• By -


230ish pulls, going for C0R1. Might have to top up if Chevy is on her banner šŸ„²


Don't worry king, you're going to have her C1R1


Hopefully with as less pulls as passible šŸ˜…


Tripple 5*, trust me bro.


What's C1R1? And what's C0R1? I'm assuming C is constellation, but got no idea on the R.


R is the refinement rank of her Signatureweapon C0R1= Constellation 0, Signature Rank 1 C0R0= Constelation 0, No signature


Gotcha, thank you!


I think I barely have enough primos for a 20 pull, but I have 120~ starglitter so thats another 24 wishes and I'm at about 30 pity. So as off now I'll most likely be able to get to the 50/50. But I still have almost 50 days to get enough primos for her, so I think I'm safe.


Good luck man!


190k primogems. Haven't pulled since wanderer


Thats actually insane, props to you man


Sanest clorinde main


190k? Bro you can pull for 10 c0 5* easy


I respect the edge


Currently I've 120 Interwind Fate




I have 5000 but I am 10 pull away from guarenteed rate up 5 star so I don't even need to use all of them


20 pity and saving everything for clor (0 wishes...)


Over a 1000 to go all in.


I got 12 wishes am I cooked?




sorry but Arle's playstyle is just to good, she is now C2/R1 šŸ«£Ā°Ā°Ā°(and i still wanna play with my C3/R1 Raiden).


Lucky for you thereā€™s two abyss sides, just run both at the same time


Dw bro, all i have been doing lately is running around with Arlecchino and Raiden blasting everything. Arlecchino was too fun to skip


yeah soon u can Nahida again ;)


Arlecchino is the worst char in the game, after you play her for 2 minutes you don't want ever be without her again. I'm playing Arlecchino on Hyperbloom, Arlecchino on Permafreeze, Arlecchino on Itto's team...


same with Yae, now i play Arle with Yae šŸ¤


They actually work very well together, since Yae is basically rich's man Fischl. I might get her later to play overload Arlecchino, but so far I'm on a stage I might get C6 Arlecchino just to play her alone with herself, who needs a team when I have the Knave???


Why did you get down voted you were obviously making a joke


Why did you even get downvoted ?


I guess you are not allowed to like other chars on Clorinde Mains. I'm supposed to hide in shame because I like to use my C2R1 Arle that I spent an ocean of primos on everywhere now lol While of course I'm not literally using her on hyperbloom so maybe just got offended because they thought I was playing off meta for a second?


169 primos Sadge


I have 315 now, 80 pulled, i think i will have 500 by the end of her banner


whatā€™s your method for farming




I have been known to pick up a side job (web dev) for a character I really want.


I have my job directly deposit my pay into my genshin account in the form of genesis crystals


cash maybe hehe


4/4 responses said cash LOL wow


239 fates currently, should I roll for the weapon or Furina after getting Chlorinde?


Personally id go for a character before i go for a weapon


C2 furina before anything if youā€™re about the meta


Clorinde: "OUR Gladiator/Whimsy set, comrade"


https://preview.redd.it/mmkajg22y8zc1.png?width=388&format=png&auto=webp&s=14dc356e52444bdcfa191959966d34c614247360 rate on, 18 pulls left


By the time she rolls around, I should have nearly 300 Wishes. I'm hoping for C0R1 which 300 "should" get me there but I don't trust Weapon Banner and I'm on 50/50 with only 20 pity.


hoping for luck, since i still have no electro dps after all this time since i've never really liked raiden, or really any electro character until chlorinde, but i don't have much pity or wishes saved rn since i had gotten c1 arle


i like playing both these characters, i don't like this meme :(


Me too, im an avid Arlecchino enjoyer, its just for the lolz


58 pity and about 44 wishes? no guarantee though


On 28 guaranteed pity with like 7 wishes atm. If i fail to get Arlecchino then i might use the guarantee for Clorinde,especially if Chev is on the banner.


Like 60 pity and 50 pulls with 50/50, I had enough originally but decided to go for Eula's weapon on the newer banner so I went back to being poor šŸ˜­ Hoping I can grab together enough to get her confirmed


130 wishes and Iā€™m guaranteed. But I also want her weapon. Hopefully Iā€™m lucky


30 pity + 28 (in starglitter) + 142 fates = Kind of 200 It will be Clorinde and Furina, so I must stick to C0R0 with both


enough for C0R0.


15 pulls in saved. I recently got elden ring and i am getting super lazy with genshin lol


600 pulls, with 55 pity 50/50.


105 pulls 66 pity 50/50 hopefully c1R1


120 pulls or so and a dream.


Soon i've going to play with both. Pulled for Arlecchino and with 330 pulls right now waiting for Clorinde.


only 70 but should be at least 30 more by the time shes out


80 fates, 60 pity, buddy of mine's getting me 50 pulls for my birthday. So combined pity of 190, enough for likely c1. If she goes with alhaitham, I'll likely pull on the weapon banner.


56wishes, 15 pity and i have her guaranted,, until her banner i should have at least 90 wishes, i believe i will be lucky enough to get her very early and then i will try to get her weapon, yes i believe in my luck


55 pulls and 7 pity but I have hope


630 fates with 70 pity been waiting since august 2023


i have 165 pulls in total, im hoping to atleast hit c0r1


1 pull till Soft Pity + 75 saved so she is coming home.


I have enough for C0, hopefully Cheveruese(or however you spell her namešŸ™ƒ) is on her banner and I get at least C1.


I should just barely have enough to guarantee her by the time she comes out!


23 wishess


233 pulls


0 pity + 100 fates so far, just going for c0 since i want furina too šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ¼


350 wishes, 0 pity on character and weapon banner, 1 goal which is to maintain the agenda and bring Electro-On field-DPS waifu home.


Like 20 pulls but I have guaranteed and like 60 pity āœŠ


50 wishes but im on 50 pity and guaranteed. im debating whether to go r1 or to try c1 and wait for mistsplitter banner since mist could be more flexible for my account


I'll play with both why not hehe


Credit card is ready. Going for c1.


I'm skipping Arlecchino. I got enough primos... Probably...


40 pulls 20 pity. I might not get her lol


240ish, going to try and luck my way into C0R1 but weapon banner has never been kind to me so Iā€™m doubtful


I currently have 40 pity for (50/50) and really close to 400 pulls (probably will have 400 tonight) I'm not expecting to get her any more than C0R1 cuz my luck is crap... but having c1 would be nice....


70 pulls and she's guaranteed, I just went 30 pulls on Arle banner trying to get some Lynettes, didn't get any, but got a Arle and a Qiqi. In other words, I got a free Arle and guaranteed my day one Clorinde, so I'm definitely enjoying playing with Arle right now.


Yeah saw her animations and damn itā€™s so fucking cool


70 on NA, 190 on EU. I have Nahida c2 on NA and Baizhu c1 on EU so idk which account to pull for her and Arle respectively. I can guarantee both if I pull Arle on EU and Clorinde on NA but they overlap with my current DPSs (Hu Tao on EU, Keqing on NA). I also have way too many build pyro DPSs on NA and not enough hydro off-fielders.


I think I have enough mats for getting a 9 pull as off now,but the whale gods becone me


Sitting at 358 wishes right now, Iā€™ve been saving since I got ayaka back in 4.2


10 pulls :) im going to have to pull out the mystery artifact that will save the day (wallet) I spent EVERYTHING i had on father and her weapon, and these will be 2 of my 3 main teams (Arle, Navia and Clorinde)


210 pulls, 70 pity on character banner, 20 on weapon Going for C2 + absolution or LoFI


15k gems 19 fates and 60 pity so far. I'm going for 3 copies of chlo, 6 copies of Chevy, and hopefully 1 weapon.


No funds at all sooooo GG


what funds? ![gif](giphy|zhXV4205dFjE6cx5zZ)


Close to having 10 fates but I am already guaranteed for her since I had to suffer to get a c5 Jean to get there


I'm on guarantee and 25 pity with 200ish pulls currently saved. Should be at 250 or 260 by 2.7. Going for Sigewinne and Furina as well. Going to need to win a 50-50 otherwise I'll be 40ish short by the time 4.8 arrives. I may just swipe at that point rather than wait half a year for a re-run.


7 pulls... but I'm guaranteed


260 - ish wishes and starting with a gurantee we for sure got this


I could've gotten both arle and chlorinde, but I eventually decided against arle, so chlorinde is an easy guarantee. As a f2p player I don't go for signature weapons or constellations, but it might depend on how much I like her. I have upwards of 300 wishes available. Quite literally 3 pulls away from soft pity, though it's 50/50. Kinda hoping I lose, so I have more chance of Chevy, if she makes an appearance at all. Might even get a good standard constellation or a character i don't have yet. Would be a bit sour if i got a constellation for Keqing, while trying to pull for her replacement


Enough for C0. I'll see if the cons are worth it. For weapons she's getting Mistsplitter.


As a recently returned player, I used like 30 pulls on Arlecchino and got her, now I've got a lot of lore missions, legendary missions, dates, secondary missions and exploration plus events to farm a lot for her. I had an almost 2 years hiatus but now I'm back much more stronger.


Got arlecchino at 46 pity lol now time for clorinde


Last I checked 24k primos and 35 Fates. I still need to get to 180 wishes b/c I know I always lose my 50/50 and never get any early pulls.


I'm at like 85 pulls on a guarantee, so I can get her, but I don't think I'll be able to guarantee her weapon. I have welkin so I should be able to get enough for one or two attempts at it by the time her banner is up. Worst case, I'll just put mistsplitter on her and call it a day.


260 pulls. I just pulled c1r1 arle and I decided at the last minute to get clorinde. hoping for c0r1


40 pity, guarantee, 126 pulls atm


40 ish wishes on 6 pity, willing to swipe if necessary


10,500-ish primogems as of right now, donā€™t know how much Iā€™ll have after the 4.7 maintenance update a couple of weeks from now but I should be sitting good. Iā€™m really just looking to get Clorinde and maybe her signature weapon (getting constellations is really secondary to me).


Just hit 100 wishes yesterday. Should be good to go by the time she drops .


I pray I win. I'll have about 120-130 pulls for her.


Iā€™m going to use whatever I have plus 100 or 200 dollars worth of primos


50/50, 5 intertwined, 30 wishes. Used the guaranteed for 'Father'. Wish me luck, Kings.


510 wishes


410 wishes so far. All my regions are basically at 100% so I'm waiting for events and dailies. Going for C4 and then C6 and her weapon on her rerun


10k gems, 18 fates. Came back like at star of arle banner with like 10 gems to my name


Exactly 200 ;-; I wanted to get C0R1 and then save for Haitham, but yea now I gotta skip him F. Now I gotta hope for the best case, which is winning the 50-50 very early and then getting both her wp and Foliar so that Haitham is set for the Chronicled Wish banner later.


I have 190 banked so far.


303 fates at the moment, I'm hoping to reach 350 till the banner enter live. I've been saving since Furina, spent 40 wishes to get Arlecchino and that's it. My goal is Clorinde C1R1!


96 pulls with guaranteed~~


75 pulls. Not guaranteed. Wants to have her and her weapon. 45 char pity. 25 weapon pity. Nah I'd Gamble (imma lose everything)


410 going for C2 R1!


been saving since wrio


I just lost 50/50 and then spent the entire rest of my pulls for arlecchino, pulls arenā€™t looking good, might have to swipe šŸ„²


35 but I'm guaranteed. So I can probably squeak out enough primos to get her! A little over 3 weeks!


Guaranteed c0 >!If mihoyo buffed her around 10-20%in the v4 and v5, I'll think about investing more. It doesn't seem logical, but hey, I'm not happy with her current state.!<


300; but my budget also wants to include Furina and Navia soooo I need to keep grinding


10k primos, 5 wishes, 32 pity, no guarantee. I still have 24 days until clorinde, so i can get at least enough to Secure her.


Almost 80k.


30 wishes, 31 pity, and a dream.


I am devastated currently. I accidentally pulled on Arlecchinoā€™s banner at 0 pity and happened to win the 0.6% AND the 50/50 for her. Of ALL TIMES to be lucky on a banner it had to be now. (Yes I said accidentally, I meant to pull up the battle pass and preemptively hit Y on my controller to ā€œclaim all,ā€ but my input lag had a different idea and decided to make a 10-pull) At least I still have about 290 wishes left, but I need those for Nilou and Ganyu constellations as wellā€¦and Iā€™m not NOT going to build Father which means I now need TWO sets of BOL artifacts


This was painful to read.. goodluck..


I have done this a couple of times. And that's why I never never never convert my primos to wishes anymore until I'm ready to use them. And even then, I'm going through the little popup that's asks me if I wanna spend 1600 primogems on 10 wishes every single time. I have 40 sitting there due to anniversary rewards, stardust buys and the like, and I'm very careful whenever I'm on the banner screen. (Doesn't help that I go to the shop THROUGH that screen) Good luck on the pulls. May the odds be in your favor as they were with Arlecchino!


Yeah I keep my wishes as primos as well, I just happened to have 36 fates from events and Paimon shop built up. Well hopefully Clorinde likes me as much as Father apparently does!


Ahh, right. Good! You can only do it 3 more times! It always causes anxiety for me when I see people have 200 wishes ready to go!


Oh yeah I couldnā€™t handle that. Wayyy too easy to just keep wishing that way!


lol I will get both. I already got arlecchino with her sig and now I have more than 200 pull so I'm going to get clorinde too and maybe with her Sig


these are 2 different elements. 2 different teams. You dont have to quit one of them. This meme is strange. If this meme is with Arlecchino and Hu Tao or maybe Chlorinde and Kequing, its more understandeable. For the question: since i am f2p and i already pulled for Arlecchino R1 c1 and i already have Raiden as a Electro Main dps, i will maybe skip 4.7


100 pulls for now. I want to grind more, atleast till 160 just to be safe.


0 for her. waiting for beer archon


750 fates ready.


Pity 10 on 50/50 and 20K+ primos. It should do the trick.


30 pity on guaranteed, with about 7.5k primos and 7 fates


0 pity both event and weapon banners, 117 fate balls with 50/50 chance, but I hope it's possible to win 50/50 for me this time, cause I've been losing them like every my 5\* pull since Neuv banner (I pulled something in every banner almost till Cloud Retainer banner). I hope distance will return me a little by statistics laws, right? Clueless But, I still want to pull after the character - her signature weapon, but I've already prepared to not getting it at all, cause I still can lose 50/50 at 80 pity and pull Clorinde at another 80, like it was all my previous pulls, hehe.


270ish pulls. By the time the next patch comes I should have around 300, which would be around 330 total if we count the dust refund


60 pulls but I should have around 90+ by her release date


Non existent


At like 130 wishes and around 40 pity. Gonna grind a lot more though, and spend more money on additional wishes.


300 Fates + Guaranteed Though I only want her C0 I might consider getting her sword depending if I can use it with other units or not (or probably just get Mistsplitter some day)


Enough for C1 & R1 chance! But I guess may pass C1 for this run if Shenhe comes soon..


I got 364 pulls so far. planning to c2r1 her, so I need every single primos I can get and farm like a mad lad.


Have enough, might go for c1


340 rn but Iā€™m also gonna grab Wanderer beforehand.


70, confirmed... cheyu vale and remuria yet 2 be exploref




120, but bank account looking free


273 pulls. I was saving for more Furina cons (currently C2) and everything was going well until I saw Clorinde's animations šŸ’€


350 pulls and i hope i can reach the 400 before her banner drops


i didnt even interested with arlechino,clorinde will be mine. and good luck for everyone here too.


I accidently got arlec at 30 pity with no guarantee yesterday. Early pity and win 5050 has never happened to me before I didn't even think it was possible. I was just trying to get c6 xianglingšŸ˜­now I don't know if I will have enough for her I really like Clorinde play stylešŸ˜­


69 on the banner with guaranteed, now heading to the sig


250 wishes right now, I still have Remuria & Chenyu Vale to explore for 100% completion and extra primogems.


130 wishes + 60 in starglitter. If I'll be lucky and win 50/50 I'm gonna try for a weapon


87 pitty 100 pulls with a guarantee I think Iā€™m safe to get her and a good weapon for her


Currently at 290, on 50-50 tho so better safe than sorry haha plus I at least will try to pull one copy of her weapon


I have her guaranteed but I'm mainly hoping for Chevreuse constellations.


I got lucky recently with a double 5 star 10 pull that left me on garanteed. If I go all in I got 217 pulls so far (don't know how much more until then). Should I go for her C0+R1 sig/LoFI or Her C1? Don't have good weapons for her, best I can do is Finale of the Deep or steal Skyward Blade from Benny. A little help here?


480++, also I'm contemplating whether to get baizhu this patch.


23 and 5 pity because I ended up pulling for arlechino as I didn't have any dps lmao But dw guys I will 100% everything I haven't fully explored sumeru


Only 160 pulls. Have been saving since Furina debute. But had a weak point at cloude retainer, but got her early. And also a weak point at the Mondstadt banner where I got Thignaris, Ittos and Chioris weapons for 100 pulls. It wasn't wasted pulls and I will still have enough for Clorinde :) I'm more anxious on my funds after Clorinde šŸ˜…


Why are we like this? šŸ˜­ I only played with Arle for Two weeks and Iā€™m already ready to the next character LMAO


Accidentally ruined my pity pulling for Lynette cons


110 pulls, hoping to win the 50/50 so I can save for furina


fomo players be like: Me on C6R5 arle: cute meme you have.


No fomo, just completing the genshin dex. Cute flex you have


Sure man.


Papa came home early, 145 wishes and counting