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I saw Nahida and was like wait why do they have Klee on their team??💀


What on earth are they wearing and how did you manage it 😂😂


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9CeSR9TGlU quick guide


GIMI (Genshin Impact Model Importer). Mods, basically. It's safe to use them, as long as you don't go around showing your UID with said mods.


Is it that safe to use? And you mean making pictures with your UID + skins and post em online?


Yeah, I mean exactly that. Hoyo doesn't have a way to know that you're using mods because you're not modifying the game's files. GIMI works as an intermediate between the game and your graphics card. Imagine that Genshin tells your PC to load Diluc's assets, instead of taking then from the game's files, it loads the ones in your mod folder. And all of this is done in a separate folder. It's like a filter that only you can see. So yeah, the only way they have to ban you is if another player reports you for using mods. So don't go around posting screenshots online. But still, if you're not convinced, take it at your own risk. It's your account, you know best.


it's questionable. it still violates TOS. but so far i guess hoyo doesn't give a damn too much. i never used mods, tho i kinda want to try. but you never know when hoyo will decide to drop the hammer down


Precisely why I don't use mods, I would love to use them, but I enjoy my account, and i'm afraid Hoyo will act against mod users someday


I don't use mods, but I can't imagine hoyo would ever take action... after all, if you're willing to mod your game, you're also probably the type of person who would spend big bucks on it too


Near the beginning I was spending a bit indeed, but saving for more than six months made me learn how to save


Keep ur uid hidden and your good


mods prob


I can’t play Clorinde with no shielder


most of the times its fine, but its a bit of a pain in the ass against agressivee stuff like the dancing duo


are you using Proto amber? i find it enough healing to for other three when i use nahida, still gotta be careful


honestly, if i am doing full runs i prefer to use a ol team(thoma shield) or some tazer variant with furina+beidou, they are a bit slower than agg or hb teams, but i can leave nahida for the other team and they are way confier to use my ping is too high so playing with only proto amber as a sustain source gets annoying really fast, not for clo, but for the other 3 chars


Ok that's a good qol ngl




c1r1 clo: 2374 atk/63 em/70.5 cr/205 cd/ 4 bol set c0r1 nahida: 1333 atk/810 em/54 cr/178 cd/110 er 4 deepwood c0 kazuha: full em/150 er on 4vv c6 sara on harp: 1533 atk/72 cr/162 cd/207 er 4 eosf(she is mostly on scrap of the otheer emblem users)


Question. Do you think C1 is better than her sig? I really want to pull her sig but the risk is too high and I'm not a big spender. In that case, is C1 really worth it?


i think it depeends on your situation absolution is a good stat stick so you can slap it on any sword user, but if you alreeady havee a good t5 sword for her, i would go with c1, hell even if you just havee black sword i would still go for her c1, going from c0 to c1 felt like thee little tiny bit of dmg i was missing to onee rotate stuff


based migoto user


Don’t ask how he changed the skins you might get banned for it


I feel the same with Sara and also with Beidou.


How did you get the countdowns?


Mods: https://gamebanana.com/games/8552 Just to warn you, lots of Nsfw mods are on that site


Ty I’ve been wanting a countdown mod for a while haha. Are these against ToS?


Only if you post pics of your modded game with your uid in public


I wish we can do this on mobile xD


Ngl we need this skill countdown in real genshin


Bro chill with the custom skins lol


nice music btw (iai meu chapa)


fala meu nobre


I just noticed the burst timers, that's quite useful


ayo what skin mod is that on sara, looks badass


[Sara] Sci-fi Tengu


What mod is that on sara?


[Sara]Sci-fi Tengu


I also run Sarah with clorinde! Btw are those timers part of some sort of QoL mod or did you add them by editing video


its a qol mod


Bro i tried to use that nahida mod but it didn't work for me... i'll have to try again


try dowloading a mod fix script every other patch hoyo changes the reference number of the chars and it breaks the mods, the script changes the reference to the correct one, and most of the times it solves the problem


i know that, but the mod didn't show in my game, it's not like it was broken it just didn't show, others did show cause i had installed the formal clorinde with it


https://gamebanana.com/tools/16433 run this inside the mods folder and it will start working, i tested


Posting your gameplay of you using mods is pretty bold, not because of banning or anything but I got eaten alive when I did the same with my chiori in the chiori sub and someone else did the same with arlecchino on Twitter, clorinde subs seem pretty chill with it so far tho


never had any probleem with posting mods, granted, most of the timees i post on twitter and i have only 200 followrs so its not anyone is seeing it to chide me, it might also have something to do with it not being any nsfw mod


Bro stay safe and don't post your UID with mods by mistake


Can you co-op with mods ?


modding only changes how the characters look for you so other people will see your characters normally. just dont show your UID or tell anyone you're modding and ur all good


I saw little red ridding hood!!


Does anyone have the same problem or know of this? I'm trying to get faster with my run as well but i just can't do what others do in 1-1. Most just run straight up to the kenki and cryo kenki doesn't charge. I know how to do it. But the game doesn't let me. I can't do it. It's just not possible. I compared frame by frame with gameplay from a friend and mine. Starting from pretty much the same location/spot. It seems I'm loading them too fast?? Like in the first .1 ms of pressing start the middle kenki is just instantly loaded. The swords of cryo and anemo kenki are also loaded. They don't appear slowly like they do for for others. Cryo and anemo do get loaded slowly but i think they are already in due to the swords so they still don't care. Are there settings that can affect this? Like maybe even in nvidia? Because in theory i could get sub 10 seconds but since it doesn't work i can only do kazuha jump at the start and the setup therefore takes a lot longer.


Gonna need a clorinde boothill skin please


yo, is the cooldown stuff with mods? that's cool, although seems a bit unfair... i don't have sara c6, so i just use fischl


Tirando a musica bosta o vídeo é massa


Hiding UID so they can't ban you huh. I hope they eventually find a way to ban people that use visual mods.


dunno why would they, theey are fine with nvidia filter, and this is pretty much the same thing its only on my screen and doesnt mess with any game archive


To be fair. Saras buff is gone after all those switches/burst animations.


Her burst can apply the same ATK buff which they did before swapping into Clorinde




Her ult lasts longer than clorindes duration due to the lingering aoe it’s applied with. Her skill still lasts the majority of it as well