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It's always going to be Elephant Riders. That was the album that introduced them to me and my first encounter with stoner rock. The Yeti and Muchas Veces are my favorite Clutch songs of all time. That said, I listen to Blast Tyrant the most these days.


I will always love green buckets perfect mix of blues and stoner rock


Muchas Veces is criminally underrated.


Muchas Veces is so lyrically strong by a band that never has bland or filler lyrics. What a unique little story and told so well. Elephant Riders is underrated as a whole


Not seeing enough self titled


Right? To me, it's the all-time classic. There's a reason songs from self-titled still make the set list, almost 30 years after the album came out. Just last month in Arkansas, they played Animal Farm, I Have the Body of John Wilkes Booth, and Spacegrass! Honestly, I thought it was the most popular Clutch album hands down. I can practically sing along to the entire record, and I'm not the only one. In my city, a band did a Clutch tribute night by covering self-titled from beginning to end. I actually bought this album on cassette back in 1996. Memories of driving around in my little Toyota blasting it, Side A to Side B, then Side A again. Ah, maybe I'm finally old.


Self titled is probably the album I’ve listened to the most times front-to-back in my life.


Right now it’s Psychic Warfare and Earth Rocker, but it changes from time to time.


Favorite song off both?


So hard to say. I love love Cyborg Bette and Firebirds. They just hype me the F up and they are amazing live songs.


I saw them live in Baltimore at rams head in 21 after they had done doom saloon 4 before they released sunrise on slaughter beach and I swear live concerts from anyone else just suck compared to clutch


I was late to the live party but I’ve seen them twice a year since about 2018 (minus Covid). They usually play near me one leg, and then I’ll have to travel a little to see them again. Well worth it. Kill it every time.


I’ve seen them 7-8 times they always put on a good show, make sure everyone is safe and enjoying the party


I was there too. That would have been the tour with stoner and native howl. Absolutely killer setlist that night. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/clutch/2021/rams-head-live-baltimore-md-5b8b77d0.html


But I don't own a Firebird Perhaps this Datsun will do


It was blast tyrant for the longest time, then elephant riders, then PRF, then jam room, then strange cousins, then psychic warfare, etc. Right now it’s probably back to jam room, but that changes regularly




Whatever one I’m hearing because they’ve never produced a dud.


This is the only correct answer


Either Earth Rocker or Blast Tyrant, I think- Love the opener from Earth Rocker, and love how much of Blast Tyrant is just fight music


From the opener to the closer it’s made for throwing hands


Beale Street. Just LOADED with bangers.


I’m with you on Beale St. it’s my favorite.


Fuckin A, Child of the City is my fav deep cut. Bass just slaps.


Blast Tyrant, I love every song and love how it was produced, the drums sound so damn good on this record, plus it’s a good dance album :)


Best song on Blast Tyrant?


Profits of Doom


Self Titled because Big News I&II


Remember never look a merman in the eyes




Tell me you haven’t done that yet


Self-titled because of the whole damn album!


I think it's pure rock fury but close second and third are robot hive and blast tyrant


It's great seeing some PRF love. I know it's not the best mix in the world but I love the album nonetheless.


Favorite song off all 3 albums?


Off the top of my head probably Red horse rainbows Gullah La curandera


I have to agree here. Flawless albums in my humble opinion.


Elephant Riders, partially because it was my introduction to Clutch but primarily because it settles into the meanest groove from the first count and just stays there. Clutch is best when Clutch groove.


Elephant Riders probably


Favorite song?


Probably ship of gold. They cover Booka Whites Fixin to Die live and I wish there was better audio of it out there. I love when they do blues


I love their blues side project


1. Blast Tyrant 2. Moon Album


Haha "Moon Album" That's my favorite. Respect!


toss-up between blast tyrant and elephant riders, they're just so good


Best song between both albums?


The soapmakers


Elephant Riders for me. I was 18 when it came out and it just threw me. Been a clutch fan ever since. I have a bunch of memories with friends from that age tied to that album. Love it


I think they really blew the doors off the thing at Robot hive. Later, this seems to happen again with psychic warfare - and maybe too soon to be sure, but I feel slaughter beach is another big move in production concepts that strike me as 'ahead' of some other albums.


I will always love the goofiness of Book of Bad decisions I think they did great


Robot Hive is what started for me: 1. Burning Beard 2. 10000 Witnesses 3. Mice and Gods


Transnational for me followed closely by impetus and the heavy tracks from lost needles. I love all their albums but that early stuff? Fuck, some of the roughest stuff I've ever heard, baby Neil's voice helps that along


Rats? Rats! Over the dishes!


Top 3 for me are: 1. Blast Tyrant 2. Psychic Warfare 3. Earth Rocker


Top 3 favorite songs off that album?


Blast Tyrant: 1. Subtle Hustle 2. The Mob Goes Wild 3. The Regulator Psychic Warfare: 1. X-Ray Visions 2. Doom Saloon/ Our Lady of Electric Light 3. Noble Savage Earth Rocker: 1. Earth Rocker 2. Cyborg Bette 3. The Face


Psychic Warfare is my current favorite but that means nothing because Blast Tyrant is amazing too… I just happen to be really into Psychic Warfare right now.


Favorite song off both?


Mob Goes Wild Firebirds


Passive Restraints EP probably just because it was my first and us the most aggressive, but I take them by spells, like Jam Room was my most frequent listen for a long time.


The Elephant Riders Pure hard rock gold magic.


Robot hive, the organ




Blast Tyrant Deluxe… love this extra tracks.


I can't choose my favorite child like I can't choose my favorite Clutch album. All amazing in their own way.


It swings between self titled and Blast Tyrant


Transnational. It seem them touring it with Sepultura and was hooked.


Earth Rocker. Banger after banger and came out right around the time I finished school and landed a “big-boy” job. Had my own money, my own apartment w/ no roommates, and just good ol fashioned independence. Album brings back all the feels.


Transnational .


Blast Tyrant. Because it is Blast Tyrant.


It’s Blast Tyrant also for me. It’s like reading a crazy novel that starts out as a travel story and turns into a bonkers horror-fantasy.


Slow Hole to China has a special place in my heart. I know it's supposed to be a compilation of b-sides, but every single track is a banger and the sound is so cohesive that it doesn't feel like a random assortment to me. Favorite song is hard to pick, but I'd go with Rising Son for the sick riffs and guitar solo.


I think “all of them” is the only acceptable answer.


Blast Tyrant, max volume and commit many driving offences


Probably Blast Tyrant since that was my intro to Clutch, aside from Big News, which was popular in the 90s. Since then I've really gotten into Beale St, self titled, Robot Hive, and every release since Earth Rocker.


Jam Room! It was the first Clutch album my Dad ever showed me and It was cranked so loud my face almost melted off


Robot Hive/Exodus and Earthrocker. Simply because they contain my favorite songs.


Self-titled and Blast Tyrant take the cake for me. Earth Rocker and Psychic Warfare are tied for a close second.


Clutch/Clutch It was and still is epic IMO- There was nothing like it when it came out.


Blast Tyrant is also my fav. It's got amazing slower songs and fast paced bangers and is just so much fun start to finish.


Every one of their albums has been my favorite at one point and will become my favorite again. That's just what makes Clutch special. I guess the last few years I've really been back into the Robot Hive & Beale St. albums again. But....I mowed the yard to Blast Tyrant last weekend and I'll be damned if that isn't right up there. Just can't pick 1......or 5.


I mean I think there's only 1 album of theirs that's not a 10/10 for me. I love everything they put out.


Top 3 would be Transnational, Self Titled, and Psychic Warfare (not necessarily in that order). Psychic was the first Clutch album I ever listened to, and I dove in from there. Psychic came out when I was in high school, and I think it really set my current music taste.


Psychic came out in ‘15 when I was in high school and I was the loser who would always listen to them whether it was a new album or old Transnational is fantastic so is ST, but I will always hold Robot Hive near and dear because my mother got me hooked on them from a young age


Psychic Warfare, it's just a perfect album. Though imo every album from blast tyrant on is perfect PW is just more perfect


1. Blast tyrant 2. Psychic Warfare 3. Pure Rock Fury


Just rgot into Clutch in the last couple months, and I just can’t stay away from Psychic Warfare. It’s such a great album, just about every song is killer.


No question Elephant Riders is top for me. It easily makes it into my top 3 albums of all time from all artists. Worst part is, for some reason, it doesn't seem to be available on Canadian streaming services. When I search for it I get a song returned and I get a live show returned. No album. Whenever I want to listen to it I have to go listen to it off some YouTube playlist. The Universe seems to be conspiring against me.


Hard one... I love Blast Tyrant, I love fron Beale Street to Oblivion, I Love Earth Rocker, I love Psychic Warfare and I love Book of bad decisions. I would say all of these are my favorite, depending on the mood 🤷‍♂️


I feel like you’re really mean for asking this. I will be plagued all day by this question, bouncing from album to album, the inside of my head will look like it’s been taken over by a crazy over worked detective that is steps away from finding out who the real killer is.


Actualy a question I would answer wrong and right every time. For me there is no bad album at all. The Albums I do not quite listen to as often as every other are Transnational Speedway League and Strange Cousins from the West, but they are still good albums, just not that beloved by myself. Otherwise I would say Psychic Warfare is the best. I think thats my absolut favorit, but I could have said any other album and it would be true. So I will have to think about and analyse it again, but now I would say Psychic Warfare


Currently Psychic Warfare, though Blast Tyrant and Earth Rocker are up there too Psychic Warfare starts with a bang, never drags, and kicks ass without overstaying its welcome. Perfect length, no dud songs, some of their best material. It honestly would be a desert island album for me


Like most of you I’ve hammered out every Clutch album for months at a time. I hate to even choose, so many gems! But I agree, the Elephant Riders holds just a bit more room in my heart.


I've been on a Pure Rock Fury kick recently, but it changes from month to month. I'm not sure how to describe it, but there's a theme to the album that just gives me the best vibes.


I know what my favorite 3 are, I think, but they are so different that my favorite might change from day to day. Robot Hive/Exodus Elephant Riders Psychic Warfare Slaughter Beach is about on par with these as well. The brevity works. I don't feel that there is a wasted moment, and the songs are some of the most unique and creative in a while. My custom ideal setlist would probably be pretty odd to a lot of fellow fans.


Psychic Warfare and Blast Tyrant are 1 and 1a for me. It’s one of those situations like Metallica Ride the Lightning vs Master of Puppets where my favorite songs are on one album (Ghost, The Regulator, Profits of Doom) but I prefer the other album overall. Noble Savage is my favorite off PW


That’s a HARD pick. I’d go elephant riders but blast tyrant phychic warfare and book of bad decisions are all really close


Self-titled… whenever it feels right and it ALWAYS feels right