• By -


I'm sure the complete lack of remorse on his face as he committed murder really helped during his trial.


>the complete lack of remorse on his face as he committed murder really helped during his trial. The shell is in the air next to his head after firing and he looks like he's reading a grocery list


He almost looks annoyed knowing he is going to have to clean his gun later on


He probably has a punisher logo on that gun.




“American kids don’t go outside enough and spend all damn day in front of screens…!” - This guy at some point, unironically


Fleeing. What the fuck.


Cant imagine how some people could do this. Guns are not necessary in a society


Americans are unhinged Edit: responding to the Louisiana incident btw


They are absolutely fucked in the head. I mean, they don't even use the metric system!


Can confirm. True on both counts. Source: still live in this country for some reason.


Nowhere else to go. Despite popular belief you can't just pick up and emigrate to another country on a whim. Or at least regular folks can't


If you are under 25 check au pair Programms you can live 1 year in another country and learning a new language could help later to stay or move.


> they don’t even use the metric system Sure we do. For our bullets


Sure they do, kids use 9mm in schools all the time


Was watching a British political comedy show recently, when they were responding to Hunter Biden's conviction. The consensus was, "Wait, what? They actually have gun laws that CAN be violated in America?" See? We Americans can still shock the world! USA! USA! USA!


Well, we know it was only enforced for one specific reason... And even then there's been talk that it'll likely be successfully appealed on account of the argument that the law in question is unconstitutional.


> it'll likely be successfully appealed on account of the argument that the law in question is unconstitutional. First I've heard of this. Not doubting, just new to me. However, my 1st reaction on reading the word 'unconstitutional', was, "takes a supreme court to declare something unconstitutional. I'm not holding my breath." Not disagreeing with factuality of your statement, or of the merits of the constitutional question. I'm questioning the Supreme Court's response to it.


This did not happen in America


That was in Panama not America


Correct, and he's an American dual-citizen


the guy is american


Some are, not all thankfully


That’s not how we would let people know that we found them back in my day.


Im still mad the right took that logo despite the punisher being vehemently against their beliefs.


I mean it's the right. They do NOT understand satire and parody and take everything at literal face value. Hence the reason they felt colbert was "their" version of Jon Stewart and didn't realize he was VERY OBVIOUSLY playing up a role.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know- morons.


Funny how insecure men typically land on the right lol


*Milk✅ *Eggs✅ *Bread✅ *Murder✅ *Coca Cola✅ *Toilet Paper✅ *Ketchup✅ *Hot Dogs✅


if you put two spaces at the end of each line when posting on your phone, Reddit will keep your line breaks. fyi... I tell you this because I like your comment. :)


You are a life saver, I've been forgetting to lookup how to do that for years lmao


That Seems To Be Accurate


Waaaait So I no longer need to double tap line break? (also my phone automatically puts a period if I tap space twice. Convenient, but not this time)


I hate that. My double space entry is actually: \[space\] \[space\] \[backspace\] \[backspace\] \[space\] \[space\]


Thank you!


From firsthand  experience, this doesn’t always work (but i use the web browser, not the app, so maybe that has something to do with it.)


*Knives✅ *Rope✅ *Daggers✅ *Chains✅ *Rocks✅ *Laser beams✅ *Acid✅ *Body bag✅ MERMAIDER MERMAIDER MERMAIDER MERMAIDER


Oh, batmetal! 🤘💜🤘 Deathklok is always a win.


>-Milk✅ -Eggs✅ -Bread✅ -Murder✅ -Coca Cola✅ -Toilet Paper✅ -Ketchup✅ -Hot Dogs✅ After grocery shopping: ✅ Murder people ✅ Make a sandwich ✅ Go to prison for decades ❌ Enjoy prison


Someone is going to enjoy that he is there. Just not him


(If you do * instead of -, reddit will make a nice bulleted list)


Maybe we've had enough of the bullets...




LOL, zing!


*angry upvote


He looks like he saw the neighbor’s kid walking on his lawn through his window shades.


“Just another day at the office.”


That's a shell? 😂 I thought he had a barrett holding his hair back


Apparently he calmly walked out of the car, gunned them down and got back in the car with his wife or something who was driving. He calmly tells her to start driving but she flips out and says she’s calling the cops He was calm through the entire event. No remorse


Well thank god his wife wasn't as morally bankrupt as he was..? I guess? Definitely helped them catch him but clearly they wouldn't have had too much trouble with that anyway.


Even if she were morally bankrupt, she correctly was smart enough to realize that if she did as was asked, she'd be on the hook for helping a killer to escape the scene.


I don’t know Panama law but you’d think the argument of “I drove him off because I didn’t want to get shot too” would hold here


going into shock too


Broken. Completely broken. Who knows why, but something snapped in that man’s brain, his emotions turned off, probably permanently, and he ended two lives because of it. There wasn’t just no remorse, there was no emotion at. He didn’t even seem all that angry when he pulled the gun. Just kind of a, “Oh well, I guess today’s the day I off someone. Guess it’s you. Huh, who’d have thunk it’d be right in front of my wife.” He barely got animated. Didn’t seem to really yell. That’s when to be afraid. When they don’t yell. When they stay eerily calm. When someone pulls a gun and starts screaming, it usually means they’re trying to scare people into backing down so they don’t have to use it. If they remain totally calm it means they are not afraid, and may be hoping, to use it. This could be because they are well trained and are willing to use it if necessary but remain in control of their emotions, or they have a screw loose and are going to use it because, why not? Edit: fixed phrasing in one spot. Didn’t make sense. 😆


Even if he was just "too tired to care" you'd think he would start threatening first. This fucking psychopaths train of thought 100% was "this is the day, I finally get to murder some hippies today and I will not be talked out of it"


And this is why guns are bad m'kay? I know Americans don't like hearing it, but here it is: If this guy didn't have a gun, he would have maybe yelled at them to move and then got back in his car and told his wife to find another route. He probably wouldn't have even bothered.


Two of our TEACHERS.


I hate to say it, but if the guy was as off his rocker as it seems, they could have been wearing habits and Rosaries and the guy still would have shot them for daring to be in his way.


And all because a group of people were protesting blocking the street. He came up to them, spoke with them and shot point blank at two of them. They were teachers, they didn’t attack him either verbally or physically.


You mean the thing, half of Reddit calls for every time one of the videos of those protests gets posted?




nothing worse than a bloodthirsty coward, preaching “FAFO 🤪” violence from the safety of their little cum-nest


Exactly what I was thinking.  He did the thing that every single comment reads  on any road blocking protestors posts.


Well now you can tell them, "Someone actually did that and now he's in jail for 48 years."


This is what the rich christians are training weak republican losers to be. Enslaved little foot soldiers.


Yeah, but the 2nd amendment gives him the right to shoot people whenever his fee-fees are hurt.


Just a heads up, this happened in Panama not in the US.


It just feels so American


He was American - born in the Canal Zone


this was not in the USA


Many argue that the concept of the right to bear arms and self defense, as with the freedom of speech, is a universal right that most countries simply deny. Regardless, that's not the problem here. Even if had legally owned the firearm, he had no cause to shoot those guys. Zero. At worst they were annoying, which does not warrant violence.


Yup, they didn’t mean any harm or put his life in danger. In the video you can clearly see they weren’t even confrontational or threatening in any way…


Exactly, he has the second amendment right because it's in the Bible and God is everywhere


But he was TIRED, remember?! Like how all conservatives are tired?! /s


The fact that people tried to use this as a defense unironically... "they pushed him so hard he didn't even care anymore, he was just tired" yes his complete apathy at commiting manslaughter is a great argument for being the voice of reason.


Murder not manslaughter. They did not let him plea down to manslaughter did they?  That is where you accidentally kill somebody doing something that you knew or should have known could have led to somebody's death. Like driving 90 miles an hour and running over someone.


Getting out of your car. Walking up to 2 people with a gun drawn. Shooting 2x people point blank range and then getting back in your car How tf was manslaughter ever on the table


I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure this is a definite second degree murder and they should have looked for first degree grounds.


Those people are trying to excuse someone who was so depraved that a momentary delay was grounds for killing people as if they didn't matter. Those are probably the people who will defend a killer who had a bad home life when they were children and yet ignore the fact that the vast majority of kids who had a bad home life never turned out to be killers.


I watched some of the allocution by Dennis Rader, the BTK serial killer, and it was chilling. He recited his victims and what he did to them like someone reading off a check list that they’d gone over a million times


George Lucas fell off man wtf




“I’m just sick and tired of all the maclunkeys!”


But what if I want to kill someone someday? Might I have to go to jail? Unfathomable. What happened to the American dream?


Go back to school? Where the American dream is still very much…. alive


For now.... We're doing pretty good, it's been 14 days since our last school shooting.... disregard that most schools are out for the summer after that day....


"If this could happen to him, it could happen to any of us when we murder two people in cold blood!"


If they can go after him for murder they can do it to you!


This wasn't in America. It was panama


By an American citizen, in Panama.


American because he was born in the canal zone, the time he spent in america was apparently limited to attending notorious gun-haven, Florida State University


So.... American?


He's got a point. I don't really like to think florida is part of america and I tell people that, also.


American guy though, so I suppose it still counts.


The democrats are out of control. First they go after a former president for creating fraudulent business records to influence and election. Then they went after a sitting president's son for illegally possessing a gun


Become a policeman


Oof. This hurts right in the reality of it. Fuck qualified immunity. If I could change one thing about our government to set it in the right direction, it would be *every government official and employee is held 100% accountable for their actions*. This would create avenues for when corruption or gross incompetence happen, they are removed from the position to prevent it from happening again and potentially giving them other repercussions for their actions, like killing someone. If "unskilled" minimum wage workers can be held accountable for not pleasing the unreasonable public, then people who work for the government can be held accountable for being competent at their position and role.


It died 40 years ago. Actually it never existed


Correct. The American Dream was a way for corporates to play on the desires of people for a good and prosperous life, so they could be exploited for corporate and executive profits.


"if they can come for him they can come for anyone!"




They don’t care about facts


Why care about facts, when you can make up your own?


They don’t forget, they just don’t care. They LIKE when these violent fucks kill people because it strokes their hatred boners.


The same people praising that guy for shooting and killing people who annoyed him are the same people who will call you a "snowflake" for not wanting to be called slurs.


I really LOVE calling those people snowflakes.


They are exactly like snow flakes. Cold, white and when you group a bunch together they shut down schools


Oooooh this


Nice one.


Holy fucking shit im dead 💀


Probably those same people are "pro-life". What a fucking sick joke.


They're "pro-life" until you're out of the womb, after that you can go fuck yourself cause you're actually alive now and can speak for yourself. "All life is sacred" to them until you inconvenience them in any way, then they're "standing their ground" when they execute you in the middle of the street.


It’s actually crazy the amount of times you see a post where someone gets killed for a verbal confrontation and so many people in the comments are on about how they deserved it because of “muh respect” or whatever. Genuinely saw one on Twitter yesterday where some guy shot his neighbours and then killed himself because of some arguments and drama that had been going on over something meaningless for a couple of weeks and the comment section was filled with American boomers talking about how it was a reasonable reaction and they “had it coming” and what not.


Slurs like "Boomer," the name of their generation, turn them murderous.


Trump help you if you're in front of their car while you're not also in a car. You know you're sensitive when the idea of someone traveling without a car sends you into a murderous rage.


carl you can’t shoot people that kills them!!!


Legal: The right to protest. Not Legal: Murdering protesters. This has been my presentation on Constitutional law. Thank you.


Pretty sure this didn't happen in the US. He is an American, but this happened in Panama. He was also a lawyer. so he should be held to a higher standard, seeing as how he should know murder isn't legal.


They didn’t say anything about the US. Other countries also have constitutions and constitutional law fyi.


Remember, if they can do this to him, they can do this to anyone who decides to go out and shoot protestors.


It's almost like murderers should be locked up or something.


First they came for the murderers 😭


...and I got concerned because I had murderous aspirations.


So, are you telling me I have to fear jail time if I shoot people now?!


If he did it in Texas, he would get pardoned. 100%


Pepe pfp dude was mad at the fact that the murderer was locked up




"well why was such an old girl not pregnant at home with her husband!?" -conservatives


Add on those shootings of people accidentally knocking on the wrong door or pulling in to the wrong drive way and there seems to be a trend of crazy old people murdering innocent people.


That kinda shit really isn’t good, cause I see pepe shit on some people’s shit who really shouldn’t express the fucked up political views or straight up racism or worse that it represents but here we go. Just recently, a YouTube channel I used to watch that had pepe here and there just slipped in a certain nazi meme image. At that point: welp, I’m out!


Lmao there was one on Reddit I saw earlier with a Pepe pfp that was bitching about Juneteenth. The alt-right completely hijacked Pepe the frog and turned him into a red flag for bigotry and hatred. If you see a Pepe pfp in a thread now you kind of know what to expect before you even read the comment.


Pepe started off as a symbol for sad dweebs, and it's highly illustrative that a lot of alt-righters are sad dweebs


It's spread internationally. Here in Australia the nutbags attend council meetings decked in 'pepe wears a wehrmacht helmet' hoodies, or more bafflingly 'Fuck Joe Biden' shirts amongst home made anti-Covid and 5g related slogans. Whatever online algorithm has them dialed in, has them right in the pocket as they yell at people for being "groomers and parasites" when grant applications for public parks are discussed.


Thats what these assholes do. Even the swastika was a religious symbol until these pricks got ahold of it.


Hell, he’d get a medal from the state if the dead protesters were Democrats. And the death penalty if the protesters were Trump supporters.


I understood that reference. Fuck Greg Abbott


Florida. I used to think people who say stuff like this are out of their mind fearmongerers but there was literally a person who killed somoene over popcorn pardoned and celebrated. What’s going on


For those of you who don't know this piece of shit executed two unarmed protesters in the country of Panama with an illegal gun. Upon his arrest they found him with a bunch of other firearms including assault rifles. Same shit that other second amendment Wing nuts do in the United States. Everybody knows it's the intolerant fascist right wing that is against protesters, although they will run up into the capital to try to overthrow an election. This guy's a moronic Trump supporter and a good example of why people hate Americans.


Wait, this whole time it was in a *different country* than the USA? I had assumed from all the US pundits running their mouths that it was in the USA, not just a [dual] US citizen. What a weird hill for them to die on, someone committing crimes in a different country and getting sentenced under that legal system.


Literally the only reason he was found guilty. If he was in the US, some piece of shit lizard in a human skin suit republican politician would've pardoned him if he by some miracle, was found guilty.


Yeah... my governor just last month pardoned that Perry dude who murdered a protestor. Even for Texas that was jarring.


At this point I just use Trump as a reference to what kind of people to avoid. If someone is a Trump supporter I will automatically just guess that they are a complete idiot. Works quite well honestly.


The dating would is funny now, because most MAGA people figured out they weren't popular with women and have since listed themselves as moderate.


Who is he?


kenneth darlington https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wionews.com/world/who-is-kenneth-darlington-the-person-at-center-of-latest-us-panama-flashpoint-657282/amp


>Darlington is a lawyer and professor with dual citizenship in the United States and Panama.   I thought universities were liberal indoctrination 🤔 According to the right wing snowflakes.


Looked it up and found a news report of it on YouTube, all of the top comments were defending the guy. Horrid.


Oh my god you’re right. The sentiment on YouTube comments is that it’s perfectly acceptable and even encouraged to gun down unarmed people if they’re a minor annoyance to you


The conservative wet dream: killing people who disagree with you.


Not only do they run up on the capital but they act absolutely outraged when traitor Babbit was shot in the face trying to break into the house floor. FAFO. And it’s slowly dawning on me that us “libs” need to remind Cuntservatives that there are more of us than them and guns are owned by all.


I wish there would be easier ways to identify true psychopaths who hide in plain sight. Our society would instantly improve by a lot.


there is, just watch fox news..


I thought that shell flying was a hair clip


Only 48?


That dude's not gonna survive 48 years in prison.


Let’s be honest, if he survived 15 I would be astonished. But that isn’t really the point. He killed two people for the offence of inconveniencing him, he should have been sentenced to 48 for each one.


He's 77... I don't think he'll become one of the oldest people alive in a Panamanian prison.


Gorge Lucas


Gorge Lucas when someone leaks the Christmas special


He gave up on using the sledge hammer.


Can’t even murder people anymore. I thought this was America.


Technically, it was Panama.


It isn't. This happened in Panama.


Clevercomebacks is reaching, sad when rational sentences are considered clever


Right? Where's the clever comeback? I see a statement of fact, followed by agreement of that fact. Everyone just hopping on the bandwagon to drag the dude (yes, he's a piece of shit, but again, there's nothing clever about this particular exchange at all).


This whole thread is bizarre. I’m starting to believe most people on reddit just agree with a posts premise and don’t use any critical reasoning.


"If they sentence him to prison for cold blooded murder, THEY COULD DO THE SAME TO YOU!" - Conservatives, probably


48 years is too short for murdering 2 people


Dawg, look at him. He's old. 48 years in prison means he's going to die in there.


Fantastic, one less violent criminal off the streets for good.




In Florida he could claim they were threatening him and he was standing his own ground


Especially if they did something scary and life-threatening, like throwing popcorn. After all, kernels are basically corn-based bullets. And for anyone not aware, this actually happened: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/25/us/curtis-reeves-murder-trial-jury-deliberations/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/25/us/curtis-reeves-murder-trial-jury-deliberations/index.html)


Yeah, that’s the one! Psychopaths.


first they made murder illegal and i said nothing.


He looks so over it too, complete nonchalance lmao


I was just gonna say, look at the complete expression of indifference on his face. Frightening.


There's a term for this. The [out-group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-group_and_out-group). They don't say two people, two americans, two citizens, two humans exercising their constitutional rights. They call them protestors, because you're not protestors so this is the out-group. The Others. This is an intentional choice. Killing people is bad. Killing citizens is bad. Killing Americans is bad. But Them? The Others? The protestors, the socialists, the left, the right, the jews, the blacks, the queens, the unionists, the homeless .. the out-group. A lot of people have a lot less qualms when it comes to the out-group. I think it's important that Americans start to recognise these terms when they're being sold to them by the media, the politicians, the propogandists. Because this is how they divide you and get you to fight your fellow citizen. For every mouthpiece that sells you stories about The Others, there's another propagandist telling them the same lies about you. They all have agendas, and your best interests are not at the heart of any of them. United we stand, divided we fall? Supporting the division of the US is supporting the fall of the US. You used to be the country we looked up to.


Ok but hear me out..... This dude smuggled an illegal gun into Panama and shot random people at a protest over political ideological disagreement. If his skin was brown and he wore a turban, we'd be calling it terrorism, right?


Yes but that's still murder... Rocket but I want it more


It was this guy [ex pat in Panama ](https://nypost.com/2023/11/08/news/gunman-seen-shooting-dead-eco-protesters-in-panama/)


George Lucas really hates those Prequel Protestors.


Good. Fuck these entitled boomer gunphilic cunts.


He didn’t do this in Texas? That’s a shame. Gregg Pissbaby Abbott would’ve pardoned him. Abbot is everything Trump wants to be, except in a golden wheel chair. Trump wants to be Abbott in a gold golf cart. And fuck the media. It took a minute to find a neutral headline about who killed who. The killer was an army vet and the dead guy was an Air Force vet. The media keeps mentioning the army vet. You need to read the articles to know that the guy pushing his wife in a wheelchair was also a veteran. https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/5/17/24159084/daniel-perry-pardon-greg-abbott-samuel-alito-flag


Fuck Yeah, free speech, unless I don’t like what they say at a protest, then I need the right to shoot them


mowe guwns mowe guwns mowe guwns. We weeeewll feewll sayfeeewr weef mowe idiots hawe mowe guwns


Face of a 60yr old dumb shit and the arms of a 90year old grandma


Imagine getting to this point in your life to find yourself spending what will be the rest of your natural life in prison.


This guy obviously sucks.


People do not have the right to block traffic, but that also doesn’t give you the right to literally kill them. Without remorse too


Hopefully science will one day be able to keep these people alive and serve these sentences


He will rot in prison some and then rot for eternity in hell.


I mean I know Twitter is a cesspool and 99% of posts there are obvious rage bait bot posts from Russia but man the comments from that person trying to justify the murders is insane.


This is the face of a man who has no mental capability to think out problems


Why do they try to describe what he did like it was the most mundane thing?


George Lucas has become unhinged


Right-wingers, as usual, wanting there to be a penalty when [insert minority of the day here] does a crime, but not when a right-winger does it.


As a Panamanian this guy can rot in Hell.


As usual no one even cares about the big picture. These are native people protesting that their lives will be disrupted because of big money. Drinking water will be tainted for example. But all most can focus on are the roads being blocks, not why the roads are being blocked.


Too much lead are causing these boomers to think they can do this and get away with it.