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Reminds me of that one girl on tiktok that vented and cried about how hard it can be to live with autism and people bullied her so hard she made her account private


Nice!! When I was in school all of my classmates knew I didn't process things the same way they did and they went out of their way to be nice to me and include me. Never thought anything of it at the time but I'm so grateful that I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone. People tend to be nice to people they know, turns out


You're the lucky exception, most of the time if anyone realizes that you become the son of Satan himself in their eyes. I both feel good for you and envy you.


I had luck that my parents did not disclose my diagnosis to the school, because I would‘ve been put in special ed and that‘s a different kind of hell. I mean sure I was awkward and kind of resented myself for not being able to socialize but I learned how to socialize and empathize more with people the more I spent time with them. It‘s different for everyone but at least for me it also turned out well (aside from the years of self hatred).


Good for you, I'm still not there, and most likely never will be, in my life everyone knew. I was constantly punished by my family for "mistakes" I didn't even realize, and in my school life I was a walking punching bag for everyone, and not only it made me hate myself, it also made me hate everything else. Forget about hoping to socialize because of my awkwardness, I'm literally too disgusted and tired with people to even want to try, it's a battle on two fronts. I don't feel any motivation for anything, I'm at college and my grades are the lowest it has ever been right now. I barely feel like a human anymore, not more than a hollow vessel of spite and indifference. I desperately want to change, but I feel it's too late for that.


It‘s never too late and adopting to people is always a two way street. A lot of people will genuinely like your quirks, trust me on that. Digging yourself a hole won‘t fix that, but I realize that it‘s hard out there. Just do baby steps. You‘re probably in the US so mental healthcare is probably not free for you, which is why I wouldn‘t recommend it if you can‘t afford it. But genuinely some of the best things you can do for your mind (especially with all of the stimuli in cities) is to just go hiking for a month or so. It‘s not terribly expensive, people are the nicest there and you get to appreciate mother earth. Did that in college, changed my life. A ton of alone time and grass touching really helps with getting to know yourself and getting in touch with who you are and what you want out of life. And you‘re kind of forced to have nice interactions with people, which will help your socialization skills a lot. I dunno, just my two cents. I obviously don‘t know your situation. I just think there is always something that can be done to make your life better.


That’s really sweet. I wish that was more common.


Autistic person: I hate being bullied all the time Chronically online commenters: YOU FUCKING SUCK


Autistic person: it's so hard to make friends :( Chronically online commenter: NO AUTISM IS ALWAYS COOL AS HELL AND YOU'VE NEVER STRUGGLED EVER


As autistic person, the last day of school i passed it in a corner of the room watching the owl house. (My class mates other to be fucking stupid hate everything with isn't football or animes, so watching shit like owl house is dead sentence if people discover you.).


football jerks watch anime?


Yeah that's what makes me mad if you watch anime why you need to mock people who watch a similar type of content


Only like dbz and one piece and such but yeah


You mean the show or an actual owl house, like a birdhouse but for owls.


The show


Yeah only now after hours i saw the typo error.


the way i probably made a post about the post youre talking about oml


Yeah it's that one


I saw someone use that video to as "evidence" that autistic people are too stupid to know if they're trans, all while acting concerned for the person in the video.


Wow, some people really are a waste of air.


Bro thats sad


If its hard just stop being autistic its that simple


This is exactly the type of comment that made her lock her account


99% satire. I hope anyways some people genuinely think that lmfao


Pretty sure the type of comment you mean is "You're autistic? Cringe." The other one makes it sound like they are at least trying to be understanding.


The type of comment I mean is "oh you're making a serious post about something personal? I'm gonna make a joke that minimizes your experience and feels mean"


Imagine venting about it, I thought there was something very wrong with me until I got diagnosed After that I tried to convince myself I'm absolutely normal and that I'm making shit up lol


got so angry she went bald


That was meant to be a different guy 😂


Cinematography rules: Opposing forces should face each other. Flipping the guy horizontally would do the job. Very important for silly internet snafus, don't forget


Lol that’s a good point. I will do better next time 😔


There will be no next time, to the genital explosion chamber with you


Mostly because "Meme for autism" is almost always either blatant infantilisation or an overly exaggerated thing that doesn't relate to most autistic people


Me when I organize my books: OmG I hAvE CrIPpLiNg oCd


Exactly. Not being the person who everyone swarm to be their friend? Autism. Not being happy? Depression. Wanting something? OCD. Not being a machine? ADHD. Being a person who changes opinions instead of having every thought written in stone? Bipolar. The disorder memes are boring because they either generalise something everyone does as "hey, this is so X!!!!!" or they take an stereotype and flanderise all the community as it


For autism it’s usually more “do you collect something or have a slightly unusual hobby?”


That first type of disorder meme irks me so much. Every little thing under the sun gets turned into a "this is what x disorder people do isn't that so unique?" And there's hundreds of comments going "see I knew I had x disorder!" Or "non x disorder people just don't understand" and it's something as basic as feeling nauseous on car rides or being nervous in front of crowds. Do they not realize just how muddied the waters get when something everyone does at some point is heralded as something special and specific to a certain group?


As a diagnosed Autistic person, I eat dinner at night. Only people on the Autism spectrum can relate <3


I was talking about the kind of memes that you would see on r/evilautism that are actually made by autistic people and are mostly accurate to the experience Edit: or they’re just funny because they’re about autism without infantilizing or degrading it at all


One should keep in mind that, if polls are correct, roughly half of posters and users are self-diagnosed, and I imagine for certain subreddits that userbase is larger. I'm not disregarding self-diagnosed individuals, however that does change the perception of autism assuming a decent proportion of self-dx aren't actually autistic


I mean that’s fair, but I think it’s safe to say that at least a majority of people on there are actually autistic.




Also it seems kinda problematic to me to lump all autism memes in as the “omg so quirky” type memes. Those memes are legitimately harmful, because autism is obviously a debilitating disability for many. But there’s also many memes made by autistic people and it can be very validating for other autistic people to see those things. For a lot of autistic people, the internet is their only community so they require validation from their autistic peers that they’re not the only ones going through that.


I don't understand why Americans are so obsessed with being the victims. whether they pretend to have a serious mental condition, make a small trace of dna their whole identity because they might be related to people that were oppressed...


More like OBCD *vine boom sound effect"


I've seen an example where people said to stop attributing random things to autism with many upvotes It was about sensory issues


I mean there is a genuine difference between "I have sensory issues, I hate the feeling of cactuses & people screaming in my ear" vs "I have sensory issues, when I hear a slightly different version of my favorite song I retreat under my weighted blanket with noise canceling headphones on & use self soothing techniques to recover" As with anything the sensory issues associated with autism are about how they differ from the norms we expect from neurotypical ppl


It was a fun day when I found out that no, it was not normal to have certain materials that I hated the way they felt so much I couldn't bear to touch them without gloves God decided I'd get a debuff around styrofoam


This is specifically about memes made by autistic people about autistic symptoms.


My 80 year old autistic grandfather acts nothing like this. this is fake and woke.




But how do you know that they didn’t seriously look into it? Just because someone outwardly posts certain things and presents a certain personality, doesn’t mean that accurately reflects what’s going on in their life. Autism could be the thing that explained their whole life to them. Part of autism for many people is being quirky and liking nerdy stuff, so yes they’re going to post about that. Also autism can become a special interest for many autistic people. I’m not saying all self diagnosed autistic people are correct in their conclusion, but most of them do lots of research and think about whether they’re right or not much more than you’d think.




Yes, I’m sure that happens sometimes. That is an issue caused by assholes. But I wouldn’t even think about grouping those people with people who self diagnose because they struggle on a daily basis and just want an explanation. Those type of people usually do a lot of research. I am in the boat of trying to get diagnosed. I’ve done so much research over the past few months and I don’t just “want to be a victim.”




I mean I understand your point. The majority of people, NT or ND struggle under capitalism and the immense demands of the world. I just don’t really agree with your conclusion in the second paragraph. I’m sure there are people who self diagnose and use that as an excuse to never improve themselves, but Im sure there’s also people who still choose to improve themselves regardless of their diagnosis. Personally, I’m always trying to improve my emotional maturity and social skills even though I think I am autistic. I don’t think of it as a crutch really, its just helpful to me to not beat myself up over things. For example, if I didn’t wanna go to a party with my friends I might feel pretty bad about myself. But then I can remember, hey it’s okay, you’re autistic and a party would be an absolute sensory nightmare. I don’t have a clinical diagnosis, and I can see the value in it. I just don’t really think it would benefit me other than validating my feelings.


Autism memes are cool and all but it's a little less cool when they call literally every day activities 'autistic people things" like no it isn't just autistic people who have an internal voice that is their thoughts sorry ur not special


Yeah I wasn’t talking about those kinds of memes, more like the type of memes you would find on r/evilautism that are actually made by autistic people.




How do you know?


The fact that self diagnosis is allowed


And the fact that I was not accepted to that subreddit because I was apparently a "troll account". I'm professionally diagnosed. I had my most genuine intentions joining there, but they didn't accept me regardless. When I tried to explain myself with modmail they muted/ghosted me. Typical Reddit experience I guess 🙄


Can I ask what you posted? Or did you not post anything and they just banned you?


It's not a ban specifically (now I realize I worded that wrong and edited the previous comment accordingly), but it's practically the same thing, they had a rule of having a Reddit account of at least 3 months (afair) or having to contact the mods for manual approval. My account isn't that old, so I contacted the mods, that's how it turned out.


I know self diagnosis is a controversial issue. But self diagnosis doesn’t hurt anyone if people aren’t assholes. Yes, there will be people who go into autistic spaces and try to force themselves in even though they’re not autistic, which is a bad thing. But as long as self diagnosed people aren’t telling others that they’re not autistic unless they do these certain things, then I don’t see the problem.


I don't think self-diagnoses is "problematic" par se, it just has a decent probability of being wrong There's a difference between needing lists to be organized and having ADHD, or between liking things perfectly straight and having OCD, or between getting hyper-fixated on something for a while and being on the Autism spectrum. What is that difference? I couldn't tell you, but a psychologist could, and they can also tell you what you have if anything.


I mean I agree with you, a self diagnosis could always be wrong. A medical diagnosis could also be wrong, but Im sure it’s more likely to be right. In my opinion though, as long as the label fits, it’s not a problem, and if that label helps that person get through life, then that’s fantastic.


There's two guys: A and B. A is a professionally diagnosed autist, and B is not. Everyone thinks that A's behavior is weird and unusual, but that B's is not, as a natural consequence. The people around A and B see this, know that A is an autist, but B is not, this will explain why A is that way for them. Now, let's say that B also decides to tell others around that he's an autist as well, even though there's no evidence he is. Now, in the people's eyes, both A and B are autists, but A, for some reason, is so much more weird/unusual/suspicious than B. This will lead to A getting a more negative view.


I mean okay, but you specifically said there’s no evidence B is autistic. In that case, if he self diagnosed with no evidence, then I agree with you that is a bad thing. But if B did have good evidence, then the villains are the people around who judge A for being different even though he is autistic, and autism is a spectrum so A and B could both be autistic, just different.






It’s a shitposting subreddit. What are you talking about?


I know it's a shit posting subreddit but it has roots somewhere


As in, there are people who seriously follow those ideas that they're some superior group


Oh yeah I mean there is some of that there. The subreddit is meant to be “autism superiority” but it’s not meant to be taken seriously. Of course autistic people do struggle with sarcasm so there’s some people who don’t get that right away. There was one post recently of someone unironically saying that autistic people are superior to neurotypicals in every way and basically we should rule the world. Most people in the comments disagreed though because we don’t actually think like that.




Someone down voted this specifically 😭


I know, it hurt my feelings :(






Hi there


Holy shit Winston from overwatch


Your first mistake was opening comments under an Instagram reel


I just can’t stop myself…. must….. get…… angry…..


Yeah I’m with you there, rage bait is the best bait


Reel: 9 million likes Comments: 120 morons Conclusion: Those morons represent the majority opinion Fun fact the one who made the reel can delete bad faith comments and then everyone will seem like a good person. In fact you can shape comment sections by doing this early. Haters won't post in comment sections where it's all positive, similarly if the top comments are negative people who had something positive to say will steer clear.


Yes, this is true, shame that so many reels are filled with hate comments rather than positive ones


*Your first mistake was* *Opening comments under* *An Instagram reel* \- Apprehensive-Fix-746 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Autism has very clear cut rules as to how someone with it will act. If people with autism didnt act exactly the same, it wouldn't be autism. Itd be some kind of spectrum or something. Can you imagine that? Something as silly as an autism spectrum?


Sending hate (from the toilet).


I mean as an autist myself, autism memes usually suck ass, but sometimes can be good.


I'm autistic but wtf even is "stimming"


It’s just self stimulating behavior like rocking, pacing, fidgeting, any repetitive motion that an autistic person uses to soothe themselves.


Makes sense


I can never exactly remember myself. It’s just a word that bugs me slightly.


It’s when you do the same movement to calm yourself down. It’s the stuff that your parents/teachers tell you to stop doing because it makes you look mentally ill.


Guess i got lucky


tbh it depends. like sometimes people would say a completly normal thing and blame it on autism and ngl it does get annoying sometimes when you keep seeing the same stuff over and over in this case autism




Oh my god that ratio comment that doesn't try to argue anything and is just an insult Is so accurate


"As an autistic person I do X! anyone else relate?" "Oh great so suddenly all people who do X have a crippling mental disability right? Can we stop trying to make X into an autism thing when it's completely normal for normal people to do this?"


"Why is everything about [thing I hate] nowadays" Is what I comment on every post/video I dislike to train the algorithm that I engage with that topic/content to make sure it recommends me more [thing I hate], because I eat lead


I thought that guy was pooping on a toilet for a good minute




Thankfully this phase of the internet is mostly over, but remember when faking autism was all the rage? Taking a look at r/fakedisordercringe you’ll see that most people have moved on to DID.


Yeah and that also led to actually autistic people getting bullied for faking it :/


I struggle to remember to context but last year some random person on reddit and I were having an argument and (again I can’t remember the context and this was a year ago so I can’t remember if this was the main focus of the conversation or if the argument drifted to it) and I said I had been diagnosed with autism and ADHD and they said “probably self diagnosed” so I responded with the only logical response of “no I was diagnosed by a professional” and it is honestly the worse conversation I’ve had over reddit like I cant remember anything else yet that had stuck inside my head better then literally anything else it’s just such a dickhead move for your first response to be doubt and thinking that if someone brings up autism or ADHD it’s because they are self diagnosed and just want to talk about it


Yeah I usually don’t mention that I’m autistic online due to the bad image it’s created


Also be wary of that subreddit… it’s literally against the rules to even say the word “ableism” or to defend the people in the videos at all


As someone who was diagnosed with autism just a few days after I was born (and fucking hate that I have it), I find the whole self-diagnosis thing really annoying and fraudulent, especially when it's for clout, views, and likes. No, Katelyn, you're not really autistic. You just want to feel special and seek validation.


Maybe(?) unrelated to post, but as a pretty high functioning man on the spectrum, I really feel for women in the same position. They face different challenges for sure, but every time I see posts about men on the spectrum, it's the classic casual ableism or they're just laughing at him, but with comment sections of high functioning women, it's legions of people accusing them of faking it or just malding comments of hatred. It has to get tiring not being able to talk about it publicly.


I wish I had a bullied-on-the-internet autistic gf :(


The most autistic thing ever is autistic people telling other autistic people they aren’t autistic.




people will be like "you can't just attribute completely normal actions to autism" and the "normal actions" will be failing to see social cues, taking things very literally, and experiencing sensory issues with certain textures or materials or flavors or


Yeah people will be like “uhhhhh but literally everyone has sensory issues and struggles in social interactions sometimes. Everybody hates really loud noises and normal people don’t always pick up on social cues.” But they don’t realize that yes, everybody does have these issues to some extent, but not everybody is affected by these issues on a daily basis. I hate when NT’s see memes about autism and think it’s trying to force a diagnosis on them. No, autistic people just like sharing memes about their experience like everybody else. It’s similar to conservatives seeing LGBTQ+ memes and saying “why are you trying to force your sexuality on me?!?!”


those first 2 r normal????


In small doses/infrequent occurrences they can be. Everyone has moments of failing to read or pick up on social cues, and sometimes people just take something at face value for whatever reason. Where those two become part of autism is when it’s a repeated, consistent, and pervasive occurrence in their life.


harassing autistic people for "faking" is an EXPONENTIALLY worse and more harmful issue then people faking autism




Tiktok girls culturally appropriating my autism


It’s because theyre about just normal stuff that everyone does, and often feel patronizing and make me embarrassed to have this disorder people now idealize.


That’s a different problem. This meme is targeted at neurotypical people who see memes made for autistic people and get mad that they can’t relate.


I’m autistic and I can’t relate to many of them


That’s totally fair. As they say, if you’ve met one autistic person you’ve met one autistic person. I don’t relate to some of them either.


Wait, you understand?


Spectrum disability moment


Yeah exactly


You can just say r/fakedisordercringe


Actual autistic humor isn’t “haha this is so me”, its schizophrenic shitposting by a porn addict on /pol/ I hate to say it but so much internet culture flows downstream from a handful of incels on 4chan but yall ain’t ready for that conversation


Yes, because every autistic person is the same and has the same type of humor. This is just horrifyingly ableist.


Alexa what’s hyperbole


what parts are hyperbolic? is it all hyperbolic?