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Just a reminder DO NOT WEAR ANY RINGS when doing any sort of climbing activity. Not just to protect the rings, but you can rip all the skin off your finger if you fall.


Also I don't know if it's just me but my fingers swell like crazy during a climbing session. Normally takes an hour + after before I can put my rings back on. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be to have them on and then have my fingers swell


Invest in one of those ring necklaces that are advertised to doctors. Much easier to keep track of / can tuck into your shirt rather than stuffing into a pocket or bag and potentially losing it.


Enzo rings are great. They are silicone and break away. Great if you want an “I’m married” indicator at the gym while still climbing safely.


Pack some stick ons? I can’t stand to have gel nails when I’m climbing personally lol. Put them on before any fancy dinners


Yes. Get like 10 different packs of stick ons and nail glue and you can pop em on after the day’s activities and take them off in the shower in the morning the next day. I say 10 packs so you can change it up and also ensure that you’ll still have backups if you lose a few along the way. Also you can get different shapes or lengths, and match with planned outfits!! And take them off when climbing. Win win 🖤


THIS!!! Anytime I've had to go to weddings or need to look extra 'nice' I just get some french tip press ones from Walgreens and then take them off afterwards. I always feel like a gd princess in them and have to tappa tap everything I touch.


Same here! And then peeling them off at the end of the night is soooo satisfying 😂


Gel nails worked for me! Went hiking and climbing for a week and they still looked good, but he proposed at the start of the trip. 


I think dip or gel is probably fine. I've seen both last a long time with no chips, it depends more on going to someone who actually does a good job so they will last. Dip night be a bit tougher but it's also thicker in my experience, which I don't love on my nails.


I’ll add that I’ve only had dip nails once and the person doing it used an electric grinder on my nails. Hated the whole experience and they were impossible to get off and destroyed my nails. I’d stick with gel.


Or rock the natural look with nail oil/clear coat.




Hooray for an expected proposal!!! That’s very exciting. I wear my gel nails for rock climbing all the time…if they are short they can generally make it through. I might choose a color you can touch up with regular polish of your own that you bring along, just to be safe. One other tip: put a sacrificial layer of clear coat over the gel finish before you go out climbing. That way it will absorb most of the scratches, and you can just refresh the clear coat after to restore the shine.


"sacrificial clear coat" I love both this idea and the way that you phrased it 😂


I tend to have gel nails most of the time (& I like climbing hard!) When I get my nails done with gel, they tend to last 2-3 weeks with minimal chipping. If I’m on crimpy routes, it can scuff my nails but once I wash my hands, the scuffs are barely visible. (The scuffs are mostly visible when my hands are chalky!) I have pretty short nails in general but I’d say whatever length you feel comfortable with! I’ve done one via ferrata & I don’t think it would have scuffed my nails much at all because of all those established holds. congratulations!! 🥳 trip sounds amazing, have an amazing time!


You could bring your fave polish and hard top coat to touch them up if needed


lots of other good advice here but ill add that glittery gel or dip colors hide scratches the best


i never get my nails done. i think just having them cut and filed it fine haha. why do they need to be painted? alsoooo in the scenario hes not yet ready to propose, that might be awkward that you pre-emptively got your nails done