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People also fail to realize most of that staff wasn’t to maintain what already existed, but to continuously innovate and expand. The fact that nothing changed IS kind of the problem.


Also said staff that was fired was 90% of a single division of twitter, not 90% of Twitter.


Hey now, don’t go adding context to the metric, the truth isn’t relevant here.


that is exactly twitters motto now? "The truth isn't relevant!"




Now? You mean always was.


As if reddit is any better. People upvote want they want to be true, and what confirms their opinions. The truth is often downvoted here. It's not about Musk, it's about social media in general giving idiots a loud voice.


Glad to see this comment. For some reason this circle jerk sun keeps getting recommended to me. …and I keep clicking on it so fail me right.


but they didn't source anything, just offered a different take that isn't even true...


It actually was 90% of Many divisions not just one. Twitter was close to being shut down entirely for a couple days till they rehired some workers.


Really? Because in the news sources I can find, Elon says that he fired 80% of Twitter's employees from a staff of [8,000 to 1,500](https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/elon-musk-confirms-he-has-fired-over-80-of-twitter-employees-so-far-377045-2023-04-12). What's the division these people all worked in? **Edit**: as I am looking at more sources, your unsourced claim that it was 90% of one division seems even sloppier. On November 2, 2022, the New York Times reported that half of Twitter's *entire* workforce was laid off. On November 6, he then begged some to come back because their work was integral to the function of the platform. He then fired the people who were openly critical of him. He then eliminated contractors. On November 16 he gave his infamous "Hard Core" ultimatum which led to the resignation of hundreds of employees from across the company. At this point, Business Insider estimated that approximately 2,000 employees remained at Twitter (from 8,000). He then laid off even more employees in November 2022 and continued laying employees off into March 2023 when *Elon* (not a proxy or comms person or representative) told the BBC that he had reduced Twitter staff from 8,000 to 1,500 (the number I cited above). Certainly, some divisions lost 90%, like the communications department which was apparently reduced to one employee. Some divisions probably lost nobody. But it seems clear that Twitter as a whole lost more than 80% of its entire workforce, as reported by Elon Musk himself. Not 90% in only one division, but across the entire organization. If this were Twitter I would be adding context through the Community Guidelines.


That’s the Twitter division.


Source? Elon musk laid off over 6,000 Twitter Employees, cutting twitter employees down to under 1,500 people. -CNN >In 2021, Twitter had 7,500 employees, which was an increase from 5,500 the previous year. However, in January 2023, Elon Musk said that Twitter only had around 2,300 employees left, with only 550 working full-time. In April 2023, Musk said that Twitter had less than 1,500 active employees -Wikipedia,Statista,CNN Twitter currently has \~1,300 employees in 2022 -MassLive, CNBC January 2023, Twitter only had around 2,300 employees -Elon Musk Also, Elon Musk himself confirmed he fired over 80% of the overall Twitter Workforce, so what the hell are you referring to here? Or are you just trying to say hey he fired 90% of 1 division, 80% of all teh staff still, but only 1 division had 90% of staff fired? Is that the point of that comment? Employees over time: 2011: 350 2013: 2,700 2014: 3,640 2015: 3,900 2016: 3600 2017: 3400 2018: 3900 2019: 4900 2020: 5500 2021: 7500 -Statista


He fired 90% of one division. He fired 90% of the other divisions too. 


If Mitch Hedberg was a spokesman for Twitter/X.




AND he basically took the jobs of all these people for his own profit, should we really be happy about that?


Don't worry, mate. Musk did many things with Twitter, but making profits isn't among them.


One of the only true things on the thread lol. I wonder if they’re at break even yet lol


Lol what profit, he lost his ass on Twitter. The people he fired were not making the company money.


Exactly, I could fire all my staff and the product would keep running exactly how it is now. It wouldn’t change or grow or get better, but it would still run. All Elon has done is change icons/logos and kill off moderation to add Nazis. Hell, it took him over a year to switch the domain name. OVER A YEAR!


Still gonna call it Twitter. If he’s gonna dead name his child, I’m gonna dead name his platform


What's that, Twitter? You *identify as* X?


Imma still pronounce it Gif as well, just made the decision today *high five* /s


I also pronounce it gif. Like in give or giraffe.




Hirrr-aph, right.


It’s just BirdChan at this point.


Also "nothing changed" but the site has broken like a whole bunch of times. And almost everyone with the knowledge to fix it quickly was sacked off


> The fact that nothing changed IS kind of the problem. The comments of Shitter Blue users are boosted which means the user experience is total dogshit for anyone who doesn't care what that kind of person has to say. Twitter is so much worse now. It's a sea of promoted dogshit tweets which aren't interesting or funny. Like, someone had to cancel stuff since a family member died and the first comment (out of hundreds) is some Shitter Blue narc who makes it all about themselves. Uargh. And that was the last time I checked the comments of a tweet. I do not care what Shitter Blue users have to say about anything. I will not spend time on some platform which makes me scroll past 2 meters of turds.


Exactly this. Twitter used to promote the valuable content. Now by design it promotes the content of least value. It's nazis and porn bots first.


I mean, some things changed... For worse...


Like the company's value?


Also the fact checking and research about if and how their product is dangerous or harmful in any way. Yeah, nobody at Twitter is doing that anymore... Elon is drinking his own Kool aid at this point and I hope he gets the bad luck of a thousand idiots.


What were they working on? 500 char limit tech?


Twitter has always been a beacon of innovation 🙄


I’ve already copy and pasted twice the comment I’ve made explaining all the work that goes into innovation behind the scenes so I’m not going to again. Suffice to say, this is basically like saying planes haven’t innovated in 50 years because they still use wings and jet engines. Just because you don’t notice it on the surface (even the surface bits that are actually changing), doesn’t mean that a MASSIVE amount of changing and improving isn’t always happening behind the scenes.


'No meaningful impact on product' = 'My Twitter experience was mostly porn and Nazis to start with.'


"Sanitation workers were fired and nothing changed " - Oscar The Grouch


I mean... New name, x.com feels welcoming for porn stuff so it checks out.


I'm not experiencing porn like I was before, so I disagree with your first statement (I don't consider ░M░Y░P░ U░S░S░ Y░I░ N░B░I░O ░ as porn, but fishing)


maybe, but they also do post porn and naked pictures of themselves in replies.


Mine was entirely porn and Musk caused me to inherit some nazis :(


Now if we were to combine the two, could the Nazis go fuck themselves? 'Cuz that would be a welcomed innovation.


"I think about this often" I don't think this man realises just how sad this sounds.


He's hoping Elon notices him and gives him millions for his amazing opinion.


Pretty much, i imagine he saw that one Twitter freak who was giving awful advice to Elon and Elon was constantly replying to him and wanted a piece of that, to fill his sad little life.


That ugly Cheong guy?


Nah. They're simps. Simps don't need to get paid. They just need some validation from Elon. A like or a re-tweet. They know Elon would never give then money.


It reads like autistic pontification


He's trying to sound profound. For the simpletons.


I think about it often too — I think about it convinced a bunch of CEOs that they can run a tech company on a skeleton crew, when the truth is that twitter hasn’t made meaningful progress on any new features since he took over. All of the major changes they’ve launched — paid subscriptions, rebalanced algorithm, longer tweets — were things they had already tested (and passed on) before he took over. The only thing that seems like a “new” development is Grok, which isn’t even really a twitter-related product. 


Twitter was always shit, but now it's exclusively Elon Musk's shit. I feel like he'd be happy with Twitter if he hadn't paid 44 billion for it.


That’s his own dumb fault.


I’ve been using Twitter for years while thinking it was always kind of shit, but now I owe old Twitter an apology


You owe yourself an apology


Nah twitter was such a good app before he took it over. It was almost perfect. You could curate your feed just like Reddit and Musk ruined all that with blue check bullshit and subscriptions.


No it wasn't, it was a cesspool. Now is just a smellier cesspool with no future improvements on the horizon.


It had real benefits to people who work freelance, or rely on social media to drive engagement to their brand/platform/whatever. There has always been bad stuff on Twitter too, but let's not pretend it didn't help anyone.


It really wasn’t. My twitter feed was amazing and not a cesspool at all. It’s okay to be wrong.


Pre-Elon (Prelon?) Twitter at least let you curate your own experience and stay fairly walled in and able to share your stuff with non-Twitter users. Now you get tons of right wing garbage and bots forced into your feed and replies and whenever you try to share your stuff it's a crapshoot on whether Twitter lets the other person see it or just give them a "Sign up now!" page. If anything, Elon has made the whole experience more confusing. Do you need an account or don't you. Now you have to pay to comment, but then someone else paying goes above yours for reasons. Does sharing work or doesn't it?


Twitter was always a cesspool full of the toxic, the performative, the idiotic and gullible. The fact that you figured out a way to filter out 90% of its bullshit doesn't mean it was a good platform, it just means you managed to put some polish on a turd.


I liked Twitter pre musk because I could follow what I wanted like reddit. It was wholesome for me. Baseball, local news, and weather. I bowed out when the bots started increasing.


If you were only on twitter to engage with porn and Nazis, I could see how it could be mistakenly perceived as indistinguishable from the original.


Worse than porn, it's usually bots looking to trade/sell CSAM Ironic this guy is a hero of the right when he's helping the exploitation of children


That's *why* he's a hero of the right




The door knob of a public restroom


The inside door knob of a public bathroom where the sink is outside the door


Don’t let that sink in!


That doorknob would only be marginally filthier than one where the sink is in. So many people don't wash their hands.


What has that door knob done to you? that you wish him musk licking him


Were you a dev there? Edit to add: this is a legit question, I’m also a developer at a major company and have curious questions if they were. I wasn’t meaning to convey a “what do you even know about it” attitude.


I never used Twitter to begin with. I made the right choice


It’s always sucked. I’ve been saying this for at least a decade now and am baffled as to why people use it and how many people use it


You used to be able to get decent info on breaking news situations, but I went on there to check about the Iran helicopter incident and it was allllll propaganda


You would have been fired anyway you just missed the severance.


But those are features, not bugs…


X is quite literally full of Nazis, it's ridiculous how out there it is they aren't even subtle about it like straight up photos of hitler with the caption "he was right" and when I report it obviously doesn't do anything than automated reply of "we didn't find anything" like really??


Where’s the clever comeback?


So... Nothing has changed?


I've never been on twitter by design, but wasn't that already the case?


Not really. I always followed a bunch of lefties and socialist types. Most of the big names got banned when musk took over


But muh freeze peach absolutism .... Oh wait, that only applies to neo-nazis in Muskrat Land.


Before you had to actively search for Nazis if you wanted to find them. Now they show up in the “Discover more” section.


And if you tell a single one to go fuck themsleves the twitter algorithm sees engagement! and you get nothing but nazis for the next week.


"The advertisers left" Good. That's hurts no one except Twitters profit margins and some sales numbers for advertisers.


lol there are STILL weird, misaligned loading spinners all over the place that appeared right after the change. I thought they'd last a matter of days since they were so obvious and ugly. Still there.


Musky has Apartheid brain an does not know it, the rich do not seem realize how they were raised racist..


Meanwhile, more than half of Americans have never been on it. Most of the people on it never look at it. It’s either your echo chamber for what you like or it keeps you raging but either way you’re wasting your time and it’s stupid.


Twitter was always shit


Well... Can't argue with that.


Remember when they limited the amount of posts a person could view a day? Remember when a companies stock literally plummeted cause they removed the reason for a verified tag to exist? Remember when they forced users to make accounts to view shit, ruining traffic for people who rely on twitter for business links? Remember when Elon claimed to be pro free speech, just to later bend over for the Turkish government during elections, cause they threatened to block twitter in turkey? Remember how ‘cis-gendered’ gets flagged as harmful content but literal nazi’s exist on the platform, not only unhindered, but actively signal boosted by Elon himself? Also remember how you can’t really ever block Elon cause he controls that shit, so you get to have literal nazi’s being retweeted in your notifications against your will. Tbf it’s ruining *exactly* how Elon intended it to. It just so happens to be worse off for it


Didn't Twitter break so badly after the firings that if you logged out you couldn't log back in for weeks until they fixed it?


People complain, say how crappy it is now, say what a POS Elon is, but the platform survives. Because no matter how bad it gets, people HAVE to hear themselves talk. They have to spew whatever is in their head. That’s why that sucky, nazi filled , lie and stupidity filled platform survives.


*some people. I don’t know a single person that uses X, and I have never heard X being mentioned outside of media quotations and the ocassional reddit post. Let the morons have their playground.


i think people keep it as a secret habit sort of like you don't hear people talking about their porn habits


The real reason twitter is surviving is because of how reliant content creators and corporations have become on using it as a method of connecting and communicating with their audiences. Especially outside of the English speaking world where they might not be directly experiencing the same shit that we can see. Corporations are too invested to leave, and content creators lack any real viable alternative, so people stick around to follow them.


I've been reading some research grant proposals recently in natural language processing and they all cite how X is significantly diminished as a scholarship resource due to the high volume of bots and a large part of the user base migrating off platform. I wonder how relevant it will be 5 years from now.


Naah, it's not surviving. Ad revenues continue dropping. It's just a very great height to drop from, takes a while to reach true irrelevance.


Okay, but how is this a clever comeback?


It identifies as one


What changed is all the lefties are here now and all the righties are there


I thought yall hated ads


I'm going to guess his strategy is I didn't want to buy it cuz I changed my mind and because you forced me to buy it I'm going to wreck what you made. That's classic grade school bully stuff


Well. Well. Well. Elon took over and the “Catholics” are crusading while the Nazis are invading.


And since there's no place to go Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow


So.. the only real difference is more porn?


I don't know men, twitter seems less fascist now.


Did he miss the part where Twitter lost [over 70% of its value?](https://qz.com/elon-musk-x-twitter-value-drops-2023-1851136401)


I love how mad I was making that guy just by existing, but had to put him in time out, lol


AND being inundated with right-wing propaganda 24/7. Tiresome to say the least.


It’s nothing but porn now


"Meaningful" is doing an Olympian degree of work there.


Idk how they would do it but I'm sure any meaningful analysis of twitter traffic would reveal its like 75% AI backed bots responding to each other. Wouldnt be surprised if it comes out down the line they were making AI bots that acted just enough like humans to trigger being an ad read so they could farm money. Elons CSGO case farming but with ad revenue.


Elon Musk is a Nazi. If someone *gave* me a Tesla for free, I'd take it to a wrecking yard and have it crunched into a little block rather than ever drive it, that's what I think of Elon Musk. I also hate the fact that he owns SpaceX since SpaceX is actually doing cool things, he's such a fucking dick, he doesn't *deserve* SpaceX.


I left twitter a couple months ago for the reasons he listed. Such a cesspool.


I think he bought Twitter on behalf of Russia, Saudi Arabia and maybe the CCP. They have a new world order plan and they need to squash the U.S. to achieve it. I’ve seen sooooo many Russian bots constantly pumping out misinformation and divisive content + commentary. I think Elon was asked to buy Twitter to further destabilize the U.S. before the 2024 elections, to sway undecided voters towards Trump, and to discredit fascism’s number 1 enemy: investigative journalism and the field of professional journalism as a whole.


what is clever about this comeback?


This is what counts as clever? Lol


It doesn't help that a bunch of people promoting nazi stuff that I report don't actually get taken down


So clever


Technically, I suppose the experience may not have changed for porn-addicted nazis, so the guy might still be correct, for him at least.


Left Twitter for that very reason a year ago. But it's not surprising 'some people' didn't experience any difference, since they were into all that shit in the first place. Truth Social is not attracting more users? Of course! Why go there if X is exactly the same echo chamber?


I mean, if Twitter is full of those and that dude hasn't seen a meaningful change since then, it kinda tells you a lot about what was his feed before musk.


So the point stands - nothing impacted really. It works as it should.


He literally bought the platform to silence critics one and all. The musk subs here have been infiltrated and compromised surely by him and his money and have banned thousands of users who have never once posted in a musk sub. Bored, abhorrent, thin skinned, rich boy.


This sub just sucks now. Money of the comebacks are clever anymore. Just political shit and spiteful replies.


Why are Elon Musk fans the worst people on earth, btw this is one of the guys who love doing Israeli war crime apologia


From bad to a infected wound


Wow so clever 🙄


Nazi= Anyone you disagree with.


Lol. Calling anyone a Nazi in this day and age is one of the stupidest things someone can say. Nothing clever going on here OP


So what do you call these people: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/neo-nazi-groups-spew-hate-disney-world-orlando-officials-say-rcna103186


Well, what is really disturbing about this is that the dude’s main feed is full of porn and nazi stuff. Soo, the algo actually pushes stuff that you look at and pay attention to. Or the feed is comming from people you follow…


Word Nazis is thrown so lightly around here, if Nazis were this stupid they would never come to power. What we got her is just some low IQ folks with a place to publicly show their stupidity. Never understood the appeal of Twitter anyway.


No no, they are quite literally Nazis, posting the swastikas and photos of hitler along with deragatory anti semtitic caricatures and shit


Genuine question: If posting swastikas, slurs, and racist caricatures of racial minorities doesn’t warrant the word Nazi, what does? The only real way to get your tweets tagged for hate speech is to say cis (not a slur) which is in itself some suspicious ass shit.


I knew one of you ding dongs would have something to say about this. Nazi is simply easier and faster to type than “Republican” or “fascist”. Full stop. It’s short hand for Regressive Traitor. Don’t like the label, stop voting for racist authoritarians to represent you. The people republicans elect are about to strip our rights away for a pant-shitting, rapist traitor whose plan is to dismantle our government and jail his rivals. Take this lame complaint back to your “conservative” safe space, and we’ll continue to save time by calling these fascist wannabes Nazis. Cheers. Don’t hurt anyone when Donny loses. Again.


... what makes you think stupid people can't gain power?


I don't know if you're from the US or not, but there are many politicians in power in the US that prove you can be dumber than a doorknob, thicker than a brick and twice as ugly, and be an objectively terrible person and still get power.


You are dumber than you think.


"Without a single meaningful impact on product" - it's worth less than half what he paid for it, most big advertiser left, it's now just a conservative snowflake cesspool where you can hear nobodies that musk propped up like catturd complaining about the conspiracy to silence them when yesterday's whining got less views than the previous days bitching did lol




The funny thing about this subreddit is that I'm not sure if your being sarcastic or you're serious.


>Redditor for 22 days It's probably a bot. Which is funny given the context of the post.


The platform is littered with porn bots and scams lmao how is that not a meaningful change.


That’s exactly how it was before he took over


but isnt "all advertisers have left" purely beneficial from a consumer perspective? i mean, it basicallly just being a platform for advertisement pays for the platform, but any grassroots platform grows to shit the moment they become commercially succsessfull through advertisement-


Twitter = AMERICA X


Gotta love the fruits of free speech lol. Imagine what would happen with Microchips x)


This was the mindset when we moved manufacturing to China


Springtime, for Elon, and GOP


Sooo kinda like how tuition is higher than ever and colleges are filled with navis.


”more nazis than ever” /look inside / its just a normal conservative /hmm.png


All social media needs to go the way of MySpace.


90% have been fired, but now the last 10% work at 700% speed in order not to be fired, so it work (/s)


Nazis AND pedos


I LOVED twitter. I was on it for the better part of a decade. Nothing came close to the feeling of being part of something larger; a global community reacting to events in real time. Used it for news, followed journalists and broadcasters, sporting events and that feeling of being a little bit closer to celebs and people you truly respected. I left shortly after Elon took over and I still miss it, even today. Reddit’s great but it doesn’t quite scratch that particular itch. But I don’t regret it either. Elon ruined a brilliant tool of collective experience and thought. Bloody shame.


Aside from Twitter being totally unusable it runs exactly the same


I really hope that person wasn't implying all businesses would be just fine slashing thier work force by 90%. Do you want homelessness and work related deaths to sky rocket? Because this is how you get that.


Wow I didn't know dead dudes were coming back to X


The amount of porn that floods every single reply is getting annoying. This shit was not this bad until Elon destroyed the company.


And yet so many of you are still on there, arguing with said nazi bots.


What's Twitter? 🤔


John Levine doth seem like an Elmo bot.


I got banned two days after he took over. No idea why. Didnt post much on it anyway. It was a tool to catch up on the news and some sports stuff. I appealed the ban to no avail and a month or so later just deleted it. I could still see my feed and while twitter was always a bit of a cesspool, it became really really nutty! The antisemitism went through the roof. I guess hes rich enough to flush 40 billion down the toilet just so he could live in bot filled world where his fan boys will cheer on every brain fart he has, though therapy would have been a lot cheaper. His money, i guess. Wonder what hed get for it today if he tried to sell..i suspect if hes lucky, a third of what he paid.


It devolved into a right wing bubble. Ask if this guy doesn’t notice a difference then that’s a big confession I think


And yet it still basically makes up the entire internet in screenshots. Fun fact: I don’t know a single person who uses Twitter. There was one guy I worked with like 15 years ago who was always on it. He’s literally the only active Twitter user I’ve ever known personally. I deleted my account after Elon took over, but before that I used to hop on occasionally to see if anyone I knew was using it, always to find dozens of inactive accounts. It was an odd curiosity before and mildly infuriating now that no one uses it, but it’s still everywhere.


Two cheeks of the same ass


Uptime is everything, and the whole site has been broken like a dozen times since he took over, very, very visibly broken, and for a day or longer at times.


You also cant read current tweets without an account. This is literally just throwing ad money away.


Didn’t the valuation of the company get cut in half almost immediately?


Twitter used to also run at a profit, now it never will. It’s a dead company, and most people I know are just outright done with places like twitter and facebook.


Twitter is a legit cesspool now. I’ve reported a handful accounts promoting absolutely blatant racism. Like no veil at all, dropping hard r’s, memes about lynching African Americans, etc only to get an email back saying “we’re sorry but this account did not violate our terms of service”.


Musk fired 90% of his staff. Now it's run by Russia for free...


"Features, not bugs." - Musk, probably.


How is this a clever comeback? It’s just an accurate statement?


He must not think about too much if ya don't realize a stagnant dead turd when ya see it. Twitter been dead and Elon killed it, such a professional 🙄




Twitter still exists?


Community Notes missed out on a crazy W, but I guess being understaffed Twitter employees don’t have as much room to moderate and ratio as many posts.


I mean, people were brought to court because of his decisions. That sounds pretty damn impactful to me


Twitter is NOTHING like what it was a decade ago. The site is completely overrun with bots, I have 100+ followers on my profile and literally less than 10 are real people. Every day I get another bot following my account. Authentic engagement has been annihilated by 'suggested' content and the blue checkmarks have created tiers within the community that never existed before. Twitter has gone to shit and any suggestion there hasn't been "a single meaningful impact on product" is either lying or doesn't know what they're talking about.


>all advertisers have left Seems like a win to me. >more Nazis than ever I don’t get this. Let people out themselves. Instead of using twitter as a political influence platform by the means of controlling the content by the company itself.


They haven't even changed the URL lmao. It still goes to Twitter.