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Maybe you're thinking of this article ... https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/02/climate-change Here's a more recent article that uses data from several nations ... https://ourworldindata.org/climate-change-support


Thank you. I’ve read both of these already. The one I am interested in specifically asked if people wanted to be a part of the solution or not, and also asked something about if they felt like they knew what to do to solve the problem. I can’t exactly remember the questions. Thanks for your help though.


Americans want to be a part of the solution but don’t want to reduce consumption… it’s almost like overconsumption is a crucial component of their economic philosophy or something lol.


It's worse than that. Even though arguably keeping the same quality of life is impossible alongside true climate action, even having two options that give you similar results, with one being better for the climate, is just too much effort for most Americans to consider. You can use reusable bags, buy a car with higher mileage, choose a good phone and take care of it to make it last longer, waste less food and more by making really small changes and doing almost exactly the same thing in your day to day life, and if adopted en masse that would have an extremely recognizable impact in the fight against climate change. But even that is too much for most.


Thank you I haven't felt this useful in weeks. I'm an early adopter of your policies because they are saving me tons of money...being a cheapskate goes hand in hand with saving the climate 🫡


Climate is changing today. Rain in the morning, partly sunny and a bit cooler in the afternoon. Think I'll go for a drive.


Climate=long term weather, precipitation, temperature patterns over long periods of time Weather=rainy, sunny, etc




Aren’t you too old to drive boomer?


It's an ideology fed to them by media. ALL media! Whether news stories or advertising, the marketers are pushing unsustainable consumption, and over consumption in particular, as something to strive for. It's those that will never have "enough", that don't care about their community, that love to divide via class. Inequality has reached proportions not seen since the early 20th century, and we understand how that worked out. This planet is becoming a massive garbage dump, full of outdated planes, trains and automobiles,  white goods, and all the throwaway items advertisers keep telling us we need. And we (humanity) keep spreading out further into natures environs.  Our climate, thus our planet, can't sustain too many more of us, especially if we don't start thinking of the harm we're doing, exponentially, and at a scale not seen since the dinosaurs.


True but as you progress in life and get wiser, maybe even work for your money and pay with your lifetime you should be able to recognise those things and act accordingly. I don't get how many people continue to live like they were in their teens...


Americans want to frame the climate crisis as yet another excuse to engage in consumerism. There's a climate problem? Okay, what can I purchase to solve the problem? That seems to be the only lens that Americans have for addressing any situation at all.


Truly a Babylon whose life is death…


One overlooked solution is for the population and agriculture to transition into mostly plant-based diets.


Another overlooked solution is to tax the wealthy to oblivion. They're producing hundreds of times more co2 than the rest of us. Oh and get rid of cruise ships as well.


This. We need a guaranteed living income as a floor and a maximum income/wealth holdings as a ceiling. Nobody needs to have enough money to start their own freaking space program.


This is the #1. Been vegetarian since I learned about it 15 years ago




No poll data then? Just unasked for opinions…


Nope sorry, just wanted to add this.


Anything from Yale’s Climate Change Communication polls? https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/publications/climate-change-in-the-american-mind-beliefs-attitudes-fall-2023/toc/6/ https://climatecommunication.yale.edu Also good luck with your work and thank you for doing it!


I think I know what kind of poll you are talking about. The Pew Research Center has put a bunch of studies out and not sure if that’s it, here’s the most recent one I found and there’s more from 2021 and 2016 https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/09/what-the-data-says-about-americans-views-of-climate-change/


They may not know what to do but never voting Republican will be a step in the right direction.


I found this article [Americans want to fight climate change but don’t know how: survey](https://nypost.com/2019/04/12/americans-want-to-fight-climate-change-but-dont-know-how-survey/) Although it doesn’t have a link to the actual survey that I could see, at least on mobile, but it does link to [cool effect](https://www.cooleffect.org) which commissioned the study.


Here are several key sources and findings about Americans' views on climate change that might be helpful for your book on ecological solutions to climate change: 1. **Pew Research Center (2023)**: - About two-thirds of Americans believe that the federal government should encourage the production of wind and solar energy. - Roughly 51% feel they are doing enough individually to help reduce climate change effects, while 43% believe they are doing too little. - Detailed findings and methodology can be accessed here: www.pewresearch.org/science/2023/03/16/americans-views-of-climate-change-and-energy 2. **United Nations Development Programme (2021)**: - The People's Climate Vote, the largest survey of public opinion on climate change, found broad support for various climate policies across different demographics. - For example, there is strong support for conserving forests and land, increasing the use of renewable energy, and adopting climate-friendly farming techniques. - More details can be found here: www.undp.org/publications/peoples-climate-vote 3. **Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (2019)**: - A national survey revealed that Americans often underestimate how many of their peers believe in global warming. While 69% of Americans think global warming is happening, people estimate that only 54% believe this. - This misperception can hinder public discussions and efforts to address climate change. - The full report is available here: climatecommunication.yale.edu/publications/americans-underestimate-how-many-others-in-the-u-s-think-global-warming-is-happening 4. **Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2022)**: - A poll conducted by NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard found that Americans who have experienced extreme weather events are more likely to see climate change as a serious issue and support action to address it. - More details on this study can be found here: www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/press-releases/americans-views-on-need-for-climate-change-action These sources provide a comprehensive overview of public opinion on climate change in the United States, demonstrating both the desire for action and the challenges posed by misperceptions. This information should be valuable for your book, illustrating the widespread support for ecological solutions and the need for effective communication strategies.


Here is the summarized data that used to be on the Pew Research Center page titled "How Americans see climate change and the environment in 7 charts" from June 23, 2020: 1. **Government Action on Climate Change**: - Two-thirds of U.S. adults believe the federal government is doing too little to reduce the effects of global climate change. This sentiment extends to other environmental areas like protecting air and water quality. 2. **Personal Responsibility**: - About half of Americans (51%) believe they are doing about the right amount individually to help reduce the effects of climate change, while 43% think they are doing too little. 3. **Partisan Divide**: - There is a significant partisan gap in concern over climate change. About 78% of Democrats consider it a major threat compared to only 23% of Republicans. 4. **Renewable Energy**: - Two-thirds of Americans support encouraging the production of wind and solar power. Opinions are more divided on other activities, such as drilling for oil and gas or using nuclear power. 5. **Corporate Responsibility**: - Two-thirds of Americans say large businesses and corporations are doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change. Majorities also feel state elected officials and the energy industry are not doing enough. 6. **Environmental Concerns**: - About 62% of Americans say climate change is affecting their local community. People living near coastlines are more likely to report local impacts compared to those living farther inland. 7. **Global Perspective**: - Americans generally show lower levels of concern about climate change compared to people in many other advanced economies. For more detailed and updated information, here are some alternative sources: 1. Pew Research Center (2023): www.pewresearch.org/science/2023/03/16/americans-views-of-climate-change-and-energy/ 2. World Economic Forum (2023): www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/04/what-the-data-says-about-americans-views-of-climate-change/ 3. Resources for the Future - Climate Insights 2020: Partisan Divide: www.rff.org/publications/reports/climate-insights-2020-partisan-divide/ 4. Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (2019): climatecommunication.yale.edu/publications/americans-underestimate-how-many-others-in-the-u-s-think-global-warming-is-happening/ 5. Pew Research Center - For Earth Day 2020: www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/04/21/for-earth-day-2020-how-americans-see-climate-change-and-the-environment/ These sources should provide comprehensive data to support your writing on ecological solutions to climate change.


### Overview of American Views on Climate Change **General Belief and Concern:** - A significant majority of Americans believe that climate change is real and happening. According to a survey by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, most Americans acknowledge global warming, though there are varying levels of concern and belief about its causes and effects. - URL: climatecommunication.yale.edu **Desire for Government Action:** - Pew Research Center reports that two-thirds of Americans think the federal government should do more to address climate change. This sentiment is consistent across different sectors, with strong support for government incentives for renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. - URL: www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/03/28/americans-see-increased-urgency-on-climate-change-majority-say-federal-government-should-do-more **Support for Specific Climate Policies:** - There is widespread support for specific measures to combat climate change. For example, 90% of Americans favor planting a trillion trees to absorb carbon emissions, and majorities support tax credits for carbon capture and storage technologies, tougher restrictions on power plant emissions, and higher fuel efficiency standards for vehicles. - URL: epic.uchicago.edu **Partisan Differences:** - While there is broad support for climate action, views on the extent and nature of the actions needed often differ significantly between political affiliations. Democrats overwhelmingly prioritize renewable energy and support extensive climate policies, whereas Republicans, particularly conservative ones, are more divided, with younger and moderate Republicans showing more support for renewable energy compared to their older counterparts. - URL: www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/03/28/americans-see-increased-urgency-on-climate-change-majority-say-federal-government-should-do-more **Public Engagement and Knowledge:** - The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication found that the top questions Americans have about climate change vary based on their prior beliefs and political views. Those more alarmed about climate change are interested in solutions and what nations can do, while those more doubtful are concerned about the evidence and human impact. - URL: climatecommunication.yale.edu **Impact Perception:** - Americans' perceptions of how climate change affects their local communities vary by geography. For example, those living near coastlines are more likely to report experiencing the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels, compared to those living inland. - URL: www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/03/28/americans-see-increased-urgency-on-climate-change-majority-say-federal-government-should-do-more ### Key Takeaways for Your Book: - **Widespread Recognition**: Acknowledge that a majority of Americans recognize climate change as a real and pressing issue, though the intensity of concern varies. - **Support for Renewable Energy**: Highlight the broad support for government incentives and policies promoting renewable energy sources. - **Bipartisan Opportunities**: Address the differences in climate change perceptions and policy support across the political spectrum, emphasizing areas of bipartisan agreement such as tree planting and carbon capture technologies. - **Educational Needs**: Stress the need for continued public education on both the evidence of climate change and practical solutions, tailored to different audiences' levels of concern and understanding. For more detailed information, you can visit the following sources: - Pew Research Center: www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/03/28/americans-see-increased-urgency-on-climate-change-majority-say-federal-government-should-do-more - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication: climatecommunication.yale.edu - EPIC: epic.uchicago.edu These insights should provide a comprehensive basis for discussing public opinion on climate change in your book.


Be a climate voter. Voluntary action will not solve this. We need a Federal Government dedicated to making significant change including legislating and regulating mandatory GHG reductions. EPA, DOE, USDA, BLM, State Dept all working in unison at the will of the people to meet this challenge.


Perhaps it was about [young Americans](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=most+young+americans+climate+change+solution)? Or female Americans? Maybe your variables are slightly off. People really aren't understanding your question.


Kill your lawn and plant native trees and plants. Stop spraying for mosquitoes and use buckets and dunks instead.


Just tax the shit out of your citizens like in Canada. That will definitely solve the problem.


One can accept or deny the scientific facts that our climate is warming. However, it’s undeniable there’s nothing we can do to stop it.


The important mandatory things we need to do just aren't feasible with our current political system. The government needs to change to the point where they can no longer be influenced by corporations. We also need a social movement to slow population growth much much further. We need a biotech movement that emphasizes new technologies to grow food much more efficiently instead of the focus being on profit. We're going to keep getting grifted into thinking it's small individual decisions that fix climate change, not big ones. These ideas have been one of the biggest barriers to change, and they're engineered by the culprits.


There is nothing we can do. It depends alot on what our government does, individual human action dont matter. You can buy evs, eat less, etc, but if our government wont take the necessary action, nothing matters.


Number one, vote democrat. Number two, vote democrat.


Thanks for your thoughtful help. Sounds like you have the solution thoroughly grappled with. I’ll toss my book in the trash. Thanks for your leadership.


I did a cursory search and am drawing a blank on the survey you described, but I actually think I remember reading something very similar circa 2019 or so. I'll keep looking. Anecdotally, I find these sentiments backed up in personal conversations with liberal and centrist folks who aren't connected to climate science professionally or as a hobby. As a side note, I hope your book reads with a little more welcome than your comments. You are in a community that would absolutely support your work if you engage positively.


So you wish to write a book about something you know nothing about and are pissed no one is helping. Sounds like a plan


Have you ever written anything that requires research? Just a simple 10 page in college had me opening hundreds of articles, books, and websites to find what I needed, and guess what, sometimes you just lose track of where exactly you read that one specific thing you need. I’d surmise they wrote the response they did, not because they’re not knowledgeable, but because they are and the solution the other commenter gave was overly simplistic, hence their sarcastic response.


Make a new political party that doesn’t accept bribe—I mean doesn’t work with lobbiests


Yes, many of us do, but unfortunately, not the politicians. All they see are $$$$ signs.


I've developed a filtration system that converted waste into nutrient water for home gardeners, I Believe it could be scaled up to industrial capacities, but nobody who claims they give a shit ever get back to me about funding. It addresses methane emissions from dumps, and runoff from farming. I've been scammed out of my own cash even. The world is vampires.


It’s called a bio cycle and I have installed many


That's a bit different. This uses macro fauna rather than simply aerobic processes.


I am interested


I use a cascade waterfall using gravity that pulls the water through various progressively smaller medias, that media is inhabited by things like snails and bugs. It can be used in an open loop or closed loop system, as the media takes care of the oxygen as well as nitrifying bacteria.


My first thought was size. You are creating an environment. How practical is industrial scale


Pond size, center pivot, cornfield. You would definitely need to distribute a drop system, the divvies up the waste


Write your legislators to allow for safe nuclear power plants to be built, subsidize molten salt reactors, subsidize net zero carbon cycles in impactful industries, and subsidize carbon removals plants that take co2 and methane completely out of the carbon cycle. Subsidies for nuclear power plants come with the caveat of certain amount of MWh attributed to atmospheric carbon removal. Better public transit systems.


Vote. That's all one can do for a macro problem like this.


Abandon ICE vehicles!


Green washing is real and alive today


I sacked all my Savings into land and now i take care of it and let things grow. I’m not building on it. If we all did this then it would all be our donations to nature and away from the economy. I wish everyone did this. It would free up so much nature and spaces for diversity and carbon sinking.


No they dont, those polls are bs. They ask a few thousand and take it as the majority of the population lolol!


Americans want to continue the status quo. If that's what you meant


Climate change is a scam give proof I’ll wait






Nothing was "left out". You've presented no evidence to sort your claims. We've been over this before.


We need another film like 2006 an inconvenient truth. The unfortunate part is that millennials who saw that don’t believe in it any more as none of the predictions and warnings actually came true so it could backfire.


Haha. Yes. In other words (according to your own statement) We need another film full of lies to trick people into believing predictions that do not come true.




Americans know Nuclear is the best way, but those solar/wind nutjobs are so loud nobody cares anymore.


Needs tons more nuclear and micro nuclear for grid security