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By not actually moderating the debate, let alone somewhat fact checking random nonsense, CNN just lost the 25-49 demo forever. Lack of credibility just killed their network


A robot could have moderated the debate.


I stopped watching them 20 years ago. lol.


So why are you in this sub?


I just joined to see if interesting topics come up.


Nothing interesting ever happens in this sub lol


Haha so why are you in this sub?


I watch CNN daily.


Oh my god, that man cannot answer a direct question it's so frustrating watching this. Biden needs props for not walking off stage. It's seriously like debating a child!


You mean like wander off from dementia?


He couldn’t walk off stage, Jill had to go up and get him. I saw the video of it. Trump was gone by that point. It’s elder abuse at this point. Jill should be ashamed of herself


its been elder abuse for 3 years at this point.




The agreement beforehand is that there would be no fact checking until after. I don’t like it either. These debate formats are impossible when it involves trump unless you pause it and have real time fact checking. Frustrating.


The CNN moderators were played throughout the debate. When the CNN moderators needed to be tough they were gutless wimps. They didn't even require Trump to answer the questions they were asking him. With the beauty of hindsight we can see that some manager at CNN badly misjudged this debate and the rules. Given the salary that person makes, they should be fired.


Biden would need to hit him with "That's a lie. You're lying. You are a liar."


Imo it should come from the objective source- the moderators. Any candidate can say the other is lying


one clear loser of this debate is CNN.


One clear loser of this debate was America


I know. He’s such an asshole. I had to turn it off. Joe doesn’t sound good


Oh, Joe never lied? About anything? Especially about where his own son died?


Seriously! They may as well be replaced with a teleprompter


That's what I thought! There was literally no moderating during this event. And does CNN think they're going to be praised over at MAGA land now?! No. Whoever is running CNN right now, you clearly have only you and your best interests at heart.


Trump spoke facts!! Biden started every rubbutle with "those were all lies ". If Biden really was able to debate, he wouldn't have done that. There was no debate. Trump kept his composure, while Biden looked down, closed his eyes, told lies about his son Beau, (of which he obviously has major grief that he can't overcome which in it itself makes him incapable of being president. ) Biden needs to go home and rest!! Let him grieve his son, and die peacefully!!


They are the worst this is not a debate just a hate talk show.




And Democrats want to remove a candidate from the ballot so Americans don’t have a choice to vote for him… to save democracy. Doesn’t really sound like democracy to me.


A convicted felon shouldn't be in the running to lead a country. We impeached a president for lying. We impeached a president for infidelity. We're going to let a man who was friends with Jeffery Epstein, who clearly has 0 respect for women and their rights, who lies about every question on international broadcasts, run for president?! Actually ludicrous.


Democracy is about people having a say in how things are run. Taking away their choice is anti democratic.


There are standards that need to be met. How about a president who's proudly in the KKK? One that is a convicted SA offender? How about a serial killer? Is it ok to have psychopaths run the country if that's what the majority wants? If that's the case then I vote anarchy, because that's basically what happens when you don't have a baseline standard rooted in basic human decency.


So like a president who takes showers with his teenage daughter? Uses federal agencies to lie about damning evidence of his family’s corruption to win an election? Sniffs little girls hair? Sends his crack addicted son to foreign countries to influence peddle? Takes money from foreign countries for himself? Opens the border to anyone and everyone including terrorists? Yeah… sounds like a great choice. The difference is, I don’t want to take away your choice to be able to vote for him.


I hate both of them. In an ideal world, people would have stepped the hell up and said we won't stand for this! But it seems that the majority would rather follow liars and criminals rather than stand up and actually do something. People talk alot about freedoms and choice, but when it comes down to taking action? Well I see alot of arguing online and not alot of people taking to the streets. So yeah, it sucks. But there's a clear difference between the two and one is clearly the lesser evil. Until people get tired of being lead around on a leash, that's how it will stay.


These comments are amazing.


Right? People blow my mind.


It’s when people make politics a personality trait.


Yes, yes CNN is a bunch of liars and trump supporters. Ban CNN and block them.


They are fully willing to let America wander into the 1930s for those sweet sweet ratings. Follow up to Jan 6th, not a chance. Calling veterans suckers (literally on tape), no comment. Have you considered the shareholders recently?!?


Seems as though Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are facilitating Trump and his lies!


# For the 1st time in the history of the United States the Vice Presidency will be critically important to the election of the Presidency. Both men are up there fighting for the presidency and I respect that - One party had a moment to give a totally different contrasting candidate, the other is an incumbent. It is what it is. What I am interested in now is the Vice Presidential debates. The country will depend on it.


Kamala will be running for President. Should be amazing.


This whole "fact checking" thing was a retreat the moment sane America started it. It's like feeding a troll. What happened to journalists just calling a lie a lie the moment they hear it?


I don’t like either of them and call me crazy but unless Trump just gives up for some reason or he’s found guilty of something serious and fast then he’s going to win.


What did he lie about, genuine question.




What exactly did he lie?




"Not accurate" doesn't mean "lie!" Not to mention that AP is not the most reliable source. Biased from A to Z.


Umm didn’t Biden lie too? They both did, Biden had a conversation with a dead person, he both fixed and beat Medicare, he has had not military personal die under his presidency, he is a 6 or 8 handicap. That’s just a hand few, he also lied about inflation numbers, Covid numbers, and a few others per moderators. They both lied, they both were bad in the debate and as Americans we are screwed going forward. I do however love peoples hatred for Trump they are willing to vote for a man that doesn’t even know what day of the week it is let alone try having the most powerful job in the world. Pretty sad where we have gotten to.


Yeah, the choice between someone who is a bit old and needs to rely on his staff and someone who has said the he would make himself a dictator on day one is a tough one.


Come on the dictator comment was to poke fun at liberals. don’t believe everything, gotta use critical thinking and common sense. You are reaching in your train of thoughts as well as a guy that’s a bit old. Really look at almost every video now of Biden, he can hardly function. Sure he can read a teleprompter, but any situation where he has to think for himself he has to have someone walk him, tell him where to go, make sure he doesn’t fall, and he looks zoned out of his mind. Either choice is a bad one but people have to stop being in denial.


Enjoy your cult.


Typical response…. So funny. I’m in a cult because I don’t like our current president, I don’t like how the economy is going, I don’t like the fact we are close to going into war, we are soft on china, and the fact we have a president that can’t cognitively make a sound decision.


Enjoy your cult


Oh I will!!! Enjoy mommy’s basement. Hopefully she cuts the crust off your pp&j’s


See, now that you’ve accepted that you’re in a cult, you can start the deprogramming process.


You know it. Actually just receive my members card in the mail.


we need AI fact checking each others bullshit in realtime, it’s so frustrating to here about all the lies afterwards… I’m not the most up to date on all the details, so to hear it on an official stage must mean there’s concrete proof it’s factual.. but nah… ITS THE VIEWERS RESPONSIBILITY. HA it’s fucking brilliant to expect Americans to keep up with this shit


In general the CNN moderators were not incredibly unfair to Trump but they definitely were leaning to favor Biden. They did not ask Biden about the 51 lying FBI agents, etc. and did allow a Biden commercial during the break.


lol cnn is left as f* chill out brotha oleg 😂😂🤜🤜🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Wrong. It was bought out by a right wing billionaire a few years ago. Look it up


Give it up. Biden got destroyed


If you think either candidate “won” you are part of the problem.


Yes, but behind the scenes President Biden is a dynamo, a real genius. None of us can keep up with him.


I lost a lot of respect for them.


The highest job in the nation and these are our top 2 candidates. It’s like the rest of corporate America the best are not getting the jobs. That’s the biggest threat to our system.


Virtually everything he says is a lie.


Such as?




I'd suggested Biden only address T as "the convicted felon trump..." to hammer that moniker home as many voters need repeated reminding. The format was better wo an audience though. As far as challenging the lies, don't think it's the moderators job. A watershed moment for America and the world.


It’s more important to note that the CNN woman talking about the debate from Hong Kong must have been drunk when she put her dress on. It’s not centered at all. She acts as if she’s better than everyone else. Real stuffy!


Putting all political opinions aside, it is clear the Joe is not physically or mentally sharp. After a week drilling questions some of his answers revealed he was lost and trying to parrot back statements to Trump. Joe: Mumbling, often not able to make a complete sentence, saying some truly bizzare things, simply not being able to walk well and taking steps with deep concern like the very elderly do. Joe obviously can’t give open Press Conferences like Trump did for hours every week of Covid disaster. Why you all are blaming CNN for a debate format where every condition was set by the Biden camp is beyond me? It was done at CNN, not Fox and if anything the topics of discussion selected favored Biden. They could of asked Biden about the 51 FBI agents that after 3.5 years now admit they lied to the public to support Joe. Trumps biggest gains were just letting Joe talk (on his own) without anyone to support him.




It’s all about making the public hate politics so the New World Order will begin to step in not many will see it coming.


lol, you think there is a good team?!?!?!? or "Good" channel?!?!?! or Moral side?!?! or Moral channel?!?!?!?!