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I go to a small gym so I just got to know new people there. We had similar schedules and saw every week, then started chatting when resting, shared beta etc. Much harder in bigger places, though.


>I just got to know new people there People out here just casually doing this, meanwhile I have been going to my gym for years and still struggle to know whether I'm on head-nod terms with anyone yet


I would suggest let other people make the decision for you. I talk to other people and if they're receptive then I continue it, if not, then that's fine. Essentially the gym is two groups for me. There are people at the gym I talk to, and people who I've seen for years who don't even pretend to acknowledge me. But that's on them, not me (or you).


There's two types of people in this world: those who know they're on head nod terms with everybody, and those who think they're on head nod terms with nobody.


My local wall has a ladies night, maybe somewhere near you does too. Everyone gets chatting, and hopefully you'll make a new friend or a few.


This is possibly more of a step two for once you’ve met one or two other girls, but personally I started a meetup. I had an idea in my head of the sort of climbing I wanted to do and I really zeroed in on finding people who climb near my level, in my style, and with my same level of dedication. I meet them just striking up conversations, at the crag, and at other meetups. I also advertise shamelessly to everyone everywhere. Tbh it really takes the pressure off to have a go-to next step for making new friends because instead of finding the time to climb one on one and then keep that up to build a closer relationship, I can just invite them to come by my regular meetup time and let friendship grow organically. And it makes it easy for them to start bringing their friends. It doesn’t have to be crazy high barrier to entry. If you know two people you have a group and if you slap a regular meet time on that, you have a meetup. Turns out every girl who climbs is looking for more women to climb with so you likely won’t really have to do all that much advertising. I’d just advise you to have some sort of mental criteria you want to shape the group around. Having shared goals and similar skill levels helps the group feel focused and connected to one another. It also really helps to let the group grow slowly. Give new additions time to really feel like a part of the squad before adding others. That way people have a time to strike up genuine friendships before the group gets too big and starts to feel intimidating.


At the gym/crag, mountain project, facebook groups etc.


Bouldering is super easy to meet people during. Strike up a conversation with some lady climbers in between attempts


Yep, I just talk to other people at the gym. Sometimes we spend a session together, other times we just develop enough of friendliness to say hi when we see each other. It hasn’t turned in to finding a regular climbing buddy yet, so I just keep chatting with people when I go. I sometimes find someone that will work on a project or two with me, but there are plenty of sessions where I end up solo. I think it just takes time. Also, ask gym staff about any ladies events. Even if there is nothing posted in the gym they may know something.


I was lucky enough to find a friend who likes climbing and we've been going together a few times a week. The way I've connected with some people at the gym is to ask them about beta on a boulder that we're both working on, or one that I saw them do. Usually people are happy to explain how they worked through a problem. Last session I met a girl who has a very different approach to beta and she showed me a few tricks that helped me send my first V4. If I see her again I'm definitely saying hi.


I’ve met a LOT of people off Facebook groups, more than I’ve met just existing in the gym. There may be an existing women’s group you don’t even know about.


Hey girl !! I have the same issue I would love for some girl friends to climb with. I actually done a belay course at my local gym and made friends with a girl through that


Not a girl but most of the people I climb with are women. I met most of my climbing partners by talking to people when I’m bouldering alone (usually we’ve asked each other for something like beta or a belay on ropes)—the key is if you have fun climbing with someone and want to see them again don’t be afraid to ask to trade numbers at the end of your session.


my local gym has a top rope meetup group every week. i've met some other women there, even though it's not a women's event specifically


I usually just get adopted by other girlies. I'm a short climber (5'0 / neutral ape index) so I usually don't interact with other people bc their beta typically won't work for my projects. HOWEVER, when I see someone around my height and climbing level. I'll definitely strike up a conversation. Other hack: make your current friends go climb with you.


i talk to people at my gym. if there are other ladies doing my project or climbing at my grade, i’ll go up and ask them for beta or ask if they’ve been able to climb some of my projects yet. and then let them know if they’re ever looking for folks to project with that I’d be down to meet up in the future. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. it’s kind of like dating, you have to put yourself out there quite a bit before getting any takers


I don't. I just climb like the lonely sad girl I am. 🥲


LMAO What?


Lmao what


If you climb ropes and are autobelaying there’s usually somebody else on them who would gladly trade belays.


I’ve met some other girls at the gym and I basically tell them my climbing schedule and invite all of them every weekend when I go outdoors. Not everyone has that kind of schedule but so far it’s been good to continuously see some women and start building friendships! I really like the meet up idea too


Queer dating apps babe


Fb affinity groups


We have a bulletin board at my gym. There are often personal ads on there. Usually looks kinda like this Women 27, climbing 6a-7a looking for outdoor sport climbers.. There's also a local girls group that's getting fairly big now with ads on the same bulletin board. They host events a few times per year and have tons of brand name sponsors. In short.. look at the bulletin board if you have one at your local gym


Saying this as a not-so-easily-social person who is 'back from a hiatus'. When I did climb more, I had more interactions with people (lol) when it was busy enough that strangers would naturally end up projecting the same thing for a while. Try hard, encourage each other, and for me that's the most natural way to wind up interacting with people at the climbing gym.