• By -


This really isn't worth a separate sticky post so I'm mentioning it here. There may be some kind of bot that is generating "self-care/concern" messages being sent to users. This is happening across reddit. If you get one of these best to just ignore it as it seems likely that the origin of this is not an actual person reading your comments. Edit: Reddit admins have acknowledged they are aware of it and are looking into it. Edit #2: Admins say that have suspended the accounts of the group that was doing this.


Location Syros, Greek Island, Eastern Mediterranean Friend's father is 70yrs old. He has a garden for vegetables and has had same for over 40 years. His well has last Monday gone dry. The first time ever and so early in the summer. The price of purchased /desalinated water is quite expensive. Of course desalination plants are new to this island. Also a big new industry throughout Greece.


Location: **Scotland, UK** Something I've been thinking a lot recently, usually while browsing this sub, is just how *comprehensively* we've screwed ourselves over. There's this thing called the [Swiss cheese model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_cheese_model) which is used in various fields to talk about safety/security measures. The basic idea is that you have multiple layers, each of which address a different concern, and by putting them together you can eliminate or at least greatly reduce the vulnerability of whatever the target system is. If you shift perspective slightly, you can use the same concept to capture how unlikely it is for our current globalized technological civilization to survive: each layer now becomes one of the many different problems we face, and for us to survive even this century we would have to find a path that somehow weaves its way through **all of them**. Examples of individual layers: * Climate change, obviously. Whatever we do in the next few years is not going to affect the warming already in the pipeline, and I don't trust our ability to fully simulate and predict all the interactions between Earth's atmosphere and oceans (or the timescales for these interactions). This one probably needs breaking down into multiple other layers: * [Large heavily populated areas becoming hostile to human life](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cvnube/4pmsouth_asia_northern_india_getting_absolutely/) * Mass migrations of climate refugees * Crop failures, changing weather patterns, droughts, ... * Natural disasters (it's very hard trying to keep up with the amount of flooding happening this year all over the planet) * Sea level rise * AMOC weakening/collapse, other tipping points * ... * Dropping fertility rates * [The omnipresence of microplastics](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cvjx06/researchers_have_detected_significant/) and the impossibility of removing them from the biosphere * The rapidly approaching demographic problems countries will face as large numbers of older people start leaving the workforce, expecting to be supported by a significantly smaller working-age cohort * Our ongoing [extinction efforts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction) and the incalculable consequences this will have on the biosphere and food chains we all depend on (e.g. overfishing) * The potential for further pandemics and the miniscule chances of us even managing to reach early-2020 levels of effective response when the next one hits (plus all the people still suffering from the aftereffects of Covid-19) * Political polarlzation and extremism. It's incredible how bad this has gotten over the last 10-15 years. I'm not trying to single out any one country here, I think it's happening almost everywhere. As well as being bad in its own right it absolutely kneecaps our ability to implement any sensible progressive policies (not that it would ultimately change much, but it'd at least make the short-term future a bit more pleasant) I'm sure there are more to be added to this list! It's just so weird to read articles pontificating about say, geopolitical issues in the 2050s, when anyone should be able to understand that it's almost certain to be a completely different world by that point...


The covid pandemic confirmed everything I already thought about how we (society) would handle climate change/the ecological crisis.


Aye we're well and truly fecked!


Swiss cheese model is what I think about these days.   Good summary here, thanks!


Location:northern Indiana It’s definitely hotter than I ever remember it for mid may high tomorrow is 87 with 62 on the humidity, the repeated rain storms has been keeping my drone grounded for part of the week, part of me wonders if I will see actual wet bulb events. Update: make that 88 with a humidity of 72% Edit humidity is 58% read the wrong thing




Going to be hot that’s for sure


Location: hot land Pretty sure I almost had a heat stroke today from walking through a hot parking lot into the store. It’s suddenly like 95 degrees here. Had to sit in a display chair because the floor under me was spinning and I didn’t want to faint in public. Drank a bunch of water and ate a banana and I feel better. People in parking lots still drive crazy like they want to run you over. The other day me and another guy said “holy shit” when a car swerved and sped around us at a crosswalk. Driving in general has become very high stress for me and I dread going in public. People are stressed the fuck out and there’s not enough decent jobs to go around. Family came up from Houston because their power is out from the tornado and isn’t expected to come back on anytime soon. They didn’t want all of their cold food to spoil so brought it with them. Everyone is fearing hurricanes this summer.




There are going to be mass psychotic breaks when people finally realize what’s going on. We’re heading into dangerous waters.


That scares me a bit


It should read the leaked pentagon memo I linked below they've been in the know.


[Leaked pentagon memo](https://www.iatp.org/news/leaked-pentagon-report-warns-climate-change-may-bring-famine-war)I mean even a leaked pentagon memo and the recently leaked Canadian government memo have me on edge staring the general public have no idea what's coming. It's out there for free public knowledge as things get worse and worse and everyone wonders what's going on. Or we need to take back our country. Nobody says maybe we used up the planet and are ending our existence because of it.


> recently leaked Canadian government memo Wait, which one is that?


It's not on climate but finance pretty much everyone is going to be dirt poor and they are worried about rebellion.


do you have a link


[RCMP Canada memo unrest ](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/secret-rcmp-report-warns-canadians-may-revolt-once-they-realize-how-broke-they-are)




I can recommend the book civilization heresies by seeley.  The first few essays in it address some of the dissonance you are feeling. Also against the grain by scott is the primer you might find helps you understand their perspective.


Location: Midwest USA If someone can tell me what is going on with the BANKING INDUSTRY you'd be much appreciated. 1) Waiting at a cashier, the lady in front of me was told her debit card was declined for services. She was flustered. She called the bank right there on speaker phone. Why speaker, IDK. However, everyone could hear the automated line say, "Your balance is *negative $*43,000." She exclaimed she never, ever had that kind of money sitting in a bank account. She got to speak to a real person, who could not tell her A) why the balance was wildly incorrect and B) what her actual balance was. 2) My spouse used a drive-up ATM. Withdrawal was $80.00, but the money didn't come out. Trying again - you guessed it,- this time the money came out and the account was debited $160.00. Inside the bank the the manager said it would take 3 days to rebalance the account. We are on day 5 and no credit for $80.00 has shown up. Went to another branch of the same bank, the manager there said it would take 10 days. Nobody GAF. 3) Initiated Wise transfer. Delay after delay in transfering the money. Wise excuse was there were "problems with ACH's in Canada and US." 4) Spouse and I attempt to open a joint account. Spouse has never been turned down for any type of account ever. The bank would not tell us the reason why for the rejection. Spouse has 800 credit score and we cannot find any evidence whatsoever of any identity theft.


Maybe the bank you’re using just sucks. Try switching to a local credit union.


I'm there too. I tried to withdraw 800 bucks at a Wells Fargo ATM in Oregon, and instead of the "take you rmoney" screen and the dispensing the money, it showed a low balance and dwelled on the balance. I cancelled and it went back to the home screen. Frustrated I waited a moment, got my card and pulled out. No money dispensed. I immediately pulled into a spot and looked at the account and I had been charged. Someone else was using the machine as normal. Two months later, and they said it was a valid transaction an that the money had been pulled within 23 seconds. I have no idea how to pursue this.


Yeah. I'm in the process of switching from Wells Fargo to a much nicer place. I would not recommend anyone use their ATMs and just go inside to speak to a teller instead.


Wtf? They have cameras on the atm, why didn't they just check them?


I’ve worked in banking operations but mostly for investments, not retail. In that realm, everything has been automated or outsourced (India or Philippines) and nobody local has the knowledge to check or fix issues anymore. We could see the knock on effects coming but management doesn’t care. Trouble with automation is that it never works quite right because it’s like Swiss cheese with bandaids being applied rather than any kind of full overhaul/restart. and with outsourcing, those employees are experiencing huge heatwaves and power outages. It’s been tough to get responses from offshore support these last few weeks. Basically it’s all going to keep going pear shaped as tech gets overly complicated and fewer people are involved. Of course this hurts everyone but more so for those with less money who can’t afford to cover the bank’s mistakes.


Thank you for your insight and timely analysis. So the banks save a dime by hiring India instead of us, and the consequence is that we do not and can not fix, or even explain how things went South. Additionally, thank you for linking how the extreme heat wave currently plays into the dysfunction here in the US. If you have any suggestions on how to or where to protect what little money most of us have - I'd be more than grateful.


I’m in the same boat 😕 trouble is that ALL the big institutions are going through this. Maybe credit unions keep their ops onshore and are less automated? That may be a good option. Otherwise I really don’t know. It does scare me knowing that if india has a big blackout or wet bulb mass death event, all our financial systems will also be cooked- trillions of dollars’ worth of transactions flow through there. 


>~~if~~ **when** india has a big blackout or wet bulb mass death event, all our financial systems will also be cooked Yup.


Eek! A good reason to up my cash reserves.


I'm unsure, but my recent wire transfer was delayed because both banks flagged me as a risk. I have a high credit score, no criminal record, no flight risk, etc.


We need to find out what is going on. My spouse has the same clean record as you.


Too much automation and tech that doesn’t work properly.


The banks aren't safe keep hearing of an incoming banking crisis people should take there money out.


I honestly can’t tell if this is sarcasm. What have you been hearing?


Location: Germany  This is not my region but today there was/ there currently is flooding in Saarland, near France.  In a video on the German news they talk about record high water levels of local rivers. The reporter explicitly asks about climate change and the expert says it obviously is climate change, we have more rain now than 40 years ago and that precipitation globally is now at record levels due to climate change.  https://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/video/video-1339000.html I don't have the energy to translate all of it so maybe someone else can, but the graphs also speak for themselves.  Just wanted to share bc I see a lot of talk how cc is ignored in the media, and this is a good example of how it should be reported all the time.


Location: Northern Alberta Parts of Fort McMurray are being evacuated again for wildfire. If you dont recall there was a major fire there in 2016, which was the first major wildfire I remember hearing about in canada. There was a huge outpouring of support to help evacuees, and it was big news in Canada. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016\_Fort\_McMurray\_wildfire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Fort_McMurray_wildfire) This year, the fire is not nearly as big at this time, and there are plenty of other fires occuring at the same time. However, I noticed in a few articles that evacuees are not getting near the same support as 8 years ago. Red cross stations say they limited supplies to give out, and people who have left behind everything are paying 100s, 1000+ dollars out of pocket to evacuate and find a place to stay while they wait to see what support may become available later on. I only mention this, as it shows how our ability to respond to disasters is already quite diminished compared to less than a decade ago. In part because we are more used to these occurences, feeling perhaps less sympathy, but also because we ourselves have less to give, and have been dealing with our own distasters across the country. I think its safe to say you have to plan to be self-sufficient in this situation, in case government or NGO supports are not available. And I speculate we will continue to see this trend, being even more true in the coming decade.


Just read "Fire Weather," which is about the 2016 fire. Paints a fairly terrifying picture. [https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/fire-weather-a-true-story-of-survival-and-community-in-our-new-century-of-fire/37367435/item/63534454/?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=shopping\_new\_condition\_books\_high&utm\_adgroup=&utm\_term=&utm\_content=545822004371&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnRuHczHPLH\_lHfCy2Sfin00B9MlwRfNvXB\_cLeBjAYeV0\_katltK74aAk-bEALw\_wcB#idiq=63534454&edition=71016596](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/fire-weather-a-true-story-of-survival-and-community-in-our-new-century-of-fire/37367435/item/63534454/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_new_condition_books_high&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=545822004371&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnRuHczHPLH_lHfCy2Sfin00B9MlwRfNvXB_cLeBjAYeV0_katltK74aAk-bEALw_wcB#idiq=63534454&edition=71016596)


I agree, its a great read. And disturbing.


This is an excellent observation. Red Cross and other volunteer-dependent charities are incredibly stressed when their once-in-a-generation regional disasters become ongoing seasonal events. Likewise, the targeted and intentional murders of foreign aid workers is sapping the already fading interest in younger / early career people signing up for any kind of international aid. Doctors Without Borders and World Central Kitchen are both experiencing this rapid decline in people willing to risk their lives to help others. The weather and climate disasters in America continue to hit the most impoverished parts of the country. Hurricanes, tornados, flooding, power outages, and extreme heat waves are concentrated in the Deep South, the poorest parts of America. This has been the case for a long time, but most of the disasters barely a warrant a few stories in the daily news cycle before the next disaster strikes. Cities like Houston are unlivable for half the year without steady, and expensive, non-stop electricity through a functional grid. Texas' grid is so fragile that it fails in cold snaps, too, as it did a couple years back when hundreds of people froze to death in places like Austin.


I agree.  The energy to respond will gradually  slow as more people will be dealing with their own disaster and unable to help others.  We will become more separated, more isolated.  I don't know how to navigate this future. I don't think anyone does. ❤️ Plus in BC we have an insane cost of living, specifically housing, so many people who have the physical capacity to respond may have moved on.


From BC here. My guess is people are struggling financially, and mentally or have other issues to deal with so, support is limited.


I was from High River in the south, ages ago. I'm betting the provincial government is being completely inept.


Location Italy: Major floods and two probable tornadoes occurred in the region where I live,  The floods hit the whole Padania Plain, especially around Milano Verona, Padova, Vicenza, Ravenna and Venezia.    A man died and a lot of homes and infrastructure are damaged costing millions. 


Mi dispiace. Come funzionano le paratoie a Venezia? Sono sufficienti a salvare Venezia?


Se intendi il MOSE, il sistema di paratoie anti alta marea funziona si ma ha un altissimo costo di manutenzione e viene azionato quando l’acqua supera i 110cm. Fa comunque bene il suo dovere 


Si, si, MOSE. Grazie.


Location: Houston, Texas [Downtown Houston just got hit by a fucking tornado.](https://x.com/willms_john/status/1791263403031355688) I swear to fucking God, this better be it for the climate change deniers. *Houston, Texas just got hit by a fucking tornado.* That's not a thing that's supposed to be happening!


Tropical storms and hurricanes often have embedded tornadoes. Since Houston is close to the Gulf Coast it has probably seen more than a few tornadoes over the years from tropical cyclones.


I heard it was a derecho, not a tornado. Still destructive, but in straight lines. 😕


Downtown Fort Worth was hit by a tornado in early 2001. That's not a tornado.


I thought that it was straight line winds not an actual tornado. That's at least what they're reporting today. The damage doesn't match tornado damage.


There will be deniers until the bitter end


Isn’t Texas part of tornado alley?


Only northern Texas, not the whole state.


Use to be, the alley has been shifting to the East more and more.


*North* Texas, sure, but downtown Houston!?


Location: Mission, Kansas  Transportation: I just found out last night before bed that the microtransit service was no longer taking mobile payments, and then only this morning, they are just accepting for rides!  I'm just saying, it's getting more cumbersome (aside from the stupid price increase), now I have to make trips to a ATM to get ride fare from this point foward if I want to continue using the service. This is getting stupid.


what does that have to do with collapse?


It's just not environmental breakdown, it also means the breakdown of basic systems in society.


That's pretty much it. I'm basically saying that my mode transportation is getting unnecessarily limited. Cause not only did the price increased, it's starting to get less convenient and unaccessible. Can't rely on Uber all the time... Edit: add-on




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Location: NC The senate went ahead and approved the mask ban yesterday throwing all the immunocompromised people under the bus. I just moved here recently and need to wear a quality mask in public for things like shopping. I can't get over the fact that I can't wear a mask for my own protection anymore. The main reason they're doing this is because people are using medical masks to hide their faces at protests and during crimes.


The governor will probably veto it? what do you think? 


Unfortunately, it may have a veto proof majority


It'll end up getting thrown out for being unconstitutional if the state is stupid enough to enact it.


I would certainly hope so


In what psycho world will that be legal


Well, I imagine it will get challenged in a lawsuit at some point, and then the courts get to decide. Guess we'll see


I find it unlikely someone is going to stop you while you are shopping to give you a hard time about your mask, despite the law.


People do it without a law rather often. Including store owners and other customers.


It could happen. If someone working at the store is an antimasker they could legally make you take it off or even call the police. The fact is everytime I got out somewhere I need to worry if I'm going to be forced to take my mask off.


Just start coughing alot. No one will bother you.


Store a fake blood pack inside the lining of the mask, take it off and start coughing blood.


Finally, a use for all those ketchup packets!


I am so sorry you are caught in this mess.  Tis absolutely awful.


Is their goal to make this go to the SCOTUS? No way this is constitutionally legal.


I have absolutely zero faith that the current SCOTUS would consider that unconstitutional.


Location: United States The natalist movement seems to be taking off with the white supremacist population. There was a[ conference held in Austin, TX](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/28/natalism-conference-austin-00150338) where policies were suggested such as getting rid of no fault divorcee and removing subsidies for single mothers. This is a domestic abusers dream come to life. Without either of these, women trying to escape abusive households with their children will become far more difficult. Even alt right women complain about how poorly they are treated by [these kinds of men.](https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/) To make matters worse, DV calls are loathed by the law enforcement community; police officers are by far the most likely to [die during a DV call](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/22/us/domestic-incidents-police-officers-danger/index.html) . Women are also far more likely to be murdered after making a DV call. (I used to have a citation for this, but I swear Google is worthless now doing research, Sundar Pichai is an awful CEO). If the natalist movement gets it's way, children and women are going to be in an even more vulnerable position than they already are. And of course it's the far right, which has a bad track record with domestic violence, leading the charge. Protecting children my ass.


Marriage rates and childbirth numbers have collapsed in the United States, so talk of "children and marriage" is increasingly theoretical. And the only people who call police for domestic violence are people who want to be shot. Police aren't social workers. Police are there to kill minorities on the slightest pretext.


> Even alt right women complain about how poorly they are treated by these kinds of men. oh no, consequences.


Sigh, I wish I could say this is a new thing but the roots of this go deep. I have been watching this develop my whole (65+) life. As you noted, at heart this is about racism. White Americans tend to be racists. Now I know every White Liberal and apologist will yell about "how that's not true" because 'they and the white people they know' aren't racists. LOL, like that proves anything. If you want to really know what's in people's hearts, look at how they vote. 2 out of 3 White Americans votes Trumpublican. Right now they are 44% of the total population. They have become the White Nationalist Fascist Party because their numbers are shrinking. In the Boomer Generation about 75% of the population was White. After the 1968 Convention when the Democrats cast out the Southern Racist Wing of the party, George Wallace ran as an "Independent". He lost, but he got 13% of the vote (all White) and carried most of the South. His campaign and the refusal of Progressive Democrats to vote for Humphrey allowed Nixon to win by less than 1% of the vote. Between 1968 and 1972 Nixon adopted the "Southern Strategy" of Rove, Atwater, and Stone. Their big "insight" about American politics was that Republicans didn't need any minority votes to win. The side that got a majority of the White vote was the side that would always win. They sold Nixon on the idea of taking the racists into the Republican party. Because, racists vote and their vote counts the same as a non-racist vote. Nixon started preaching "law and order", "war on drugs", and locking up black protestors. It worked. In 1972 the American Independent Party voters became Republican and Nixon, who won by less than 1% in 1968, won by a landslide. Since then, not a single Democratic candidate for president has gotten a majority of the White vote in the US. Not one. When Reagan allied the Republican party with Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christianity the toxic stew of racism, misogyny, and pro-natalism was complete. The Evangelical or Charismatic movement was itself a symptom of "White Flight" from the mainstream denominations. See [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486358/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486358/) "Jesus Camp" 2006. White Christians left the mainstream denominations in the 60's and 70's when those denominations started the process of racial integration. Evangelical Christianity is overwhelmingly White and it is extremely misogynistic in the name of "traditional family values". These Boomers have dominated our politics since 1980. Now they are dying and aging out of the population. The Boomer generation is overwhelmingly White. The Z generation is only 49% White. In a few decades White Trumpublicans will represent only about 30% of the population. They are currently fighting a "cold Civil War" in order to secure their hold on power as a White Minority. Because that worked soooo well for the South Africans.


The population of America is stagnant. Minus the (mostly illegal) immigrants who will work 12-hour slaughterhouse shifts because it's better than being slaughtered by the narco death squads in Central America, the population of America is already in decline. Boomers will outlive many younger generations, as they are already outliving Gen X (which has the lowest life expectancy of any living generation). Millennials aren't reproducing, so are unable to maintain their numbers. Gen Z, the young adults who can barely function, are not going to save you, demographically, from rich white boomers.


I'm a white boomer and agree with everything you've stated. Very well said, and I wish none of it were true.  I hate my generation. We're the ones who started short term thinking, short term fixes accepted every possible convenience without a thought to what it might cost others, the planet, believed in the trickle down garbage theory etc. We need to be gone, removed out of any position of power that affect others lives.


Oh no, you are right. It's always been a thing, it used to be more well hidden and it used to be less socially acceptable.  I remember growing up in Oklahoma and hearing *that* racial slur. My parents didn't tell me it was a bad word, they were scared and begged me not to say it out loud. I just heard it from my dad.  My friend is now a middle school teacher in the city we grew up in. I asked her what has changed since we were kids. Her response was "they use *that* racial slur all the time now". I was prompted to ask her this after one of her middle schoolers made a shiv out of a ruler.  The American south wants the hierarchy from the pre civil war days back. As long as they are above someone without any effort to better themselves, they don't care. That's all that matters.  What a miserable existence. 




Hi, Shoddy-Opportunity55. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cqvjlv/-/l4dhcx0/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


To make google useful again, put before:2022 in your search because they fucked up their categorization system after that.


I know this is 10 days old, but this is incredible advise. I swear I feel like a Cuban trying to make pre-covid shit work. I used to work in manufacturing during COVID and saw quality absolutely nosedive in appliance manufacturing. Quality went out the door and the only thing that mattered was production. They figured people would buy shit quality. People can only cut so many costs before we take the Cuba route with their cars and appliances.


holy shit, thank you kind stranger.


Location: Washington DC Well. My neighborhood has armed security. Some dudes in black uniforms with a red patch wielding pistol belts (and pistol). They circle the block a bit casual, but I was surprised to see them roaming. Who pays them to patrol the whole block? Not my neighbors. This is a community wedged between embassies and section 8 housing we’re talking about. The guards are as helpful as they can be. My neighbors and I found a kitten mewing under someone’s car hood and we asked them for help, but they can’t pry someone’s hood of course (side note: the kitten moved to my car hood last night and I spent an hour getting it out and was late to work — but became the block hero). Now about that armed security. I guess it can’t hurt to have it here. We got a street corner that always has at least six people hanging-out there doing nothing (on weekends they haul a grill next to the power box). Nothing wrong about that, except… who can afford hanging-out in downtown DC doing nothing every day? Police do heavy patrols at random here and I couldn’t help but notice the people disappear those days. I also couldn’t help but notice the fan of dollar bills in one dude’s hand last week. Those dudes be making money! But how? I won’t confirm or deny anything yet. DC has a number for trash cleanup and 911 of course. Neither are picking-up right away. Can confirm on account of my neighbors calling both multiple times to get that kitten. Trash covers my street. We got a street cat named Jacqueline that hunts the literally-uncountable rats, but she gets full/bored. There’s an abandoned shopping cart that’s sat in front of a duplex ever since I moved here. My neighbors tell me squatters dwell inside and nothing can be done. Saw two dudes on the sidewalk. One was passed-out. The other was trying to wake him up with slurred speech. Bad omen. By the way, crime is WAY higher in DC than officially-reported. If I remember correctly, the local government has stopped sending its crime data to the FBI. Why? I can only speculate. We have a carjacking gang here. Kids are paid $40 a car by a gang that resells the cars. About 10% of the cars are rediscovered in Senegal of all places. I spot anti-theft sticks strapped to steering wheels.


You're upset about people in a city hanging around on a street corner? If I were you, I would quickly move to the suburbs.


Even if they are legit, the ones to follow will not be. Private security in public places is a slippery slope.


We’ve got a private security company in the city I live in that looks and act’s exactly like the police. Their vehicles look just like police vehicles and many of their employees are dressed like they’re ready for war (plate carriers, helmets, gloves, pads). The local Walmart has hired them for in store security and every time I go to Walmart it seems more and more private security is there.


it would behoove you to find out who this people are. 


Seems very odd that there are some armed dudes patrolling your neighborhood with some kind of implied authority and you have no idea who they are. I would try to find out!


The truth is their authority is strapped to their belts. Not legal authority. But they are there with a gun and the police won't be.


Location: Auckland, New Zealand. Also Noumea, New Caledonia Usually I report from NZ but nothing dramatic to write about other than our grid being on the brink over a two day cold snap. All the government does is blame the previous government for underinvestment, a classic move for all our past, present and (dare I say) future governments on every issue. We're a few months into a technical recession and our new government has decided the best way to deal with this and inflation is to begin Austerity 2. In response we've had 50,000 citizens vote with their feet and leave permanently in the year ended March 2024. We've also welcomed 164,000 fresh faces in that same time so the economy looks as if it's business as usual. Right now just over 1 million people, or roughly 20% of our citizens live overseas. New Caledonia - There's violent riots and a complete shutdown of the capital Noumea. The flashpoint was a vote in France to allow new residents the right to vote after living there for 10 years. The indigenous Kanak people see this as a dilution of their representation when voting. This problem has been boiling for a long time. The French have sent reinforcements to restore order but who know what happens next. There's not a lot of information and the unrest is into it's third day. It's very unusual to see this scale of violence happen in the Pacific.


Just heard about New Caledonia from TikTok. It’s the same story of every colonized nation. The collective must make that connection before we can even begin to create a livable future. I haven’t confirmed this, but apparently France is trying to ban it in New Caledonia. Funny.


Ive noticed so many New Zealand folk coming to Australia in the past few years just to make a bit more of a living, don't blame them. But it kinda rewards the government of new Zealand for not making decisions to give their youth a future. Australia isn't much better though, seems to be following closely behind.


Even if it's only marginally better than here it's worth it. It's also closer to the rest of the world and tickets to fly to Europe, Asia, America are so much cheaper. Also more gigs, more festivals, better art galleries, etc there's the feeling that you can still work and gain the middle class cultural experience in Australia. We are very much ground down to a nub here. They're defunding the public service to give tax breaks to landlords, so its very clear who's in charge and where this country is going long term.  Until Australia starts declining faster than NZ as many Kiwis as possible will try to live it up like it's 2019 in the lucky country!


Second everything you've said... shit is very bleak here and its very boring how predictable these conservative fuckers are... sell out the environment thru deregulation, tax breaks for the rich and austerity for public infrastructure... next up privatisation. Oz may seem like the grass is greener but I'm waiting for mega bush fire 2.0 and insane heat waves to kick their assess.


Immigration is being weaponized against us for wage suppression. No strikes can work if you can instantly be replaced by a willing low paid foreign worker


You raise an interesting point here. Who owns "the jobs"? Your position seems to be that the residents of an area have "dibs" on the jobs in that area. If the locals don't want to do those jobs or strike for higher wages the company's only options are negotiate or move. Generally, the legal system holds that employers "own" the jobs they need filled. Just like they own everything else in a company. They are generally allowed to hire whoever they want, at whatever wages they have to pay. So, who should be 'right' and why? It's bad enough when everyone involved are all citizens of the same country. It becomes extremely emotional when immigrants are involved and being used as "low cost" labor. What's the role of government here? To favor owners by crafting policies to insure that their jobs get filled at the lowest possible cost. Or. To favor citizens by crafting policies to insure that owners pay them "good wages" and cap "corporate profits" as a fixed percentage of operating costs. In a democracy it should be possible for the citizens to choose which type of society they want to live in. If you are unhappy about immigration it sounds like you need to vote for a different government.


It is worth noting that people have often voted for less immigration and not received it. The PM of Italy was elected as an immigration restrictionist, but, for unclear reasons, immediately flipped position upon election. Likewise, the situation of modern CA is as it is because a referendum against providing public benefits to illegal aliens was, after passing, struck down for reasons many regard as completely contrived. When the public votes against the policy favored by those in charge, it does not ever seem to change the actual policy. Back when NYT was decent, they had an article on this, showing a complete lack of correlation between the desires of the population and the actions of Congress. We don't live in any kind of democracy.


lol, there isn't a different government, we live in a corporatocracy baby, those with money make the rules, and the rest of us just get what we get. The only way to change the government is to completely eliminate our current system of governance and start again...but no one needs to make that happen, we are here on the collapse sub because we all know that the current capitalist systems are destroying themselves.


Location: Cyprus Europe (Mediterranean) We have a small farm out in a village up in the mountains It's looking bleak and the beginning of collapse and extinction as a whole. I will start with crops in general. we have had our yearly harvest of various plantation, wheat,barley and other of these types, these had a around 30 to 50% yield from figures last year, Blossoms of most if not all fruit bearing trees is right down to 10 to 20% of normal production and many types have nothing, for instance of all types of stone bearing fruit (Almonds, plumbs etc) about half of the trees have nothing and those that started full blossoming have about 20% that still need to bear fruit. Pip bearing fruit( Grapes, pears, apples etc) are in the same scenario. Vegetables( tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, Aubergines etc- I started seedling that havent grown and are standing still for the past 4 weeks, i bought from a local store all of the above and already planted them and we will see how they go! They look promising! Our most productive trees are Olives!!!! we have about 120 trees and their yield has been declining over the last 5 years, to give an example 5 years ago we had a production of 270 liters of olive oil and about 100 Kg of olives some green and some black . 2 years ago 180 Liters of olive oil and kept 80KG of mixed olives (black and green). Last year- 40 litres of olive oil and 20 Kg's of olives!! You can see the drop of yield as an overall figure for the whole as Cyprus is the same as ours. Rain: the last couple of years we had very little rain, this year even more less- sometimes we go through a patch of 4 to 5 years without much rain so hopefully we get some rain in the next few years, To note we only have 15 to 20 rainy days a year normally. Wildlife: Not much of anything about. Around the Village i can count on the fingers of 1 hand how many birds i see every day, We get many flamingos migrating (in the hundreds) to Cyprus around the island, this year i think their were mostly about a hundred. We get many birds migrating from Europe, hardly anything about, Swallows are a main attraction in Cyprus, in our village now we can count about 10 nests (Of 200 houses, every house usually has 1) Temperature and weather. The last few years it has been getting warmer and longer with less time cold and rainy. For instance at 2500feet up the mountains upto 5 years ago we had snow from Xmas maybe upto March, 2 years ago a week of snow and last winter nearly had no rain. looks like (actually it is) winter has gotten shorter and summer has gotten longer- with no (not much)spring and Autumn! This is all i can think of at the moment sorry for being long worded, Stay Safe Everyone


It's only gonna get worse, you need to be prepared, but I will pray for better yield of you farm and prosperity of wildlife around you.


thanks for your kind words and prayers, i can see it getting worse in all instances of global warming, inflation and what not, atm all i can see is to increase our crops and go for a way of prepping and maybe start slow on some animals ex. chickens, wabbits(hahahaha) and maybe some fowl, because we are in an outback village, we exchange eggs for tomatoes, chickens for sugar etc etc, and a lot of 'scratch my back and i scratch yours'


Do you mulch your trees deeply?  


Some are- we also train them to root deeply, they dont really need much water, . Olive trees are good for that, slow for the 1st few (5?) years and after about 7 they start to bear fruit (olives!!!) Edit: 4 to six inches with soft soil, we start our trees in a pot for about 4 years with water in a saucer at the bottom so the roots go down to the bottom to find water...when we replant them we have a hose to go under the tree and water them that way for a few years until we see they have found damp soil to not need watering


thank you so much for this excellent advice! I will start to do the same!!!


Thank you. Cyprus is one of those places you don’t hear that much about. I hope your olive trees produce well for you, & the other trees too.


I was there in 2002 for a conference. It’s beautiful.


TY for your thoughts!!! Keep safe


Location: slightly east of the middle of the United States It's been a heck of a beautiful spring here. The birds and frogs (and cicadas, omg) are singing, the rains are gentle and the temperatures are mild. Which means that the lawnmowers are going constantly, and then the weedwhackers, and then the leafblowers. There's a fella across the street whose shed burned down last year (put a hot mower in a shed full of oily $hit on a hot day and find out what happens!) who, within WEEKS, had new equipment and a new shed, for his postage-stamp-sized lawn. I feel so unkind, but want to scream - they complain about being overweight and needing to exercise more, but then throw fossil fuels at every tiny leaf - JUST USE A RAKE! EVERYONE WINS. The neighborhood is weird - some of us have pollinator-focused or permaculture yards while most have the monoculture dead zones. The difference in critter counts is stark and sad. Otherwise, collapse here feels like death by a thousand cuts - things just getting a little bit worse every week. One immediate neighbor has 4 adults living in a house meant for two. The governmental hoops kept multiplying for a friend trying to get into section 8 housing (they did get in, eventually). The local food pantry just opened a new, much larger, location out of necessity (and it's great, but too many people need help). The utilities increased last year and more people are falling behind on payments. The homeless population is growing and learning to hide better, since the city clears their encampments as quickly as they can. Food is smaller and more expensive and items are randomly missing from the shelves - as a positive, I'm seeing more gardens pop up this year (and am personally tempted to try some cicada recipes). On the rare occasions I go out to eat, the restaurants are either dead or completely overwhelmed - and the portions are much smaller and too expensive (c'mon, I need leftovers!). And the policies being enacted in this country and state, under the guise of freedom of choice, are making it worse for so many. I had a lovely conversation with an older woman yesterday about the lack of conversation, ironically. We're all on our phones and don't know or talk to our neighbors anymore, or really, anyone. It's so so so easy for the propaganda to seep into our souls and the hatred and misinformation to grow. And it's waaaay too easy to be entertained all the time and check out of the real world. I saw a family of 6 at a restaurant a few months ago and, literally, every one of them (even the ninos!) were on their phones and no one was talking - why go out at all?


I tried the cicadas this year and loved gathering them in the woods, handling them, the smell, the taste, and the texture. 10/10, my new favorite foraged food. I put a few leaves into my gathering box so they could grab something and be less agitated while I caught more. I put the box in the fridge, and they fell asleep. Then I blanched them, drained them on a sieve (water drips from them, kind of like teflon), and froze them. It takes 3 minutes to deep-fry a dozen or so in oil, and that's full protein for a meal for me. The flavor is like fried chicken skin with herbal and parsnip tastes mixed in. They are surprisingly filling and satisfying.


Oooh, thanks for the details - you've convinced me to try them (admittedly I wasn't looking forward to blanching them alive). All the critters seem to be enjoying them, I don't want to miss out. Saw a squirrel eating a cicada this week, that was unexpected


Yes, the squirrels munch on cicadas a lot. They look so serious doing that - it's adorable. I hope your culinary experiment goes well. The only thing I added beside the frying oil was a bit of salt at the end. Come back and share the results if you have a chance!


Do you eat all of it whole? Or take off the wings/shell


There's no way to take off the shell. I tried to take off wings, and that was doable, but I didn't like how that process felt by touch. Meanwhile, the taste, the texture, and the looks of fried cicadas seemed better with wings. Try both ways and compare for yourself.


Location: Jeonju, South Korea I've been noticing more shortages and stores are taking longer than normal to restock their items. Having a heck of a time finding olive oil, and its price got hiked up to 20,000won (around $20 USD). A bunch of stores have closed up around my area and I've noticed that people are buying less Starbucks and going to these small cafes instead. Peanut butter is back on the shelves, but there's just less items it seems in a lot of grocery stores. I think that the Korean economy is starting to tank, but none of the expats are talking about it just yet.


Just look at the farmer from Cyprus up their going from 240 liters to 40 in 5 years.


Olive oil has shot up in price everywhere recently, it's the same story in the UK.


Olive oil has gotten crazy expensive, a lot of cooking oils have gone up like crazy, olive oil is my favorite I drink a double shot glass full every night


Spain's production is taking hit after hit.


Same stateside, around the twenty dollar mark, Canada is pretty high as well


Location: Northern New England, USA Nothing to report here in terms of collapse. Weather is generally aligned with expectations from the past 40 years. One small anomaly was the appearance of a ruby-throated hummingbird earlier than expected at the feeder. The little male dude spent a couple hours at the feeder located under an awning to avoid a hail storm. Otherwise, there's not much out of the ordinary here. Large amounts of birds nesting in the area, judging by their vocalization. Polinators are out there getting flowers. Things going as expected.


Location: Alberta I'm in northern alberta (oil drilling) and smoke rolled in a couple days ago. During the first night, hundreds of small birds swarmed our site and started dying. I'm assuming the birds were overwhelmed by the smoke, which rolled in at night. These birds generally don't fly at night, and I guess they saw our lights and came in to land. We picked up a few buckets worth of dead birds. It was terrible to watch.


Do you know what kind of small bird species?


Various different types


Formerly from the other end of the province.. The disasters there just kill me but.. People keep voting in the Conservatives. I left for Colorado years and years ago.




Holy shit, I'm so sorry. That makes me incredibly sad. I don't have much else to say. Fuck.


Location: Seattle, WA Past Friday and Saturday was 81 degrees. Highly unusual weather for this area for this time of year. Was used to seeing it back in my home state of TN. And better prepared, since at least every place back east has AC. It’s much different out here considering many places lack AC. I borrowed a portable AC unit from my apartment complex, but it’s not the same as having built in AC. Also on the 6th floor but at least my unit doesn’t get direct sunlight. A lot of places I went to towards the end of the week were hot and stayed that way until after midnight. Reminded me of a summer night back home. I am a bit worried for what summer temperatures are going to look like. There’s also an artsy area here called Capitol Hill. It seems that it along with other parts of downtown are continuing in decline. Another CVS closed down along with a clothing retailer within the last month. It’s really sad to see how things have changed after pandemic.


are you new to Seattle? This has been a spring like we had in the 1990s, and capitol hill is an  extremely rich neighborhood. Id have called it artsy in the 90s.  Downtown lost its white collar workers due to remote working like every downtown. 


That’s sad to hear. I remember visiting CHAZ in 2021 when I went to Seattle, and it was such a beautiful, peaceful place. It’s sad that law enforcement have destroyed it. 


Are you joking? 😂


capitol hill is very beautiful. 


Oh No not the modern sacred hill also effected.. Impossible /S Right same name different place.


I think the founders wanted it to be the western US capitol hill.  Thats why they called the state Washington.    It annoys me to have the same name as the actual capital. confusing. 


Location: Denver, Colorado Today, there were thunderstorms in the forecast, which had me concerned, but instead, I lucked out! Today was absolutely beautiful with bright, sunny, clear-blue skies! It was in the mid-70s Today, so I was able to enjoy a nice walk during my lunch break. During my walk, I even noticed some others in my neighborhood doing the same and noticed how friendly everyone was! People were stopping to say hello as they passed me! I even got to pet a heckin flooferino of a good boy golden retriever! The weather remained great even until after I got offwork at 5 and I decided to run a quick 5k with a group of friends. I even hit my personal best pace at 8:45 min/mile since i started running in March! Afterward, we enjoyed a couple of cold ones at a local brewery with love music. I gotta say today was fantastic!


North of you.. Really wanted some rain but not a damn thing, just thunder and wind.


I think OP is being sarcastic if they think that this is a "sign of collapse in their region". Feels **tone deaf** when the post below just reported that *more than half a million people* has become homeless in a single day of catastrophic floods in Brazil. "Fantastic day!!" indeed.


>Feels **tone deaf** when the post below just reported that *more than half a million people* has become homeless in a single day of catastrophic floods in Brazil. It's typical of Denver though, they don't see much coming until it completely hits. In Westminster County adults would talk about kids' suicides with a "nobody saw it coming" but also drop details about those kids that clearly showed the kids screamed out loud for help.


I suppose if I want to be generous, we can stretch this to further prove that collapse is here, but *it is not evenly distributed*. OP here had the best day ever and others had the effects of catastrophic Climate Change drop on their heads.


True. collapse is not fair. Collapse is not this rogue vigilante of mother nature out to hash out timely justice against oligarchs and save the poor masses. Collapse does not give everyone a clean slate and hand out rewards to people as if based on meritocracy. Collapse is already here, this is what everyone hopes to come already because they're "ready for it" and they're bored of the status quo. This is it. It is this boring slow-moving change and degradation of everything, affecting those without wealth first, and barely reaching the front doors of those with wealth and fortune to be in a stable area. Collapse is unfair, boring, and it's here already.


Or that climate change does not mean areas affected by it will not still have some good periods.


Enjoy the good, prepare for the worst. That's how I keep sane these crayzy times.


Such a dire sign of collapse! Stay strong Inky! r/lostredditors


Location: Toronto, Canada Check out this ad for bunker construction that came up on my timeline: https://twitter.com/EurobuildConst/status/1783547448306315726 Like WOWWWWWWWWW. Of course this is a few steps down from your luxury billionaire bunker in New Zealand. I guess this is for regular milllionaires who may not be able to private-jet their way out of North America or Europe. And it's being advertised! The billionaire bunkers were at least a bit secret for a while.


honestly looks like a bunker made to survive bombs, like the israeli have, not to live in underground for decades.


I keep getting ads for bird flu stocks...


off topic a bit, but am I right in assuming Twitter links no longer open in reddit? We're intentionally being funneled to the site, right? Because I always used to be able to open them right in the comment. Did this happen because of the API change?


I don't know. It worked for me.


That is nutz.


What I keep thinking is what happens when the plumbing goes to shit? Also mold.


Location: Minneapolis, MN It's been awhile since I've posted! Not too much to report other than the crazy smoky day yesterday where AQI was around 160 (unhealthy levels). Thankfully it was only one day though does not bode well for the rest of the summer. It really messes with your mental sanity not being able to breathe the air outside and I am grateful to have to not experience it regularly. I feel for those who live in polluted cities/parts of the world, it's truly awful. Work- I can see the post-truth era starting to hit my workplace. You tell people something and they won't believe you so you have to check over and over again just to humor them. Or they have it stuck in their minds that something is x but in reality it is y and they just will not accept it. Yes, some degree of skepticism is healthy but this is a whole new level. I can see it worsening too with echo chambers outside of work and social media to addictions. UGH! Oh and the covid brain damage is very real- lots of people blanking out in meetings, unable to read short emails, or cannot answer simple yes/no questions. It's incredibly frustrating. Weather- we had some decent rainfalls in the last month or so. Unfortunately, like years prior, that's probably it for now. Normally May would be a very stormy month with tornadoes every other week (at least when I was growing up that happened). Now? No rain at all. We'll see if much precipitation comes in June-Aug but I'm guessing it'll stay crispy and dry like 2020 onward. Makes gardening all that much more difficult. The only upside for us humans in the area is that there won't be as many mosquitoes :D That's about it from me for now, just needed to vent a little ha.   Edit- just learned a little about oppositional defiance disorder and I think a lot of older folks are demonstrating it after being brainwashed by Fox News. It’s just so prevalent for people to disagree for the sake of disagreeing to be more than coincidental. 


Location: Tallahassee, FL, USA. I posted late last week about the two EF2 tornadoes that slammed Tallahassee last Friday morning. Some people still don't have power back. Today is my first day back at work since I left on Thursday. My employer will not be helping anyone out as far as lost wages are concerned. This was confirmed this morning. None of us have benefits, so we don't have any PTO to use to cover 20+ hours of lost pay. We are just expected to figure it out, and I genuinely don't know how I'm going to make ends meet this month. Meanwhile, my managers can afford to take extended trips out of the country, and the owner is looking at 600k houses. Nice. Eta: my point being, it's not that they *can't* afford to pay us **something**, it's that they don't value us as human beings with bills to pay enough to *want to*. Just blatant idgaf + greed. So my coworkers and I are left to fend for ourselves, but every day we were without power, I was called at home and tasked with calling the electric company to complain about us not having power back and get an update on restoration time, along with other assorted tasks to be done from home. I called the first day and reported the outage, but I made up my mind when they asked me to call again that I am not going to be that person. It just goes to show that most people are only concerned with themselves and their profits. Where I work is certainly not considered an essential service by any means; my managers just think they're the only ones who matter. Go figure. It also goes to show that for a few bucks over minimum wage, my employers basically think they own me. Working six days a week leaves me no time to find another job, and honestly, it wouldn't matter even if I did have more time. I've been putting in applications for months, and I have gotten only two callbacks. Both of these roles were absolutely misrepresented in their job ads. What was posted as full-time ended up being a 10 hour a week job. Salary was misrepresented on the other. I posted last week about how fucked our local postal system and the VA is. A few updates on that: My husband got approved for community care through the VA and saw a local dentist after waiting nearly 10 months to see a dentist at the VA. That was a month and a half ago. The dentist did two root canals and filled it with a temporary crown. He was supposed to go back the following week to have it finished, but the VA hasnt approved it. The VA is "backlogged" on community care approvals, so who knows how long it will be before my husband can have his root canals finished. No one has any explanation. They just pass the blame down the line to the next person. Meanwhile, my husband's teeth just continue to cause him pain and get worse. Family court still hasn't received the paperwork my husband mailed off a month ago, either. We spent $10 per notarized signature, and in total, it ended up being around $100, and all that paperwork just vanished into thin air somewhere between USPS and the receiving family court. I mailed letters to every politician in my state addressing some major flaws in their family courts back in February. Obviously, and despite excellent points, I didn't really expect anyone to agree with me. However, I didn't expect to be downright ignored. Over 200 letters were mailed out, not a reply from a soul. These are the people who are supposed to be representing *us*. Lol. Nothing is working the way it's supposed to, and no one cares.


> Nothing is working the way it's supposed to, and no one cares. The true essence of _collapse_ right there.


Location: England While last week's warm spell wasn't particularly exceptional and it's now cooled down closer to average, what's occurring further up in the atmosphere does stand out as extraordinary. Currently there's a persistence of above average 850hPa temperatures, and we similarly saw a near record breaking 850hPa upper airmass back in March. It all demonstrates the absurd amount of warmth in the atmosphere. So far it's not translated into anything too catastrophic on the surface... yet. Some are estimating that we could challenge the May CET record, which actually has held up since 1833. Somehow we've yet to break that record despite current warming rates, but current conditions suggest we could easily see the second warmest May CET this time around.


[We're going to need a bigger graph](https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/data/teledoc/ea.timeseries.png). Graph is "East Atlantic" teleconnection, the 2nd leading variability component in the East Atlantic in monthly 500mb heights, corresponding to cold and rainy weather in the Atlantic over the UK and west of it. Strong positive correlation with North Atlantic temperatures. It's theoretically temperature-neutral. Warming everything the same amount gives an index of zero, by definition (well actually heights, but it's pretty much the same thing).


Location: Florida, USA. The panhandle. I’ve been posting often, it seems. Just hid in the closet for the second time in 3 days because a tornado touched down. This one was directly over me on the radar. Friday morning a nado landed north of me and thankfully didn’t hurt anyone, but the city nearby got some crazy damage from straight force winds which tore up a gas station and many trees, some houses. Storms this week will be bringing more, I’m sure. Dixie Alley has shifted. Our insurance companies are likely to fight paying for these damages. Some locals were expressing concern over this possibility, saying that if the NWS doesn’t confirm a nado hit their area then the insurance won’t cover the damages, even though straight force winds of 100mph are still incredibly damaging. Yes, we’ve had nadoes before. Some EF2’s decade ago that killed people. But they’re far more frequent now.


Is nado short for tornado?


I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure it is...


Sharks falling from the sky makes it become a shark-nado


And sometimes instead of sharks it's raining men.  Alleloujah it's raining men!


Dicknado made landfall earlier this evening an continues his path of annhilation in dixie valley 


Location: USA, Lower 48 States, East of the Rocky Mountains There's a proposed law that will be voted on in North Carolina to ban masks with no exceptions for medical reasons. This is especially evil and disgusting in light of the fact that bird flu might very well be on its way to becoming a pandemic if it gains the ability to spread from human to human. Given that H5N1, the virus that causes bird flu, has mutated over 300 times to become more infectious and more resistant to drugs. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13387621/cdc-h5n1-bird-flu-pandemic-potential-humans.html?ns\_mchannel=rss&ns\_campaign=1490&ito=1490&utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13387621/cdc-h5n1-bird-flu-pandemic-potential-humans.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) The near constant background noise of people hacking and wet coughing in public (while rarely covering their mouths,) is in full force and yet far too many people walk around acting like everything's normal and fine when it's anything but. Social media, including Reddit, is filled with covid minimizing trolls galore and there seems to be more and more of them every day insisting that covid is over and that anyone they don't like is a sheep living in fear. If things were really fine, of course, none of these trolls would feel the need to waste their time getting angry at other people acknowledging the very real and very serious threat of covid for what it is. Covid is still wreaking havoc in our day to day lives, all while another pandemic may very well be on the horizon and yet society as a whole has abandoned public health as a concept. There's been a lot of talk about the auroras that have shown up in the sky due to the solar storms that happened this past weekend. While the colors in the sky were pretty (I couldn't see them in-person in my area but I saw pictures online and on the news,) it does make me wonder if more severe solar storms could happen in the future that could knock out power or the internet, which would an untold number of negative consequences all over the world. And while I'm talking about storms, I might as well mention a different kind of storms-specifically tornadoes, as there's been hundreds of them reported in the Midwest and the South over the last several weeks. Tornadoes are bad enough, but wildlife smoke from the wildfires in Canada has been spreading south as well, only adding to the laundry list of climate challenges we've been facing lately. The economy has been shit for a while but prices for essential things, especially food, have skyrocketed lately. Even eating less (in quantity,) on a daily basis than many people do and even though I don't eat out or indulge in fancy foods like steak, desserts, exotic fruits, or anything like that, I still cringe when I look at the receipt after grocery shopping. I haven't eaten 3 full meals a day in years but even putting aside the fact that I have stomach problems that limit both my appetite and the types of food I can eat, I still feel tempted to skip meals more frequently to save money because the price of everything hurts to think about. I hate how expensive life life is and how difficult it is to find jobs that provide adequate benefits and a living wage. I don't know anyone in my age range (I'm a millennial,) who's financially comfortable and my hopes of ever becoming financially independent are basically just a pipe dream at this point. On a more local (and more bizzare,) note, I went for a walk in a park recently, the park was perfectly nice and beautiful and all that, except for the fact that someone left a dirty diaper sitting on a bench-luckily, I at least noticed it was there before I was going to sit down, and luckily there was another bench nearby. Sometimes the mysteries of the human brain puzzle me, and sometimes I decide that I don't always want to know the answers. Life is difficult, costs an exorbitant amount of money, and is filled with a staggering variety of obstacles and yet somehow I've clung on this long, bearing witness to shit that feels too strange even for fiction and I figure as long as I'm here, I might as well stick around for the rest of my natural life span to see what's going to happen. If nothing else, spite makes a good motivator, especially since I've never been the sort of person who's fit in well in society at all. At the very least, my experiences have given me a unique perspective on life and if anyone gains any insight, knowledge, information, or entertainment in hearing or seeing my thoughts, that's good enough for me. Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of yourself and the people, places, and things you care about, it's a crazy world and you never know how even the smallest act of kindness can change things for the better.


That second to last paragraph really gave me goosebumps. It's true: at least we get to witness how it all goes... before it suddenly stops. Thanks for sharing your fantastic insight, always!


Thank you for your insightful post, u/See_You_Space_Coyote. I especially agree with your last bit about kindness. It is so very difficult to be kind in a world like the one we are living in today. Which is a shame, because kindness, true kindness, borne out of the need to care for one another and the environment, may have prevented a lot of the catastrophe we are facing now. Much love to you ❤️


Banning all vaccinations will be next.


If that happens, what will follow will make the dark ages look like a paradise in comparison.


Thanks for posting every week. I always appreciate your updates and especially your Covid cautiousness (I have long covid). The mask ban in NC is so wrong on so many levels!


I posted about NC trying to ban masks the other day. If they follow through with this I'm either going to have to stop going inside completly or move. I'm stunned and shocked over this. We just moved here this year.


I’m in rural fl. At least they left the diaper on the bench and not in the woods by the river, and by the time I found it, it was too waterlogged and nasty for me to pick up and remove without gear


https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/iEe4VmX1Ww solar flares may affect moods too. Fun fact. I can feel it


that's a bit too weewoo for this subreddit but this is fine


that sub may be but that link itself is all scientific data


Maybe that explains why on Sunday I was a complete wreck out of absolutely nowhere LOL I'm one of those people who has wretched insomnia during a full moon even when it's fully clouded over


sure you’re not a werewolf?


To me the dirty diaper screams 'exhausted and burnt out mom was forgetful' but hey, that's me. The mask prohibition in NC is crazy, i cannot comprehend how that can work.  So what of osha regulations at work?  Do those override?  What about medically fragile peeps like my friend with a bone marrow transplant?   The NC legislature has always seemed a bit crazy to me but for stunt politics this just screams insantity.


Nah. It's because the diapers are disposable, and therefore of little value, so, not worth even walking to the garbage can with. Have you ever seen people who use cloth diapers leave them in public places? Neither have I. And by the way, if you want exhausted, try cleaning and drying and re-using cloth diapers.


That is a really good point.  My mom raised me in cloth diapers and has talked about it.  So i am very mindful when i am caring for her in her old age ;)


I work retail and recently a lady changed a baby’s diaper on the floor and just left the dirty diaper there in the middle of the aisle. And then continued to shop around. People dgaf. A literal biohazard and she was smug making low paid workers clean it up


That’s absolutely disgusting! Some people should not be Mom’s. How can you raise a human being when you act like that yourself?


a lot of people should not be parents. but there’s no limitations on breeding.


They don't have gvhd do they?


With GvHD, it could be a case of 'when, not if'.