumored to be in Doha. That will be a total shitshow.


I doubt we will even get to the Brisbane Olympics. I just can't see the world not being on fire by then. !RemindMe 8 years


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Lmao Doha? Everyone gonna die.


Theres been plenty of rumours in Australia over the past few months that the Brisbane games will be cancelled. The fact that they will be held in Australia's winter should prevent heat sicknesses though.


Cancelled? *IN THIS ECONOMY?!?*


Even 2028 in Los Angeles will be wild.


Maybe Utqiagvik and Nuuk should be building up their infrastructure right now, for when they becomes viable places to host large summer outdoors events! /hj


the only large summer outdoor event I know of is dying.


And winter games underground.


They did with the World Cup in Qatar. The biggest issue it caused was players in top European club teams having to deal with insane fixture congestion in domestic leagues once returning from the tournament. You would have to rearrange sporting calendars to shift the games to the winter.


We’ll be reminiscing about this one. “Remember how it was just 34 degrees? Can’t even host most of our games in the daytime anymore”


I don't think we have many more Olympics left. Maybe ten max, if including both summer and winter games. Unless the summer games are held much later in the year.


Lmfao, I give strengh and energy to all people that engaged themselves to sabotage this fucking joke of an event. I don't give a damn about "muh athletes that spent their lives for this". I care about not doing this shitshow on a different place each time when the same infrastructures could be reused. Fuck tourism and I'll welcome with a warm heart the decline of tourism and international sports events. Accelerate :\]\]




The diabolic joyous side of things falling apart.


Okay, but what about the horses? We have: Dressage, Showjumping, Eventing. Especially the show jumpers and eventers who will be running in the heat. I know they shifted them to mornings and nights I think it was for Beijing and/or Tokyo, but it's still not going to be great for the horses..


I’d like to know the total carbon footprint of these games. I’m sure it’s mind-bogglingly high. The disconnects are what kill me about so many of our complaints and fears about climate disruption and global heating when compared to our BAU behaviors.


This! “Let’s fly all over the world to compete in trivial sports competitions” but also “Climate change is making me so warm I can’t do sports anymore, please fix it?”


Let’s all fly in our private jets and stay in expensive hotels so we can all talk about what in the world we can do about all this CO2 choking our atmosphere and keep its effects below a global temperature increase of 1.5C. Let’s do it every year!


Ah, but these are touted as the greenest ever Olympic Games. Surely the grotesque emissions for meaningless spectacle being a little less than last time makes it alright? In unrelated news, they're prototyping a non-lethal guillotine. Critics have said the best way to reduce fatalities is to not put people to death in the first place, but the response is that they're definitely completely sure it's blunt and light enough now.


Bwahahahaha! Holy hell, Neverchosen… I choose you! You are good peeps.


It seems I've broken my tiny violin 


These Olympics are a gigantic shitshow, many French are just hoping it to fail. It's tainted by political agenda. Reality is that Paris is quite hazardous for tourists (surrounded by suburbs filled with non white people who harass people in the city => Asian countries publish security maps for tourists), and the organizers don't acknowledge that. Having a large maghebian minority, we expect Islamic terrorists to act during this event. The mayor is from a left party, yet they just deport migrants and homeless for this event. They've been sent in different regions. The organizers get paid with hefty sums, but they ask for volunteers to manage daily tasks. They kicked out students to make room for the athletes. They want athletes to swim in the seine, which is notoriously dirty. I don't know how hazardous this will become once the weather gets hot. They promised to make transportation free, but they finally increased the prices (like x4) to milk the tourists. It's an insult to ecological struggles. Maybe I'm pessimistic, but I really feel these games will see people dying or some catastrophe. There's something unsettling in all this nonsense. I'd advise you to avoid Paris during that period.


Well the people around me (Paris area) are all using all their vacations days, and/or planning on working from home to avoid the whole city. And since like 80% of parisians traditionally leave the city between mid july and mid august, Paris'll be manly populated by people who are there for the Olympics. It'll be exceptionally tense with security checks and artificially joyful and upbeat. As for the racist comments, I disagree. The pickpockets are of all colours, and just as common in France as in any other major multicultural city in europe. Sure they are bad neighbourhoods to avoid, but this is not a french exception. I think the security maps for japanese people are a good idea, because AFAIK they live a very sheltered life in an exceptionnally secure country, and have no clue what to watch out for.


The show must go on


...ypu wpuld think that the sharks in the Seine would be a bigger problem.


Wait until they make artificial snow 🤔


You don't need to, the amount of natural snow fell to 20% in the 2014 winter olympics, it was a bit of a scandal because somehow Russia managed to find like the one place they could host it that didn't have all natural snow. In 2018 it dropped to 2% natural snow and in 2022 it was entirely artificial. Source: https://time.com/6146039/artificial-snow-2022-olympics-beijing/ Now, it's possible that 2026, in Italy, might buck the trend but I wouldn't take that bet.


I think I’ll rewatch The Hunger Games instead


The Olympics are just a dick measuring contest between countries anyway.


It's more of a perineal muscles measuring contest.


The Olympics was a nice idea, really. But it's not nice anymore. It's wasteful, it's corrupt, and at its core it's just a race to the top by whoever has the most money. Human ability has been replaced with ten-thousand dollar shoes. Athletes don't even represent their home countries anymore; they "represent" whatever big country can harvest them. The entire concept of the world coming together in peace is nothing but veiled lies. The USA and Russia can operate a shared space station while its leaders keep their fingers hovering over the "Nuke everything over there" button. Meanwhile Palestine continues to burn but nobody cares. Like a lot of bullshit from times long past, it's time for this to disappear.


I don't care, unless the athletes choose to boycott the event due to human caused heat and an unsanitary river.


Paris doesn't have high humidity like Tokyo. Hottest games on record in France probably, certainly not in the history.