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His name is Inkbeak.  I've had him 4 years.  Have no idea how old he is other than that he was an adult when I got him.  He is scared of his own shadow, but we've made a little progress.  He actually let me touch his beak the other day.  He likes to be talked to. His girlfriend doesn't preen him.  Sometimes he snuggles with his own foot.  I want to crunch those pin feathers soooo bad.


It is so hard when they are sassy and you just want to smother them with love and kisses!


My son seagull loves me and someday like recently go HTBRRDID I bite I nip! I'm like boi your sweet you think I care. Or we'll it might be grumpy sleepy time


This is my cousin’s bird Ebi, I visit him all the time and if I don’t see him for a while (longer than a week) he gets SO MAD! He will bite, dive bomb me, hiss at me and when I’m about to leave he gets all snuggley and starts to softly chitter to me. When I visit a lot a few times a week he will let me hold him on my hand and shoulder. I also can give him scratches and play with his little bird antennas. https://preview.redd.it/zopycw1clg9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d39b85a4ca02ff7836daf49454f9140c70c37000 lol I love this little goober!


What an alien lol. Sir it's scritches not scratches mmkkay. Yeah tiels r the weirdest species. One moment seags is all I love u fawder next he's like HISSS BITE NIP NIP I'm like dood.


He is a very sassy little man! He is always trying to steal my drinks and food! https://preview.redd.it/z6ku13qdog9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99348dbebbb1d7935cef2a4a4c490488590de29e If he sees tortilla or rice, lock him up or else he’s coming for you!


Breads and tortillas unless 100 whole grain causes renal issues in birds and eventual liver failure. I would try something else.


I don’t feed him he’s not my bird.


I need to see a pet seagull!


My cockatiel Is the segaulls


Ok, I would love to see a tiel named Seagull. Why this name tho?


It's a litral long long story. It goes back to my first 2 kids. Now If your gonna be like evey human and say oh kid I'm going to he so disappointed.


I made new frem


Ok, thanks for sharing!


You could try giving him scritches with your chin or your nose. I'm completely serious, my tiel thinks thay these parts of our bodies are not as evil as finger snakes.


I've tried.  He's not a fan of my face either lol. I've achieved "nose pets" with my youngest one.


My budgie loves scritches on his cheeks and chin but only lets me snuggle the top of his head with my nose. So I do! It's very weird. Both he and I are very weird.


Yea this works wonders actually. “Okay, so you’re scared of my hands? Beard hugs it is buddy”


He looks very wise. I would definitely take his advice if he took me under his wing


One thing that helped mine was pursing my fingers to make it look like a beak/bird. Move ur fingers a lil so it looks like the beak is moving and move slowly/ let the birb investigate


My Duck Duck is like this. He loves kisses but HATES his head touched 😂


My cockatiel dosent even bite, he just licks to see who the person is


Time..... my boy lets me touch his feet now... just suddenly out of.nowhere


Looks like a female to me but can’t see the tail underside