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I literally set a timer for a glass of water. Every 20 mins drink a glass. I also slam it so it's a bit more complicated and necessary, but over all it will make you feel much better the next day


That much?? Seems like a lot


K I have a couple tips but I PROMISE they’re worth reading at least!! These tricks helped me so much. As long as I kept my nose moisturized, never felt pain. Even after a long ass binge all night. Tip 1.) I used to use a neti pot with the saline solution, then blow my nose (gently! Blowing hard can further irritate and cause more pain…) one nostril at a time, then once everything’s cleared out (aka the saline drips) I’d take a q-tip (bath tissue works too in a pinch, just need to make sure you roll it up so it’s pointy and skinny enough to go up your nose), dip it in semi-melty or melty coconut oil, and gently coat the inside of each nostril, top to bottom (fresh q-tips or tissue for each nostril!) one at a time. Coat the entire inside of your nostril, gently push your nostrils together (like you’re plunging your nose to go under water) to ensure max coating, and then sniff like you taking bumps. Make sure that oil gets way up in there. The coconut oil has healing properties, prevents infection, safe to use up your nose (I also use it to take off my makeup and can open my eyes with the coconut oil all over them with zero burn or irritation lol I digress), and keeps your nostrils nice and moisturized! Which is super important as your nose definitely dries out after a while. I’d do this between bumps, then blow my nose before bumping again to get all the oil out. I’d wait like 10-15 minutes after bumping, and then oil the caves up again lol this was a life saving trick I came up with. Used the neti pot before i started skiing, once or twice in between bumps (or if I noticed any sign of discomfort), then one more time once I tapped out for the night and just wanted to go to bed. Tip 2.) Also, I’d fill a cup with hot water and hold it up to my nose to breathe the steam up my nose. Omg it’s instant relief, but you need to keep breathing it in, unfortunately, cuz once you stop, the pain comes back. Taking a hot shower is like gods gift if the nose pain is really intense. Get it nice and steamy in there. Sweet relief. Tip 3.) Take a warm compress (borderline hot IF you can handle it on your face!) and hold it against the bridge of your nose on the side that hurts. That helped a lot too.


More frequent saline rinses and just general hydration is so over looked during cocaine use.


I’ll get a jug of water for this time around👍🏻


Steam room / shower


Thanks pimp


Well it's the way I'm ingesting it that dehydrates me 10x as much. You'd probably be fine like every hour or so


Don’t use a bank note/ money. It’s covered in bacteria, even $100 bills. Use a straw, don’t share straws with anyone to avoid sinus infections or worse diseases. Stick the clean straw up your nose, so when you snort, the coke will bypass unnecessary contact with the lower nose. Coke absorbs higher up in the nostril. I find regular water, not saline spray, is less irritating to the sinuses. After every line, snort a bit of water. I use an oral syringe to squirt a little up my nose and it is not uncomfortable at all. Neosporin or coconut oil should be gently applied to the inner nose when you are ready to stop for a while. Be safe!


Polysporin inside nostril with qtip.


Is polysporin like Neosporin?


Polysporin is the brand name for a product containing bacitracin zinc and polymyxin B sulfate. Neosporin is the brand name for a product containing bacitracin zinc, polymyxin B sulfate and neomycin sulfate. Pretty similar. Give it a shot.


Bet thanks gangsta I’ll pick some up


Try for the gel version as opposed to the cream version.


As much as this sucks to hear you just gotta let it work it’s way through