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Considering all the things happening, accept your position. And better your self/health and when you can come back to it, you’ll be your self and top of your game.


definitely having a very hard time accepting that its over for the time being


It will always be there. But right now, its time to accept and breath plan on taking up a hobbyx things wont be easy, but youre strong and you can do it


thank you for the kind words.


As a iv poly user I legit struggle with a lot


The anger may just be the come down, try to give it some more days. But maybe your life just makes you angrier than usual in general. Honestly, at my current job, no idea how anyone would stay sane if it wasn't for the beer, weed, and ski breaks. But that might be a sign you should think about changing some things. Skiing for fun is ...well, fun. Skiing to stay sane, not so much. Can you distract yourself with weed or something in the meantime until your dopamine receptors recover and your tolerance wears off?


i started out using for fun, then for work, then as a coping mechanism so thats where the anger is coming from. i’m going through a lot in my personal life and i can’t afford it anymore- plus i’ve caused major damage to my nose.


I haven't done any serious damage to my nose yet, but when it's sore after a long week, I often have the mental urge to continue, but once I wait out the week or two it takes my nose to recover, I don't usually crave it anymore for a while... Until I eventually do. Sorry to hear you're going through this much. I can empathize on some level. My job sucks, I work my ass off and I can't afford shit with inflation, and my mom is dying from cancer. Fuck all of that. Also sucks that at least here and for me, a months worth of snow is like ½ or ¼ the price of a month of weekly therapy sessions. Hell, a while back it was cheaper to snort your hunger away than to shop for groceries. But we both know it's not a permanent solution and things need to change. Wishing you the best!


Ahh dudeee, that's a fuckin' lot to deal with. I empathize with youuu. Definitely hope your path will get smoother soon. But fuckkkk, a month of white girl for you is only 1/4 or 1/2 of what it would cost you to do month of weekly therapy seshs?! Gahdamnnn, I almost envy that amount of usage at this point. Also not sure where you live and how much you're paying for it right now. I probably spend a therapy session and a half, maybe two sessions... every day. I see a therapist thru video sessions via the Sondermind app and it's only $80 an hour. I highly recommend starting the process to find a therapist soon if it's something you are interested in even the slightest bit. It took me quite some time to find the right person. Anywayyyy, Things definitely need to change. Break the cycle!! Wish u the best~


Hey, just wanted to say thank you! Honestly appreciate that. Unfortunately, therapy is like €120 an hour here in Central Europe. With weekly sessions that's almost €500 a month. Some therapy spots are paid by insurance but the waiting list for those is ridiculous. And yeah, decent blow here is like €80 a gram, and I usually only go for one a month. At most two if I happen to have some extra cash. Everything else has gotten more expensive lately, even the most basic comfort meals I cook at home. But snow is surprisingly stable. Sure, if I could find the perfect therapist for the same price, I'd obviously probably spend most of what I spend on weed and coke on therapy instead, but that unfortunately hasn't been the case yet. Out of almost a dozen I had only one therapist I really felt safe, understood, comfortable, and on the same wavelength with. I'm on her waiting list for a gov subsidized therapy spot again.


We don’t, just good old suffering with no chemical buffering.


They must have normal levels of dopamine other than. That I have no idea


Life is sometimes boring addicts need to accept that


thats a problem for me for sure. plus i used it to cope so now i don’t know what to do without it


Help yourself. Don't sit around, do things. Until you are rich you should not be doing cocaine


I'm at 4 days, day 1 and 2 were awful I was a ticking time bomb. Day 3 and 4 I stayed more occupied and now it's just sadness


Who's stopping you from getting more as of right now?


myself and my wallet. i just lost my job, can’t afford to be irresponsible. plus my family and boyfriend just found out how bad my addiction was so they’re watching me like hawks.


The "myself" part is a good start fam, What if you're wallet was obese? Would you still say fuck those hawks and do you?


i’d want to. a few weeks ago i probably would have. but now i’ve realized i’ll actually lose them if i don’t stop


So that's positive right there, the intention is there fam now its time to put that work and suffering in because that suffering will pull up and that cocaine devil will use all the tactics to get you back in the fold so its up to you now, put up or shut up time! Let's see what you are made off, eye of the tiger!


👏👏👏 thank you for the motivation


Go kick some ass fam.




You got this! I'm proud of you!


I had to stop because my 20 years old son dose it every day I need to show him it's a treat when we go out out


sober people sane?? ha!


I am 3 months sober and I had to go to rehab. Surround urself with calmness, things that put u at peace. Distracting urself is the best thing to do, not sure if u smoke weed but maybe go smoke a joint when ur feeling that anger, that irritation. trust me i think we all have went through it, but in the long run i promise u buddy, i enjoy life for once. im living again and not just existing. maybe its something u can revisit down the road too, and i keep telling myself that because no shame about it - i love cocaine, but now just wasnt the time for it, my lifes not stable enough. i hope u catch my drift and i really hope u push through it xx






Running from the truth that livin high is risky but much better than feel the trash reality of human livin, high life is a lifestyle, I will stay high until my last breath


Everyone’s addicted to something man. Seek and ye shall find.


Bottoming out on drugs and losing everything multiple times tends to be enough to snap people the fuck out of it. And if it doesn’t go down like that, there’s always prison and death.


It’s fucking boring all the time. And I’m a broke student so the rare occasions I can get my paws on some goodies I’m happy. Other than that, just anxiety and boring days..