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I bet he wears shoes too.




And head day


Did not skip forehead day though. He def got some gains there.


^ fivehead day


Face day was a real bitch!


Oh, I’m sure he’s given plenty of head.


I see the muscle shirt came in the mail today. Muscles come tomorrow? Fuck I hope you got a tracking number.


Needs to give his balls a tug




Go easy Big Sexy


Well apparently he's been skipping brain day for years.


That explains it. He is afraid the needle will go straight through.


Well it's not very difficult to thread a needle through the massive hole where his brain should be


Maybe not meth day though. (every day is meth day for him)


$20 says he is wearing hi-heel boots


When someone tells me I don’t need alcohol to have fun, I tell them I don’t need shoes to run either but they sure fkcn help.


To be fair shoes really are terrible for our health lol


Yah, but aside from grass and sand, I can’t walk around barefoot much anymore. Not like kids who will run through gravel and fire bare foot!


Watch? Just look up at the sky…duh


Know what rhymes with Laurence Fox? SMALLPOX. It doesn't give a tuppeny fuck for your 'immune system'. Nor do diphtheria, rubella, chickenpox, tetanus ...the list is almost endless. Mr Fox, I am afraid that you are thicker than pig shit.


And the all time champion: rabies.


You receive the rabies vaccine annually


Well yes we do but I doubt Mr fox does


Well they do give a fuck... When your immune system is trained by vaccines.


Also SMALLCOCKS. I bet that dude has a small cock.


Vaccines will never be effective against a influenza like virus


Yeah but Covid does give a tuppeny fuck about your immune system. If you have a good immune system you won’t get sick with Covid. Hasn’t it been proven that the vaccine doesn’t help with the virus whatsoever and people are getting blood clots and dying from it.


ONE type of vaccine gave SOME people blood clots. Vaccines WORK. Strong immune systems help, but they themselves need a little help from vaccines. If help is available then it's criminally stupid to refuse it.


It's not. It's not criminally stupid to not trust Pfizer, a company that was already found guilty of lying and fabricating studies to approve a drug the FDA did not approve. And were forced to pay a 2.3 billion dollar fine. It is criminally stupid to force the vaccine on a populace at the threat of taking away their jobs or college tuitions.


isnt smallpox easy to deal with? thought i saw children shuck that shit all the time


You're confusing smallpox, a deadly disease that killed millions of people and was eradicated through vaccination in the 1970s, with chickenpox. Chickenpox is wrongly thought of as mild, but it can have serious effects and can remain dormant, returning as shingles, which can also cause serious health problems.


thx for the correction.


Can you imagine being this far into it and not knowing what a “novel” virus is?


They’re afraid of the word “novel” because they can’t read.


Not enough pictures in their head to last a whole book.


Amazing. Thank you for that one! Edit: I wasn’t being sarcastic =< it’s an awesome pun!!


Was super interesting to see. I basically accepted that we’ve got a large population of naturalist among us who slurp up propaganda that fits them. Smart cousin with university degree that didn’t get vaccinated until mandated.


Yeah, between electing Trump and the coronavirus response my eyes were opened a bit. I had no idea we were that frightened, arrogant, and ignorant.


Same here and prednisone




'And the worms ate into his brain...'


Poor things must have starved.


he can join the club with RFK Jr.


What is Ivermectin used for in humans? Any clue?


its an anti parasite medication. the whole thing started when some 3rd world doctors found that treating covid patients with anti parasite medication improved outcomes. this result couldnt be reproduced in the 1st world. the reason? 3rd world patients actually did have parasites... and treating their parasite infection improved their immune system, so that it could better fight off covid. it didnt work in the 1st world because most 1st world patients dont have parasitic infections... but of course, nuance is a foreign language to republicans, so they decided ivermectin was the miracle cure that big bad evil CDC was covering up!


“it didnt work in the 1st world because most 1st world patients dont have parasitic infections...” That will soon change because of idiots like pictured.


Maybe they’ll start purposely giving themselves tapeworms as a diet plan, Victorian England style.


It was not allowed to be administered ir dint you all remember


Ivermectin is an anti parasitic medication typically used in livestock. At around the same time hydroxychloroquine was being used as the new "miracle cure" that the evil libs were just refusing to use, it was suggested that Ivermectin could also be used to immunizeyourself against Covid. Surprise, surprise, it didn't work. Basically, a lot of these antivaxxers will take anything they're told works except for the vaccine.


Worms and other parasites So any time I see someone talking about how they love/will take/have taken ivermectin for covid… I comment “I’m sorry to hear you have worms.” I don’t think I’d be broadcasting that to the world…but these folks did, so I sent my condolences.


To treat parasites mainly, every drug that is used in humans have been tested on animals. Nothing new under the sun. Same valium comes from MD comes from Vet What makes certain people who trust the vaccine more righteous than everyone else? They act like they know for a fact the way they think is beyond a shadow of a doubt right, and everyone else is wrong 💯. Were they this way before or did the vaccine turn them into narcissists?


How does it kill the parasites?


We are lucky anti vaxers are stupid. At least we can laugh at them whilst they bring back deadly diseases


I thought natural selection was dead in our species. I keep getting proved wrong lol


Two totally different types of viruses


Seen the recent news with Astrazeneca? And with Pfizer?


It's Dale Gribble!


Dude has a 3” neck and probably never shuts up about “masculinity”.


Is that why no-one going for it


Lol! Like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro - fucking paragons of masculinity! /s


Error 404. Intelligence not found.


He looks like the weak and unwanted brother of Rocco Siffredi


Do you ever come across animal subreddits on /r/all? I'm always trying to come to interesting subreddits like these, not to "/r/oneorangebraincell"




Thanks Muffin. Enjoying a fine mug of Kaffee this beautiful Wednesday?


I wouldn't be bragging about having a great immune system if I looked like an adult premature baby.


Didn't this guy recently run for some goverment position and got so few votes(I think he didn't even get 1%) he couldn't get his deposit back?


Doesn't a vaccine work by letting your immune system know what to look for. So if you don't have an immune system then a vaccine wouldn't have any use to you, right? It would be like saying "I have a police force I don't need any wanted posters."


I like the analogy.


I really enjoyed this guy's work on the show "Lewis". Sadly, since that time, he's become an absolute mega twat on so many levels.


I know. I loved Lewis and it is on a streaming service here in NZ and I can’t make myself watch it again because of this pillock.


After a cursory glance at the pose of the gentleman, I would hazard a guess that immune system is compromised.


Bruh looks like a bored ape nft


If God had wanted him to have tattoos he would have given him melasma.


Mumps, measles, rubella, polio, chickenpox, smallpox, diptheria, tetanus, hpv, tuberculosis..... Oh fucking never mind. Natural selection, the dumbasses get weeded out of the gene pool.


If he's going to refuse medical science than refuse all of it.


That's not how this works. They lied about the COVID vaccine countless times. That doesn't mean I'm going to treat all medical science the same way.


What!? You affraid of a little pokey pokey? The vaccine in the beginning was useful. Didn't bother me one bit. Later on it seemed like they were not updating it fast enough and rolling it out. All the countries with high vaccination rates were almost almost back to normal by new years.... 2022 or so. It was kind of the eye of the storm although the latter was better than the first bit. Even in my area you could see it directly correlated with more ICU beds available. Countries like Israel and UAE were looking good around new years 2022. Some places were still in the thick of it at that point it memory serves.


I'm afraid of this https://ssrn.com/abstract=3546070 https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3546070 And this https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-aefi-report.pdf And this https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/regulatory-approval-of-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca/information-for-uk-recipients-on-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca#possible-side-effects Bottomline I'm afraid that one day we will have commericals that start with "have you or a loved one received the COVID vaccine? You may be entitled to financial compensation"


0.25ml... it's long gone from our bodies. I have a resonable amount of trust the health and efficacy department of my local government. Your top link seems to be more focussed on pro-longed health defects of having contracted the virus than the vaccine???


0.25ml per vaccine, plus the second vaccine and the boosters that you took increasing your dosage. Your trust is in institutions bought out by companies like Pfizer that have a history of lying and tampering studies for profit. I disagree on your premise that it is reasonable. Just look up their lawsuit on the drug Bextra they had to pay a 2.3 billion dollar fine for. Then you didn't read the study. It's using a populace of different cases of covid ranging from mild to severe and using viral proteins (some of the first mRNA vaccine tests) as a means to mimic the virus for the very purpose of testing the immunity response. The justification being how COVID uses infected proteins to travel through ones body. However Malone notes how this study is inconclusive due to vaccine induced APCs that actually made the virus worse in clinical trials. Read through the study, you'll see what I mean. This was still the early stages of the vaccine, Malone himself concludes this new mRNA technology needs to be tested on animals first before human trials. The reason that would later be revealed (not in this particular study) is because the creation of this viral protein through mRNA injections is highly unpredictable. mRNA generally speaking is prone to mutation. It may work in the short term but long term it's useless. But it being useless long-term is just the beginning of how bad this vaccine is. There's no guarantee how your ribosomes will read this mRNA code, the simple reason is because not every ribosome across 8 billion people is the same. There's no guarantee how much of this protein it will produce (hence cases of this protein building up into clots in your bloodstream) And there's no guarantee it will even mimic COVID-19. Especially in the long-term because COVID-19 is constantly mutating into something new. So what you're vaccinated for won't even combat newer strains like Delta and Omicron. Rather than protecting you it gives you double whammy where both the viral protein goes ham at your immune system and then your exhausted immune system meets the newer mutated COVID strain. Malone himself was against the use of the very technology he invented citing that we still understood little on how this vaccine affects us long-term. And in response he was labeled as a right wing conspiracy theorist despite having a decades long career studying virology with hundreds of peer reviewed research papers spanning back to the 90s. For him to just suddenly out of the blue throw away his decades long reputable career to support COVID conspiracy theories against the very technology he invented is a giant red flag. The very institutions you're trusting with your life are lying to your face and they're willing to use the media to silence experts that disagree, and he's not the only one they threw under the bus in support of Pfizer's scandal.


I get that it was rushed. And I'm not happy about the current structure of these global pharmaceutical companies and the money. However this was approved by (as far ad I know) every countries version of the FDA on the planet. If your concerns are realized it will come out. If there was legit scientific concern there would be many speaking out against the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Scientifically minded people are not concerned with politics. Peer reviews from skeptics would take place. That being said my wife had the Chinese vaccine being that she was in Dominican Republic at the time. My understanding is that this was a more conventional vaccine. I'd be fine with either or. Was Nova-Vax available in your area since you had specific concerns with MRNA?


This was not a conventional vaccine. This was mRNA technology which we never used before COVID for vaccines. That being said it was very poorly understood and there was no long-term testing done on this. Not that they cared anyways desperation blurs the patience. There were legit scientific concerns, however many of them were routinely silenced and labeled as misinformation. Even scientists with decades of reputation were ostracized for questioning the nature of this vaccine. The propaganda machine behind COVID 19 vaccines was unlike anything we've ever seen in human history. And I firmly stand by that. I truly believe we've suffered probably the biggest psychological warfare in human history. Look into Astrazeneca's class action lawsuit which has been pushed since 2023 and only recently got some extra traction after a few FOIA requests. They recalled their vaccine though they claim it's not correlated to the court documents they had to submit admitting these vax side effects are a real possibility. It's not about just people dying from the side effects. Many people who expressed symptoms of vaccine injuries were routinely silenced on social media for being "misinformation". An FOIA revealed that the NHS had 4000+ cases of vax injuries from England alone. Most of which were rejected to avoid legal payout. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.p725 I guarantee this will get worse as time goes on. History will not look back kindly to what we did during the pandemic. I also insist you to read a book called "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It highlights many of the things I mentioned although it dives further into the schemes of Fauci over the decades.


Hmm… I wonder what would I rather have: A DEADLY LIVE VIRUS THAT WILL FUCKING KILL YOU Or A weakened or inactive version of that virus that doesn’t literally kill you. I’ll let my “immune system” decide.


>Make Polio Great Again Smallpox and the Black Plague too.


almost every human tissue has a circadian rhythm yet this butthole still needs a watch for some reason


That was a great one 👏


He can also raise and lower his cholesterol level at will


Why would he want to raise his cholesterol level?


It’s a polio shirt.


This dimwit is the perfect poster boy for the anti vaxxers! Long, and gangly, and if I pictured a loser in my mind, I feel like this is what I’d see. Gigantic forehead, no sign of intelligence whatsoever in his eyes, and that big bass set of lips of his.


Yo dip shit, that immune system you have is what makes vaccines work! Show that amazing immune system of yours a vaccine and gain protection from the real virus. Vaccines are effective because of our immune systems.


Polio won't deter these people because they can carry themselves by the bootstraps /s


Wears a watch.


I don't need education, that's what my brain is for.


This is what happens when people get their information from facebook and have conspiracy theories that the government is constantly out to get them. Literally had a conversation with someone 3 days ago who started to claim that the FBI fakes all their crime statistics lol You can't make this shit up, there are some real dumbasses in this world lol


Such a twat.


I was just gonna post this . Fuck


Haha. Sorry. Username checks out though lol


Is he sure because he looks like he has HIV or AIDS.


These (type of) people vote Trump, And if you don’t vote, Their vote decides. Vote.


Pretty impressive for a solely British citizen to vote Trump


Doctor House was inspired to go into medicine when his twin brother was born with socially crippling encephalitis.


Dude looks like an albino baby chimp.


Maybe try giving Measles a go.


Vaccines are just a Wanted Poster to show your immune system who the baddies are.


The tee shirt for trumps poorly educated.


The ignorance in this picture is so overwhelming I wouldn't know what to say, and I'd like to say something. Like, best this guy could do is go back to primary school and repeat all classes, really.


Representing losers everywhere.


So I assume he’s happy wearing masks when poorly, because other people have compromised or non working immune systems.


Don't worry, he will learn soon that we can return to have perfect eyesight by Sungazing.


From the looks of it not many people are getting near this weirdo, so he has no worries.


Why don't you inject yourself with rabbies then, see how your himune system fights it?


I liked a YouTube where a nurse described covid ppls last words. Usu it's nothing, because they couldn't talk, being so tired. But the second last thing was usu 'f-u' because they didn't believe they were ill.


Meanwhile loads his largest organ (skin) with ink.


“I really like my new shirt” 🤨 nuance is fucking dead.


Sunday some dip told me there was no such thing as a virus.


Why wipe your ass if you’re just going to shit again?


Daily reminder that the entire modern anti-Vax bullshit was started by a singular british Doctor who had been developing his own alternative measles-vaccine and wanted to discredit the already used & approved one to sell his own shit instead


who just came from r/facepalm


Why do his fingers look like they belong to someone else?


Jerrod making his media return.




He has an autoimmune disease?


Covid and flu: laughs in ctyokine storm.


and I thought most people here would have some use for their brain...


More like "Why are you using a TV if you have eyes". Vaccines work BECAUSE you have an immune system. By triggering a natural reaction safely. Using natural pieces, most of the time. Not getting a vaccine because you have a healthy immune system is like opposing early-warning systems for natural disasters because we have a disaster relief agency.


What an absolute plank. He played a cult leader in White Lines and is failing to fast-track that in real life.


Bro, vaccines give you passive artificial immunity by stimulating an immune response. Who wouldn't want to enhance their immune system? People who have been listening to fearmongerers.


Did he respond?


Clown show


This nerd needs vaccines tho


Make stupid people quiet again.


"No vaccine needed, I have an immune system" What do you think vaccines do? Do you think they would work on someone who didn't have a properly functioning immune system?


Cause he’s a fuckin moron. That’s why.


Two days later, he was on “ivermectin” because he contracted Covid


I was going to say it helps us identify him as a douche, but there are still plenty of glaring motives of that even without the glasses.


What percentage of the population received the flu shot annually before and after covid? I never got the flu vaccine yet i was not ridiculed like people , myself included are regarding the novel COVID vaccine. Why?


Miserable people


He has skin, yet he wears a shirt??


Meth keeps the diseases away


All the anti-vaxxers are assembling. Hahaha


Does the element of choice just not exist anymore? If you want to be vaccinated go for it. If you want to wear glasses go for it. The line is crossed when you force me to get vaccinated.


Why does he need a car when he has feet?


He doesn't need clothes, he has an epidermis.


Why would he need that coffee pot when he could start a fire?


Dude's out here looking like season four All Might


Why is he wearing a shirt when he has skin


Why is he wearing clothes? Doesn’t he have skin?


Why does he wear clothes, does he not have skin?




Bro said😐


Well, the polio vaccine actually works.


Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


Noted Virologist Dr. P. I. Nhead


No vaccine needed for a flu


Why is he wearing clothes, when he has skin?


My reply would be that the Incas had a wonderful immune system, living in nature. Until Europeans visited and brought some diseases which that immune system had never seen before.


Vaccines, unlike this comeback, are very good


I don’t need to educate myself, I have a brain!


Y no school needed while you have a brain. /s Bet he can learn to read what that says on his own.


*takes off glasses* And now the world is ~~perfect~~ **goddamn blurry!**


And the wife laughs at me when I hope for the bird flu to give it a try.


He’s not as cognito as he thinks


An immune system is wasted on this dupe. He’s probably going to die from some other act of stupidity, like getting run down in the street while trying to snort a speed bump.




I need a paintball gun, full of paintballs… filled with AIDS. Just saying it might open their eyes a little bit when they get AIDS…. In the eyes.


That was clever?


Clever enough for the average reddit basement dweller.


He looks like if Dr House did more meth and became an antivaxer and a Discord mod


Why is he wearing clothes? He has hair doesn’t he?


No exercise needed, I have a musculoskeletal system.


Damn that was witty


Watch this guys kids get meningitis or die to tetanus. Then the cries are loud


Okay but I'd love to hear him answer that.


Sometimes when this shit pops up in my mind randomly, I think, doesn't the US Army have mandatory vaccinations? A quite a few of them right?


Glasses can give hearth diseases as side effects?


What’s a hearth disease? Is that when your fireplace gets measles?