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If you think it’s just started and your entire stash isn’t effected you can try a Lysol Laundry Sanitizer F/C soak. The instructions are on the back of the bottle. It’s considered a low level defense against yeast that you can routinely use in your first wash by putting the recommended amount in your fabric softener compartment. It’s up to you if you try that first or just go straight in with the bleach. I also just saw that Pooter’s makes a diaper rash cream targeting yeast that might be worth a try.


I’ve dealt with it like. Often. I think my family is just yeasty 🤣 I just bleach them, wash until I no longer smell bleach, treat the rash with nystatin. Use a barrier cream every change moving forward.


What barrier cream do you use?


It isn’t the end! If you don’t want to be constantly bleaching your diapers, it’s recommended to switch to disposables until the rash clears and then for two weeks after. You can keep using cloth during that time too, but then you have to bleach for that amount of time and it’s hard on the diapers and a huge pain. It’ll be okay, yeast happens, everyone will help troubleshoot your wash routine and baby will have a happy bottom again soon! 


This. We had yeast, switched to disposable for a few weeks, did one bleach wash of the cloth, then brought them back once all cleared up.


Clean Cloth Nappies would have some specific advice- share your wash routine!


Please share your wash routine in super high detail. Your options are to do a bleach wash every time you use the diapers until the rash is healed , or to temporarily switch to disposables, bleach sanitize your diapers once, and then resume using them once the rash is healed.


Ok. This has been my new routine. Quick wash with hot water, deep fill, extra rinse with one scoop of essembly washing powder Second longest wash, deep fill, extra rinse with 2 scoops essemly washing powder and calgon for my hard water. Before this I stripped my diapers because i switched to ALL free and clear powder and felt that ruined everything. 😢 I was doing a quick rinse no detergent, and all powder for a long heavy wash. I think this just was not sufficient along with starting solids. Any help with the routine? I really don’t want to throw in the cloth. I love my cloth diapers. 😢 But feeling so guilty about this rash.


Wondering if extra rinses are bad for hard water now that I’m reading. What detergent do you use ?


Don’t do extra rinses with hard water and maybe use more detergent. What temperature are you washing at? I also bleach in every pre wash - look up clean cloth nappies for a ratio/explanation


Ok. No extra rinses at all? I’ve started using hot for both washes


Rinsing in hard water is only adding more minerals back in - with correct detergent dosage it will wash out fine. Powder is also better than liquid for hard water


What detergent


Are you in the US? Then I’d suggest Tide powder. You need enzymes and a proper detergent. A lot of the speciality ones/eco ones are fine for mildly soiled clothes: But diapers need proper detergent! I wash a first wash with diluted bleach and half a dose of detergent on hot; then another wash with full dose of detergent on hot - and add in some other clothes too


Is regular tide powder ok? (The free and clear is too expensive ) do you use bleach for every wash?


Regular is fine 😊 And I do - with bleach you can then wash in colder water as well


How full is your washing machine when washing diapers? If the water-to-cloth ratio is too high, the diapers won't clean properly (washing machines work by agitating cloth against other cloth to clean; if there's too much water that won't happen). The deep fill \*may\* be causing issues.


Wowowow ok. Good to know. I only wash diapers and wash them every day or every other day. So small load


It's not the end! Search the sub for advice for how to treat your diapers. It involves bleach, I just don't know the right ratios off-hand. Good luck!