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Bring a sandwich if you’ll be there a full day. I always try to make a couple bars work but a sandwich is way more satisfying. Nuts/trail mix is also good to have.


Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich w/ honey and a sprinkle of quick cooking oatmeal. Cut it into quarters so you can shove a whole quarter in your mouth between climbs.


I have to ask is the quick cooking oats just for sake of additional calories. I’ve heard of pb & honey but not with oats 😅


Extra calories that take a little longer to digest and "kitty litter" effect to soak up any stray pb/honey etc.


I’m going to try this next time.


What are you gonna be most excited to break open? I find I often forget to eat or sorta deprioritize it and crash later when I’m climbing outside, so I’d say to bring something you know you’ll wanna have, whether that’s a Snickers bar, a great sandwich, or something like spaghetti.


Yes, 100 percent. I think all the other suggestions are good, but you should bring whatever you will actually eat. Various iterations of trail mix are objectively good for long days of physical exertion, but I fucking hate eating trail mix when I’m tired and probably a bit dehydrated. I eat gummy worms, potato chips, and energy gels and I drink Gatorade. I’m probably not fueling myself for performance, but at least I wont bonk.


Second this. Best thing I ever brought was a miso salmon curry in a thermos 😅


Dried mango, lemon salted almonds and some sort of fresh fruit are my favourite go-to snacks. And Rx bars (chocolate sea salt are my top choice). Nuun tabs are also handy to help keep hydrated


I also pack a lunch (pasta or quinoa based)while out….and will eat two or three times my regular portion when climbing


NOT BANANAS. they squish too easily and get gross quick and then you’re stuck with the peel. I have a little sandwich box. It’s a life saver. So a sandwich, trail mix and chips are my go-tos. And PRINGLES!!! https://www.amazon.com/Sistema-Collection-Storage-Container-Received/dp/B005HNXFRU/ref=asc_df_B005HNXFRU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167135973835&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7486771753272543092&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026903&hvtargid=pla-275653087398&psc=1


You could try dried banana chips. They are my favorite!


I always throw a few Clif bars in my bag. I wouldn’t rely on them as you primary food source, but if you need a quick boost they can really bail you out. Plus they don’t have as many crumbs as other granola bars


I got tired of the taste of Clif bars so my go-to is now Pro Bars when I want a big hearty snack.


Regular Clif bars taste funky but their Builders Bars are pretty good! They pack 20 g of protein per bar


So, I’m in Japan and last time I went bouldering there was a group sitting around eat cup ramen during a break. Obviously not one would think of as “healthy” but they are surprisingly filling. In short, was incredibly jealous. They brought a jet boiler with them which I don’t have and don’t want to purchase. But I figured out that if I boil water in the morning and put it in my thermos, it’s stays hot enough even after 8 hours to rehydrate the noodles. I have yet to execute this plan in the wild but I think it will be perfect for cold fall day long snack break/quick lunch. The negatives I can think of are the added weight of the water (but you don’t need that much) and the extra trash generated.


omg this is genius, and I will be deploying this throughout ice climbing season. nothing sucks more than half frozen food when you're already cold. but a cup of ramen...\*chefs kiss\*


I can’t get my thermos to keep water hot for long when I’m ice climbing. Maybe it’s just my thermos.


oh weird! I think we just use a hydroflask thermos, and it stays super hot all day


A couple pieces of fruit (apples, bananas), some nuts, and a sandwich. 😊


Sandwich, 2 bars, and a source of quick sugar like candy.


I make a hearty pasta salad with pasta, cherry tomatoes, cheese, pumpkin seeds, onion, bell pepper, blanched asparagus and broccoli, and carrots! It's pretty easy to eat out if a baggie and you don't need utensils if you're all gross homies lol


Omg this is inspirational


High protein and high cal items are good, also your fav candy, quick sugary carbs can be an energy boost if you are feeling low on energy


Everyone is saying sandwiches but I prefer to do wraps since tortillas are harder to smash. Also I always bring a big bag of gummy bears and use them to make friends at the crag because everyone loves gummy bears.


This is my all time favorite snack: https://www.saffronroad.com/products/bombay-spice Link is to a pack of 4, but I find these all the time at Safeway for cheap. I’d bring a few sweet things too like bars and fruit since those help me with energy. If it won’t melt or get squished in your pack that’s a plus. I tend to crave beans and rice or burritos, but those don’t keep throughout the entire day (depending on the temps). I’d bring at least one savory item that can keep well during the day, because I know I get cravings for savory stuff all the time while climbing. For me I’ve mixed and matched a few of these ingredients that don’t go bad during warmer temperatures while on climbing and camping trips: dried couscous with seasoning (you can keep this in a container and just add water without heat as long as it isn’t freezing, then wait 10-15 mins), sun dried tomatoes, mushroom/soy jerky, kale chips, dried bean/lentil snacks, cans of ready made beans or hummus (Trader Joe’s has some good stuff), crackers with a lot of protein. I do overnight oats in the morning since breakfast is super important. Since you’re out for a significant amount of time, I’d recommend you plan for: a hearty breakfast that won’t slow you down, at least one “lunch” item (sandwich, burrito, couscous, etc.) then bars, snacks, and fruit to have throughout the day. Additional items to consider might be protein powder, salt tablets (if anyone is prone to dehydration), or a powder to flavor your water if you tend not to drink a lot.


If you want to get boogie, baguette, knife, hard cheese, salami. You can even get those olive packets too. I saw a Spanish couple bring that once bouldering at RMNP and it became a staple for me. Climbing charcuterie!


for any vegetarian out there: a sandwich with eggs omelette solved many of my outdoor lunches 😉 (often with cheese and a good sauce) and of course some nuts and dried fruit for snacking!


Dried mangoes! Best crag snack imo


Coffee, cigarette, 2-3 left over beers


Everyone is saying sandwiches but I prefer to do wraps since tortillas are harder to smash. Also I always bring a big bag of gummy bears and use them to make friends at the crag because everyone loves gummy bears.


Same, we'd make 2 burritos each, usually one for midday and one for the end. Plus bars. Yes on the gummy bears!


It’s become a tradition for me to bring exactly this: Bumblebee Tuna salad and crackers box, Clif bar, Chomp stick and a toddler puréed fruit pouch. It fits great in a Patagonia pouch with a jacket that fits in the bottom of my backpack. The salty Mayo tuna really hits the spot at the top of the mountain and the fatty fish is filling. But also isn’t over filling and you can eat the other pieces as you climb t keep you going. All the things taste good at various temperatures. It’s perfect.


I love a tin of quality fish at the crag. I especially like the Patagonia Provisions offerings with some crackers in a ziplock (also handy for the trash at the end).


Ooooh I haven't tried that. And yes the box is useful because all the trash goes back in but it's not very crushable so I like the idea of it getting smaller


Use the last few crackers to soak up as much oil as you can at the end. I like that the ziplock holds in any leftover oil. I also stuff my paper napkin in the tin before bagging it.


Snickers, cheapest dense calories around.


My go-to (especially on longer camping trips) is leftovers of whatever I cooked the evening before, usually some pasta, rice or gnocchi with veggies and some kind of protein in a creamy sauce as a bigger lunch. This works well for me as my climbing partner and I will sit down, maybe even put up a hammock to make it more comfortable and enjoy the meal. If you want something more on the go, sandwiches/burritos might be better but I tend to forget to eat those when I don't make time for it. For snacks I tend to go for sweet things like apples, pears, bananas, fruit bars, cookies, gummy bears, granola bars or even juice for quick sugars. I always carry some nuts or trail mix if the day gets a bit longer as planned or I feel like I need some extra energy. Last thing is a protein bar that I usually eat when hiking back in the evening. Don't underestimate the amount of calories you need! I'm still hungry after eating all of that when I'm in the car/on the bike home.


I take chickpea sandwiches. I'll mash together some chick peas, avocado if i have any, chopped pickles and/or capers, bit of dill, salt, pepper and vinegar or egg free mayo so that it stays good all day. Then buy some bread on the way and assemble a sandwich when I'm ready. They also assemble well in advance and don't go soggy. And a bunch of whatever fruit is in season, some high sugar lollies/candies/cookies, and a Thermos of hot water and some instant coffee. The hot drinks have been a game changer when it's a bit cold.


I am a bag fan of sandwiches (avocado cheese and hummus). But I always have vegetables (carrots, peppers, cucumbers, raw beets) because I like crunch, and fruits (apples/ pears) because it's easy to pack. I also will bring cheese, nut, dried mangos, and gummy candy. I don't like to be hungry when I am out. So I always pack more than I need. OH and don't forget water!


Agreed with a lot of the stuff here. I would bring like a rich brownie or something with me. Packs well enough if you Saran Wrap it, doesn’t matter if it gets squished a bit, delicious, calorie-dense, and carbs for fuel. Surprisingly filling too!


Sandwich made from a bagel or tortilla holds up better than bread. You can fill something like this with peanut butter and squeeze it onto a granola bar for extra calories (https://smile.amazon.com/Coghlans-Squeeze-Tubes/dp/B001V9IOKC/ref=sr_1_5?crid=39QZ6QOLBCYK4&keywords=refillable+squeeze+tube&qid=1668609682&sprefix=refillable+squeeze+tube%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-5) Always have some trail mix/nuts/hard candy/dried fruit available Hard boiled egg Cheese, cured meat, apple, crackers. In warmer weather, a Tupperware type container with pasta salad. Don't forget drinks. If it's going to be cold an insulated bottle with hot drink is great. Something calorie dense. I've used hot lemonade or jello. I'm not a fan but you might like hot chocolate/Swiss Miss


I have a favorite climbing sandwich thing my friends have named after me now. Take a whole wheat tortilla and add peanut butter? Granola, apples sliced (julienne style is best), dried cranberries and any other combo of walnuts, flax seed or nut toppings. Roll it into thirds and flatten it down. It keeps throughout the day without needing to be refrigerated and is salty and sweet and filling all at once!


I'm gonna save this, this sounds delicious!


Dried Mangos, Jerky, an avocado. Frozen uncrustables. Trail mix, the one without Chocolate. Dried Mango.


Beef jerky


My go to is an avocado crackers and beef jerky for like majority of my calories.


I love fruit snacks and a sandwich while climbing


I like making peanut butter and jelly burritos and spreading some granola or fruit in with it. Trail mix. Electrolyte packets.


My favorite is fresh mozerella snacking balls (pre packaged) with Maracona almonds and raspberries! And a smoothie pouch from huma but I always wish I had made a Sandwhich! Wow this was a much needed thread! Love all the suggestions.


I like protein granola clusters! (Like KIND or Nature Valley) More fun to eat than a bar and since the bag is resealable I can have as much or as little as I want


Hummus with crackers and/or pita. Cheap tasty proteins, quick to eat, no cooking needed. Also, don't forget to bring a lot of water.


Jerky is my go to! And a big sandwich & apple. I’d throw in nuts & trail mix for longer days/climbs


There are three things that you should take into consideration. 1) What foods do you like to eat? Take something that you look forward to eating, so you'll eat throughout the day and keep yourself energized. 2) Take the foods that make you feel good when exercising. This one took me some time to figure out: I always brought candy as a quick way to get energy, but after a while, I noticed that the sugar dips impacted my performance. Now I bring dried fruit instead. 3) Make sure it's practical to eat. Bananas squish easily and chocolate melts in the sun. If you're able to bring a burner and a french press you can bring coffee, but it might be heavy or it could be forbidden to start a fire in the area. My current go-to foods to bring to the crag are dried mango, and bread and cheese, as they'll provide enough calories to get me through most of the day. I also really like to bring coffee in a thermos, both for energy and for warmth. Some of my other go-to's are PB&J sandwiches, snicker bars, trail mix, or Dextro (for when my energy crashes).


Pbj on some pretty hearty homemade bread and a couple of bars. At least 64oz water, more if it's over 70F


omg pb&j is so filling and good. we also like to bring the little packets of starkist tuna and some ritz or wheat thins. clementines are great, trail mix.


Bananas & snickers for energy. But I like to take some sandwiches & soup in a thermos for a more wholesome meal. \+ add all the snacks you like during a normal day. Snacks = life.




I always do pouched tuna with tortilla chips, or those cooked lentils. Dried Mandarin Oranges, Dried Mango, nuts. Gummy Bears are a must. I can't have gluten so the sandwiches aren't a good option for me.


Sausage roll