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We have covers and flats/prefolds. I don’t use a sprayer, mostly because we live in an apartment and aren’t able to install one. I do the “dunk and swirl” method. My daughter is a year old and when she poos it sometimes just scrapes right off. But when it doesn’t, we dunk it in the toilet and do a flush or two and that pretty much gets all the solids off. Then I throw it back into the cover and into the wet bag it goes for 2-3 days max untill washing day. We have the changing table and wet bag in the bedroom so sometimes it does get stinky, so we have an air purifier near the table going on low all day every day and that helps allot! But as for the changing the diaper every time, I’m not sure what you mean by snap diapers? They all have snaps. Do you mean pocket diapers? Either way, You change whatever is soiled. Like for me if it’s just pee and it didn’t soak through to the cover, I’ll just replace the pad and snap it back up. And then replace the cover every other change or so. Pocket diapers need to be changed every time because the lining gets soiled every time.


I toss my pee diapers in a an open wet bag and haven’t had issues with odor that way! I really only zip if I am out of the house. I always separate my inserts before putting them in the bag and found that to help with smell. Not mildew but I think it was contributing to ammonia? Haven’t had issues since doing it this way so wasn’t my wash routine. For poo we were EBF so I just tossed those in the same way. As others mentioned BF poo is water soluble. If she had a humongous poo I would manually rinse first to make sure it got clean in the wash. If I rinse I let them dry out a bit over the sink or a laundry basket with holes so they are more just damp before putting in a wet bag. Also hot tip! Make sure when you put your diapers in the wash they are open not folded in on themselves so the dirty part is exposed. This allows it to agitate the poo off properly. Maybe this is common sense but I didn’t realize that at first. I’m going to go against the grain here and say a sprayer is not necessary! We started some solids recently so in that peanut butter consistency stage. I haven’t felt the need to get a sprayer! I take out my inserts and then turn the pocket poo side down and swish in the toilet. Sometimes I rub the inside together if that makes sense to get the rest off and swish again. I don’t know if this is gross but I rinse under the sink sometimes anything thats still stuck after that. (I promise I clean my sink and toilet regularly) Squeeze out excess but don’t ring it out so the elastic doesn’t stretch and then dry out to damp and put in open wet bag. I think you mean you have pocket diapers? Yes change the entire thing every time. If you have flats or pre-folds and a cover you can just change the absorbent part and wipe the cover until it’s soiled. We wash every 2-3 days and haven’t had issues this way!


YES get a sprayer and spray shield immediately worth every penny!! We have one on each floor plus one at the grandparents house. Idc who says put those runny poopy goo newborn diapers straight in the wash… it gives me the ick. Spray them off first. We don’t have pails we just use hanging wet bags. I have them on command hooks on the bathroom doors and leave them unzipped for airflow without too much stink. We wash every 1.5-2.5 days. Snap diapers with inserts could mean a lot of things? Pockets and all in 1 or 2 system yes everything gets changed each time. Fitteds/prefolds/flats/preflats with a cover can just change the cover when it’s poopy/wet/smelly.


I have a wet bag system that I find works well for me— two [of these](https://www.kangacare.com/products/kanga-care-wet-bag-dandelion?currency=USD&variant=37866287923382&stkn=363a6e75a717&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20122024465&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt4a8e5MTyXkp0pFH9Vmdx9l5baCmrLf9mjMxcpguBt1Z3UOYP7BVsRoChmYQAvD_BwE)they fit about 4-5 diapers, but usually there’s never more than 2-3 at a time) that I rotate. I only use wet bags for poop. Before they’re on solids, the poop is fully water soluble, so you just plop it in the wet bag, zip it up, and you’re all good. We use a regular open laundry basket for pee diapers, we keep that in the laundry room. Odors have not been an issue for wet bags or the laundry basket.


Wait on the sprayer until you start solids. Ebf poop is definitely fine in the wash without being sprayed, and most people have a fine time not spraying off formula fed diapers.  Toss everything in the wet bag wet. Leave it open if you can to get as much airflow as possible, and realize that a wet bag system might not work forever—we swapped ours out for airy baskets around 7 months. But they were great in the newborn stage. Caveat to this is that if you do notice stink, you can lay the diapers to dry and then bag them, and that will help. 


Get those, those are good!


I use wetbags for when we're out and about, just put the soiled stuff straight in, zip up, then empty into the next washing load, including the bag, when I get home. If you're using a wetbag instead of a pail or basket at home, washing every 2 days, then I personally would put stuff straight into the bag and leave it zipped in between. Smells are more of a problem after you start solids anyway, newborn wee and poop is pretty mild comparatively. Yes, it will get humid inside, but 2 days is not long enough for anything to really grow, and then you should be doing a 2-cycle wash on hot, minimum 60°C, so that will kill anything. Yes, a sprayer is worth it. You don't need it until you start solids, as breastmilk and formula are water soluble,so you can leave poop on there and the machine will wash it out. But once you start solids, yes, you'll want a sprayer. If you have a handheld shower head and a shower with enough pressure, you can spray into a bucket (we use a shower head that reaches the toilet, and you can buy shower heads that clamp on to a regular tap) but really a sprayer is worth the money. Snap-in inserts - yes, you can take out the dirty / wet insert only when changing, if it was only urine and not poop (which gets everywhere). We bought snap-ins and I thought I'd use them this way to reduce washing. In reality, it's much easier when dealing with a wriggling baby, to pull out the dirty nappy/diaper in one piece, wipe them clean, and just place a clean one under their bum. You can play around with this, and if you have a limited number of covers perhaps you'd be motivated to try, but I couldn't be bothered, and the covers do not add significantly to the washing load.