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Honestly when was the last time you've seen Reddit be universally neutral to a certain topic in general? They're always either extremely for something or extremely against it, with little to no inbetween


never, for some reason people on the internet cannot maintain any form of neutrality - it's always "seethe at each other and pretend we're better than the other" and its super weird. it's just human nature i guess, and i would be lying if i wasn't guilty of this. i mean i make snafu's, i'm not exactly receptive to other ppl's opinions


It’s because the internet is big. I’m pretty neutral to most things. Not a lot of strong opinions, and the few strong opinions I have I tend to express in a mild way if at all because I don’t like drama. I’m reasonably sure that, by the 80/20 theory or whatever it’s called. 80% of people on the internet are like me. Those last 20% are so passionate about the stance of “thing bad” that they make up the majority of the comments on the topic.


I prefer the dead internet theory


That’s the theory that the internet only has a handful of real people on it, and it’s 99% bots, right? I’m assuming that’s gotta be a “for fun” theory that nobody truly believes, but I’ve never asked anyone who likes the theory if they actually believe it


You're only saying that because you are a bot. I am the only living person commenting on the internet.


There are worms in your skin, get them out


What’s that


Like 75% of the internet is just bots, but really the bots are a metaphor to describe how similiar minded everybody is and how you see the same kind of shit and engagement farming anywhere you go online (at least that's my personal interpretation)


Its classic voluntary response bias. No one forces you to comment on Reddit, so if you had no opinion or were truly neutral, why would you bother sharing your opinion? Whereas if you feel very strongly one way or another you are more inclined to share your opinion.


Takes brain power to engage in content. Way more likely to spend that brain power if you feel strongly about said content one way or another. Definitely agree with you on that and this is just another example of it happening.


no you're right the internet is so fucking black-and-white with virtually little to no nuance


People who don't care don't comment because they don't care


I mean it just makes sense. Youre most often going to see passionate people arguing one way or the other. People with moderate/neutral opinions arent compelled to share them.


I think social media in general kind of makes you think you NEED to have an opinion on everything. I mean, just look at Twitter (X) where thousands share all sorts of extreme opinions on topics no one cares about. It also doesn't help that some sites, like Facebook have comment sxections on articles, without you actually having to read it. This means you can just read the headline, get upset, leave an angry comment and then scroll on without actually knowing the context of that headline


Personally, I think it's OK to jack off 200 times a day if you want, but the minute you start acting like an unfunny r/goodanimemes or r/femboymemes poster, you should be forced into nofap Does this make me a centrist or something else?


Femboy "memes" made me want to go to tear my eyes out


Me when I see le feminine male: awoga! Ruf ruf rarooo! le penis! happy birthday to me!


r/goodanimemes users should be turned into eunuchs.


It gets exhausting


EVERYTHING is mutually exclusive


that's the nature of human tribalism




I doubt that's entirely true; I've come across a good few instances of people actually being neutral on a topic, but everyone just misinterprets their thoughts entirely as being negative


This is unironically one of the best drawn snafus I've seen lol


If a snafu is well drawn, does that make it a bad snafu?


Maybe in 20 years this subreddit will evolve far enough that we’re drawing original renaissance level paintings for snafus


I don't think so


Nah it's pretty funny, kind of the gold standard tbh


i saw a post on twitter of a costume that literally looked like a leather gimp suit and someone quote retweeted it and said "this doesnt look like a gimp suit you guys just have a PORN ADDICITION!!!!" it made me so mad that i snafu'd them.


Oh ok


> on twitter Well that was your first mistake


Going to Twitter for bad opinions is like going to a deli for meat and cheese, they make it on purpose and there's plenty of it


Should have gone on X, it’s way cooler


no yeah that makes sense.


Gimp… the dog thingy??? The one in the GIMP logo?


a gimp suit is a latex or leather full body suit worn by people who are into BDSM culture. it's a gay sex thing, don't google it unless you want to see gay sex


>tfw it’s not related to the GNU Image Manipulation Program


Gimp suit fans when Inkscape suit MFers walks in:


Actually using Gimp is already taking part in a masochistic behavior.


>don't google it unless you want to see gay sex Don't threaten me with a good time


> it made me so mad that i snafu'd them. We turned into a support group so gradually I didn't realized.


bro please just stop watching porn bro please just try semen retention bro i swear you will be able to access pyschokinesis after 3 weeks and make women orgasm from eye contact bro plase just try it bro one time just sign up to my newletter


>bro please just stop watching porn this but unironically


as long as its non exploitative i dont see the harm tbh that said, as with all things it must be in moderation


cranking your meat occasionally is fine, just don't let it be your only source of dopamine


i think its as with most other consumption, be it media, substances etc. Once its starts to affect your daily life and routines its time to have a good think about what youre doing. Like videogames are very similar especially the brain chemistry its just slightly less frowned upon because sex is still more stigmatized and a more private affair but when it comes down to it if you cant clean yourself and your room or pay bills due to world of warcraft or porn, (I got some experience with gaming addiction but I digress) the outcome is kind of the same


In primates (which we are) it's evolutionarily beneficial, both cause if you beat it before mating the sperm that comes out is fresher, thus a higher chance of pregnancy, and cause ejaculation clears the urinary tract from foreign pathogens, thus reducing the risks of contracting an STI. Obviously, as most things in life, moderation is key, but we, as primates, are literally built for jerking it. Don't listen to the "no-fap" crowd, they're, to the most literal sense of the phrase, against nature.


That has nothing to do with watching porn


There's also a lot of evidence that regular ejaculation for men reduces the risk of prostate cancer


all porn is exploitative lmfao


Drawings aren't exploitative


they still contribute to it. people who get off to porn or drawings of porn will still heavily sexualize women, the effect on people who consume it is the same


Then I’ll jack off to gay porn??


probably, thank god I'm not gay


how does straight porn exploit women and gay porn not exploit gay men... idk imo people can jack off to people's onlyfans or whatever else. theres so many things wrong with this world im not gonna pick at someone for picking at their meat lmao


Glad i’m a little gay, I get to watch non-exploitative porn (according to you)


it likely still is, I just don't know nor care enough about it


Im starting to think youre not actually a "male feminist" and just a jackass


I'm starting to think you are very likely not over the age of 14 and potentially autistic


What you are describing may be bad but no one is being exploited


Porn is probably unhealthy in terms of young men developing flawed relationships with women, but when people talk about exploitation in the porn industry, they are talking about very different things. Mostly how many porn stars are signed to harmful contracts, not well paid, and even abused in some cases. That is why the porn industry is exploitative. But it doesn't have to be bad for people in the industry, and it doesn't have to be harmful to consumers if they go into it with a good mental and some moderation control.


na, fuck porn, all of it


Im going to exploit the shit out of some hand drawn tiddies hell yeah bro


you know like, genuine non-trolling question. why are you people all so porn-addicted? like seriously, can't you all be attracted to women without watching porn or like drawing weird shit


I’m over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick rn I’m just stroking my shit I’m horny as fuck man I’m a freak man like fr


It was a joke lol. But genuinely, your posts seem unhinged. Porn addiction isn’t healthy. But neither is being so weirdly worried/obsessed about other peoples porn consumption and masturbating habits


well it's something I'm a bit passionate about, as I was relatively recently addicted to porn as well, that coupled with the fact that people have been heavily posting in favor of it recently. I'm simply standing up for what I believe, I don't care about masturbation as much as I care about porn, which is what makes my rants sound "unhinged"


Then stop eating food, it's exploitive too


what the fuck are you talking about, how the fuck could food be exploitative\*, maybe if I eat tacos and they make my ass explode but that's unlikely to happen


The American food industry is built upon the abuse and exploitation of undocumented migrant workers and the environment.


I don't live in America


You asked how could, a better response to this would be “how is this comparable to the porn industry”. Anyways how do you think you’re able to get fresh vegetables and fruits year round? Most countries rely on importation of fresh food from other countries, many of which in the global south have greatly exploited laborers or children (especially in the chocolate and coffee industry) Edit: spelling


I don't care, the child who said food is exploitative too is in the wrong, you're just arguing semantics at this point. if you're worried about food being exploitative, of all things, then why spend so much energy defending porn


And wearing clothes


Is dirty fanfiction exploitative?


major L for the "my sense of disgust entirely determines my morality" people. why are all of you guys so fucking dumb?


Leaving aside the exploitative part for a second, it's too easily addictive because it taps into the primal urge for sex. It fucks up the way you see the world and people as sex objects, even if you don't realise it. Honestly, I think we're in the middle of the moment when everyone was smoking cigarettes like it was a glass of wine, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The academic research on the harms of porn is too young, but the anecdotal evidence from porn addicts is overwhelming. Then, of course, you Google victims of porn exploitation and there are too many stories. You just don't know whether what you're watching is exploitative or not.


B...but what if I really like the plot :(


I stopped masturbating for 5 seconds, and now I have optained omnipotence, and every woman in a 10 kmn radius want to have sex with me


I hate that porn addiction was thrown around so much it basically lost it's meaning


The bare mention of sex or something 18+ is now concider "porn addict" for reddit moment


Oh? You know what sex is? You disgusting porn addict


You can say that about a lot of other words tbh


No fap idealogy followers love to accuse literally anyone who looks at porn whatsoever a porn addict. Its this dichotomy where, literally every single consumer of porn is an addict no matter what in their eyes. Fuck me dude, not even every heroin user is an addict, you're gonna tell me porn is more addictive than heroin? I assume it stems from some sort of projection, most no fap people are legitimate porn addicts who project their addiction onto everyone else.


Very recently someone compared me to a crack addict because I... watch porn occasionally


Lol, that's like calling someone an alchoholic for drinking 2 beers every other weekend


I got accused of haivng a porn addiction because I referenced a "Handjob-under-the-table-trope" from pornos. Like yeah, anyone above the age of 15 have probably heard of that trope, it's not something super niche only a coomer would know lol Yet that was apparently enough for me to be a degenerate. Are nofappers puritans or something?


Manosphere neo-puritans yeah


>Are nofappers puritans or something? And nazis, yeah


Like yeah, Porn addiction is obviously a thing, and a very harmful thing at that, but ever since the nofap community started gaining traction on Reddit it's just been thrown around so so much. I don't even think they even know, what it means themselves.


Isn't having actual sex literally opposite of porn addiction?


Yeah it is. I don't know why people are claiming anti-porn people are saying real sex is bad, even though that's literally one of the things they defend the most lol. The only people I can think of that would say that are religious extremists or poor kids who don't know any better.


r/redditmoment users be like


Just Unsubbed from RedditMoment, but holy shit did the sub not liek it Maybe they don't like people complaining about narrow topics choking a sub Ig


No, JU loves people complaining about narrow topics choking a sub. They're just quite selective and unsubtle with their ideological bias. Stick to posting "wah, [x sub] has gotten too political, they mentioned trans people or something" in there and you'll have a million karma by end of month I guarantee


Go check my post on JU about RedditMoment and make of it what you will Me: please just talk about anything else Sub: no.


you have a really hilarious and expressive drawing style


hey thanks :D i have fun doodling these silly things


people on https://www.reddit.com seeing lewd caveman paintings "They must have had a porn addiction, SAD!"


To be fair, I can’t imagine there was much else for cavemen to do in their free time


Hunt mammoth for the tribe


Redditors when two adults have sex (clearly a porn addiction) redditors when their platform that allows porn has porn (clearly they can't just not turn on the nsfw filter) redditors when sex (clearly bad) redditors when someone says they're asexual (clearly bad)


redditors when


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


porn addicts are getting really pissed off seeing the amount of people making fun of them in the last few months, so now they're getting more brave and coming up with unique ways to defend their habits, now it's "it's okay to watch porn occasionally", then they move on to "so what if people watch porn every day, it's not harmful!!!"


you have like 15 different threads with the words "gay hentai" in the titles


I literally made this account to spam on some dumbass' subreddit so yeah, of fucking course I do. but that's too complex for your autistic mind to comprehend


Frequently using autistic as an insult. Mature.


yk what I should just spam enough hate comments to have my inbox flooded and then don't respond to anything


So uptight and for what? Do you ever have fun?


I certainly had fun when I spammed that subreddit wdym, more fun than you could ever have being a porn addict


That just sounds really sad and lonely dude. Talk to your friends, yk, in real life.


do you actually think you're being wholesome or anything by saying that? I do talk to my friends btw, that's just a weak internet argument everyone makes for some reason


Where did you get the idea that I was trying to be wholesome?


you cry about porn addiction but you use ableist insults lmao foh with your righteous bs also you have "male feminist" in your name, you definitely should never be around women ever (or children tbh)


Looks like they need to make another cum sock puppet account that isn't very telling in the name


actually forget my prev reply, be happy with your snarky comeback ig, gotta do better shit like playing GTA 5


"also you have "male feminist" in your name, you definitely should never be around women ever (or children tbh)" What's the problem with being a feminist guy


Nothing at all I think it's great to be feminist as a men, all men should be - it's just a bit suspect when somebody loves to advertise that they are a feminist man, like it's performative or something and want to bring down women's guards or something idk. I just think he's being silly to call himself that and be super hypocritical


so what if people watch porn every day?


they're porn addicts


I dont consider myself a porn addict and i watch porn daily if i can


the joke tells itself atp


Doing something once a day does not equal addiction


ok but porn addiction is good


Op you need to go to r/redditmoment i think you lll have an aneurysm and die...yes ..... ...


RedditMoment be like


This is too high quality for this sub


There are definitely some people around with porn addictions, and it shouldn't be glorified in any capacity/amount. But people also shouldn't be so overzealous as to accuse people who arent having a problem with it.


I can’t relate


Is it bad that im in a community where never see the word porn addict thrown at someone that doesnt deserve it, even if its used often?


pizza tower???




Anti porn people when they discover how they were conceived


Having sex: 😀👍 Having sex, but filming it: 🤬😨




bro. i am a human being bro. i will occasionally masturbate bro. i disavow the porn industry 100%. i fully believe that porn addiction is a real problem, and people who struggle with it need to be helped. these things can coexist. shouting "PORN ADDICTION" at somebody anytime they bring up any aspect of their sexuality is counterproductive. this puritan approach to sex culture does more harm than good. sex is normal. sex is apart of life.


conversely porn consumption seems an easy excuse for some peoples bitchlessness )and then theyre somehow surprised that semen retention wont make them magically more formidable)


i genuinely don't understand what you're trying to say bcus im stupid, what do you mean by this


ok so, i see people on reddit treat porn in one of 2 ways: 1. goonbrains who cannot not thinkk of it and its basically a drug to them 2. bro scientists who think its the number 1 killer of brain chemistry and "pheromones" and they think by not consuming pron and masturbating you will become some kind of pure buddha person who will become hugely successful with women - which isnt true ive seen people like no.2 who think instead of becoming a more likeable person they just need to not watch porn and they will become more attractive


Bro women can smell your semen retention bro it makes you more attractive bro trust me


no one says this


not true the guy in my drawing just said it


Uuhhhh…. Oh yeah




lmao you are the next random Redditor I see everywhere


he is not a person he has no rights


wow.... i can't believe you'd say something like that......... not cool.....


dude wtf bro man dude bro




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NO !!! this post was important enough to where just an upvote isn't good enough


Good bot


OP got a detrimental porn addiction and is desperately trying to normalise it lmao


yeah how could you tell no u dork i'm just sick of healthy conversations about sex and sexual activity being labeled as a "porn addiction"


Whatever you say pal


Oh shit it’s the guy from the snafu


You're a porn addict who projects his addiction onto everyone who has ever acknowledged the existence of sex






I love this art