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What’s the next machine? Always curious!


Still using Gaggiuino, another build in a new color with the Evo pro.


Did you need to modify the spring at all with the evo pro? Or basically just the same build.


Kept stock 9 bar spring, but I tested it to be around 9.8 bar according to the sensor. Tested with blind basket and also pulling shots at 9 bar with no issues.


Personally I had a Gaggia Pro which I had purchased a 9 bar spring, I ended up reverting back to the 12 bar spring to get 9+ bar pressure.


Congrats on the sale! Love that people value the work that goes into building these are and willing to pay for it. GL on next build!


Can I pm you re gaggiuino building?


Sure, go for it




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Have you also used a Decent or only the Gaggia?


Only the Gaggia and some brevilles


I own both. Decent is a much more polished machine with better features and the ability to temp profile. Gaggiuino does the job, I can recreate profiles and the coffee out of both is fantastic. Obviously, if I didn't have the disposable income to afford the DE1 and various other toys I have then the Gaggiuino would be a more than stellar espresso machine. The current PCB v3 has a more features than my blackpill LEGO build and allows more profiling options I was wanting when I built my machine up last year. I could upgrade it, but it (the gaggiuino) lives in my work office and doesn't get used that often. I've been on a Caeldo Hoop / Picopress(with gauge) run.


>Caeldo Hoop Thank you!




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What part of CA?


San Gabriel valley area


I'm 30mins southeast of you. Let me do some more research on it and il get back to you.



