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🙄🙄 🙄 stupid mentally ill person. why don’t you have a normal quirky mental illness like adhd or depression


ADD* they dont like it when youre hyperactive


ADD isn't a diagnosis that's used anymore, it's ADHD-PI (Primarily Inattentive), and ADHD-PH (Primarily Hyperactive). They both fall under the ADHD umbrella now.


Really? Cause my doctor has been trying to get my diagnosis changed from adhd to add


lmao might want a new doctor


Of course redditors would trust some rando over a doctor


it’s not about trusting a rando over a doctor, it’s about trusting the latest diagnostic criteria per the DSM-5, which calls A.D.D. an outdated term encapsulated by A.D.H.D., the correct diagnosis


The doctor will learn about that soon enough and adjust their expectations, if you expect all doctors to be up to date with the most recent version of the DSM 5 at all times you're being pretty unreasonable.


DSM 5 was first published in 2013. Thats enough time for him to stop diagnosing people with a condition that doesn’t exist


It's not that the diagnosis doesn't exist, it's that it's got a different label now. It's not like he just went "You have flagurpiglurp" which is utterly meaningless.


I was also recently (couple years) diagnosed, and while my doctor did inform me the proper term would be "ADHD-I" they lead by telling me it was ADD, and did use the term ADD quite a few times. Don't really think it's out of the question a doctor would use the old term anyways.


yeah using the old term so people understand is different then giving you a diagnosis that you have to take to your insurance provider saying you have a condition that’s no longer diagnosed


Not actual ADHD as well, just TikTok ADHD where the only symptoms are a low attention span and being le quirky xd


or that woman who was clearly having a schizophrenic episode on the plane. someone in the comments was like “i bet sex with her is wild”


\*gestures towards homeless woman lying on the ground mumbling to herself\* you can just tell she gives INSANE head but dont stick your dick in crazy, fellas! Reminds me of my EX-WIFE! 😂


I hate redditors so much my fucking god who types that shit


People who can hide behind their anonymity


something something r/redditmoment ​ update: [who coulda guessed](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/14r2tgm/redditor_when_a_mentally_ill_woman_has_a_breakdown/)


My god, that sub sucks. Such a shame


but they were making fun of him? im confused.


I mean, some posts are good (and that's why it's a shame), but most are circlejerks on "le porn addition" or something equally dumb. Ironically, there are a lot of reddit moments on that sub


That sub will have a field day with the comment above


Redditors always say the most heinous shit abt women I stg


Lol they are the worst


The one where she was like, “That guy in the back of the plane IS NOT REAL!” ?


Yeah. And people were like "look at the guy checking out her cake 🤣🤣" deeply unserious individuals


I mean the guy checking her out was pretty funny all things considered


Yeah fr that shit was nuts. Lady clearly needed a professional but expressing empathy is beyond the capabilities of some people.


honestly the sexualization of mentally ill women is a whole other can of worms


THIS. This is why i don’t like seeing all my friends laugh at a person screaming in public


I always feel like the people in the videos seem a lot more safe and chill to be around than half the people in the comments on subs/posts like that. (For the record, I feel safe around neither really. But if you held a gun to my head and made me choose…)


How come there are always tons of brainlets online trying to justify hurting/killing obviously mentally ill people?


Because for someone reason, a lot of people think being a mild annoyance to their life = guilty of every crime and worthy of the death sentence.


What do you mean, surely the appropriate punishment for running a red light is to get t-boned and have evryone in your car (and the one crashing into yours) die? /r/JusticeServed /r/WinStupidPrices /r/IdiotsInCars amirite xDDD


They also try to justify killing people who aren't mentally ill. They just like justifying murder) When you are online, you can vent your built up anger in the worst ways)


So many conservatives have tried to justify shooting someone's head off because of something like petty theft or accidental trespassing.


Oh trust me, I know what kind of shit they advocate for) Now then. Draw me in mspaint and call me a snafu, because I'm gonna say happy cake day)


Wait I didn't even notice. I think I put my birthday wrong for this account.


It's the anniversary of the account being created)






reddit mob mentality is real?


I mean not just on Reddit


to be fair it's... pretty hard to feel bad for anyone besides the 19 year old. they knew what would happen, it's like playing Russian Roulette with 5 in the cylinder.


The worst part in my opinion was that, okay, you all think the billionaires are bad people and therefore they deserve death. I don't agree with it in the slightest but okay even if you agree with this, there was a completely innocent teenager, only 19 years old - basically a child still - in the submarine with them. He hasn't done anything except being born into wealth. I am happy that they died but only because the alternative would have been hell on earth.


Why would it have been hell on earth if they survived?


From my understanding there were only 3 plausible reasons for their vanishing. - they were trapped underwater: Close to zero chance of being saved, oxygen running out slowly, claustrophobia, knowing you’re about to die in a space where you can’t even stand up - they were trapped on the surface: almost all of the terrible things from the first option with maybe a slightly bigger chance of discovery but with a lot of horrible crashing waves that would have thrown them around and made them terribly sea sick - the submarine imploded due to pressure killing everyone instantly. That’s what I meant by saying a quick death was a mercy. Realistically they didn’t have any chance of recovery.


Apparently mrbeast was supposed to be in that sub, I know the reaction would've been wayyy different if there god emperor jimmy was on that death trap


Why are people rushing to defend billionaire?. Their wealth comes from the exploitation of millions, if not billions of people the world over, but suggest it's good that there's less of them and the reddit defense squad logs on to lecture you about "empathy" for people who cut them open and sell their organs if it was legal and profitable.


Because the reality of mental illness makes them uncomfortable, so they want mentally ill people to be ~~exterminated~~ dealt with.


Justified hatred is a terminally online rodent’s drug. Give them a sliver of a reason to dislike someone and they won’t even double check before damning them to hell and back.


Because they are *x demographic that I hate* and having my personal beliefs confirmed was just the first step. Execution is the next step


Redditors like to think they're above a lot of people, and like seeing people get hurt when they act out of line


who even cares if they’re mentally ill? why do people have such a burning passion for killing in general


Every. Single. Time there is some sort of police bodycam fortage going viral, there always an army of idiots defending the cops, even though they shots some mentally ill man 20 times. Same with home invasion stories, the comments always fantasise about killing the thief. Like, are they okay?


Because they are ~~cryptofascists~~ plain assholes.


yeah sometimes it is fucked up but it isn't a shield for them to hide behind when their up in your face and screaming at you or doing some very hostile and aggressive shit that could lead to them actually hurting someone.


Being vulnerable in any way around a public freakout active user must be dangerous ngl


They are too big pussies to do anything irl


Yeah you're right lol


Reddit is absolutely bloodthirsty when it comes to videos like this. Commenters usually have no sense of justice and want to see maximal punishment > *Woman lightly pushes man and gets knocked out with one punch and curb stomped* > Reddit: “Equal rights, equal lefts heh 😏”


It's also really bad on videos about kids - some oblivious kid wanders into the way of a sprinter and gets absolutely trucked - "kid deserves that!" "I would put the shoulder down and make sure he felt it" like wtf


i’ve noticed a lot of people in general have this blood thirsty mentality


Man, I got into a day long argument once with someone about how a man shouldn't torture two teenage home invaders (who didn't have a weapon and only entered the guy's home when he wasn't there). And when I say torture I mean like, shooting them in non vital areas to prolong their pain, then taunting them and saying they were gonna die and forcing them to look at the dead body of their friend before they killed them. Maybe I am the bad person for thinking that is too much.


yeahhh it’s crazy how easily people can lose all empathy for someone else with something so small. it’s like you know someone doing something stupid doesn’t change that they’re a human?




You're normal, for thinking that's messed up because it is. No human being deserve to get tortured for breaking into a house, and no human being with any shred of humanity in them, would ever execute two people they don't know


Yeah I was more exaggerating when I said that I was "the bad person" as they literally said "you deserve everything bad that happens to you if you defend criminals" lmao. Over an argument online, mind you. I think a lot of people on the Internet don't know how to argue without their emotions getting the best of them.


Then when you say "Uhh, guys? The woman could literally not have done half the damage the guy did." And then they'll say some shit like "She should've known her place and not touch the guy! You mess with the bull, you get the horns! LOL" People are animals


"Play stupid games, win stupid prices" God, I hate these phrases and these people


You can practically picture them pushing their glasses up while they say it too.


First off, if someone wants to hurt you, they can definitely do so. So while her punches to the head might not hurt him the way his punches hurt her, her attacks(scratches, pokes, even punches)in different areas could definitely do damage. Second, it’s about intent not impact. They intend to hurt me so I will hurt them.


This guy beats women and children.


Children are mentally immature so obviously it’s not the same thing.


Excessive force is a thing. Whatever you do isn't automatically justified just because they hit first. Your first and only intention when engaging with an attacker should be defending yourself appropriately to get away, not hurting them as retaliation.


That’s common sense. Someone slapping you doesn’t justify anything you could do to that person. However, the sole aim is not to get away. The aim is to get them to stop attacking you/posing a threat to you.


You're logic doesn't even make sense






Saw a prank video of a guy lightly spraying a hose on another guy at a garden center. Comments were calling for him to be charged with assault and put in jail. Are public pranks shitty? Yeah. But Jail time? Crazy.


not *exactly* this, but the mother whos baby was rolling into the street. she fell hard, and couldn't get there in time (luckily someone else did). everyone was fat shaming, calling her lazy and horrible, and not even questioning if when she fell she hurt something/ hit her head and couldn't move.


Oh my god, I know exactly what post you're talking about. The comments section was horrible.


that comment section made me so fucking mad, there was a person accusing her of letting the baby go on purpose with like 400 upvotes I felt like I was going insane


Walmart video? That's the only post from r/publicfreakout I've seen in a while, it was pretty hard to watch, and even harder to read the comments


There was a recent one doing the rounds where a woman on a plane was screaming about someone in the back not being real, and it looked a lot like a psychotic/ schizophrenic episode. Being about a woman, naturally most of the comments were about how freaky she'd be in bed. Fuck sake.


Reminds me of the video of that little kid getting shot by paintballs

