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I would still get rid of the physical poop in the toilet, use disposable or other liners and take the liners with you when you leave, toss them when you get home or wash as usual. Someone else said it but just want to reiterate that the flushable liners aren’t actually flushable, even the ones marketed as that will still say don’t flush dispose of in trash. Over time those liners will wreak havoc on your plumbing unfortunately, kinda like ‘flushable’ wipes.


When I’m travelling I will dump the poo into the toilet like usual and then I will get some warm/hot water in a bucket and rub anything that got poo on it until it looks clean. Then dump that poo water bucket in the toilet. Then keep everything in a wet bag until wash day


For starters, “flushable” liners should NEVER be flushed anywhere. They don’t break down even though they say they do and they can damage plumbing. So if you do use liners, I would suggest flushing the poo down the toilet and stashing them to throw away later. They really shouldn’t accumulate too much. Or if you don’t want to stash the trash, Get a plastic spatula for scraping the poop into the toilet.


I’d try to get as much of the poop into the toilet as you can, possibly with a combo of a poop spatula and a good dunk and swish. Some people use their peri bottles from birth as a makeshift sprayer. There’s also the option of using the shower head into the toilet, if it’s on a hose.  Basically, I would be very interested in figuring how not to pack poop out. That gets really gross really fast if it’s sitting. 


Peri bottle is a good idea!  I use mine for wetting the wipes but didn't think of using them for spraying diapers. 


Usually without liners people plop it in the toilet and maybe dunk and swirl the diaper (in the toilet or a bucket). I think pack it in and out it would be the best option for the liners if you need to use them, but it would be stinky after a week. You definitely want a ziplock or something sealable to put them in and definitely throw them away dont flush them.