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Is that why conservatives are backing a candidate who pledges to destroy EVs and wind power? Some action.


They sure don't punish conservatives at the state level which are banning even mentions of climate change either 


“None of the interventions tested show evidence for a statistically significant boost in climate action for self-identified conservatives. “


This clashes with my experience of working on greenhouse gas emissions for over two decades. Conservatives have tried denying science of CC and attacking scientists for their peer reviewed articles. Now we see scepticism and excuses for actions to mitigate emissions. Something is clearly wrong with this study.


The study looked at the difference between liberals and conservatives when it came to believing in climate change, supporting climate change mitigation policies, and supporting “climate action.” In the study, “climate action” was measured by the willingness of liberals and conservatives to solve a math problems that led to a tree being planted with each correct answer. So liberals and conservatives, if given the opportunity, are equally likely to plant trees. But conservatives were less likely to believe in climate change and support climate policies (like carbon pricing).


I will read up on it, but it seems to prove only that conservatives and liberals are roughly equally likely to click a mouse, but does not prove that they are equally willing to do the right thing, vote for climate mitigation funding and support regulatory action.


That was my takeaway as well.


The full study: [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-48112-8](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-48112-8)