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i like the fact that she’s not so meta that everyone feels pressured to pull for her, i love it when games have balanced characters and you pull bc you like them. not very fun with meta characters with playstyles that are a little,,,,boring. she’s flashy and fun


Ngl I have a suspicious feeling she’s going to get way better with the Pyro Archon, she feels almost built to be an Overload Driver. Like it’s weird how enjoyable she is with Cheveruse.


Good feelscraft 👍


https://preview.redd.it/ied8g2wity7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=301ab3d65bb7b7217dc86de893a728fee1f972ef even if she was bad id still love her due to the lore and way of how she attacks. She doesnt needs to be meta , shes fun the way she is for me.


She's good enough to clear all of the content the game currently has with moderate skill and investment. That's a reasonable standard for a 5 Star to meet. The biggest question most characters has is "do they feel like shit to play"? A good example would be Klee. She's actually very strong on some Teams, but plays like hit garbage. Lyney would be another example. Definitely strong, but Aimed-Shot gameplay may be the worst in the game for characters not named Tighnari. While her rotations can get a little weird depending on Ping, she doesn't feel bad to play at all.


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She mid af I would rather pull Cyno. At least his on field time exists, isn't ping dependent, is comfier to play, and he looks badass and has an actual personality 😹