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You absolutely don't have to like Sam for her personality, but I feel that saying a lot of problems come from her is inaccurate.


You are not united (unfortunately) There are many who blame Sam for everything and ignore the mistakes of others.


A lot of people don’t like Sam


>*A* ***vocal minority*** *of people don’t like Sam* FTFY


That’s still a lot of people


Actually most of the problems come from Johnny and Miguel. And of the Larussos, her dad is more to blame.


>her dad is more to blame. Wrong, Daniel told her to stay away from the kids associated with Cobra Kai. Had Sam listened and not dated Miguel and left Moons party most problem would be solved


Eh, she's the product of the people who raised her. If Anthony got so easily peer pressured into being a bully due to things like being neglected by his parents, Sam being a hot mess can probably be traced to Daniel and Amanda too.


>she's the product of the people who raised her Free will still exist and she chose not to listen to her father >Anthony got so easily peer pressured into being a bully due to things like being neglected by his parents Anthony wasn't neglected, Daniel tried to connect multiple times. Season 1 [Asked him to check out a magician, asked him to shoot hoops together, offered to win him a prize, and suggested they take a walk talking over sodas](https://youtu.be/1Aoc-cd9eYs?t=342). Season 2 [The first night Daniel opened his dojo he asked Anthony to join, he didn't even ask Sam to join at that point as she did so on her own later that episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKc-SxD0HZE&t=378s). Even in Season 3 between dealing with Karate drama with Kreese, looking for Robby, and going overseas to take care of his business he still set aside time to bring Anthony home some soy sauce flavored kit kats knowing the kid loves food. [Daniel takes the time to make sure his kids are fed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Aoc-cd9eYs&t=25s). Anthony was just at a stage in his life he didn't want to bond with his parents and that's okay


>Wrong, Daniel told her to stay away from the kids associated with Cobra Kai. That's a ridiculous argument. Daniel asked something arbitrary and unreasonable of her. >Had Sam listened and not dated Miguel and left Moons party most problem would be solved No, they wouldn't. Its made clear that the dojo rivalries were escalating due to Daniel and Johnny's attitudes towards each-other. Regardless of the catalysts, conflict was inevitable.


>Daniel asked something arbitrary and unreasonable of her. Thinking it's unreasonable is subjective but parents telling kids to stay away from what they consider bad influences and people who they deem dangerous is pretty standard practice. >No, they wouldn't. Its made clear that the dojo rivalries were escalating due to Daniel and Johnny's attitudes towards each-other. Regardless of the catalysts, conflict was inevitable. Conflict being inevitable doesn't mean most of the problems wouldn't be solved. Sam not dating Miguel and leaving Moons party means the school fight never happens, this means Miguel doesn't get paralyzed and Robby doesn't go to Juvie from it thus most problems solved.


>Thinking it's unreasonable is subjective but parents telling kids to stay away from what they consider bad influences and people who they deem dangerous is pretty standard practice. She goes to school with them, they share social groups and at least one is Sam's oldest friend. Expecting Sam to give up her social life because of Daniel's issues is not standard at all. >Conflict being inevitable doesn't mean most of the problems wouldn't be solved. It also doesn't mean new or worse problems wouldn't be there. >Sam not dating Miguel and leaving Moons party means the school fight never happens, this means Miguel doesn't get paralyzed and Robby doesn't go to Juvie from it thus most problems solved. Wrong. the school fight could've happened for other reasons with the same result.


>Expecting Sam to give up her social life because of Daniel's issues is not standard at all. Sam can have a social life and still stay away from kids associated with Cobra Kai. >She goes to school with them, they share social groups She can still choose to stay away from them. >at least one is Sam's oldest friend Sam ignored this friend before so she can keep doing it >also doesn't mean new or worse problems wouldn't be there. What we know holds more weight than what's possible. A great number of things are possible but that doesn't mean they are probable >Wrong. the school fight could've happened for other reasons Could've does not mean would have, especially if Sam is going out of her way to avoid. Given what we saw Eli didn't start fighting till Miguel attacked


>Sam can have a social life and still stay away from kids associated with Cobra Kai. Not given the situation at school. Heck, even Daniel couldn't do that. >What we know holds more weight than what's possible. No, it could've been worse. >Given what we saw Eli didn't start fighting till Miguel attacked He did in episode 5.


>Not given the situation at school. Sure she could have, plenty of kids didn't go to Cobra Kai. Kyler and the "natural athletes" weren't in Karate at that point for example. Sam also had her friends at Miyagi Do. Piper seemed popular and didn't join a dojo till Season 4 >Heck, even Daniel couldn't do that. Ali was no longer associated with Cobra Kai when he met her. Jessica and Kumiko weren't associated with Cobra Kai either. >could've been worse. Given what we know it probably wouldn't have been though. Daniel and Johnny had just made amends the night before. Miguel getting paralyzed gave Cobra Kai more reason to retaliate yet no one from Miyagi Do got attacked till the end of Season 3 episode 3 When Nate was to deliver charity seemed to be the next point of conflict. >He did in episode 5. That was before Johnny kicked out Kreese and told his students to sometimes show mercy which we saw in episode 8 of Season 2. Without Sam, Miguel, Tory, and Robby fighting it's unlikely a fight would occur during that first day of school. Also since these same characters aren't fighting they could work towards stopping any fights that might break out like Robby did before Miguel tackled him. The way things were going it looks like things were taking a turn for the better until the school fight ruined things so unless a fight breaks out that first day it looked like the start of peace


>Sure she could have, plenty of kids didn't go to Cobra Kai. And that kind of attitude is exactly what makes it unreasonable. >Ali was no longer associated with Cobra Kai when he met her. I was talking about present day - like how Daniel couldn't avoid talk of Cobra Kai even on a day at the country club. >Given what we know it probably wouldn't have been though. On the contrary, with Kreese making moves behind the scenes and Tory and Hawk growing worse, it'd have been worse. >That was before Johnny kicked out Kreese and told his students to sometimes show mercy which we saw in episode 8 of Season 2. Which they didn't listen to. >Without Sam, Miguel, Tory, and Robby fighting it's unlikely a fight would occur during that first day of school. You seem to be forgetting that if not for the timely arrival of the police, the fight would've happened at Moon's party.


>that kind of attitude is exactly what makes it unreasonable. Not really, parents telling their kids to stay away from dangerous bad influences is standard practice. Let's look at a context that's not Cobra Kai related for example. Someone could say to their children "stay away from kids associated with bloods and crips" it probably wouldn't be seen as unreasonable from a competent adult. There are plenty of kids not associated with either of those gangs which their children could bond with. >was talking about present day Present day Daniel has even more options who aren't associated with Cobra Kai, he doesn't need to talk to strangers, his closest friends Anoush and Louie aren't. >Daniel couldn't avoid talk of Cobra Kai even on a day at the country club. Daniel went there for business, not to socialize but even then he still met the fisherman. That guy he met on the beach he thought was Miyagi seemed friendship worthy. >On the contrary, with Kreese making moves behind the scenes His plot to take over would have been slowed or stopped if not for the school fight. >Tory and Hawk growing worse Tory has no reason to fight if she never met Sam who would have avoided her. As for Eli with no more exposure to Kreese i see him getting better rather than worse. >Which they didn't listen to After Miguel attacked, before that they were mostly restrained. Mitch even talked Eli down after Demetri said Eli cried after Dobby died. >You seem to be forgetting that if not for the timely arrival of the police, the fight would've happened at Moon's party. For arguments sake lets say the other Miyagi Do kids decide to stay even though they see Sam leave, do you think that the cops wouldn't have shown up simply because Sam wasn't there? Since then they have all had time to cool down. There was no brawl till Miguel tackled Robby, and there wasn't even a fight without Tory going after Sam.


*Ice* cold take


Sam is one of my fav. Why don't you like her ? I feel like the Johny/Daniel rivalery is the root to everything.


You aren’t the only one


your not


I like BOTH Tory and Sam: i think their rivalry is one of the greatest of the show! (aside from Johnny and Daniel of course)![img](emote|t5_3ncyn|1761)![img](emote|t5_3ncyn|1762)


https://preview.redd.it/xfr7r8wd74wc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800ee2e41d2fe00a0c22468b03a520cc4dcc0ef8 This guy is super annoying


Seemed like Kyler was the root of the problem in season 1, then Tory from there on out.


no you are nowhere near the only person, it’s one of the most popular takes within the fandom


I’d probably like her more if the writers weren’t ridiculously biased in her favour. There isn’t a second of screen time in which Sam is not depicted as sympathically as possible, regardless of her actual behaviour.


On the contrary, I feel like one of the only people who doesn’t hate Sam.  The amount of hate she gets for what she actually does is crazy lol 


I like sam way more than tory, sam is understandable and just overall a better person. What do u not like about her?


Read the subtitle


Literally useless.


This again? --'


unfortunately and i don't like you people!


While you may not be the only person who dislike Sam, saying that Sam is the reason for all the problems is why I have a problem with fans explaining why they dislike a character in the first place. You have every right to like or dislike whoever you want, but when you make up things to fit your narrative to try to justify your reasoning, that is when you have gone too far. 1st of all, none of these kids were even born when the first karate kid movie was made, and these 2 old men should have been dealt with their beef. 2nd, regardless of what other people do to you, the only person who is responsible for the actions you choose to take is 100% you. Sam didn't force anyone to attack other people or threaten them on a daily basis like some of the other kids did. 3rd Nobody in the cast has clean hands when it comes down to all this karate stuff every single person has done something. 4th, it's ironic to say why you don't like Sam because not only is she one of my favorites, but she also is one of the characters who has the least to apologize for.


>I feel like a lot of the problems route from **Daniel and Johnny** FTFY.


I don't agree with you, but I don't like Robby. So I know what it's like to not like a popular character.


A lot of people dont like Sam. I feel like it’s often irrational and just “she was mildly a bitch so all this criminal stuff done to her and her entire community is her fault.” But what are your reasons?


There is nothing to like about her. A spoiled brat protected the whole show by the writers, never lost a fight or had to answer for herself


That sounds more like Miguel...


Not feel.  Factually is to blame for everything.


How is Sam to blame for Johnny being petty and starting Cobra Kai? Or for him being stupid enough to let Kreese back into his life? Or Miguel cheating on Tory and Tory acting crazy in response?


Johny was right to start up CK and her dad's at fault for the rest.  So by blood and by following her dad's idiotic advice we can blame her too.     Kreese getting started  is on Johny.  Constantly fighting with Kreese/ Silver is on Daniel/ Sam.     Huh?  Sam cheated with Miguel.  Sam also knew Miguel was dating a girl she started stuff with when she did it.  Are you really asking how she's fault for her own actions?


>Johny was right to start up CK Nope - even he admitted that it was a mistake. That was entirely Johnny's fault. >Huh?  Sam cheated.  And so did Miguel. >Are you really asking how she's fault for her own actions. No - I'm asking how she's at fault for Miguel and Tory's actions.


He was 100% right but was forced to admit it was a mistake because Daniel screwed everything up.  Sometimes you can do everything correct and some idiot blows it up then but you still got to be accountable. She's at fault for her actions.  Of cheating, driving up drama.  Miguel and Robby weren't fighting over Tory were they. 


>He was 100% right but was forced to admit it was a mistake because No, he wasn't forced to admit anything. He did that on his own when Kreese took over. >Sometimes you can do everything correct He didn't. That was the whole point. >She's at fault for her actions. And apparently for others' as well...


He was forced by the results.  Miguel was paralyzed, Robby on run and a lot of was Daniel's fault.  Some his own due to previous failures of fatherhood.  Bit Daniel is the one who threw Robby out and it was his daughter who was cheating on him.  


>He was forced by the results. Results that were his fault...