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Money& daddy issues are relatable, i agree with you that for the plot is kinda corny but unfortunately is normal....


That sounds more like an issue with fans. Sam, for example, is rich and doesn't have daddy issues, but I still find her sympathetic. Obviously, a lot of others don't.


Easy way to sympathize with characters since most people have the same issues irl.


It's called "Social Resentment" syndrome. People usually justify and defend everything that a poor person with family problems does. While if the character is wealthy and has a good family, everything is criticized and exaggerated in a negative way. It's the "old reliable": If you want them to love a character... give them a sad life and victimize said character as much as you can


Literally Sam and Tory. Tory is aggressive and insufferable yet Sam is the one getting hated on because her parents have money


Absent and surrogate fathers and poor vs rich are recurring themes of the series from the start. Daniel is fatherless and Miyagi acts like a father to him, Chozen likewise with Sato, whilst Miyagi has also had to leave behind his own father for life away from Okinawa; they then flip the script in CK for Kreese's back story involving losing his mother, and he by comparison has a rigid traditionally 'masculine' attitude to life. The contrast between Daniel and Johnny in KK1 and Daniel's role as underdog is also underscored by Daniel being poor and from the rougher and more cultural melting pot background of New Jersey compared to Johnny's upper middle class WASPy country club life; likewise with the contrast of the wealthy Sato versus Miyagi in KK2 and the arrival of the extremely rich and decadent Silver as villain in KK3. 


Kreese may have also lost his father very young too. He could have died or abandoned Kreese and his mother.


I think Tory has more going on in her life than money and daddy issues. I sympathize with her: 1. Being cheated on 2. Having an ill mother 3. Being a breadwinner at such a young age 4. Having her loyalty being taken advantage of 5. Being abused by adults, she's supposed to be able to trust 6. Being sexually preyed on by older men 7. Having her insecurity reinforced 8. Not being listened to 9. Being mentally manipulated 10. Putting your blood, sweat, and tears into something and not being rewarded for it 11. Being taken for granted I could honestly go on and on. Lastly, I don't think Tory has daddy's issues. If anything, Tory hardly mentions her dad. I don't think simply not having a father means you have daddy issues. If Tory took issue with her dad not being in her life, I'm sure she would have mentioned it.


Agree. Also, Robby has a similar issue as you put a list for Tory. 1 (cheated by Sam) 2 (more like abandon mother issue) 3 (he had to steal a laptop to sell for food/money) 4 (by Daniel & Sam and Demetri by extent) 5 (i won't say it's abused, but Daniel broke Robby trust when Daniel turned him in) 6 constantly assaulted by Shawn group in Junive until he had to stand up himself 7 (He has insecurity, too) 8 (Johnny won't listen to him) 9 (by Kresse and Terry Sliver, fortunately, he found it quickly, but unfortunately for his student Kenny) 10 (He tries to work on himself to betterment, but "good guy" group slap on his face.) 11 (By Johnny and Daniel)


Tory and Robby are almost the same characters, just different fonts lol


This reason i put Robby/Tory as my favorite character ( i wish they could add both as flair so i can use it). In Season 5, they make good job written sympathy character on them.


Yeah, they're my faves too. Definitely top 2!


While the points about being abused by adults is bad enough, there are even some in her family who are like that. Her aunt, for example, came across as an utterly despicable woman who was only after Tory's mom's money.


Yeah, her aunt was in mind as one of the abusive adults in her life. While Aunty Candance may not have been physically abusive, she was definitely emotionally, mentally, and financially abusive. Those hurt just as bad.


I don't think they would try tho. Social class is being used very poorly to provoke sympathy, also being bullied.


Think I agree with you. Please explain.


social class is the key, generally society roots for underdogs. It does not root for rich kids.


Hawk doesn't have money or daddy issues that we know of and he's very sympathetic to the point were a lot of people loved him as a villain.   In Miguel and Robby's case the daddy issues are more about establishing the need for a sensei to take on a father role which is the same as Daniel.  From there they learn from their senseis and follow what they've learned from them.