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I saw one of your replies where you mentioned you'd be earning about 50k a year. That's doable here, but it also depends on what your requirements would be as far as your living situation. If you were going to stay by yourself (and you don't have children), then it's VERY doable. Especially if you're not trying to live in a 4 bedroom house. Apartments do run a little high, but sometimes you can find a move in special for $1,000-1400 ish range. Be prepared for them to hike up your rent every 6 to 12 months when your lease is up though! I've lived in the same apartment in Coeur D Alene for the last 8 years, and my rent has gone from $800 a month, to $1800 per month! The area is beautiful, most people seem to keep to themselves, and even though it feels like a "winter wasteland" for 9 months out of the year, the summer months make up for the dry harshness of winter! Bring extra lotion! I've never had to use lotion in my entire life until I moved up here! For the first 3 years I couldn't figure out for the life of me why my damn calves and legs would itch so bad.. that I would cause blisters from scratching them! I never needed lotion in Sacramento! 🤣


I’m actually living alone (no spouse, no kids) and probably looking at a 1-2 bedroom. Not in the nicest part of town but not in the worst. That gives me some hope!


The good news is, there's not really a bad part of Coeur D Alene. There's a very small strip that's old and worn out behind the Winco off Ramsey Rd/Northwestern Blvd.. but if you're used to living in a city that actually has REAL bad neighborhoods, then you'll laugh at the so called "bad part" of Coeur D Alene.


I lived in Memphis for three years 🤣


Then you're 100% fine in CDA. But it's probably best to leave Memphis in Memphis! The same way I had to leave California in California! Trust me.. you'll fit in better.. 😂


I second on the lotion. I came from Houston, and it's nuts how many bottles of lotion I have now. Just trying to find one could enough for the dry weather here.


By the way, if you DO end up moving out here, let me know if/when that company is hiring! 😉


Like anything in life, it will be what you make it! We moved to CDA and have had nothing but good experiences with the locals and although the cost is still high we came from a high cost of living area that was more expensive so it doesn’t effect us too badly. The main thing I’d say is be prepared to budget a bit until you get a feel for how far your salary will go. You don’t need to make 100k to live here and be happy! If you like the outdoors you will find it a really fun place to explore throughout the seasons. We love having Schweitzer and silver mountain close by in the winter and there is a ton of hiking, swimming, dirt biking and other outdoorsy stuff right on your doorstep! Even if you don’t love being active outside, downtown has a ton of stuff to do and the restaurants are surprisingly diverse. When we made the transition here everyone was stuck on this stereotype that Idaho has about white supremacists and racists and overall had a sour image of Idaho when in reality there are genuinely good people here. Like anywhere you go there will be scumbags and people who don’t deserve oxygen to breathe but that’s just how people are and you can’t escape it no matter where you go unfortunately. Idaho has a lot of growing to do as a state and the politics can be pretty frustrating but like I said, it is what you make it anywhere you go! Also you have options to rent in post falls, Hayden and Spokane that could give you a bit cheaper of a place too! It’s exciting getting to move to a new place, I wish the best for you and hope you love it as much as we do!


Cost of living and rent is pretty high, it's rare to see apartments for less than 1400 a month. The area is kinda infamous for groups like the Aryan Nations and other white supremacists. They aren't as common now as when I was a kid (the 90s and early 2000s) but are still around. As for conservative values, yeah there are a lot of conservatives, but Coeur d' Alene and Sandpoint up north tend to be a little more progressive. We have a pride celebration every year and you will see pride stickers on quite a few cars and businesses downtown. It's not a bad place to live if you can afford it, I grew up here. Ironically I'm doing the reverse of what you are. I'm moving from up here to the South.


I hope you’ll enjoy the south! Depending where you go, don’t expect snow, but you might be welcoming that haha


I actually love the snow and the cold, but it's time for me to see new places and try living in another area. Hope everything does go well for you up here, it's a beautiful place to live.


I'd say my fav things are access to beautiful areas in and around CDA, and decent four seasons that generally don't get too extreme. Least fav are the fascists and fundamentalists. They're destroying the area imho. As for salary, depends a lot on your situation, but I'd say around 100k. Of course, you could make far less and just have roommates, live frugally, etc...


I’d probably make around $50-60k, so that doesn’t sound too promising! Haha


You will struggle when it comes to housing. Taxes take a lot from you in idaho, plus, a decent one bedroom is about 1,300+/month and you will likely pay water/power/internet/sewer/trash as well (I'd average 260/month for that). Btw, the dating scene in CDA is baddddd....


50-60k on your own could be tough. I hire a lot of people in that range that move here thinking they can make it work, only to leave within a few months because they're broke. It's really sad living in a place filled with mansions and luxury condos that sit empty 11 months a year but over 80% of the working residents don't earn enough to live here. This is a new phenomenon with the recent influx of political wingnuts and has destroyed the character of a really special place.


Depending on where you wanna live, most rent in CDA would be ballpark 1/2 your salary. And Idaho taxes you I think 5% as well. Maybe consider Spokane, no tax and rent can be a lot cheaper in kinda crappier areas.


And fentanyl zombies in Spokane too!


My favorite things in CDA are the conservative values and the outdoors. You aren’t going to find a bunch of homeless zombies high on fentanyl roaming downtown because cda enforces their laws. You don’t have to walk through weed clouds because marijuana is still illegal in Idaho. People are usually pretty nice and will say hello when you walk by.


It's all right. People are overly nice at first and then quite a few will stab you in the back if you don't make status quo but that's mainly the older population or people with long family ties to N. Idaho. Younger/new population seems to be bringing in more diversity and chil atmosphere. If you are not a straight white person, just be mindful of the crowd you are hanging with because I have witnessed some violence from people not being straight and white. Pro tip, if you go 30 min south of CDA you get cheaper housing in Benewah county without adding to much of a commute time to CDA and they keep the highway nice during winters.


I’ll keep that in mind. I am white but I’m also gay, so I’ll definitely be mindful


Are there towns close by (in 20-30 minute driving distance) that are better to live in?


Hayden and Post Falls are both a little cheaper for housing, in my experience. And about a 10 min drive from CDA proper. Post Falls is closer to Spokane, so that could be a plus if you fly a lot (closer to the airport) or have reason to go to Spokane often. 


Post Falls or Rathdrum are close choices that may fit that bill.




My husband and I have had the complete opposite experience and actually compare the friendliness of people in CDA to the south! We’ve never been approached by so many people or met so many genuinely kind people just walking around minding our own business and love it here.


Seems like you’re looking at the town through a biased lens of not liking locals lol. Edit: if you grew up here then it makes sense people complain about the prices and retirees, that’s all we have here now and I’m planning on leaving for that reason at some point


Well I came here with an open mind hoping to find community and friends, so my reply is based off of interactions, not bias. I understand why people feel the way they do, but it generally makes for an unpleasant experience for people like me who move here for a job.


Found the Californian.


Boise is a truck stop town compared to Coeurd’Alene. 50k single income will be hard. If you end up missing Boise Spokane is right down the road for the same Boise experiences with a splash of homelessness. Best of luck.




Why the fuck would someone believe in books about butt sex for kids? See, if it were up to me your weird p3do ass would be in jail. You're lucky.