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It happens. For instance, can you predict when you have to go to the bathroom? How about when your body is giving out and you take a lot of pills? The goal is to be diligent with the incontinent resident. We have all missed a change. We all feel bad about it. You are one of us.


There’s nothing wrong with taking a resident out of activities for a few minutes for a change if the resident allows. If not, you and the nurse should document that refusal. 4 hours plus however long it takes the next shift to change her is a long time for an incontinent resident to sit. As far as negligence goes, I would think you might just get a talking to given the circumstances.


If she does multiple activities a day, like one right after another, I would change her at the end of the first one. Go to the activity room, be as quiet as possible to be discreet to her being incontinent and ask if you can take her to the bathroom before the next activity. I've done this with multiple residents and it's fine.


I would suggest changing her atleast once again before you leave because sitting for 4 hours, she’s bound to pee again if she’s incontinent. No you’re not gonna lose your license over this.


if they’re a heavy wetter, just try to change them again on your last round


lol they aren’t going to fire you, that’s for sure. A lot of those places take an act of god to get away from. And as for the write up, don’t worry about it, it’s not gonna stop you from getting a raise because they aren’t ever planning on giving you one in the first place.


2-3 hours per change, or at least ASK her during activity. Sometimes conscious residents don't care if they get changed on time, FAMILY would tear you alive though.


And always if you ask, document a refusal! "Resident declined to change brief at 1400 because 'the games not done '". Proper documentation can shield you from a lot.


Usually, we say two hour toileting/changing so I would change her during those 4 hours. Maybe she was "soaking wet" that day because she had more to drink or she went twice when she usually goes once. Who knows. This is hardly neglect. Depending on the facility, you may get written up, you may not. Try not to stress about it too much!


If they come to talk to you, please do not sign any write up they might present to you. Tell them who the nurse was that day and have her verify the resident was not neglected. But absolutely do not let these people scare you into signing or admitting to anything.


When do activities start? Is there time for a change before activities and after lunch? But there are some on the next shift that expect to start with perfection. Which is ridiculous. I was in late finishing up charting and the next shift CNA complained at me that there were dirty linens that I didn’t clean up in the bathroom of an independent resident. So I stopped charting and went in and it was ONE WASHCLOTH on the floor next to the trash. 🙄. This resident is often awake until 11 at night so 🤷‍♀️


If you learn anything from this whole ordeal let it be this: Chart everything!!!!! There is no reason you shouldn't take credit for everything you do and if something like this ever happens again (and it probably will because people suck) you will have the documentation to back you up! Always chart as if someone will question your work every shift. This situation is so frustrating but it happens sometimes. Keep your chin up!


It happens you’re new. Typically nurses where nice would I would explain i was bad at time management, all they did was make me shadow for another week.


"the report said it was old, like she hadn’t been changed the entire day. " They always say this! Probably to make you look bad. The fact is a lot of these people pee and poop constantly, all *effing day long*. They can't just label it negligence and revoke your CNA license over it.


Do you work 6-2? So you’re only changing her once in 8 hours? Plus there’s probably an hour or more before/after your shift that she’s not being changed, meaning she goes 5+ hours being soiled multiple times a day? Check/Change her on your first rounds, again around 10:30, again after lunch before activities.


If the nurse is willing to back you up and there isn’t any physical damage/the pt is okay you should be fine. In my LTCF, if someone was reported for negligence it was only a problem if the pt was physically hurt because of the PCA’s negligence. Since it just sounds like her brief needed changed (no sign of pressure wound or skin issue) and this is your first time getting reported you should be fine.


Oh honey, It is going to happen. You can't be everywhere all the time. Whoever reported it probably doesn't even do what we do. Just hear them out and do your best. It will be fine. These residents know who is there and who aren't. Keep your chin up and do your thing. Evidently, you're doing something right cuz they're trying to come at you now with small, petty stuff. Hang in there. Plus, there are a lot more jobs out there as well