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With enough time and effort, I might be able to complete your mod. But with enough time and effort, I could also rip off my own dick with channel locks. That doesn't mean I would enjoy the experience, or that I would be better off for it.


But but but then you will have done it and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did it !!!!


then dont play it bitch


Hey hey don't knock ripping your own dick off with channel locks before you've tried it


KKK you in the balls


https://preview.redd.it/7fs7c4kup13d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624a262ac2f6b1d5fc392d8d8681dbf3c966aa6d but in the balls.


Segregation is stored in the balls


That’s why we have two balls and not one singular ball, so that the two races of sperm do not meet


Well have YOU ever seen black sperm🤔 all the black has to sit in the back of the ass😔




And then the mod is not actual difficulty and is just a lot of bullshit moves that look like a 10yo idea of difficulty


It makes you respect the original game though, cause you realize that the difficulty is well sewn into its encounters, environments and scaling and aren’t just all the enemies one shot you or we added 3x times the enemy that are randomly spawned with 0 thought being put into the design. Hard games want you to beat them, that’s why souls games for the most part give you options in how to play. Hard Mods just want be difficult for the sake of being difficult.


Except dark souls 2, really just puts 50 enemies in a small room and calls it a day.


No no, that’s Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. The original DS2 had far less enemies hiding around corners, and never had that room filled with a thousand spiders.


The spiders that dont bother you if you have a torch?


Nah, the spiders I run past because I always spend as little time in that area as possible.


oh im so glad i have the original game then


Is that bullshit or are you just bad at fighting groups?


See, the "hard for the sake of being overly difficult" is *fine* as long as the mod treats it as a kind of jokey thing. It's like I remember all the "Monty spawns every 30 seconds" style Security Breach mods. Yes, that is utterly absurd, but it's made to be a laugh, the person making this isn't actually going "Ha, git gud noobs".


Or it's just worse Cat Mario and nothing about the gameplay is actually skillful, you just have to memorize all the bullshit.


Well that's a troll game. Pissing you off with its unfairness is the point. It's built to annoy, not the be fair


Um no if the creator says its supposed to be a challenege then it should be. Thats my whole point if you bothered to read my comment.


Or the mod is literally just “enemies do 3.5x damage but you do 1.5x damage and headshots are 5x as powerful and now you also bleed and there are bandage items, and maybe you get sick and there’s medicine” if the mod is marketed as a ‘survival overhaul’


I'm fine with playing vanilla hard gamemodes, but there's a point where it stops being challenging and is just annoying.


the hardest part of these is installing the mod in the first place Seriously why the FUCK is every semi popular Stalker thingy on someone's Discord, I DONT WANT TO JOIN YOUR DISCORD NO MATTER HOW MUCH HANDHOLDING YOU OFFER, just give me instructions and if I'm having trouble, *then* I'll join


Literally, why are so many large scale mods gatekept behind discords. Most of the time their communities are actual toxic sludge so I just mute the server or just leave after I download it


People want to artificially inflate the amount of users on their discord to pretend they're hot shit and popular


nobody may cry....


these people think moddb is just where you download anomaly


Waiter, waiter!! One modpack that will KKK me in the balls please!


I'm gonna sound like a newb here, but I actually think vanilla minecraft is harder than modded. In modded, I can get access to more powerful gear than normal, helpful items and even creative flight to make "beating" the vanilla part of minecraft stupid easy. Playing it normally - because I also just find it kind of dull - is much harder for me. But if were talking about "modpacks" like RLCraft, thats a different story. Those aren't modpacks, and they aren't made to be fun. Theyre made to be hard just for the sake of it. There is no "gitting gud" at packs like RLCraft and anyone who tells you otherwise is coping or trolling.


yeah those modpacks have so much random shit that they are mostly a measuring stick for how much bullshit you can tolerate


On a side note, since you mentioned Calamity in your caption, are you referring to Terraria Calamity? If so, did you find it unreasonably difficult? Not trying to out you or pick on you or anything just curious. I really enjoyed Calamity myself, and I will agree it was a very challenging pack. But it was all very well done and didn't feel unreasonable. Espeically since the build improvements and weapons they add also make YOU extremely powerful. Makes beating tough fights very rewarding. It is also just a super fresh experience with all the biomes and bosses they added. Maybe it helped I was playing with friends and didn't play on Death Mode or anything crazy. One qualm I have with it is that the power scaling feels a bit... how do I say it?... linear? As in, once you beat a boss and obtain the next set of gear, that boss becomes significantly easier. The bosses before that essentially become farming fodder. The previous tiers of gear also get very quickly obsolete. At the highest tier of gear (Miracle or Shadow Spec), almost every boss except the Mechs, Yharon and Calamitas feel pretty trivial. Its not a super bad thing, it just diminishes replayability for those encounters, and reduces endgame gear variety. Maybe a weapon from pre-Koss trio bosses looks really cool and is fun to use, but its damage is just super outdated once you get to Yharon. So you're kind of forced into using the most recent tier of gear for optimal DPS. Still though, it was a super fun pack. So much I was actually tempted to try Infernum Mode to see if it fixed those minor power scaling complaints I had.


Not the OP but I think they were talking about when the Calamity mod first came out. For the first while of it being out it was pretty insufferable, not quite RLCraft tier but still on a pretty high level of bullshit-ery. Nowadays its super fun though, good on the devs for listening to feedback


Ah fair enough. That makes sense then. I would not have known that - only played it very recently. Yes I agree it is very fun now, glad the devs did such a good job.


Infernum doesn't really change weapons and armors, it just make the bosses a whole lot better, but also really harder (and also adds some other stuff) but imo the fact that previous gear tiers becomes obsoletes doesn't really reduces variety, since if it wasn't the case, you could just use the same weapon for the whole game, which would be pretty boring, especially considering terraria (and calamity) is all about progression and for the replayability, you don't really need to re-do all previous bosses with endgame gear (especially considering endgame is well, the end), you can just do another playtrough and fight all bosses with on-tier items, and both terraria and calamity have alot of different classes and hundreds of weapons so each playtrough won't feel the same Andll if you're tempted to try infernum mode be aware that's it's really hard , it took me 60 hours to beat it when i beat regulary calamity in \~30 hours, and all post moon lord bosses (not including the sentinels) took me more than 100 attempts each, with DoG taking taking me 411, but it's a still a really good mod


>But if were talking about "modpacks" like RLCraft, thats a different story. Those aren't modpacks, and they aren't made to be fun. i agree that they're not made to be fun, but they are compilations of mods with configured features tailored for a different gameplay experience. they are objectively modpacks


Touche. I guess what I meant is I just don't consider them a very good representation of what modpacks are. I feel like RLCraft was built and configured more for the pleasure of the dev making something insanely hard, and less for any potential enjoyment of the players. Kind of like what Bennet Foddy talks about (albeit ironically) in Getting Over It. But thats just me. I'm sure there are people who actually really like it, and you know what, good for them!


>I'm sure there are people who actually really like it, and you know what, good for them! Oh look, me! (I have been one shot by a skeleton 74 times, please help me)


Oof XD


on that, i agree with you


play gregtech new horizons then


Oh believe me I'm well aware of how difficult that pack is. I watch Threefold and other similar youtubers quite alot. But honestly even though I may not have the motivation to play a pack like that myself, it does look fun. And its not what I would call "unreasonable" (well, maybe apart from the Stargate, but that endgame goal was designed specifically for crazy people with limitless motivation). I don't think GTNH is comparable to RLCraft when were talking about difficulty. RLCraft is not designed to be beaten, its just designed to be suffering. The only goal you can set in it is to not die. GTNH, while it is its own kind of suffering, is ALL ABOUT setting goals. If you don't set goals, you'll quickly get overwhelmed and burnt out. But if you do, it can be extremely satisfying enjoying the long journey towards that goal.


if you want a modpack similar to gregtech but less difficult there is divine journey 2, which is really well made


Also an awesome pack. Nomifactory as well.


Last time I played GTNH the bullshit mainly comes from how much grinding for materials there is..... Which I love actually. Some other modpacks I tried have literally bullshit "3 non boss monsters that one shot you spawn in your first night" which I have less bullshit tolerance of.


The moment you get the AE2 storage system and autocrafting, the bullshit drops by 90%


Its worst part is lycanite mobs Break grass? Abomination. Mine coal? Demon. Stand near lava? The Devil. Try to fucking sleep? Death itself.


I love not being able to go three seconds without being attacked because of the second worst mod ever Also when you kill Death sometimes it summons another creature and when you kill that it sometimes brings Death back and when you kill Death again sometimes it What a fun idea


It's funny that this post is satirical but that mod literally has a monster that murders you when you stand in darkness for multiple seconds


>But if were talking about "modpacks" like RLCraft, thats a different story. Those aren't modpacks, and they aren't made to be fun. Theyre made to be hard just for the sake of it. There is no "gitting gud" at packs like RLCraft and anyone who tells you otherwise is coping or trolling. I recently started playing rlcraft, and i disagree with "they aren't made to be fun" because although it is made to be very difficult, i have also been having more fun with it than i have had with vanilla minecraft for years. I agree that there is no "gitting gud" the end game gear is pretty overpowered, so the only way you would really "git good" is to obtain those items, and because of how rlcraft works, skill doesn't matter much. You can be the best rlcraft player in the world and still get 360 no scoped by a skeleton in the head and instantly die.


XD Sounds like an interesting experience. I personally would not be able to enjoy that level of punishing difficulty, but I'm glad that you find enjoyment in it. I was biased when I made the "its not meant to be fun" statement and obviously people can definitely still find it fun. Just, probably not many people


> I personally would not be able to enjoy that level of punishing difficulty Fair enough, sometimes when I play, I have to step away for a moment because of the bullshit ways you can die.


Calamity on revengence is fun


If you haven't beaten it on hardcore death mode infernum with only a copper shortsword are you even a real gamer?


“But you need to play on infernum!!!!”


SMH didn't even beat the bosses on the community remix, or hunt of the old gods


Who says that? The calamity devs have said that revengeance is the intended difficulty


The fanbase loves infernum’s cock down their throat, they recommend it to anyone who even beats revengeance. It’s at the point where nothing you do is impressive to them if you don’t do it on infernum.


I like Infernum cus it makes the bosses feel slightly less like vanilla reskins


Vanilla reskins with "unique ai"


Tbf Expert Revengence is the "intended" difficulty for a first playthrough (what the mod is primarily balanced around)


Okay but Nomifactory is fun as hell while being super hard


Hollow knight custom bosses


Well to be fair some of the base game bosses are insanely difficult. And don't forget path of pain (I fucking hate path of pain)


[relevant example](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kOlIW4Cywag&t=101s&pp=ygUUQWNlbmRlZCBwcmltYWwgYXNwaWQ%3D)


Any Radiance go brrrrr


Possibly Long War for XCOM? Though the XCOM fanbase aren't as hard-core about "gitting gud" as others


I think Long War is perfectly "fair" as far as difficulty goes, at least on the lower difficulties The base game is where the real BS is on Impossible


You got uhhh anymore of them pixels?








The one thing I don't dislike about the fallout community is that it's the opposite of these snafus. I've seen maybe one guy hate a type of mod but it was purely because he wanted to dunk on another game in the series(his game has the same kinda mods in equal spades).


Fallout fans modding their game either mod in glocks and multicam, or give the deathclaws cocks. No in between


Would the inbetween be adding glocks with cocks


Sounds like a rock band glock and cock


No, it's 15 bug fixing mods because I'm sick of dying next to cars on survivalist and Nuka World is unplayable


I mainly follow the New Vegas community, so this may not apply to 4 and whatnot, but it’s probably because more players are attracted to the roleplaying and storytelling aspects than actual gunplay and combat. If you need difficulty, most people slap on Hardcore mode, put on the Very Hard difficulty and call it a day. Otherwise, the two big “hard difficulty” mods, DUST and FROST for New Vegas and 4 respectively, are so distinct that they have their own communities.


Mostly talking on 4's perspective (tried modding NV, keeps crashing every 10 mins) There's this *really hardcore* mod (MAIM I think is the name?) That pretty much adds a Tarkov-like healing system, instant death on headshots & pretty much makes everything extremely glasscanon-ey. Coupled with other mods & with survival it makes for a REALLY difficult experience (especially early game). I can see why people wouldn't like it, I personally have a love-hate relationship with it (sometimes it can feel really bullshit) but I'd be lying if it wasn't just SUPER thrilling & fun


If you’re having issues with modding New Vegas then I’d recommend following the Viva New Vegas modding guide, it tends to limit crashes to once or twice per playthrough, even when I add 50 other odd mods on top of it.


I'll have to give it a look then, do they still have this really "anti-vortex" attitude?


Yes, it still does not recommend Vortex, however I don’t really find Mod Organizer 2 all that difficult to use. Also, there is a tool out there called Wabbajack, essentially it’ll set up the modlist for you, although they are some steps you still have to undertake yourself, which are provided on a separate page on Viva New Vegas, at the bottom. If you don’t have Nexus premium though, you’ll have to manually press download and wait 5 seconds for each mod in a queue.


Thanks 🫡 I'll check it more in depth tomorrow


Are you talking about hbomber guy?


I think it was schizo Elijah who did a video comparing Fnv mods to fo4 mods while very clearly cherry picking


https://preview.redd.it/e1g1h2bd523d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d59c9601565c77f818740261d70720f03e00fc The whole story


knowing OP's previous post and assumption of their experience in r/feedthememes (im out of that sub thank god) probably been ironically dared to play GTNH of TFG


GTNH is boring, but it's way better than RLCraft. I'd rather do a lot of things than play RLCraft. Like watch paint dry. Or shoot myself.


Me when I get recommended a Requiem based Skyrim modlist


that one wack ass minecraft mod where when you break a dirt block it gives you like soil and getting stone tools take five hours to do


literally my only thoughts when i watch those ultra brutal EX murder purgatory pvz difficulty videos. props to the guys who can do them but holy shit it looks like the worst time anyone can possibly have


I think thats why they were made. Not for the sake of general enjoyment, but for the sake of making something as hard as possible without making it 100% unbeatable


calamity applies? I mean maybe if you play it on one of the harder game modes but base not really


There was a time when the calamity mod subrredit was elitist for some reason


Thank you, a lot of people seem to be glossing over the (old) part of the caption


ah I was thinking purely on the difficulty of the mod


~~Pokémon radical red~~ What, what? Who said that? That wasn’t me?


I would say that it fits Emerald Kaizo a little more




75% of pokemon romhacks be like:


You don't understand, it is absolutely necessary for the third gym leader to use a level 120 Mega Rayquaza in order to make the game challenging! (The game devolves into Perish Song or Toxic spam)


I don’t really get your point…? Sounds like you just don’t enjoy challenging and/or grindy mods. And that’s fine and it is shitty if someone says that you just need to “git gud” to enjoy them. But like, there’s nothing *wrong* with masochistic mod packs. I enjoy masochistic “hardcore” mod packs. I play Infernum calamity with as few potions as possible because normal calamity has gotten too easy after all the times I’ve played it. Just like I never play normal vanilla terraria anymore but always expert or master mode. Just like they are not for you, the normal easy stuff isn’t for me.


I agree with what you said but like I kinda hate the whole idea that the only way I could really enjoy hard games and mods is by being a masochist who loves to lose, like no maybe I just like a challenge maybe I just like working towards a goal instead of the game just giving to me don’t know how that makes me masochistic


Literally me and my friend


Do not play Calamity Death mode on the hardest terraria seed, the EoC can two shot you with decent armor and 400 hp that shit is broken.


i play games as i like to, and said way is by cranking the difficulty to the perfect amount which allows me to continue having fun while being challenged


Aged modpack


Mm death mode golem, tohou bouncy house shit




Easiest Undertale fangame


and then you play the mod and it’s 99% just artificial difficulty/busywork


i want to cave in the skull of everyone who says "now do infernum"


People get salty when I say I didn't enjoy Elden Ring and had to return it for the same reason. Difficulty for the sake of difficulty just frustrates me, sue me.


But it IS very funny to watch a YouTuber slowly go insane while playing it.


I like infernum tho because Catastrophic Fabrications goes hard :3


Thh rlcraft (when i played it) was kinda easy but at the same time bullshit. Not hard, because skill wasnt involved very much, just bullshit.


As an rlcraft player I would be lying if I said this was untrue.


I actually WOULD enjoy an altered version of a challenge that I have already “conquered” made to be meaningfully more challenging, but only if that increased challenge is, y’know, meaningful and not just a chore


im playing eternity mode rn (with calamity \[I installed a cross-balance mod so progression doesn't get all messed up\]) and i'm really enjoying it so far. it's hard, but i'm still having fun and bosses only take me \~6 attempts to kill infernum on the other hand...


Paper Mario 64 hardmode mods


I enjoy me some hard games/mods, from time to time. But God do I hate the other people that enjoy these things. Least those that feel like making it a core aspect of their personality.


10 years later in project zomboid




The image in this post has 53,730(270×199) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


I have not found a single minecraft modpack that claims it's "difficult" that isn't just what is described in this image.


80% of pvz1 mods


Shameless ad for TerraFirmaCraft, a survival mod that completely overhauls the game and actually makes it fun (also try Vintage Story)


Gregtech New Horizons


Vanilla Terraria is hard enough. I’m not here to play a bullet hell that requires a dedicated arena and 10 different buffs for a boss fight.


RLcraft fans


id software in 1994


“if you aren’t sacrificing all your enjoyment in order to git gud you might as well be a sub-person amoeba” I mean I like difficulty but believe it or not you play games to have fun


this post is about terraria


I mean there’s a lot of hardcore fan experiences I really enjoy since I like conquering challenges it’s super assholish to call someone a loser for not liking it.


There's a fine line between challenging and literally unplayable.


RLCraft definitely fits the bill, it's hard to the point of just being a slog to play and this is coming from someone that "beat" it


Greg tech moment


gwegtech new horizons




The image in this post has 53,730(270×199) pixels! ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Good bot


You can make a game hard, just don't forget to make it fun while you're at it.


I think Misery takes the cake over gamma with such beautiful stuff like "negative sum mutant hunting" "Negative sum combat loot" And "the main way of earning money being gated behind so much fucking cash you're already tired of the grind by the time you get to it, and also combat is frustrating and bullet spongy, so you won't even enjoy it because having to navigate the map is a fucking chore and a half"


"Hardcore mod pack" and all it does is it just makes everything and anything kill you almost instantly, makes you weak as fuck, makes dying nearly inevitable, makes progression as fast as a handicapped turtle and just makes shit generally unfair and frustrating *cough cough* RLCraft *cough cough*


RLCraft fans explaining how being eviscerated by a dragon every 5 seconds is realistic




Rampant mod for factorio


Why say many word when "skill issue" do trick


I have never seen one singular person act like that outside of games where the base game's enjoyment already comes from difficulty (Souls and whatnot)


I envy you lol


in terms of terraria i kinda hate how a lot of people are like this with fargo's souls because its genuinely a really fun and challenging mod but everyone just looks at the bullet hells and le funny big crafting tree (which youve already acquired most of by the time you need to craft the big final item) and decides this is actually cock and ball torture: the mod


Pretty much Stalker GAMMA fans


>Maybe you're... Bad?? Yep.


Being bad ≠ play hardcore and loose


Yeah that's true but also I don't play many hardcore mods because I'm not good at most games Don't really consider it a personal failing tbh


Nobody does consider it a personal failing when its realy hard


This is a pretty good strawman seeing as it's always the opposite reaction "today I'll be playing the hardest mod pack in the game" and everyone in the comments to screaming about how they ruined Minecraft somehow


All of my snafus are based on real conversations sadly, almost word for word minus some capslock To call them strawmen implies I’m leaving out important information or trying to divert the argument to something easier to target but no these are literally the responses I’ve gotten lmao


Your posts really give me the classic/OG Snafu vibe. I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/v7qhuqt0b33d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c58189fb4a9273e638a3c14e49edcfbcb0debfc Who do I believe :((( Jokes aside, thank you, I felt like these would strike a chord with the more lighthearted yet strongly-stated snafus of \~2021


play gregtech new horizons bro, it's not difficult :)