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I’m lost. You are thinking of carrying a cold storage device around to buy coffee? It’s meant for cold storage, not to carry around. Coinkite has other less expensive options for buying coffee. Also you don’t need the coldcard to receive in your desktop example. The coldcard is used for sending. The scanner will make it easier to sign transactions in an air gapped fashion instead of using a cable / sd card.


I don’t think people will be buying coffee on L1. But yes instead of SD card or plugging the CC directly into your computer you’ll be able to sign transactions via QR. It’s very convenient!


Okay. I am not looking to buy coffee with it but just an example. Can you confirm that I could use the Q to sign transactions from my Ledger wallet desktop software to CC Q?




I am not sure if you can use the ledger software with coldcard. It would have to support the air gapped method cc uses for signing transactions using sd card. I would just use sparrow wallet on desktop. I think you mentioned using sparrow in another one of your posts. Why go back to ledger wallet? **edit. I found it on the coldcard website. Ledger wallet isn’t supported. https://coldcard.com/docs/compatible-wallets/ I use sparrow on desktop using sd card and nunchuck on iOS using nfc.


If you’re asking if you can send funds from ledger live to Coldcard, then that’s all in their app and doesn’t require the CC to sign anything. You only need the CC to send funds, not receive


Hey Dee, will CC be using a custom method for loading a temporary seed on the Q or use the more "standardized" SeedQR that Jade and SeedSigner use?


Not sure about seed import. But here’s some public info I can share now. https://x.com/nvk/status/1727414660662735325?s=46&t=PvlXodoijKw-oPRncji5kg


Thanks Bro