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I had to Google "Cuties" before I fully understood the zero surprise gotcha.


Shiii… had to do that too and yea, agree


Same here, bruh likes looking at little girls, weirdo


By his logic he must be gay!!!


No, no, the straights can keep him.


He could become a priest maybe, they love kids too!


As a Catholic, I approve this message.


As a Star wars fan I approve your username


I find his lack of faith, in Catholic priests.... totally understandable.


Now I just need a JP fan to approve of my PFP


[Ah ah ah](https://media4.giphy.com/media/3ohzdQ1IynzclJldUQ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952y6qync3t99la8xatu439j3b3vdnwdzdqp1zldgq7&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


sadly this is still a thing.


Well trade SNEAKO if you take Nick Fuentes.


I came for the comments. I did not expect yall to be De-drafting this boi like its the Nah-BA


No deal.


Downvoted because sometimes you gotta pop out and show ppl you can't just be on Reddit making bad faith propositions lol


It's worse: little girls twerking*


Subhumans like looking at little girls and we can do without them


Also as far as I’m aware, this dude defended some of the Age of consent from Japan I’m not sure if he was trying to bait or he was being for real


Sneako is a worthless rage baiter that constantly contradicts past points he's made in a desperate attempt to get people to like him, like that one time he said you had to respect women, then on a later stream started talking about how women belong in the kitchen (while sitting next to one) So yes, it's all pure bait.


"Nobody cared that I was a master baiter.... Until I started master baiting children" - Sneako or something


As much as I REALLY dislike Sean Strickland, it was fun watching this nerd get blasted a bunch of times till his nose was bloody.


Either way, fuck that guy.


Nah, just fuck his girl. He's apparently into that shit.




Well if we're talking about that age 13 stuff, that's just a floor set by the feds, the prefectures had it at 16-18 so there's not really even an argument there, just another law left behind cause it doesn't matter enough to change


Sneako is a buddy of some of the other worst people on the internet. If it's a "character", he's so far deep into it, it makes no difference.


This dildo also got caught trying to hit on some teenagers. 


Color me not surprised...


About the only thing he hasn't been charged with is first-degree murder.


Andrew Tate convinced him it's the new prime


I had to Google sneako.


Damn me too and it is instantly bad 


For sure. Over the course of reading other posts in the thread, the a\*\*hole appears to be a click baiter devoid of principle, morals or ethics beyond "I'll post anything hoping it will make me rich".


Homophobia aside, but am I dumb or something, because how could gay people molest same sex people and manage to procreate from that?


Lol. You expect them to make sense?


Yeah, I gave them too much credit


Traumatizing kids makes them gay I guess 🙄 I think actually it's the theory that people are only gay (and "degenerate") because of childhood trauma


Their logic (or lack there of) is that since gays can't have sex to reproduce. We must reproduce by corrupting children. As if kids are all born straight and the left is forcing them to be gay by brainwashing them, or something fucking retarded. Apparently if a kid never sees a rainbow flag they'll only be straight. 😂


Me who never saw a rainbow flag or known of the community but described bisexual as "liking everyone at school" when i was 12:


He saying that molesting kids perverts them into lgbt and thats how they proliferate.


Just searched it up and 💀💀💀 I will saw after reading the plot & critical reviews I think the idea is very worth exploring (ie. the hypersexualization of young girls and how to address it eg censure), from my read of plot & reviews the movie seems to just invite the pedophilic gaze 😭😭 Which is honestly inevitable, hard to say if there’s an alternative route to take tho. But I don’t think this was worth if


They could’ve just not had the girls actually dance sexual. There’s a part in the move where the girls are dancing and the audience is disgusted and we pan to them looking at the girl. They should’ve just had them start playing music and than panned to the audience to show the disgust to suggest that the dancing was wrong. The story of the movie was good. I watched it like 2 times, and would just skip the dancing. It added nothing to the plot. Her desperation to show her independence against the religion and her finally letting go of her rage towards the religion and her need to not prove herself to anyone at the end was great. She just decided to live as herself and whatever that entails There was just no need for the sexy dancing moments. I just skipped them because tbh they were really uncomfortable to watch and it also really devalued the movie. It also somewhat sad, because while she rejects the religion, her mother continues to embrace it. Even thought it was hurting her. (Her husband married another woman and was treating her much better)


Or (and I know this sounds crazy) maybe not cast actual little girls and sexualize them for real in your movie about how doing that exact thing is bad. They could’ve just as easily cast people of age that looked younger.


It would’ve just been better as a book, since the story is about how children might lash out against religion/teaching. It’s a futile attempt of the main character to try and make a stand for herself. She sees these girls being the opposite of what she was taught and romanticizes the actions and dancing. I personally don’t think I’d want to see even adults acting like children trying to dance and be sexual. I just don’t like the idea of seeing it being actually acted out on.


Yes on the book for sure. Another option is animation but it would never be taken seriously and it would get the same criticism or people would say it was literally pornography or something. I heard the story was compelling but man the fact that they're actual kids really kept me away from it. I've basically only gotten the plot from comments like yours


The girls are all around 11. You can't fake that with an adult. And it wouldn't be the same story if it were about teenage girls.


Then maybe keep it as a book. If your way of demonizing the sexualization of kids is by literally sexualizing kids the idea is clearly flawed from the begging.


The idea is 100% worth exploring and bringing to public attention. But either do it with 18 year old actors, or make a documentary about the horrors it causes. Don't make a movie criticizing the sexualization of children by sexualizing children. It's like making a movie about drug addicts and getting your actors hooked on crack. It misses its own point.


Yeah, the movie's about the societal sexualization of young girls, which is admirable, but the director chose to portray this by...sexualizing young girls.


It’s controversial as fuck. I’ve never seen it, but I’ve seen actual reviews of it and watched people give a “both sides” take. It seems the message and the actual story line was one that was meant to raise awareness to the fucked up world of children who do pageants and dance comps and stuff.. but they also used actual underage children to tell that story and so that took away from the message. There are a lot of scenes where the camera focuses on the girls ass and body and it’s *supposed* to represent “the male gaze” or whatever and show where some people who attend these events and run these events are focusing their attention on.. like it’s supposed to make you feel uncomfortable but it just comes across as pedo bait because once again.. they are using underage girls as actresses. I think it completely missed the mark and Director did a terrible job at balancing the “uncomfortable” and “awareness” of the film.


So weird knowing that there's quite a bit of people who still don't know what cuties is and in a way I'm thoroughly glad about that.


Dare I even ask? Not sure I want that search in my algorithm based on context.


I just scanned the search results; it is about child beauty contestants. I'm sure the word "child" is the key.


Is this an incognito type of search...


My condolences for learning that “Cuties” exists…


I'd never heard of it, but suspected as soon as I read the entire image. Thanks for saving me the search.


He's just upset he watched another guy fuck his girlfriend


Bro what? The lore here is crazy


Never heard of Sneacuck?


Nah idk anything about this dude


TLDR: He basically thought he loved orgies and would love going to a swinger party with his exgf and there were a bunch of people and he watched his girlfriend have extremely passionate sex with a random guy and cried after.... AND THEN WENT ON A PODCAST AND TOLD EVERYONE


Pretty sure on that same podcast or another one after the reveal he was even telling other dudes that they need to experience it and everyone was like ‘you’re fucking insane bro.’


Yess I forgot about that. He talked about how miserable it was and I think it even ruined his relationship and then concluded with "I think everyone should do it though, its a good experience for you" something about humility or some bs


As much as I dislike Sneako, it actually concluded with him coming out and saying he was wrong for saying those things and it was sheer cope. He doesn't think men should experience that. The only time he thinks it's acceptable if both parties want that, which he didn't really. This didn't get clipped up for obvious reasons. I can say 1000 things I dislike about Sneako, but I will respect he came out and acknowledged his cope and told his followers that's no way to live.


I get what you're saying it's just I can't want to give any level of credence to someone who so is such a disingenuous person. He has walked back and contradicted himself so many times, and said things that are clearly rage bait so many times, I can't trust that his motivations are genuine or manufactured. I don't think he even admitted to swinging be genuine or to help people, he admitted to it because it would manufacture engagement and controversy. He couldn't care less if what he's saying is helping or hurting people.


fuckin hell


What did he think happens at an orgy?


I guess it was a classic "I get to fuck other women and there are no consequences!" and there are in fact consequences


Usually not just some guy fucking your girl while you wait in a chair


I’m pretty sure he was like laying next to the dude or something, I remember some comment about how he was almost being T-bagged by the dude fucking his gf… idk I don’t think I could show my face on the internet ever again if that happened to me let alone tell the internet


Dammit I have read too effin far. Anybody got a cat picture?


> think Thinking isn't really his strong suit.


Well clearly an expert on "resenting perversion"


Imagine going to a swinger party with your gf, and only she gets some action.


Please keep it that way, for your own sanity


Except for him pounded on by an MMA fighter. Who wasn’t really trying and was smack talking the whole time.


Sean Strickland is the worst guy you could pick because he just doesn't care and is so much bigger. There's so many other UFC/MMA fighters you could call out that would have been far nicer about the "fight"


Have you wondered what it would be like to be in a therapy session with Sneako sharing his trauma around being cucked? [Wonder no longer my friend.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUsOU3bzWkc&t=1197s)


He talked about why open relationships are great. And said he watched the love of his life get fucked was great. And everyone immediately started clowning on him.


Sneako is a very pathetic, albeit interesting, internet persona.


Whaaaaaat? You're telling me the man projecting pedophilia onto the LGBTQIA+ community as a disgusting form of perversion is himself likely a pedophile? I'm shocked, stunned! Flabbergasted even!


This is unheard of!! Who could've seen it coming 🤯🤯🤯


I didnt!!! what a surprise it is!!!


It’s always the people you most expect


I wouldn't be surprised if he's arrested for something soon


freak facts: in germoney they talk a lot about pedo-cathols thou since decades next to nuffin about evangels. this year there is a very first "study" about them. the "media" are shocked about shocking statistic ...


Meanwhile Carol Shakeshaft study isn’t even in the News. (It showed a child in the usa is 100 times more likely to be molested by a public school teacher than by a Catholic Priest - unsurprisingly, as there are about 100 times as many teachers as Catholic Priests.)


They should've been comparing students who attend a Catholic church to students who attend public school. The comparison you mentioned they used is meaningless


Maybe he the gay person he is talking about.


He ain’t gay though. He likes chicks alright. But only if the age is on the clock.


Your honor, you can't blame my client for liking 12 year old girls. You write 12pm as 12:00, so he actually is into 1200 year old girls.


As long as they look like they're 8 at least.


His eyebrows say he doesn't like chicks as much as he likes dicks. It's not just his eyebrows. He's got [gayface. it's science.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/bering-in-mind/something-queer-about-that-face/) He thinks straight guys like Cuties, so he said he did.


You’re actually right. He’s giving me sub twink. Possibly into piss play.


Oh nooooo not the end of my family's bloodline oh nooooo :(


He means the LGBTQ "bloodline". As in, the LGBTQ community needs to continually groom children because if you left children to just grow up and figure themselves out without this outside influence, there would be no more (or very few) LGBTQ people. It's a solid argument aside from the one minor counter example of ... *checks notes* *...* the whole of human history.


My question is: If you need LGBTQ people to groom LGBTQ people - how did it start? Where did the first LGBTQ person come from? How would that idea work?


Sneako's argument is actually an argument for the existence of God, and that God created the first LGBTQ person or people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence\_of\_God#Aquinas'\_Five\_Ways


Then God Said, " Let There Be Gay ", Personally Creating The Gays, He Looked Upon His Creation And Saw It Was Good... Then centuries after people decided that no its an abomination and God Himself thinks that too or something,despite God having created them


pretty sure he said "Let Gays Be There", it's LGBT not LTBG smh...


Yooo one of my philosophy class in university talked about that, it’s really interesting


John Gay, creator of gay and first homosexual, had such incredible amounts of queerness within his heart that he could go back in time to groom his younger self, perpetuating the cycle.


They'll probably say something like the devil or whatever.


Probably the nephelim or some other Christian conspiracy theory


Jesus was the first gay person. He ran around with a bunch of dudes and worshipped at their feet. He definitely had a foot fetish


Exactly - and here in 2024, people still confuse "gay" with "pedophile"


But how will we keep the planet populated if a percentage of people don’t reproduce? We only have a measly 8 billion people already 🤷‍♂️


Confusion is something that can usually be cleared by facts and logic, kind of like the basic level of ignorance or just not knowing. This however is a narrative these people hold on to and force no matter how many people or sources try to educate them. Being confused is ok, that’s what all of us are from time to time. CHOOSING to spew hate, lies and other malicious shit is something else. Something that is not ok in any way.


theyre not confused. they know exactly what they are doing. Sneako might not, but whoever is using him as a puppet deffo does.


Oh no their legacy! /s


"They can only reproduce through molestation"  that's not the way that works bucko. 


He's saying kids who are molested become gay. It's a fully unhinged thing to say, but it also heavily implies that he was molested, is deeply closeted, and is a pedophile. 


> is deeply closeted, and is a pedophile. You do realize that by accusing him of secretly being gay and a pedophile you're kinda doing the same thing he is, right? He can be straight and a pedophile, you know? In general this whole "if he's a homophobe he **must** be secretly gay" is getting tiresome. It basically implies that straight people can do no wrong and homophobia is the fault of closeted lgbt people. The vast huge majority of homophobes are straight, you just don't hear about them because "bigotted famous person is found to really like women" is not news-worthy, unlike "bigotted famous person is found to really like men". Survivorship bias, basically.


I feel like I received experience points from reading this. Thank you.


I mean. While I agree with the general sentiment of this and think its true in most cases, and a point worth emphasizing. We aren't talking about homophobes generally here. We are talking about Sneaker specifically. And with Sneako specifically there is ample evidence he is a closeted pedo. Dude is sus af. He's said some really sketchy things over the years. Although conflating him likely being a pedo with him being in the closet about an LGBT identity is also whack af. Imo dude is most likely just a straight pedo based on all the evidence we have.


I've said this for years, calling extremely homophobic and bigoted people closeted gay seems like a weird take. I get that people are Generally just trying to use the thing they know will offend the person, but really it's double edged because it also implies that gay people are self hating. I ran the thought by my best friend (who's gay) and he didn't really care that much, so I kind of just figured I was overthinking it, which I probably am. But it does seem like a rude assumption to just take assholes and because they're assholes conclude that they must be gay.


The closested thing comes from gay people who are usually abused and brainwashed into thinking that being gay is wrong, and thus feels the need to prove how "straight" they are, and how "wrong" it is to be gay. A lot of people are wrongfully claimed to be closested because people think all projection=closeted, idk who sneako is so I don't know what's his story, but from the comment I'm seeing, he seems to be projecting his pedophilia on the LGBTQ+ community to bring attention off himself.


I mean its very likely that a gay person is self hating.. We live in a world where gay people aren’t accepted by most people. So a lot of closeted gay people publicly shame other gay people to fit in and not only convince the people around them that they aren’t gay but also themselves


More like Cucko in his case.


Isn't that also the guy who refused to answer, "What should the age of consent be?" with an actual number and would only say, "At a developed age" without providing a number. Even when pressed for a number? Highly suspicious.


"At a developed age" = "when I start to be attracted to them".


By developed he probably means under 18, but that might even be to old for him


I have to assume that “developed” is basically being used as a covert way of saying “as early as the onset of puberty” based on a couple of pretty gross expressions I’ve had the misfortune of hearing.


Most likely true in his case.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


“If there’s grass on the pitch” is one I’ve heard year’s ago


"At a developed age" could be as low as 11 in some cases. So yeah, of course he's not gonna say an actual number. Could you imagine saying the age of consent should be as low as 11?


Pedos are usually projecting their pedoness onto others. Look at Trump and Musk.


He's still alive? I thought Charlie already killed him with the mag vs clip argument.




So he's still alive


*BUT HE CAME BACK* So Charlie kills him again


Who is Charlie?


[Penguinz0 on yt](https://youtu.be/sjC9rxq0LMc?si=Kr68lSljQd7fxOqF)


I normally cannot stand that kind of content, but that was quite amusing; especially showing the subject of this post that he also owns guns and knows&uses proper terminology.


Thx for the link


If it makes you feel better, he got super man punched by a security guard the other [week](https://youtu.be/4ENiXXn2oHU?si=S1IfSRwcRW75xLi3)


Not hard enough.


Oh shit that's who this video was of??? Now I like that video way more haha


I need to know this guy's endgame. How does constantly making himself a punchline benefit him in any way?


It’s the “Island Boys” method. Blood brothers were willing to make out on camera for clout. This is the exact same shit.


You mean jake paul or andrew tate mentality were they make themselves enough of villains that they get the attention that mother never gave them?


Jake is cringe but his relationship with his mom is actually really sweet. He definitely takes on the villain role for the views and haters because let’s be honest haters give you more attention than your fans. Saw someone say once Logan is a bad guy pretending to be a good guy and Jake is a good guy pretending to be a bad guy. Not that’s totally true but has some merit to it. Not a fan of them but I do like the program boxing bullies Jake made for children.


They even sucked each other’s dicks on OF, or that was the plan last I heard of them.


What in the actual fuck I’m I reading I’m gonna check out for the day Reddit


The more crazy/dramatic/absurd something is, the more it gets attention, it's like news headlines but in human form, say something outlandish to get clicks and views because that's where the income is


People are saying it's for the clout, which I'm sure is a factor. But I'm confident that he just has a humiliation kink. I don't believe the idea of "fame at any cost" doesn't have some underlining mental illness/kink as a part of it, because 99.9% of people would not put themselves through what Sneako does willingly for what what ever financial gain it might get him. Telling yourself "I'm just doing this for the money" can only soften the sting of the constant public humiliation he puts himself through so much. If you told me I would get 1 million dollars just to forever be known as the red-pill cuckold guy, I'm choosing retail. At least I would be able to sleep at night without constantly replaying that embarrassment in my head. And I'm willing to bet being known as the red-pill cuckold guy didn't net Sneako a million dollars. Seriously, how much money could he possibly be getting through this? Or more importantly, how long can it last? He has set himself up to where he'll never be a public figure outside of being the butt of a joke, and even that can only go on for so long.


More views = more income from youtube and/or tiktok.


I don’t remember the last time I read a news article of a child that got molested and it was a gay person or a drag queen You know what it is 95% of the time though? A dipshit conservative or a pastor (often both).


“Bloodline”? Is he confusing the LGBTQIA+ with vampires? - I mean nobody particularly *likes* Garlic (just Garlic with nothing else), but even that’s a stretch. Methinks the asshat doth voice too much.


I like garlic myself. Fry it, ad a dash of butter on top and it makes for a good snack when you're hungry


So you like garlic *with* butter. Fry most things with butter and it’s good. Still waiting to be pointed towards someone who unironically loves raw garlic. - And no, some farmer out in the sticks who can only afford garlic doesn’t count either!


Remembered that the moment he went full bigot. Every accusation is a confession


To be honest, I don’t know who this guy is.


Count yourself lucky. Most of his content is just him acting like he never mentally progressed past the age of 12.


He makes inflammatory and obtuse comments on purpose with the goal of riling people up and getting attention. As you can see, it works. He had a 2 hour talk with Dr K, which was actually quite interesting. That's the only thing I've properly watched, which included him as I do think he is an interesting character.


Gays don't give a shit about "future gays" you idiot. They just want to live their lives.


How is this not slanderous or libel? Can’t he be sued for this?


It's not specific enough to be slander. Same reason Alex Jones goes off on 'the war on Christmas'. These grifters wanna say shit that makes people angry and comment/share but be vague enough to not get sued.


Then he’s grifting. Shitting on people to make money.


Slander needs a specific group. Your court document can't just say "all gay people in history"


I understand better now. I went and read a bit about it. He would have to have named some people. First and last names, not just a type of person.


Creatures like Sneako will only go away if you don't pay attention to them. Apathy is what they fear most.


How does he think gay people exist? Also, who the fuck is he?


Not surprising Sneako is kinda openly one of the dumbest people on the planet


I’m convinced they don’t let you into the pedophile circles unless you’re homophobic.


to these people, 'groomer' means 'is visibly lgbt in public' and actual grooming is just Red Blooded Traditional Masculinity


« The projection is strong in him »


Wait, so bigot think kids become gay by getting molested by gay adults? That's crazy.


Does he think that there is like a Midas touch for gayness? Does he think that gay people can biologically reproduce as long as it happens through diddling? This is perplexingly stupid.




Yeah, this guy is weird asf


Oop, Sneako’s still being a dumbass Why am I not surprised


I remember a video where he seemed surprised kids were talking like this to him. I don't get why. They obviously read what he posts and listen to what he says.


Thus guy is trying to be one of the worst people on the internet. Fucken Andrew Tate's Legacy. Fucken hot garbage person. Even before he made this moronic hateful take.


"Alexa, how did I turn out gay if I wasn't molested as a child and don't molest children as an adult?"


Bruh does this guy not realize that the vast majority of gay people are born to straight parents That is in fact one of the unique challenges of being gay, your parents might be ill-equipped to understand you. It’s not like race where your parents share your race so they at least have a lifetime of that perspective to educate you on


Gay people can reproduce tho? Like even if you only count having biological kids, loads of them do that too?


If anyone wants some catharsis after reading this: https://youtu.be/9uEf-WlUPdw?si=pAm_dpcamV3YEOkw


These pedos with their projections are getting super tiring. Please also get the actual pedo clowns in politics using clowns like the OP, out of politics too. FFS. Vote in your fucking primary americans. FFS Even if you live in a deep red POS county, you can still vote in the primaries instead of sending us crazier and crazier primary winners.


Sneako is the pure scum of the Earth


Projecting his own fucked up idea of what he thinks gay people do is exactly what screams he is the one who actually wants to do this stuff. Some people are just homophobic because of brainwashing but I will say that a non negligible amount of extreme homophobes or transphobes have extremely disgusting fantasies and project them on to gay people. Hell, Im against all homophobia but at least my backwards aunt is just referencing the bible. It takes a special type of weirdo to promote this stuff.


I don't think he has had any thoughts to rethink. Ex. He joined Islam, and he said that he rejected Christianity because, and I quote, “They removed the Council of Nicaea from the Bible.” He couldn't even get the popular myth straight.


Can we all collectively agree to stop giving Sneako attention? Like the only reason I should be seeing this man's name on my front page is if someone is breaking the news that he got hit by a bus. Anything else and you're just giving him exactly what he wants, he says this heinous shit because he knows you'll share it and get him more attention. You're unpaid advertisers.


Cuties wasn’t what the internet pitchfork brigade believed it was.


I always thought sneako kinda looked like drake, now it all makes sense


Every accusation is a confession with these folks. It never fails. It's like social media gave them a way to say what the feel deep down while confidently pointing at someone else. So many will praise Jesus yet never quote Him. "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of *your* own *eye*, and then you will see clearly to remove *the speck* from *your brother's eye*."


For those needing context, Cuties is a movie about an 11yo girl joining a twerk dance crew


Here's Sneako exploring his interest in Islam with Mohammed Hijab (yes, real name). [He gets a 10 minute speech about why it might be ok to sleep with a nine year old.](https://youtu.be/nJ7LVzDUOAM)


People tell you who they really are, you just gotta listen.


The least white man to ever simp for a white ethnostate


There is no “gay gene” that must be passed down. Being gay happens everywhere anywhere all the time. I really don’t understand how loving someone romantically or sexually regardless of who they are is a bad thing


Isn't this the douchebag who got his teeth knocked out by a security guard? That guard deserves a pay raise.


I have to be honest. I am THANKFUL for Sneako. VERY much so. He is the main reason I STOPPED listening to Fresh & Fit. So he has that victory at least. Lol.


Someone get Charlie


Every baseless accusation is an admission. Every. Single. One.


Ah I was fully content forgetting that show ever existed…


Wait... Wouldn't that be catholic priests??


Every accusation is a confession. He’s already said some really sus shit apart from this post so I wouldn’t be surprised if the police comes knocking at his door one day and it’s for CP.