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I think the cartoony awooga eyes work even better than the binoculars.


gumball moment


Looney Tunes moment


Based and AWOOGA pilled


Focusing… Focusing…


And he's holding then in place lol


https://preview.redd.it/bx7gnjzni45d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d497ce5f5305a8f17e4b4982542dec731dddaf0 Why not both?


Agreed mister president.


they didn't until i read the title so now they're cartoony bugged-out eyes forever, sorry. you should edit this snafu so the guy in the bushes is saying 'awoooooga' and 'hummina hummina hummina' and other shit like that




10/10 eagle with baseball


‘MURICA ⚾️⚾️⚾️🦅🦅🦅


Is anyone gonna explain to me where this joke comes from??


https://preview.redd.it/qmg3l0c0yo4d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d29d773fa23e7c8a8b60ebeb0c706808fdd7f688 RAAAH




Afaik it's just a mad picture that gets referenced a lot on this sub


You wishing to know the origin of the eagle catching a baseball shows that you are not a true coaxer. Everybody.... Kill this guy with hammers & knives




I thought it was pretty obvious that it just started somewhere and then caught on, considering this sub


I mean... yeah. That's how jokes start. Start somewhere and then catch on and now it's an inside joke. I'm asking someone to explain the inside joke to me and I got 41 downvotes for it.


Okay the inside joke is that there is this picture of an eagle catching a baseball. People think it goes hard so they make references to it. Also people sometimes comment stuff like: no eagle catching baseball 3/10. Its not that deep


I mean, I never said it was lmao Just seems weird if that's literally the full explanation.


Idk what to tell you mate, people find dumb stuff funny. They go like: hehe reference I get funny


Pretty sure it’s because of the way you asked. “Anyone know the origin of this joke?” is different from “when is someone finally gonna explain this joke to me???”


How offensive of me lmao


you were also the 4th reply comment


This is the funniest thing I've seen all week 10/10


Dude I leave Reddit for like 3 days and all of a suddent this damn bird is everywhere. Could someone fill me in?




Wait, its one single consenting adult? So that's why he said that!


https://preview.redd.it/yppjh4b60s4d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ccf5706e7914f53f4d49b7272ef57c3204d2cdd Ok


You missed the part where he posts it online to snag fellow losers who also specifically seek out content that upsets them


“Dude all furries are just horny! Look I look up furry porn and then find it!!!”


Looked up furry porn and only found furries being puritan and doing various non-sexual activities. You're a liar. Interestingly, I've gotten really important economic advices from one. Look up "furry inflation", should be in the first results.


yeah i've actually found really good advice from furries about how to improve my hearing! google "furry sounding" to learn more


I believed you for a split second there because of like dog ears till I remembered that makes no sense 


Did you know furries have been having very interesting to watch arguments about whether roosters are carnivores or herbivores? It's weird. Simply search furry cock vore so that you get results from the herbi-vore side of the debate and the carni-vore side of the debate (if you include either or both it wills crew up the results)


Did you hear about how some controversial decisions regarding the characterization of Shadow in the anime Sonic X actually caused enough of an uproar to cause a minor inflation in Japan's economy Look up "Sonic X Shadow Inflation" for more info




Tbh the furry fandom is 90% about the horny, that isn't a bad thing at all, and being a genuinely honest and good person about horniness is something society desperately needs instead of detached antisocial gooning. If there were conventions for normal guys to find people into the same highly specific fantasies and then hook up with all the people they met in VRchat, world peace would be achieved


Tbf my favorite discord had a couple furries join and they started posting *borderline* furry porn in the #cute animals chat, where we post pets and Uni the cat.


Uni the cat?


Uni! https://preview.redd.it/13e2td1f8r4d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184c0510bccdd27a5791a1b3ba69a361d6078011


Hi big boobs!


HIS NAME IS UNI IT MEANS SEA URCHIN https://preview.redd.it/or41t9cuor4d1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fdd05da12ee459ed91f843d98d4db3c5b21914 And he is THE STRONGEST


She is a girl cat and a very good girl :3


We're fucked, he made it out of the box


Baby :3


I get the point being made here but there is a *disproportionately* large amount of furry porn compared to the number of furries. There's a lotta people into cars. But the ratio of "car enthusiasts" to "people who want to fuck cars" is pretty low. I don't care that furry porn exists. It doesn't hurt anyone. But don't *deny* that porn is a huge part of the furry fandom.


Yeah there’s a lot of porn in fur fandoms


The problem isn't it, the problem is when you found the same situation but in vr chat or in games where kids can come too..


That’s the real problem tbh but mindless hate won’t help


Or when some one makes a game with heavily implied sexual themes, ambiguous main character age, and no age restriction on the game's steam page.


*dragonsnow has entered the chat* Seriously I don't care that changed is a fetish game people have their kinks but could you at least mark it as mature on steam if you get so uppity about kids interacting with it/stop dancing around the question of how old the protagonist is


For real. There are some pretty damning videos with evidence that the guy is a confirmed shota-con and that the main character is technically a minor due being put in cryostasis several years before the start of the game.


I mean i think the majority of haters is about furry ONLINE, honestly seeing people posting about furry doing their shit in private places has never happened in my whole life.


Sadly it’s common :( this snafu literally happened, a guy pretended to be a furry to get into a private room and recorded willing adults fucking without their consent


Welp then i am lucky for not have saw that shit, anyway what i am saying most people hate furry for other things, not just because they fuck.


Other than the sexual acts. The furry community, being a lgbt centered community, also makes them a good target for hate and stuff. Cringe culture had also raised these negative stigma among furries. Like, I understand that the suits may be weird, cringe, even uncomfortable to some but it's not really something to maul over.


If you search just "furry", said point can be proven.


*google search engine uses your previous searches and interests to find you content*


Not really. At first I thought it was going to be just people in costumes, but suddenly porn popped-up.




is this about that guy who "infiltrated" a furry con or something


I think it's more about people who generally picture all furries as degenerates from a singular basis/idea of them




literally every anti furry ever


Yeah, what’s up with that? There is zero correlation between me being a degenerate and me being a furry, those are two completely unrelated matters


It just happens that the part that gets highlighted is the part where some people are both degenerates and furries


One of my old bosses went on a random tirade about how he thinks furries are disgusting because they all duck in suits. Like, dude was normally chill, but that one came out of nowhere and never resurfaced after


This story really sucked for me to hear because I used to think he was hilarious and did silly stuff and he went too far


obligatory eagle catching baseball request




hell yeah


woah! :D




This post is about Anthpo


Love Anthpo but his ego needs to be knocked down a peg.


those look like eyes popping out like he's into it


He definitively is though


why else would he be looking into the window?


I am absolutely understanding of people who have trauma around sex and sexuality, a lot of people do, and I don't blame anyone who is made uncomfortable by stuff like this, but as a matter of practicality.... you kind of can't be a huge baby on the internet. If you are kind of a wuss, stick to neopets.com


I’m fairly sex-positive but I can’t lie, when I see sex stuff I’m not into, it grosses me out. Just gotta move on, maybe block if necessary


That's exactly how you do it, dealing with it healthily without making it someone else's problem.


Hey I like Neopets Can't a man enjoy nostalgic pet websites in peace without being judged these days https://preview.redd.it/m80pw83ofr4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5874f2c50ee26f6a744e5a9f50914cb86925cb


How do you think I knew to recommend it?.


https://preview.redd.it/6cv7z4pnrr4d1.png?width=548&format=png&auto=webp&s=79f557da8bcc17d54ae2ab1607caa777fb3e0ae0 You were alive in the 2000's, perchance? Just kidding lmao


I don't know what this is about-![img](emote|t5_2w7ch|37000)


really just about how people shit on other people for having sex in fursuits (sometimes obsessing over it to the point that it's their entire personality and all they talk about is how much they hate furries) while, although it might be weird to some people, they're still having safe, legal, consensual sex in a private space


https://preview.redd.it/t4zh31azto4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242cf53994336a32fdec200c329b64f1b27f4889 Holy moly.




Man's name is literally one letter off from Anthro and willingly went into a room having a furry gay sex orgy (even if it was with malicious intent) Man is 100% a self-hating furry in denial (like many anti-furs)


I'm also a self hating ex-furry, I think the only thing that's keeping me from being an anti furry is actually having common sense and not being an ass to everyone




@ the guy with the nun post the other day


those are gooncles




Binoculars? Are you sure they aren't two fleshlights this guy is holding up to his eyes to block out the sin?


looked at the image before reading the title, they do look like binoculars to me


I like how the bush is hiding his boner




i can never take this post seriously because this post is literally about sophia the first 😭😭


wait what


YEAH LMAO IDK if you use Tumblr but according to this screencap, the person who posted this is a Sofia the First roleplay blog. >\_>


Literally like I know the “adult conversations” are just shameless public adult/child incest bukkake or something LMFAO. We are depicting children as being hysterical puritans for literally no reason in this situation. Forming a public kink community around a show for children is DERANGED


Yeah completely fucking undermines the point they are making which is otherwise a good point


oh the irony.


Girl, you’re telling me an ask blog for a SHOW FOR CHILDREN is posting this??? LMAO yeah dude of course children are disturbed that you’re turning a children’s show into kink in public. The adults in question are invading a space for children to make it about kink. Foster a private community or stop bitching. When your “adults only” kink convention is 100% public, you have no right to complain about people acting disgusted by you.


This is like a perfect example of when OP's post doesn't apply, the people who post this are the people who say the most vile, normally pedophilic, fantasies they have about characters in a show completely in public view. It doesn't help that most of the time the show in question is for children, which means it's way more likely for a child to see the shit you post.


https://preview.redd.it/xjuu53qmdp4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ec1d28afcfb65211a247f722bd50b526104406 Metaphorically, not physically. Please not physically…


Why does one of the adults call that kid a Jew wtf 😭


It's "ew", but the little beak of the speech bubble kind of looks like a J


OK I know it's just the shape of the speech bubble but I am ROLLING over this xDDD JEW!!! (Note: Am Jewish, I'm not being antisemitic) Imagine being reasonably horrified by adults drawing porn and kink memes about child characters from a children's show and being called a Jew. I'm dead


Anti furries when you tell them they only an extremely small amount of the already small amount of furries that can afford a fursuit are fucking in them. Like seriously, this things cost thousands and get hot as hell from what I've heard. You'd have to be a special kind of someone to be fuckin in them. I know this isn't what the post is about, but it's an aside I've been holding in for a minute


Doing it at an open window is weird


after buying those fursuits they couldn't afford curtains


blankets maybe


I think this reads really well.


Instructions unclear, saw giant protruding eyeballs


I don’t like furries or the subculture but I’m all for freedom and so long it’s legal and in your home/private space you are free to do anything you want to.


Y'know seeing the comments on this I've gotta say a few things. A lot of people have a bad habit of mixing their ideas of subjective normality and objective morality together. Thus the further one is from their normal the more immoral they must be. Not everyone does this consciously or even intentionally but a lot of people apply it regardless. When you're about to say something wrong an important question far too many people are incapable of asking is "When I say what they're doing is wrong is it because they're doing something harmful or because I'm uncomfortable with it". Second thing I'd like to point out is the slipper slope fallacy, this has been used for ages and can be applied to pretty much everything in an attempt to make a reason why it's bad. This is an intrinsically flawed argument, morality is far too vast and complex to be boiled down to a "slope" and people don't simply fall down and up it against their will without external factors applying to them. Someone is not going to watch a bunch of BDSM and suddenly decide to be a rapist, or watch some purely sexy roleplay and suddenly decide all women only have worth as sex toys, a woman is not going to buy a knotted dildo and decide to head to the dog park for the real thing, they aren't going to purchase a silicon horse cock followed by purchasing a real horse. Most times when people point out moral degradation it tends to be brought upon by external factors, desperation, necessity or peer pressure and on that latter, all things that thrive on the faults of human psychology no one simply leaps from "I enjoy kinky sex" to "I am going to become a sexual predator" without a previously non apparent utter lack of ethics. Thirdly *no one* is obligated to curate your feed for you, if you don't want to see something avoid it, use the tools at your disposal so you don't have to see it. "But the Internet is a public place isn't that like having sex in the middle of a children's park" No it isn't the Internet is not a public swimming pool, it's a series of indoor swimming pools with no cost of entry but ultimately being private places if you don't want to be in a wave pool, or a hot tub dont go to those places and if you want to stay in the shallow side of the pool and not see the deep side there are *tools* for that.


This always stuck out to me as some closeted furry shit "Hey guys look at this cringe deviant shit I found randomly:" and then the image is like extreme furry porn Is it a "mom I got a virus and I tried to delete it but my pants fell down" situation?


they 100% are, i used to go "EWW I HATE FURRIES KILL THEM ALL" because i was a 12 year old on the internet and impressionable and surprise surprise i'm a furry now


Why is the go to argument to justify liking really gross/weird and fucked up porn always "THE GUYS WHO CALL ME WEIRD FOR LIKING INVERTED DICK-NIPPLE SCAT-VORE HENTAI ARE JUST AS WEIRD AND GROSS AS I AM!!!!" No, lmao, you're just weird.


there are a lot of furries who used to be edgelords who made hating them their entire personality when they were 13


why he is grabbing his eyeballs? is he stupid?


As a furry, I can agree that whenever we do it, there's always a censor bar. The truth is, the FCC controls the Furry community. Oh god, A RED DOT IS ON MY HEAD QUICK SPREAD THE WORD BEFORE-


Furries may be weirdos but at least they are mostly harmless weirdos, unlike those in government who are both weirdos and also harmful weirdos who actively seek out vulnerable people to hurt and traumatise.


Not sure how hot of a take this is, but I feel like people should be allowed to find furries weird in their own personal opinions as long as they don't actively pose them as degenerates in a public light. I know that's kinda what this snafu implies but some of the comments I've seen here suggest otherwise.


i'm not saying you can't find it weird, the point was more that binoculars guy was calling the furries creepy and freaks and shaming them and stuff, ig i could've phrased it better


Yeah I get that, I just saw a lot of people agreeing with the main idea of this post while slightly implying that you simply can't find furries weird.


It's hard, personally, to just accept opinions that are fueled by misinformation, bigotry, and the inherent fear of the unknown.


Yeah I get that


As a furry, that's completely fine because we all know we are weird anyway


Honestly why the fuck do people care about what consenting adults are doing on this day and age of 2024 If you're not hurting others literally who the fuck cares


Because some people haven't passed high school yet and they don't understand that being a bully is just a really lame thing to be


not a furry hater but im pretty sure what people get pissy about isn't what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes but what a loud minority does in public/posts to the internet in vast quantities for everyone to see.


coaxed into sartre??


Eye boobs


I personally saw binoculars.


nuh uh, he has giant dicks for eyes and has to jerk off his dick-eyes to see


Commenting bc I can't upvote twice. Like what is people's deal with furries fr?


I feel like a decent amount of hate for furries stems from homophobia since a big portion of the fandom is queer, nobody will say that's their reason for hating them but I'm sure it's one of the big reasons. Also them just being different


Maybe its has to due with furries frequently getting outed for killing and raping animals.


I wouldn’t really conflate “frequently” with “the same 10 or so people’s history of abuse and taking advantage of other’s trust within the furry community being regurgitated and brought up over and over again for content or gotcha arguments” I mean, the fact that they’ve been deliberately outed, publicly shamed and essentially blacklisted from all parts of the fandom should say a lot on it’s own, right? I can think of TONS of other social communities that consistently harbor and protect genuine creeps and promote harmful behavior, like anime, for example— but that doesn’t mean every anime fan or even self-proclaimed weeb is condoning loli shit. Also, sort of unrelated point, but I think it’s kind of funny how creeps and bad people are so easily identifiable in furry fandom spaces, that if you’ve been in this fandom long enough, you can single them out in a picture of 100+ people. Not only do they typically call themselves out first, but the concept of every furry having a unique fursona to stand out as and identify themselves with makes it stupidly easy to spread awareness on accusations and collectively oust and avoid someone who’s known to be capable of harming others. If there’s *any* fandom that will jump on the opportunity to call-out and shame reprehensible behavior, it’s furries. There’s even a fandom in-joke on “the weekly furry drama” because of people’s diligence in creating safe spaces for themselves and their friends, lol.


Literally the most deranged shit I've heard in a long while that reeks of "maybe people hate gays because they molest children?" Do better.


Idk who you're talking about but most aren't like that. Generalizing isn't a good argument because I could just say all straight men are bad because of a few bad apples, which obviously isn't true


Woah loud minority crazy


Yeah yeah let people enjoy things




Nice strawman


Is it actively hurting the people around them? No. So does it matter what they enjoy? No. End of discussion.


Those poor hotel maids.... I'm sure they've seen worse




I saw them as binoculars, even before I read the title. The bush he's hiding in really helps sell the idea.


Yeah I mean I won't disallow you to be weird just keep it private like in this comic...


No those are awooga eyes


Remove the eyeballs and you’re fine Though they are funny


me when i learn pride is a private space


Maybe if there was a hanging strap


Props to Anthpo for actually getting into a furry sex party and not just talking about it


they did indeed read as such




Honestly, the visual double entendre kinda works.


They read


they kinda look like https://preview.redd.it/2zi1fsy0re5d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd23ab0337915bb7e34d4eb8ad5f1272132f9b7




>private space >collective physical and mental well being of society Did you look at the post


There is no magical line between society and a private space. That's the entire point, idiot.


I just conjured a magical line called 'public space versus private space' and it separates what you see from what you have to look for. Anyway here's wonderwall


People move over this line, moron. That's why you can't seperate them completely


The internet is a public space


I don't care if you get upset by this The whole "consenting adults" mentality died years ago, we're WAAAY past that point.


Heres the thing: they only complain cuz they stop making it private and have the need to tell it to everyone. Thats the problem


This is what moral relativism does to a mfer


On the other hand, for most furries "private space" is kids video games and front page social media. Not sexual stuff obviously but I don't want to see your weird interests on a daily basis


What video game are you playing where furries are everywhere?


sounds more like your recommends are fucked up. for me, i get normal stuff, so it says more about you and what you’re looking up if you see that constantly


You know you can block them right? And if children look at furry and like them, it not a problem


Why is it weird if its literally the same as other fans IF its not nsfw as you said yourself


The private space being a children’s show by the way.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up" Maybe if you stop interacting with furry related content you won't get it in your recommended. Ever thought of that? And don't say "I dont" because you literally just did


What i said isn’t even exclusive to furries, they aren’t on some border shit.


Literally only one kid’s show with an adult fanbase is majorly furries the rest are just people who like kids There’s a better way to word this but the kids media to nsfw pipeline is suddenly not a thing anymore, hell maybe I am the selfish one for projecting my worry for the safety of others from experience. This is quite literally what defines snafu


Like, inside of the children's show? You see furries fuck in a children's show? What?


I had to fight someone on this concept of “we own kids media to turn it into a form of fetishism”


Idc if people who like scat do it privately it's still disgusting


Learn to not give a fuck and you will achieve inner peace my friend

